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MIS Report On


Submitted By: Submitted To:

Mohit Rijal Baikuntha Sigdel

I am very much glad to assign a small project for my students of NEPAL COMMERCE
CAMPUS, Tribhuvan University (TU) as part of the completion of their study of
‘Management Information System’. I am positive on the side of their hard work for the
preparation of their project report.

Finally, I would like to provide my approval to the Mohit Rijal of 5 th semester section: B to
conduct their research on the topic “IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMATION
SYSTEM IN NCELL” for the preparation of a better handbook.

(Baikuntha Sigdel)
Faculty Member, ITC

While the design of this report, there are very inspiring people who are always sparkling in our
memory and we cannot remain idol to provide sincere thanks to them. Their time was really
precious and they devoted that for coming up with this report.

We would like to thank BBA program management committee of our college for providing
recommendation letter in order to have easy access for the collection of required information.
Course Facilitator Baikuntha Sigdel is our source of inspiration for the compilation this
handbook, he approved our proposal to present this report.

The publication of this report would not have been successful without the supports of our
colleagues; they guided us in many steps and coordinated with us to solve the problems.

At last but not the least, we would like to acknowledge the staffs of NCELL, who have been
precious one, for the placement of relevant information over here in this handbook.

The report prepared indicates the organization structure, level of management of a well known
private sector owned communication business in Nepal; Ncell. Along with that it depicts about
the communication process, databases used and overall IT infrastructure of this company. Its
CSR issues and its competitive efficiency in market. Ncell Pvt. Ltd. has been working in Nepal
since 2004 as the first private mobile operator in the country. It is committed to being the best
local mobile network for the people living in the country. It provides services of international
quality with a local touch. Most of its employees are Nepali and its services are designed to meet
the needs of the local society.

Ncell is part of TeliaSonera, a leading European telecommunication company since October

2008. TeliaSonera operates in over 20 markets with more than 460 million inhabitants, including
the Nordic and Baltic countries, the emerging markets of Eurasia and Spain. We have depicted
about its place in markets of Nepal. It occupies 48% of market share in Nepal. To know about it
in detail we can go through the project report. Ncell here in Nepal uses global matrix
organization structure; it has mixed its global division functions and market share to construct its
organization structure. Ncell consists of a team coming from different cultural backgrounds. It
highly values the knowledge and diversity of its employees.

Team work has always been an integral part of this organization and it is their people who make
their service an experience for its customers. The Ncell Company uses intranet, internet and
extranet overall. Internet is the collection of interconnections networks or internetwork and when
two or more networks are connected, they become internetwork. Internet is simply the network
of networks. The internet provides a synthesis of computing and communication capabilities that
adds value to every business art of life cycle for the Ncell Company.

Thank You,

CMS- Customer Management System

CSR- Corporate Social Responsibility

DFD- Data Flow Diagram

DSS- Decision Support System

ESS- Executive Support System

IBM- International Business Machine

IT- Information Technology

KWS- Knowledge Work System

LAN- Local Area Network

MAN- Metropolitan Area Network

NT- Nepal Telecom

OAS- Office Automation System

OLAP- Online Application Processing

OLTPS- Online Transaction Processing System

SAN- Storage Area Network

TPS- Transaction Processing System

VAN- Value Added Network

WAN- Wide Area Network

Table of Contents
1. Introduction………………………………………….. 1-4
1.1Background……………………………………………... 1
1.2 A case study on Ncell………………………………….. 1-2
1.3Objective of study………………………………………. 2-3
1.4Methodology……………………………………………. 3-4
1.5Scope and limitation……………………………………. 4
1.6Tools and techniques used……………………………… 4

