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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Japan launched a surprise attack on the Philippines on December 8, 1941,

just ten hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Initial aerial bombardment was

followed by landings of ground troops both north and south of Manila. The

defending Philippine and United States troops were under the command of General

Douglas MacArthur, who had been recalled to active duty in the United States Army

earlier in the year and was designated commander of the United States Armed

Forces in the Asia-Pacific region.

During the Japanese occupation of the islands in World War II, there was an

extensive Philippine resistance movement namely Filipino: Kilusan ng Paglaban sa

Pilipinas, which opposed the Japanese and their collaborators with active

underground and guerrilla activity that increased over the years. Ferdinand Marcos

allegedly served as leader of the Filipino resistance movement namely guerrillas

(anti- Japanese).

McArthur commanded the Philippine resistance movement (Ang Mga

Maharlika in military operations against Japanese forces) lead by Ferdinand

Marcos to Reawake the Maharlika. Marcos traveled from Mindanao to Bohol to

gather their forces to reawake the maharlika and he took refuge at Higatangan

Island in the house of Fidel Limpiado Sr., member of a prominent clan who hid
Marcos and his companions against the Japanese patrollers. Marcos stayed for a

week in the island.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to answer the following problem:

1. What did Ferdinand Marcos do in Higatangan Island.

Ethical Considerations

The information that were used in this research were the individual views of the

participants on the issues related to the subject. Hence, in the interest of future

predicaments that may arose based on the impressions of the readers, the identities of

the participants were not divulged in this study. The researcher reserved the right to

protect the participants and the university in general.

Significance of the Study

This research offers an evidence that can be used to produce a highly relevant

research idea and develop study to keep in mind that we need to know what really

happened during the Japanese invasion and what Marcos came across just to revive the

Maharlika. The methods in the research gave the researchers many ideas on how to do

it effectively.
Chapter II


This chapter contains the methodology used in the conduct of this study. It

combined the respondents of the study, the tools and devices used to gather data and

the ways made to collect the data needed. This chapter is showing how the researchers

came to the required data for this study, and how these data were examined, analyzed,

interpreted and presented in the easiest way possible.

Research Design

The type of the research is qualitative, so this research aims to have description

to the topic. It is a form of empathic, exploratory, direct and physical research.

Research Locale

This study is conducted at Higatangan Island under the municipality Naval

Province Biliran. This island is where Marcos stayed during World War II: Japanese


Research Participants

The data that the researchers used are coming from the Limpiado’s Family, since

it is said that Ferdinand Marcos stayed in a house owned by Fidel and Benedicta Limpiado

Sr..A letter of former president Ferdinand Marcos to the Limpiados printed in tarpaulin

hangs by the sala of the house where he claims the right to call Limpiado a province mate

after marrying Imelda Romualdez of Leyte. The researchers were only guided by

Research Instrument

The researchers used the method Focus Group Discussion (Limpiado Family) the

small sample of respondents gets interviewed for a long time while the researchers

observe and listen. The researcher gets voice-recorded from one of the member of the

Limpiado and the transcribed as a storytelling, for tales.

Data Gathering Procedure

The instrument used in this study to gather data was the interview questions. The

researchers has followed certain procedures in the conduct of this study. Provides an

interview consent. The researcher asked the respondent about the interview by giving a

printed consent supported by the university and college administrator. Focus group

discussions. This includes the sampling and recruitment of participants, the composition

of the topic list and how the data will be collected. After the interview conducted, the

researchers transcribed, analyzed and presented the data collected and would serve as

the source of information for the research.

Chapter III


This part of the research is the gathering and the interpretation of the data being

provided by the respondent during the interview. This is being followed by meticulous

discussion by the researchers to ensure that the respondents’ data would still be the same

and not be changed throughout the entire duration of the research. Varying sources that

have the same idea are gathered, and considered as a whole.

The Stopover of Ferdinand Marcos in Higatangan Island and His Act to

Revive the Maharlika. Marcos was commanded by General Douglas MacArthur to revive

the Maharlika meaning freeman, libres or freedman. He temporarily took refuge during

the World War II on the island of Higatangan in Biliran. Together with General Raval, they

intended to go to Luzon but because of the fighting and conflict, lots of Japanese dead

body were found somewhere and it’s dangerous for them to continue their expedition so

they decided to stop in the island and fortunately they met Fidel Limpiado Sr. and ask him

if they could stopover in the Limpiado’s household. At first, Fidel Limpiado Sr. was

uncertainly hesitant if they will let Marcos stay in his house however Marcos introduced

himself therefore Fidel let them stayed and provide accommodation to them as a visitor.

