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Riddle Family

13052 alora Pt.

San Diego, CA 92130

Riddle Report
Vo lum e 1 , Iss ue 1 December 2010
issue: 13.1 Miles, Check
Well, I did it! I completed 2 hours 48 minutes, but I goal. So, this year, I actually
Has Joseph 2
my second half marathon in trained for the race and it
Smith Been
April 2010. I have this goal turns out, that actually
to have a baby in odd years makes a difference. Who
2010 Family 2
and run a half marathon in knew? At 2 hours 6
even years. So far, I’m 2 for minutes I shaved a whole
Extreme 2 2. I ran the La Jolla Half 42 minutes off my time! I
Marathon for the first time attribute this huge success
in 2008. I got injured early to my new Garmin watch,
Riddle Style
in my training and basically a training buddy, a wicked
Aaron’s 2010 3
woke up and ran a half awesome playlist, and an
marathon one day. undying desire to lose ALL
Isaac’s 2010 3 Needless to say, my time baby weight as soon as
was quite laughable at finished, and that was my possible. It worked!
Jennie’s 2010 3
The Reason 4 Almost There
for the
Season As many of you know, almost done! With only filled goodies have
Aaron is on a quest to 1 semester to go, Summer definitely contributed to his
complete his bachelor’s 2011 can not come soon success. In all honestly,
degree in Architecture. enough! Many sleepless I don’t know how Aaron
He’s been working nights, stressful days, and does all he does. But he’s
diligently at this and we are late night runs to get Oreos doing it and we could not
happy to announce, he’s and other must have sugar be more proud!

Coming Soon
Our family is growing and so is our love,
We’re expecting another bundle, from up above!
Nine long months we'll have to wait
Before his debut unless of course he's late!
Collin Andrew Riddle is due to arrive
April 6, 2011. Our family is so excited for this
new addition. We’ll be sure to keep you posted.
Volume 1, Issue 1 P a g e 2

Has Joseph Smith Been Resurrected?

scripture readers. When we With no prompting
got to the Doctrine and or encouragement,
Covenants we started reading Isaac was sure that
delight he
quite a bit about Joseph was his daddy. I
Smith. At the back of the could not believe it.
book is a picture of each of Now that the
the prophets. Almost pictures are side by
immediately after turning to side, I can see how
this page the first time, he saw his daddy in
Right around Isaac’s first birthday, Isaac’s eyes lit up and he Joseph Smith. He’s definitely
we really made a point to do nightly pointed right at Joseph Smith not the first to mistake Aaron It was a greatly

scripture reading in the children’s and exclaimed, “Daddy!” for Joseph Smith. anticipated day,

but it finally


Jennie reached

200,000 miles

on her first

car, a 1996

Acura Integra.

And it’s still

going strong!

Extreme Home Makeover, Riddle Style

So, for quite some time, Aaron and I worked side by side to put down new gives us access to. We’re excited to
have wanted to do some minor hardwood floors and crown molding put the finishing touches on and look
upgrades to our first home. 2010 was throughout downstairs. While we forward to future projects that will
the year that started it all. Aaron and did come in over budget and not on hopefully be just as rewarding.
one of our wonderful brother-in-laws schedule, it was definitely worth it!
It’s exciting to look at your home
and take pride in knowing that “I did
that!” We are so grateful for the
wealth of knowledge our huge family
P a g e 3

Aaron’s 2010 Highlights

Aaron is a little shy of 30 creating are always on his soccer league with his
and will be the LAST mind. When he takes a brothers and a flag
person to tell you that. break from being creative, football team with some
He’s proud of what he’s he loves to be with his friends from church. He
accomplished this far in family. Watching sports enjoys being active, but
his life, but is definitely together on Saturday time is of the essence and
looking forward to the morning while feasting on so is getting good grades,
future. He spends most his famous Krusteaz so his sports have taken a
of his time involved in pancakes is probably on back seat. As for his love
architecture, whether it’s his top 10 most favorite for his wife, I’m pretty
an assignment for school things. Aaron played on sure he continues to fall
or doodling on the church several sports teams this in love with me each and
program, building and year including an all men’s every day. (wink, wink)