2.Data presentation and analysis……………………… 5-9

2.1Organization Structure and level of management……….. 5-6

2.2Activities done on various levels………………………... 6-7

2.3DFD of existing system…………………………………. 7-9

3. Analysis of network infrastructure………………….. 10-15

3.1LAN, MAN, WAN……………………………………….. 10

3.2Internet, intranet, extranet………………………………… 10-12

3.3Networking and internetworking devices………………… 12-13

3.4Topologies of network used………………………………. 13-14

3.5Security Measures………………………………………… 14-15

4. Database and software related issues………………… 16-18

4.1How database is managed? .................................................. 16

4.2Tools and techniques used………………………………… 16-17

4.3Types of information system used………………………… 17-18

4.4Competitive advantage of company………………………. 18

5. Social and ethical issues…………………………………… 19-21

5.1Individual ethics…………………………………………... 19

5.2Social ethics……………………………………………….. 19

5.3Moral Dimension………………………………………….. 19-21

6. Conclusion………………………………………………. ... 22

Bibliography…………………………………………………. . 23

Appendix……………………………………………………….. 24
1.1 Background
An organization is the pattern of relationship many interwoven simultaneous relationship through
which people, under the direction of managers pursue their common goals. These goals are the
products of the decision making processes.

While forming any type of organization the following are the major prerequisite part that should
be taken into consideration they are as follows:

Organization Structure

The organizational structure should be put in place at the start of an organization. It defines how
the company will function, what is expectation of employees and the chain of command. The
structure clarifies the areas of responsibility and the individuals that will work together. This
allows for effective communication, decision making and sharing helpful information within

Organizational Climate

A well-designed organizational structure can create a climate, or environment, that encourages

employees to be supportive, cooperative and hard working. It also contributes to job satisfaction.

Employee Motivation

By grouping people within their specific areas of expertise, it encourages teamwork and high
levels of performance.


Providing an organizational structure gives employees the opportunity to see where they may be
able to advance, motivating them to work hard in an effort to be promoted.

1.2 A Case Study On Ncell

Ncell Pvt. Ltd. has been working in Nepal since 2004 as the first private mobile operator in
the country. It is committed to being the best local mobile network for the people living in the
country. It provides services of international quality with a local touch. Most of its employees are
Nepali and its services are designed to meet the needs of the local society.
Ncell is part of TeliaSonera, a leading European telecommunication company since October
2008. TeliaSonera operates in over 20 markets with more than 460 million inhabitants, including
the Nordic and Baltic countries, the emerging markets of Eurasia and Spain. TeliaSonera
provides network access and telecommunication services that help people and companies to
communicate in an easy, efficient and environmentally friendly way.

TeliaSonera creates value by focusing on delivering a world-class customer experience, securing

quality in its networks and achieving a best-in-class cost structure. TeliaSonera is an international
group with a global strategy, but wherever it operates it acts as a local company. Supported by
TeliaSonera, Ncell has continued expanding coverage, enhancing quality and bringing new,
efficient and easy-to-use services to the people of Nepal.
It is constantly working towards our goals of connecting everyone in Nepal through its Ncell
network, providing high quality, modern and cost effective services and creating value for its
customers and partners.

The Ncell brand brings it under the common brand image of the TeliaSonera companies.
Together, it challenges the limits of innovation, raises the standards of the telecommunication
services and makes the mobile market more competitive for the benefit of its customers. It
contributes to the development of the country’s economy and infrastructure, building best-in-
class networks and bringing people in the remotest areas of Nepal within the reach of

1.3 Objective of Study

As any of the tasks is accomplished with certain objectives our objective can be analyzed
through two dimensions:

Technical Analysis

1. Search in the available technology used within the organizational premises.

2. Whether the used technology is matured enough.
3. Has the necessary technology being used.
4. Possess the necessary technical expertise or not.
5. To know about the practical use of the proposed technology.

Managerial Analysis
1. Plans, policies, strategies and goals of organizations
2. Competitive strength and human resource management.
3. Organizational structure, employee motivation and use of management information
4. Assistance technical expertise to staffs.

1.4 Methodology

Research Design

It is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation to obtain answers to research questions and
to control variances.