While waiting for the war to cease, they remained 1 week in the island particularly at the

Limpiado’s residence and after that they decided to help Marcos escape to Luzon by

making them secretly ride a wagon for their corn and sugar.
Their journey to Luzon was not that easy because of the Japanese who inspect

every means of transportation as well as checking if there’s a guerilla. But they hid Marcos

and General Raval very well and fine so they arrived at the Luzon successfully. Marcos

was beyond thankful to Fidel Limpiado Sr. for helping them and they established a good

friendship as what Bongbong Marcos has said, “If not of the Limpiado family in

Higatangan Island, Naval (Biliran), there would be no Senator Ferdinand “Bongbong”

Marcos Jr. today.”

The family Marcos was amazed and acknowledged with gratitude the Limpiado

family for saving the life of Ferdinand Marcos in the time of his despair during the


The Limpiados never had any idea that, after how many years, the man who took

refuge in their house would become the president of the Philippines. On May 10, 1978,

President Marcos and the first lady Imelda Marcos with their daughter Irene Marcos

visited the Limpiado Family in their home to pay their unpayable gratitude for the Christian

charity that Marcos and General Raval received when they took refuge in their home and

their lives were saved during World War II.

Higatangan Island is where the late Ferdinand Marcos took refuge during the World

War II.

He was rescued by a local fisherman named Fidel Limpiado Sr., when Marcos

became president of the republic, he went back to Higatangan Island with his wife Imelda

Marcos and daughter Irene Marcos to visit Limpiado. Grateful as he was to Limpiado for

saving his life, he had given the island infrastructures such as a school, a 9 kilometer
circumferential road, post office, a clinic and four windmill-powered water systems. To

date a hill on the island still remains to be called “Marcos Hill”

Chapter IV


This chapter presents the summary of the study, and recommendations derived

from the analysis and interpretation of the data.

Summary of Findings

This study aims to know and distinguish what Ferdinand Marcos did to revive the

Maharlika and his journey happened in his stopover in Higatangan Island. The research

is completed by collecting treasured evidence and materials through interviewing some

residence of the Island of Higatangan most especially the Limpiado family who really

answered all the researchers’ uncertainty and inquiries. The data is transcribed and

interpreted as foundation of our research outcomes.

Exploring the journey of Ferdinand Marcos in Biliran during the World War II

revealed a number of insights that support and extend the researchers knowledge about

the historical event in the Biliran and Leyte during the Japanese invasion. The findings of

this current study identifies the actuality of the journey of the former president Ferdinand

Marcos during the World War II in uplifting the Maharlika.

It also talk about that Marcos stayed 1 week in Higatangan Island to hide as a

guerilla and Limpiado family was the one who help out to hide him. Marcos was owing a

favor to family Limpiado for saving him throughout the war and for being one of the

stepping stone on how Marcos became a president of the Philippines.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the refuge of Ferdinand Marcos during

the World War II Japanese invasion. It involves detailed analysis of what has been written

or done and I used to describe, explain or interpret this event. From the overall results of

the study, the researchers were able to find the concrete confirmation that former

president Ferdinand Marcos has been in Higatangan Island throughout the Japanese

attack and was accepted and kept in the house of Limpiado’s before going to Luzon to

revive the Maharlika that General Douglas MacArthur has ordered them.


Based on the study, various recommendations were attained. The following

recommendations for research are based on the study findings:

1. Recommendations for further studies (for the future researchers). Further

studies obviously need to be much more broadly based, the better to aid

generalization, but in this study some suggestions have been made that can be

more fully explored.

2. A more detailed analysis of the collected materials (esp. the voice record) is

required. Continued historical research is required.

3. Make Higatangan Island as a tourist destination. The island itself was reputed

to be the place where Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos’ sought refuge from

the Japanese during World War II so it must be a historical island and it’s

remarkable if the island will become a tourist destination. On the other hand, to

promote other tourism assets of the island.


Adolfo L. Mendoza “Higatangan Island” retrieved from



Letter of Ferdinand Marcos to Fidel Limpiado

This was the version of the late Dising Paculan whom Sir Borinaga interviewed in

the late 1990s, a few years before he passed away.

The Tarpulin of the Limpiado’s

This was the tarpaulin the Limpiado family have kept for many years in

remembrance of the former president Ferdinand Marcos for the friendship that they

have built. This was captured by the group.

The Limpiado’s memorial near the shore
A. Liu. “Marcos took refuge at Higatangan Island during World War II” retrieved from

President Marcos temporarily took refuge during WWII on this little island,that’s

why the highest point on the island (46m) is still called Marcos Hill to this day and a

light house is erected on it to guide boat men. It is said that this is where Marcos

received his divine sign that he was destined to be a president of the Philippines.

Kallie Szczepanski “Ferdinand Marcos Biography.” Encyclopedia of World Biography.

Retrieved from

It highlighted the life of Ferdinand Marcos and his achievements and all his

journey before and after he became a president.




A Historiographical Research

Presented to

Mr. Vic Marie L. Bornillo

Biliran Province State University

Naval, Biliran


In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Course

GE-RPH (Readings in Philippine History)








December 2019

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