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A Quantitative Study Presented to the

Faculty of Oton National High School

Oton, Iloilo

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements for

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Maprangala, Ma. Regina P.

March 2020


Background of the Study

Bread in all its various forms, is the most widely consumed food in the world.

According to history, bread was made in around 8000 BC in the Middle East, specifically

Egypt. The art of baking became widely known throughout Europe, and eventually spread

to the eastern parts of Asia including Philippines (Filipinochow.com). Bakers often baked

goods at home and then sold them in the streets. It is a staple food prepared from a

dough of flour, leavening agent and water usually being baked. It is a food product that

is moistened, kneaded, and sometimes fermented (Britannica.com). Breads are rich in

complex carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are important part of or diet as they provide us

with energy. Bread contains various B vitamins, including Thiamin (Vitamin B1) and Niacin

(Vitamin B3) which are essential for releasing energy from food (Patthebaker.com).

Malabar spinach (Basella rubra) also known as Ceylon spinach or Alugbati in

Tagalog, is one of the most popular indigenous green leafy vegetable that is widely

consumed in the Philippines. It is widely cultivated in all regions of the country particularly

in Visayas region. The plant is a succulent branched, smooth, twining, herbaceous vine.

The stems are purplish with an ovate or heart-shaped fleshy leaves. Malabar spinach is

grown throughout in warmer temperature regions as an annual crop. The vegetable is

sold in many local markets. The plant is a rich source of soluble fiber, which helps

digestion, iron, calcium, Vitamin A and C. It is rich in Saponins that act as phytochemicals,

which can fight off cancer. The red variety of alugbati is a good source of xanthones, an

antioxidant. Its Folic acid, which is also called folate, is one of the B vitamins that are

critical for childbearing women. Similarly, the sap is also applied to acne to prevent
inflammation. It also soothes headaches. When mixed with butter, it can be applied on

burns and scalds. The flowers can be used as antidote for poison while a poultice made

from the roots is applied to swellings (https://businessdiary.com.ph/15266/alugbati-


While Mango is the National fruit of the Philippines. Mango fruit (Mangifera Indica)

is one of the most popular, nutritionally rich fruits with unique flavor, fragrance, taste,

and heath promoting qualities, making it labeled as one of the “super fruits"

(https://www.nutrition-and-you.com/mango-fruit.html). Mango is one of the delicious

seasonal fruits grown in the tropics. The tree is believed to be originating in the sub-

Himalayan plains of the Indian subcontinent. Consuming fruits and vegetables of all kinds

has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions.

Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like mangoes

decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, and heart disease and

promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, and overall lower weight.

Mangoes also contribute copper, calcium, and iron to the diet as well as antioxidants such

as zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, protein, vitamin C, A, B6, K and potassium


The study aims to create new pastry product that can give the consumers tons of

health benefits and at the same time, could be useful to bakery owners to produce and

market new variety of pastry product for the consumers. It also aims to determine if

mango and spinach can really be a good match for bread and if it is acceptable to the

taste of the consumers. Therefore, this study will present the production and assessment

of spinach-mango bread.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the level of acceptability of spinach-mango bread

among Grade 11 Learners of Oton National High School for school year 2019-2020.

Specifically, this study seeks to find answer to these questions:

1. What is the level of acceptability of spinach-mango bread among Grade 11 learners

of Oton National High School?

2. What is the level of acceptability of spinach-mango bread in terms of taste, texture,

and appearance?

3. Is there a significant difference in the level of acceptability of spinach-mango bread

in terms of taste, texture, and appearance?


There is no significant difference in the level of acceptability of spinach-mango

bread in terms of taste, texture, and appearance.

Significance of the Study

This study provides a brief description about spinach-mango bread and its

acceptability to the consumers. The findings of this study will benefit the following:

Learners. This study can benefit learners in terms of health benefits that can be

obtained in the two healthy ingredients that is being used.

Future researchers. This study can serve as their reference or guide for their

future study.

Vegetable Vendors. This proposed study can help vegetable vendors to gain

more profit to their livelihood.

Parents. This study can benefit parents as this can serve as their reference to

start a simple business or they can use this study to bake goods at home for their children.

Bakery Owners. This study can benefit the bakery owners to produce and sell

new variety of pastry product for the consumers.

Definition of terms

Acceptability. It is to be something that is considered to be socially OK or

something that is tolerable but not necessarily desired (Your Dictionary).

In this study, acceptability is determined in terms of the rate given by consumers

on the spinach-mango bread.

Malabar. It is an edible perennial vine that I extremely heat tolerant and can be

found in most countries in Asia.

In this study, malabar is being used as one of the main ingredients in making of

the bread.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is an experimental study that aims to determine the level of acceptability

of spinach-mango bread. This study will utilize 50 Grade 11 Learners from Home
Economics Strand specializing in Bread and Pastry Production chosen using the random

sampling method. The study will be conducted on the month of August 2019.

Questionnaire will be used by the researchers to gather data among the chosen

learners who obtained the spinach-mango bread. There will be 50 questionnaires that will

be distributed and after accumulating all the questionnaires, the researchers will start to

analyze the answers and come up with the result.