The plan is overall scheme or program of the research. It includes an outline of what the
investigator will do from writing the hypotheses and their operational implications to the final
analysis of the data.

The structure is the outline, the scheme, the paradigm (model) of the operation of variables. It is
more specific than plan.

Strategy includes the methods to be used to gather and analyses. It is also more specific than the

The Basic Principles

1. Defining the nature and the scope of the problem.

2. Specifying the related variables.
3. Excluding the variables not relevant for the study.
4. Formulation of logical hypothesis.

Purpose of the Research Design

1. To provide answer to the research questions:

2. To control the variance.

Source of Data

Secondary Data
The secondary data are the data that have already been collected for a similar purpose. They may
be either published or unpublished. Published data may be available in the reports, books and
journals related to the subject matter of the investigation. Unpublished data may be retrieved
from agencies devoted to such similar works by making special requests to them.

Primary Data

Primary data are obtained by either (i) conducting informal interviews (ii) or administrating
Schedules or (iii) administering Mailed questionnaire or (iv) by using simulation or theoretical

1.5 Scope and Limitation of Study

The contain inside this report can be used as a reference by any of the students of any institutions
as a sample. This report is a case study on NCELL so; it can be put as a major part of developing
cases related to any organization. It disseminates an idea on how to develop a concrete case.

This report is the part of our study so any of the individual cannot highly rely over it because it
has been developed with certain constraints like: time schedule, economy, backup resources and
various other resources.

1.6 Tools and Techniques Used


The expression of research problems in the interrogative sentences are questions. They are
related to facts, figures, knowledge and opinions to be collected from the respondents.
2.1 Organization Structure and Level of Management
Ncell here in Nepal uses global matrix organization structure; it has mixed its global division
functions and market share to construct its organization structure.


Global Global Global Manager of

Functional Functional Functional Project
Manager Manager Manager Managers

Staf Staf Staf Project


Staf Staf Staf Project


Staf Staf Staf Project


Fig: 2.1 Global Matrix Structure of Ncell

To start with, organizational structural is the way in which an organization’s activities are
divided, grouped, and coordinated into relationship between the managers and the employees. It
also refers to a framework that managers devise for dividing and coordinating the activities of
members of an organization.

Each organization is made up of several levels and so is the case for the Ncell Company. As we
find three levels for each organization, we found the same three levels for the Ncell company i.e
top level, middle level and the junior level. The top level performs the strategic planning and the
two other levels provide the support in the form of processed information. The top level performs
the strategic planning of long term duration for competitive advantage like giving various offers
to their customers in the communication services. Nepal Telecom (NT) has lost six per cent
market share in a year, as Ncell surpassed it by three per cent in terms of market share of
Top Level

Middle Level

Junior Level

Fig: 2.2 Level of Management of Ncell

Ncell has 48 per cent market share of subscribers as of mid-August, against 45 per cent market
share of Nepal Telecom, this is possible for Ncell because of integration between these all levels.
Similarly, the middle level management performs tactical planning and control, and needs
information to discharge these managerial functions. The junior level is involved in day to day
operational control and continuously interacts with its customers to provide and receive the

2.2Activities done on Various Levels

Ncell consists of a team coming from different cultural backgrounds. It highly values the
knowledge and diversity of its employees. Team work has always been an integral part of this
organization and it is their people who make their service an experience for its customers.

Its mission is to connect all through its telecommunication services, create value for its
customers and render quality services at all times. They are always striving to develop their
people according to their potentials. Their goal is to attract and retain its employees to celebrate
success together.
Junior Level
The lower level staffs are concerned with day to day activities, they deal with handling customer
calls, customer information, distribution of sim cards, data cards, enquiring about the newly
launched packages.

Middle Level

Middle level employees are directed to work as per the goals of the organizations. They
supervise their subordinates and work as per the directions of their superiors. They are focused
towards making day to day plans for the better accomplishments of their job.

