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10/31/2019 Hoek-Brown Parameters

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Calculated Hoek-Brown Parameters

The following parameters are calculated for the Generalized Hoek-Brown criterion. The output
depends on the view mode (Table Values View or Lab Data View) as described below.

Table Values View

Parameters mb, s, a

For a given set of input parameters (sigci, GSI, mi and D), RocData calculates the
parameters of the Generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion (mb, s and a), using the
equations given in the Generalized Hoek-Brown topic. Results are displayed in the legend as
shown below.

Rock Mass Parameters

The following rock mass parameters are calculated for the Generalized Hoek-Brown

Sigt (rock mass tensile strength) 1/3
10/31/2019 Hoek-Brown Parameters

Sigc (uniaxial rock mass compressive strength)

RocData - rock, s…
Sigcm (global rock mass compressive strength)

Em (rock mass modulus of deformation)

NOTE1: tensile and compressive strengths are calculated using equations given in Hoek,
Carranza-Torres and Corkum (2002). Note that there are two values of rock mass
compressive strength – sigc and sigcm. For a discussion of how these two parameters are
defined, and how they may be used, please see Hoek, Carranza-Torres and Corkum (2002)
– section 5: Rock Mass Strength.

NOTE2: rock mass modulus is calculated according to the Modulus Estimation Method
which is selected in Project Settings. See the Rock Mass Modulus topic for details.

Equivalent Mohr-Coulomb Parameters


Friction Angle

For the Generalized Hoek-Brown envelope, an equivalent Mohr-Coulomb (linear) envelope

is automatically calculated over a user-defined stress range, and the best-fit parameters
(cohesion and friction angle) are displayed in the legend. See the Equivalent Mohr-Coulomb
Parameters topic for more information.

Lab Data View

If you are analyzing triaxial test data with the Hoek-Brown criterion, the following parameters are
calculated from the curve fit:

For intact rock data, the parameters mi, sigci and residuals.

For rock mass data, the parameters mi, GSI and residuals.

Prediction intervals (the parameters for upper and lower bound curves)

For intact rock data, upper and lower mi, sigci and residuals

For rock mass data, upper and lower mi, GSI and residuals

Tensile Cut-off 2/3
10/31/2019 Hoek-Brown Parameters

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