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I. Pilihlah Salah Satu Jawaban Di Bawah Ini Yang Menurut Anda Paling Tepat A, B, C, D, atau E!
2. arny : thank you for your help in preparing the food.
Shanti : don’t mention it.
Expression above about?
a. gratitude. C. feeling. e.disbelieve
b. congrotulation d. belief
3. indah : excus me, can you tell me how to go to the museum?
Dito : Yes, I can,we will drive a car to go there.
Indah : ………..
Dito : you’re welcome
a. any time c. don’t mention it e. congrotulation
b. thank you very much d. it’s a pleasure
4. Sinta : congrotulation! You have won the dancing contest!
Fairuz : thank you very is because of your support.
expression above about?
a. gratitude c. disbelieve e. inviting
b. congratulating d. disappointment
5. Adly : I heard you are the winner in speech contest?
Ana : yes its true.
Aldy : ………..,your dream comes true.
a. Thank you. d. Would you like to go?
b. congratulation e. I don’t know
c. I don’t know that
6. Dani : do you have time tomorrow night?
Nani : Hmmm. Maybe I have. Why?
Dani : I’d like to ask you to watch movie with me
Nani : I’m so sorry….
a. Sure c. Yes, I’d love to e. I’ll be very busy tomorrow night
b. All right d. Thank you
7. Jek : wow that’s really awesome! i’m sure you’ll be a great pianist someday.
Fity : thank you
Jek : how long have you practiced?
Fity : well, I have practiced since I was seven year old.
Expression above about?
a. Surprise c. congratulation e. invitation.
b. Complimenting d. disbelief
8. Doni : are you dian?
Dian : yes, I am.
Doni : ………….!i’have heard you live in reo.
Dian : yes I did, I moved back last july.
a. Fantastic. c. I don’t believe e. it’s not srpris
b. I’m serious to meet d. how surprising to meet you here
Texs to answer 9-12!
The suramadu bridge
The suramadu bridge( jembatan suramadu) also known as the surabaya-madura bridge, is a bridge with tree cable
stayed section constructed between surabaya on the island of java and the town of bangkalan on the island of
The width of the bridge is 30 meters, while its height is 146 meters.opened on june 10,2009, the 5,4 km bridge is
the longest in indonesia. The bridge was built by a constructium of indonesia companies, PT Adhkarya and PT
wishita karya. Total cost of the project, including conncting road, has been estimated at 4,5 trillion rupiah.
9. The tree cable stayed section constructed between surabaya and……….?
a. Malang d. madura
b. Pasuruan e. bangkalan
c. Madiun

10. when was the bridge opened?

a. In 2007 d. in 2009
b. In 2008 e. in 2010
c. In 2006
11. How wide is the bridge?
a. 4,5 trillion d. 92 m
b. 2009 e. 30 m
c. 146 m
12. Which statement is NOT TRUE a according to the text?
a. Suramadu bridge located of java
b. The width of the bridge is 30 m
c. The bridge was built by PT Adhkarya and washita karya companies.
d. The suramadu bridge is the longest bridge in indonesia.
e. The total cost of the project has been estimated at 45 trillion rupiah.
Text to answer 12-13!

Dearest irvan,

My sister and I are visiting our uncle in jogjakarta. We have visited many famous tourist resort,such as jogjakarta palace and
parangritis beach. You know, yogyakarta has many beautifil and artistic palace.
Beside enjoying some tourist resorts, we enjoy its traditionsl food.
Among popular local dishes, gudeg is perhaps the most famous one. This tasty cuisine contains jackfruit, eggs and chicken, wich
are cooced in coconut milk sauce. Gudeg can be found at most eatires, from street vendors to up market restaurantss.
Last night, we went to jalan malioboro and enjoyed some food at the street vendor. While we were having dinner, we were
wntwrtainedd by street singers. Actually, it ruther disturbed us, but we enjoyed it.
Whwn will you caome here?
Rama to: irvan efendi

Jalan bungor no 20
Denpasar bali

13. Who is visiting yogjakarta?

a. Rama c. rama and irvan e. rama and his sister
b. Irvan d. irvan and his sister
14. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE based on the text?
a. Last night rama went to jalan malioboro.
b. Gudeg is cooced in milk
c. People can enjoy gudeg almost everywhere
d. Rama’s uncle lives in jogjakarta
e. Rama has visited parangritis beach.

16. Roy : Dino, are you free this afternoon?
Dino : yes, I don’t have any plant yet.
Dino : sorry, Dino. ………………I want to be lazy today.
a. I prefer stay home
b. I stay to prefer home
c. I stay at home
d. I prefer to stay home
e. I prefer to staying home
17. Teacher : Here is your test paper.Actually,…………!
Rina : What’s the matter, sir?
Teacher : I’m sorry you got a bad mark this time.
Rina : I felt unwell during the test.
a. I can’t believe c. not true e. be joking
b. believe d. really

18. He is …… a letter
a. written c. writing e. Is written
b. Was wrote d. Was writing
19. If you study hard, you ………..
a. Will pass the exam
b. Will the exam
c. Will you pass
d. Will pass
e. Will passing the exam
20. If I go to market, I …………
a. Wll buying banana
b. Buy banana
c. Will buy banana
d. Will bought banana
e. Would buy bananana
21. Special promotion!
Buy zero notebook from july-sept 2013 and get a free three – year warranty.
Get also special prices during the Mega bazzar in Pota Mall.
Don’t miss it!
The text above about?
a. Announcement d. advertisement
b. Invitation e. letter
c. Postcard

II. Essay tes!

22. Change the active sentences into passive sentence.

Active : Ridho has written a letter
Passive : …………….?
23. Active : Yusuf ate Banana
Passive : …………….?
24. What did you know about?
a. The same as and The same
25. Yuyun drink a milk.
Change into indirect Speech?
26. What did you know about Noun Phrase.

GOoD LUCK n do by
your self

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