Top Level

Top level personnel held the high position in the organization. They are concentrated wit making
strategies and plans, coming with new innovations, developing organizational objectives. Top
level executives develop security issues which is the major Part of today’s cyberspace.
2.3 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) of Customer Management System (CMS)

New Packages Simcard, Data card

Confirm, Receipts Information



Database info

Experts Advice
Customer Management
New Processes

Service Salary


Deposit Slip
Bank es

Level-0 DFD of CMS


Payments Registering Services

Information s
Reg. user Salary

Confirm 2.0

Advice Administration Req. Info Resources & Info

Experts Simcard, data card

Valid info
Records Report

Retrieve info New issue info Deposit

Problems Database info Slip

New Processes
New Packages Info Updated Users Partners



Level-1 DFD of CMS

Analysis of Network Infrastructure
3.1 Types of communication network
Computers on a network will be able to communicate only if they are able to speak the same
language. The language by which the computers communicate over a network is called the
protocols. Protocols tell the computer how to send and receive data and what to do with the data
after they receive it.

In the process of our study in the company, we found different types of communication network
being used by the company like Local Area Network (LAN), Storage Area Network (SAN) and
Wide Area Network (WAN). However WAN was popularly used and also widely.

A Wide Area Network generally covers a large geographical area, required the crossing of public
right-of-ways and relies at least in part on circuits provided by a common carrier. Some of the
connections in a WAN rely on long distance communication media such as satellite links, long
distance fiber optic cable or specialized high speed telephone lines. WANs can be enormous;
spans over a large geographical area i.e. cover a country or a continent. The subnet in WAN
consists of two distinct functions i.e. transmission and switching. Transmission line move bits
between links, whereas the function of switching is to choose a proper outgoing line on which
data to be forwarded.

3.2 Internet, Intranet and Extranet

The Ncell Company uses intranet, internet and extranet overall. Internet is the collection of
interconnections networks or internetwork and when two or more networks are connected, they
become internetwork. Internet is simply the network of networks. The internet provides a
synthesis of computing and communication capabilities that adds value to every business art of
life cycle for the Ncell Company. The Ncell Company derives much business value from the
application of the internet like:

1. Generating revenues from online sales.

2. Attract new customers via web marketing and advertising.
3. Develop new web based markets and distribution channel.

An overview of how the Ncell Company uses the internet for business is show in the diagram
Headquarters Partners

The Internet

Remote Offices

Fig: 3.1 Internet Use at Ncell

The company uses the intranet too. An intranet is the generic term for a collection of
private computer networks within an organization. Intranet is the network inside an
organization that uses internet technologies to provide and internet-like environment
within the enterprise for the purpose of information sharing, communications,
collaboration and support of business process. Intranet software environment includes
groupware, application software, portals, servers, browsers etc. Intranet can provide and
enterprise information portal for applications such as communications and collaboration,
business management, web publishing, intranet portal management. The use of intranet
has given the company some advantages like:
1. Better internal communication
2. Sharing of resources and best practice
3. Improved customer service
4. Reduction paperwork

Extranet is the internet technologies to interconnect the intranet of a business with the
intranets of its customers, suppliers, or the other business partners. It enables customers,
suppliers, consultants, subcontractors, business prospects and others to access selected
intranet websites and other company databases.

Extranet has the following advantage to the ncell company:

1. More integrated supply chains through the use of online ordering, order tracking
and inventory management.
2. Shared news of product development exclusively with partner companies.
3. Improved business relationships with key trading partners because of the close
collaborative working that extranets support.
4. Reduced costs by making manual and technical documentation available online to
trading partners and customers.

3.3 Networking and Internetworking Devices

Ncell company uses following types of networking and internetworking devices:

Networks using a Star topology require a central point for the devices to connect. Originally this
device was called a concentrator since it consolidated the cable runs from all network devices.
The basic form of concentrator is the hub.

