Leadership Task

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Answer 1:

Symbols are a way of communication by the leaders. It modifies the way of communication in

normal pattern. Basically communication is the transfer of information from one source to the

other. It is constantly in motion. The principles include communication is a process and not a

thing. It is irreversible and it requires total personality. Communication is an ongoing process that

cannot have fixed limitations. Once something is communicated one cannot reverse or stop the

process. The complete transfer of message to be fully understood requires personality. The

responsiveness of receiver and accuracy of the giver makes a lot of difference.

Answer 2:

They all are a figure of power and authority while they function differently in the field they operate.

Roles and responsibility change with the specification of the field but essentially all of them are

the source of authority. They all represent power and strength to guide and manipulate the people

under them to perform according to systems and ways they deem well.

Answer 3:

The scores that I achieved are Authoritarian = 10 and Democratic = 15. This shows that I have a

democratic style of leadership. It means I promote two way communication and I favor an

environment where people can express their opinions and concerns. Feedback is encouraged and

people can express how they feel about certain task or condition. It also shows increased output

and an environment of growth and positivity. Lastly it also depicts that one has strong listening

skills with the better conflict resolution skills. To further improve upon my skill as successful

leader there is a need to attain little more firmness in what I believe and have the logical ability to

guide people to follow. Setting positive examples help in gaining the full cooperation of people.
Strength in character can be gained through the positive acceptance of the constructive critic. There

is a need that to understand the perspective of other person and apply his knowledge to better the


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