Review of Related Literature’

This chapter presents and discusses literature to substantiate the researchers

conceptual framework and various related studies.

Conceptual Literature

According to Merriam Dictionary (2019), ’Mango’ a tropical usually large ovoid or

oblong fruit with a firm yellowish-red skin, hard central stone ,and juicy aromatic pulp.

According to WorldCrops Dictionary, ‘Malabar Spinach’ is a green vegetable

throughout the tropics as a perennial and in warmer temperate region as an annual used

in Asian cooking.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, ‘Bread’ is a basic food made from flour, water,

and yeast mixed together and baked.

Related Studies

Malabar Spinach (Basella Alba) Studies

Chemistry at De La Salle University, presented the study entitled “The Genotoxic

Potential of Basella alba Linn. Var. rubra on MCF-7 Cells” during the Metro Manila Health

Research and Development Consortium’s (MMHRDC) 2nd International Symposium and

9th Annual Scientific Conference Oral Presentation held on 24-25 May 2018 at Pan Pacific

Hotel, Manila. The event was bannered by the theme “Food Fortification in Universal

Health Care.” The study was recognized as the best research presented during the

conference. The research determined the genotoxicity of alugbati leaf extracts on MCF-7

cells which is the most studied human breast cancer cell line in the world. The researchers

found out that alugbati leaves subjected to enzyme-assisted hydrolysis or juice extractions
prepared in an organosulfur compound caused considerable damage in MCF-7 cells. This

means that alugbati shows promising properties that could fight off breast cancer cell


This relates to our study for it focuses on one of our main ingredient, the Malabar


Mango (Mangifera indica Linn) Studies

According to the study from May 2018 entitled, “Mango (Mangifera indica Linn)

and Anti-Inflammatory Benefits: Versatile Roles in Mitochondrial Bio-Energetics and

Exercise Physiology” the mango fruit and leaf extract, which is enriched in mangiferin and

contains structurally diverse chemical constituents, are beneficial. The mango fruit and

leaf extract have been shown to boost vitality, vigor, and endurance, leading to extensive

application in exercise physiology. Furthermore, these constitutes ameliorate diverse

degenerative disease related to metabolic syndrome, bacterial infections, gastrointestinal,

and immunomodulatory disorders. Mango and its beneficial constituent, mangiferin,

exhibit diverse health benefits including energy boosting, exercise performance, and

human health. The Mango tree originated in India more than 4,000 years ago.

Additionally, the mango is used as a natural remedy against heat stroke, which is a life-

threatening inflammatory response. Accordingly, Ayurveda medicines used different parts

of the mango tree, leaves, peels, kernel, flowers, pulp, twigs, branches, raw and ripe

fruits, bark, and root for different nutritional, medicinal, and therapeutic benefits, in

addition to effects against a broad spectrum of degenerative diseases and dysfunctions.

The mango is rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, β-carotene, and bioflavonoids like mangiferin.

These antioxidants play an important role in boosting the immune system, vitality, vigor,
and energy. This relates to our study for it focuses on one of our main ingredient, the

mango (Mangifera indica Linn).


In summary, this chapter aims to discuss and present some literature to fully

understand some concept and various related studies about the research. Some of this

concept are: Acceptability, Mango, Malabar Spinach and Bread that are important

variables in conducting this study. The study from May 2018 entitled, “The Genotoxic

Potential of Basella alba rubra on MCF-7 Cells” relates to our study for it focuses on the

Malabar spinach. The research determined the genotoxicity of alugbati leaf extracts on

MCF-7 cells which is the most studied human breast cancer cell line in the world. This

means that alugbati shows promising properties that could fight off breast cancer cell

lines. The study from May 2018 entitled, “Mango (Mangifera indica Linn) and Anti-

Inflammatory Benefits: Versatile Roles in Mitochondrial Bio-Energetics and Exercise

Physiology” also relates to our study for it focuses on one of our important variables, the

mango (Mangifera indica Linn) where it stated the different health benefits of mango.

Research Design and Methodology

The purpose of this study is to determine the level of acceptability of spinach-

mango bread in terms of taste, texture, and appearance. This chapter is divided into the

following topics:

1. Research Design

2. Respondents and Setting of the Study

3. Sensory Characteristic and Appropriate Vocabulary

4. Research Instrument

5. Variables

6. Experimental Process

7. Data Collection

8. Data Analysis

Research Design

The research design that will be utilize in this study is experimental research

design. Experimental research is any research conducted with a scientific approach, where

a set of variables are kept constant while the other set of variables are being measured

as the subject of experiment. There are times when you don’t have enough data to support

your decisions. In such situations, you need to carry out experiments to discover the facts.

Experimental research can gather a lot of data that can help you make better decisions

(Bhat, Adi 2017). The researchers considered this as the appropriate design for this study

since this study aims to determine the level of acceptability of spinach-mango bread.

The study aims to test the level of acceptability of spinach-mango bread in terms

of taste, texture, and appearance. Therefore, 50 study participants were selected using

random sampling method from the student population of Grade 11 learners specializing

in Bread and Pastry Production (BPP) of Oton National High School.