Fig:3.2 Use of hub at Ncell

As shown in Figure; the hub is a hardware device that contains multiple; independent ports that
match the cable type of the network. Most common hubs interconnect Category 3 or 5 twisted-
pair cable with RJ-45 ends, although Coax BNC and Fiber Optic BNC hubs also exist. The hub
is considered the least common denominator in device concentrators. Hubs offer an inexpensive
option for transporting data between devices, but hubs don't offer any form of intelligence. Hubs
can be active or passive.
An active hub strengthens and regenerates the incoming signals before sending the data on to its
Passive hubs do nothing with the signal.


Switch is a networking device that resides on layer two of OSI reference model. It operates on
MAC address of the device and helps to split the network into small segments. It helps to share
the bandwidth to a large network to small network, to reduce the data collision by reducing the
network congestion. Switch provides a dedicated communicating line between two hosts which
are communicating with each other. That’s why the collision is reduced. Switch doesn’t operate
on logical address so it won’t route and forward the packet. The following is the typical figure of
a switch:
Fig: 3.3 Use of switch at Ncell


Router is a device that performs the task of routing and forwarding and resides on the the third
layer of OSI reference model. When a router receives a packet, it first looks for the packet header
and calculates shortest path to its destination and forward it to the same route. It operates in the
logical address, not in MAC address. They are protocol dependent so mostly used in
connectionless networks and are much more sophisticated than switch and hub because they
store routing algorithm to calculate the shortest path. Routers can be used in networks having
different connection speed but both networks should work on same protocol. They are found in
two flavours: interior and exterior router. Following is the common figure of a router:

Fig: 3.4 Use of router at Ncell

3.4 Topologies of Network Used

Network Topology is the physical layout of the network. This concept is the foundation for
understanding corporate networks and the technologies used to make them function.
There are basically two components to a network. Devices on the network that want to share
resources or information and the medium which allows the communication to occur. A Network
Topology is the physical layout of the computers, servers, and cables. You can add wireless to the
list as a growing popular option for network topology.
Your corporate network may be a combination of several of these topologies. You may have one
topology in your data center, a different in your offices, and a third in your conference rooms.
You need to be familiar with each of the topologies, their characteristics, and what they look like
drawn out.

Despite the presence of several topologies, this company is highly dependent upon the hybrid
network topology. The topology which combines two or more than two topologies within it for
the communication network is regarded as the hybrid topology. In reality, network topologies
might combine characteristics from more than one of these standard patterns. This is usually
because a functioning network is really a combination of several smaller networks.

3.5 Security Measures

Ncell provides concentration on following types of security measures:

Network Security Hardware

Whether your infrastructure is minimal or extensive it always a best practice to keep any
hardware items (server, switches, backup device, etc.) in a separate room, preferably with a lock.
Limiting who can enter that room is your best first line of defense. Given enough time, an
intruder with physical access will always gain total access to your systems, one way or another.


The next best hardware defense you can have is a firewall. A firewall limits the exposure of your
internal network to the internet and will help mitigate unauthorized access to sensitive
information. From overseas hackers to domestic script kiddies, there are plenty of people who
would happily wreak havoc with your systems if they can gain access. A firewall keeps them out,
as well as providing useful services such as Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), which allow you
to access your internal network from outside the office.

Secured Wireless Network

Wireless internet access is becoming increasingly popular in offices, especially since many
devices no longer have Ethernet ports. Leaving your Wi-Fi network unsecured is a major security
risk. The best solution is to setup a secured wireless network, inside your firewall, and if
absolutely necessary set up a separate unsecured or “guest” wireless network outside the firewall
(this would provide internet access to your guests or unauthorized wireless devices, without
allowing access to your servers or other internal network resources.)