Isaac’s 2010 Highlights

“I don’t care how
Well, Isaac has come a Dragon”. All horses, calls “choo choos”.
poor a man is,
long way from birth to a donkeys, and camels are Overall, he’s a happy,
if he has family, whopping 21 months old. pointed at and referred to as healthy boy and we’re
he’s rich.” He now stands at 2’ 6” “Neigh!” His favorite proud to claim him as
tall weighing in at 25 movies have been seen at one of our own!
Dan Wilcox and pounds. He is quite least 100 times in the last
Thad Mumford active, to say the least. month. He enjoys playing at
His favorites things as of the park, climbing anything
late are horses and the in sight, including into the
movies “Shrek” and silverware drawer, and
“How to Train Your playing with trains, which he

Jennie’s 2010 Highlights

I am now 26 years old and church Primary as the chasing and entertaining
weight is just a number, so secretary. It’s long hours, Isaac. On occasion, I can
why mention it? I’m still but the payment in also be found baking and
working at the Naval Health blessings is good, so I’ll crafting. Lastly, I am still
Research Center and still keep it. My running days madly in love with my
enjoying the work and the have come to a holt until husband, so I guess I’ll
people. When I’m not busy baby #2 arrives so my keep him too. Overall,
at work, I’m serving in the “free time” is now spent life is good!

Riddle Report
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling
clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in
the inn.
Caesar Augustus, the Roman emperor, sent out a decree (law) that everyone
in his empire had to be taxed. Each man was to pay taxes in the city of his
ancestors, so Joseph and Mary had to travel from their home in Nazareth
to Bethlehem. It was a difficult trip for Mary because her baby was about
to be born.
When Mary and Joseph reached Bethlehem, the city was crowded with people
who had come to pay taxes. There was no room for Joseph and Mary in the
inns, but they were finally allowed to stay where Mary "brought forth her
firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a
That night there were also shepherds in the field watching over their flocks.
An angel of the Lord appeared and the shepherds were frightened, but the
angel said:
"Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be
to all people.
"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is
Christ the Lord.
"And ... ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a
Suddenly there appeared a multitude of angels praising God and saying,
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward
men" (See Luke 2:7-16).

The Reason for the Season

While it is fun to catch up on Riddle received many acts of thoughtful though there were many that tried to
family events of this past year, we service, but we have also tried our lead Him astray, He lead the perfect
also want to share our thoughts on best to bless those around us with life and died for us to get to live a
why we celebrate this time of year. our own little acts of service. Henry life of choice and experience. We
Thomas S. Monson, President of the B. Eyring said, “It is wonderful to are grateful for the opportunity to
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- remember Him always but especially celebrate such an important life not
Day Saints has said, “Finding the as we celebrate His birth. He came only in December, but each and
real joy of the season comes not in to bless children. He healed the every day. We hope that you too,
the hurrying and the scurrying to get sick. We can choose Christmas and feel of the importance of our Savior,
more done or in the purchasing of every day to create a small part of Jesus Christ, and take the time each
obligatory gifts. Real joy comes as the Christmas story in our own day to get to know Him as your dear
we show the love and compassion lives.” We love the thought of this, friend and companion. We have a
inspired by the Savior of the world, to make Christmas a part of our testimony that He lives and that He
who said, ‘Inasmuch as ye have done lives every day. The whole concept knows each of us. May you and
it unto one of the least of these, ye of birth is quite amazing to us. A your family find peace in this
have done it unto me.” We must say new beginning, a precious life so message and strive to keep the
that this has touched our lives moldable and impressionable is how reason for the season with you
greatly this year. Not only have we a special man started his life. And always is our hope and prayer.

P a g e 4

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