Sensory Characteristic and Appropriate Vocabulary

Sense Characteristic Word Bank

Appearance-color, size, shape, transparency, Appetizing, colorful, grainy, foamy,
Sight dullness, gloss shiny, stringy, crystalline
Aroma-flavor, aromatics Aromatic, floral, acrid, rotten, musty,
Smell fragrant scented, pungent
Flavor-odor, mouth feel and taste- sweet, salt, Sweet, cool, bitter, zesty, hot, tangy,
Taste sour, bitter sour, sharp, rich, salty
Texture, mouth feel Brittle, rubbery, gritty, bubbly, sandy,
Touch tender, soft

Research Instrument

The researchers will use survey as a research instrument, formulated by

integrating 5 point hedonic scale and sensory evaluation that will able to measure the

level of acceptability of spinach-mango bread in terms of taste, texture, and appearance.

Sensory evaluation will be used to assess the acceptability level of spinach-mango bread,

to avoid biased results from using traditional grading method.

Score Card for Acceptance Test

Respondent (Optional):_____________________________ Date:__________

Instructions: You are receiving a sample of spinach-mango bread with 50% content. Please assess
the codified sample and indicate, based on the scale below, whether you liked and did not like
each attribute.

Attribute Value
5- Like Extremely Appearance ____
4- Like Very Much Odor ____
3- Neither Like or Dislike Taste ____
2- Dislike Very Much Texture ____
1- Dislike Extremely Over-all Acceptability ____


Purchase Intent

Indicate on a scale of 1 to 5 what your attribute would be if you found the sample for sale.

5- I certainly would buy it

4- I might buy it
3- I might buy it /I might not buy it
2- I might not buy it
1- I certainly would not buy it

Sample Value
______ ______


Independent Variable: Spinach-mango bread with contents:



Process: 5-Point Hedonic Scale, Sensory Evaluation

Dependent Variable: Acceptability of spinach-mango bread

OUTPUT in terms: of taste, texture, and appearance

Experimental Procedure

Prepare all the ingredients needed such as all purpose flour, sugar, salt, oil, egg,

leavening agent, water, dried spinach and mango. Mix all and knead the dough until it is

smooth and elastic. Let the dough rise for 30 minutes, divide, and let it rise again. Preheat

the oven at 350°F and once the dough is ready, bake for 22 minutes until golden brown.

Knead the dough

Prepare all the Mix all of the
until it is smooth and
ingredients needed. ingredients.

Divide into smaller

Preheat the oven at Let the dough rise
parts, and let it rise
350°F and bake. for 30 minutes.

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers will ask permission from the school principal to conduct the study.

During the experiment, sample--Sample A of Spinach-Mango Bread (50%) content and

Sample B of Spinach-Mango Bread (75%) content, will be given to 50 learners of Grade

11 learners specializing in Bread and Pastry Production (BPP) of Oton National High

School, to determine the acceptability of Spinach-Mango Bread in terms of appearance,

odor, taste, texture. The survey test is adapted from A Manual of Laboratory Procedures

and Principles in Food Preparation in Guzman's Introduction to Food Preparation by Luna


Materials, Tools and Equipment

In the conduct of this study, mango was cooked (varies in proportion for each

treatment) and Malabar spinach (Alugbati) is dried. Other ingredients included the

following: 2 cups all-purpose flour, ¾ butter oil, 1 piece egg, 2 cups sugar, ½ cup water,

½ teaspoon salt and yeast , 1 teaspoon leavening agent, 3 cups of mango and 2 cups of

dried spinach. The tools, utensils and other equipment used were mixing bowl, measuring

cups, baking pan, weighing scale, glass measuring cup, peeling knife, rubber scraper and


Statistical Analysis

The data gathered from the inquiry were subjected to computer-processed

Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software mean. The raw and transmuted

scored and means obtained from the instruments were utilized to ascertain the

acceptability of Spinach-Mango Bread. To analyze the data of this study, the researchers

used the following statistical tests:


Mean or average that is used to derive the central tendency of the data in

question. It is determined by adding all the data points in a population and then dividing

the total by the number of points. The resulting number is called the mean or average.

In this study, mean was utilized to determine the acceptability of Spinach-Mango Bread.

Frequency is the number of times the event occurred in an experiment or

study. In this study, frequency was used to find out the number of responses to each item

in the questionnaire and also the number of respondents in each variable that is being

used in the study.

Standard Deviation

Standard deviation is a quantity calculated to indicate the extent of deviation for

a group as a whole. In this study, standard deviation was used to ascertain the dispersion

of the means obtained for the tests in the study.


Is a one type of inferential statistics. It is use to determine whether there is

significant difference between the means of two groups. With inferential statistics, we

assume the dependent variable fits a normal distribution. When we assume a normal

distribution exist, we can identify the probability of a particular outcome. (https://research

basics.education.uconn.edu/t-test/#). In this study, T-test was use to determine if there

is a significant difference in the level of acceptability of spinach-mango bread in terms of

taste, texture, and appearance.

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