Backup Solutions

A backup solution is an absolute necessity and if you don’t have one in place, you should find
one immediately. Consider how much business you generate/work you and your employees do in
a day, then think about how much would be lost if your data and infrastructure were unavailable
for a week. In addition, if you your company’s information is ever compromised, you will have a
restore point, making recovery much less painful. The varieties of backup solutions are vast
including cloud solutions; backing up to external hard drives, and even dedicated hardware

Software Maintenance and Patching

Major security vulnerability is unmaintained software. It is essential that you properly update all
software and hardware in your infrastructure, including users’ workstations. The patches that get
released often correct any recent issues or other vulnerabilities that programmers have amended
4.1 How Database Is Managed?
The study of managing information and its allied components is referred to as information
resource management (IRM). It requires a broad perspective on information, its users, its impact
on the goals and mission of the organization. Various entities that influence and are influenced by
information such as people, policies, product, internal business, and external business entities
must collaborate for IRM to be effective.

Ncell have aligned with the world's leading IT companies, allowing it to pick and choose the
right solutions for each client's unique business challenges. Its consultants hold numerous
certifications in technologies that range from Open Source to best-of-breed hardware and
software. They are able to leverage its expertise and relationships to deliver the results that its
clients expect.

Fig: 4.1 Ncell’s Resource sharing partners

4.2 Tools and Techniques Used To Manage Database

Ncell provides business-technology solutions that transform data into business insight, making
organization more agile, efficient and productive. They provide solutions through a wealth of
consulting, design and implementation expertise, with full support for new and existing
technology environments. Its wide spectrum of products and services produce reliable, secure
and scalable IT infrastructures that accelerate IT value and maximize ROI.

Focus areas include:

 Storage
 Information Management
 Managed IT Services
 Virtualization/Consolidation
 Open Source
 Identity & Security Management
 Database Optimization
 Application Platform
 Migrations
 Data Center
 Cloud Services
 Enterprise & SMB Infrastructure
 Patch Management
 Manufacturing & Production Automation


A collection of current or historical data from a number of applications or groups. It can be small
database or a massive data warehousing.

OLAP Tools
It is that type of database tool that has been used foer data analysis.

Statistical Models
It provides the graphical representation of the data etered in the databas.

Optimization Models
It has been used to know about the optimum benefit that can be derived from conduction of any
of theactivity.

Forercasting Models
It used to see the future trend of any of the activities.

Sensitivity Analysis
It has been used for ‘What if ‘ analysis.
4.3Types of Information System Used

Transaction Processing System(TPS)

TPS is a typical operational level systems support operational managers by keeping track of
elementary activities and transactions of the organization such as cash deposit, cash withdrawl ,
balance transfer etc. Operational level is primary source of data for other systems and includes
much minute, specific information.

Online Transaction Processing System(OLTPS)

OLTP refers to a class of systems that facilitate and manage transaction oriented
applications,typically for data entry and retrieval transaction processing. The term is somewhat
ambiguous ; some understand a transaction in the context of computer or database transactions,
while others (such as the TPS Performance Council) define it in terms of business or commercial

Knowledge Management System (KMS)

Knowledge workers are those who promote the creation of new knowledge and integrate it into
the organization. Knowledge workers are those who promote the creation of new knowledge and
integrate it into the organization.

Office Automation System (OAS)

The office automation system is dedicated mostly to data workers, who are no less important to
the success of worldwide candy than any other worker. The new recipe discovered by the
knowledge workers must be planted.

Decision Support System (DSS)

Decision support system at the organization’s management level that combines data and
sophisticated analytical models (tools) or data analysis tools to support semi-structured and
unstructured decision making. DSS assists high level managers in providing processed

Executive Support System (ESS)

ESS is the information system at the organization’s strategic level designed to address
unstructured decision making through advanced graphics and communication. ESS supports the
senior manager of strategic level.

4.4 Competitive Advantage to Company Due To MIS

Clients tell that Ncell’s methodology offers a flexible, disciplined approach for managing
projects end-to-end. What they’re really telling is that consistency is as important to them as it is
to Ncell. The Ncell team brings an extensive amount of expertise to every situation, which means
people who know how to do things right, have done it that way before, and provides a consistent
solution that delivers results in a timely fashion.

