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Love Story of Prophet Muhammad & Lady

Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) was one of a kind. She was a woman of beauty, faith and
courage. Her life was full of events and experiences that teach us volumes about faith, nobility and

In this folder, we highlight the life story of Lady Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, mother of the believers;
her noble character, her beautiful soul and her great love story with Prophet Muhammad (Peace be
upon him).

Khadijah – The Woman of Beauty, Strength & Faith (Part 1)

Khadijah bint Khuwaylid – her very name evokes an image of strong, dignified femininity, of refined
prestige and quiet power. She is remembered as a woman of strength, of compassion, of faith; the
woman who was the first love of Prophet’s life, and who remained in his heart long after her death.

25-Year-Old Muhammad Marries 40-Year-Old Khadijah (Part 2)

The marriage of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid to Muhammad ibn Abdullah (PBUH) was something unique
to Qurayshi society.

Though it was not uncommon for widows and divorcees to remarry, there was still something very
different about the older, wealthier, established woman choosing a young, impoverished merchant
as her life partner.

Khadijah & Muhammad’s Life: Love Into Action (Part 3)

Loving Muhammad (PBUH) was the greatest thing that had ever happened to Khadijah– and he felt
the same way about her. They supported each other in what was important to them, and they
actively encouraged each other to seek out and do what was right. Together, they were the best
version of themselves, not just towards each other but to all those around them.

Muhammad Seeks Sanctuary in the Arms of Khadijah (Part 4)

His entire body trembling with the weight of Divine Revelation, Prophet Muhammad sought
sanctuary in the home and arms of his beloved. “Zammilooni, zammilooni!” he called out to Khadijah
. “Cover me up!”

Immediately perceptive, Khadijah wrapped him in a cloak and held him until his shaking ceased.
Desperately, he told her what had just transpired, his eyes dark with anxiety over his own sanity.

Life After the Revelation (Part 5)

The first few days and months after the initial Revelation were full of wonder and awe for Prophet
Muhammad (PBUH) and Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her). Eyes sparkling, hearts filled with
faith, Khadijah and Muhammad (PBUH) woke up every morning with renewed purpose, a sense of
clarity and inner peace.
From a Noblewoman of Quraysh to a Social Pariah (Part 6)
Despite it all, despite the agony of having to witness her loved ones publicly mocked and humiliated,
despite experiencing her own sudden loss of social status and influence, Khadijah (may Allah be
pleased with her) remained strong. Her faith was unshaken, and each increasingly difficult test
merely reinforced her belief in Allah and fortified her character.

Final Part: Khadijah’s Death

In this moment, Khadijah’s life changed more drastically than it ever had before: not only had her
social status been impacted dramatically, but now her financial status was as well. Once the greatest
businesswoman of Makkah, admired for her acumen and sought after for her beauty, intelligence,
and elite standing, Khadijah was now rendered destitute, homeless, and starving.

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