From up-front assessment through full implementation, its methodology includes:

 Aligning major milestones with specific, data-driven results.

 Integrating its clients’ project management approach for a seamless experience.

 Scaling to a project or organization, whether it is a strategic or tactical assignment.

Social and Ethical Issues
5.1 Individual Ethics
There have been some attempts to regulate the collection and use of information about
individuals. There should be personal record systems whose existence is secret. Individuals have
right of access, inspection, review, and amendment to systems that contain information about
them. There must be no use of personal information for purpose other than those for which it was
gathered without prior consent. Mangers of systems are responsible and can be held accountable
and liable for the damage done by systems for their reliability and security. Governments have
the right to intervene in the information relationships among private parties. Many of us take our
privacy and freedom for granted. You should be aware of how the technology is changing and
challenging our basic assumptions about these issues. Video rental records are more protected
from misuse and prying than your medical records. It’s a fact.

5.2 Social Ethics

Ethics is easily managed in small groups because the group itself tends to control the individual’s
behavior. The larger the group, the harder it is to manage the actions of individuals. Now stretch
to a huge number of people with many frames of reference and experiences. Responsibility to a
group becomes harder to policy and accountability for an individual’s actions is harder to
enforce. Every action causes a reaction. When you’re using the internet, computers on campus,
or your employer’s computer, you should be aware of responsibility, accountability, liability and
due process. Responsibility is accepting potential costs, duties and obligations for your decisions.
Accountability is determining who should take responsibility for decisions and actions. Liability
is legally placing responsibility with a person or group. Due process ensures the laws are applied
fairly and correctly. Responsibility, accountability, and liability are all yours when it comes to
your actions in cyberspace. Every internet service provider has a usage policy even the so-called
anonymous emailers that hid your real identity.

5.3 Moral Dimensions

Corporate Social Responsibility

Fig: 5.1 CSR of Ncell

Adopt a school
Ncell believes in its slogan 'Here for Nepal' and has been contributing in various fields of the
society. Out of them, education comes top in the priority. Hence we have been involving in
projects which help to increase the literacy rate and education of children. Education, we believe
is the basic need of a human. However due to the lack of budget and infrastructure, several
children from rural areas have been refrained from it. Ncell, from 2011 ventured to extend its
help in education under the program 'Adopt a school.' Ncell has joined hands with Save the
Children and adopted various schools of rural Nepal. The schools from underprivileged remote
districts lacking infrastructure and education materials were in our priority list and were
supported for the same.

Ncell Digital Libraries

Traditional teaching methodology still prevails in our country. Although some schools in urban
areas have adapted to modern techniques, schools from rural areas have not been able to do so
because of the financial constraint and most of them do not have a library where students can get
additional knowledge than that of the course books. Those having also are not able to update and
manage. Thus, Ncell has initiated to help students of such schools by establishing digital
libraries. Not only were the students, our partner for the project Help Nepal Network provided
trainings for the teachers with orientation to use such libraries and to benefit from the perks of
information technology and projects are being monitored by Save the children.

These libraries have been useful for the students to acquire extra knowledge and helped to
increase the numbers of computer literacy. Schools have appreciated our efforts. Inspired by the
success of our endeavor, we have continued the project in 2012 and assisted more such schools.
This has also helped to control the absence and drop out ratio of the students to a larger extent.

Scholarship for girl children

Due to poor financial status and orthodox thinking that a girl child does not need much
education, deserving girl students from rural areas do not get higher level of education. Thus,
Ncell selected few girl students from Karnali Zone who had passed the SLC level and provided
them with scholarship to pursue their education up to the graduation level. The students were
identified by Save the Children based upon their results and financial condition. We have
continued and expanded such support in 2012 as well.

Voice against girl trafficking

Ncell has contributed for the self employment of women from underprivileged family. This has
helped them to uplift their financial status and control the girls trafficking caused by poverty in
some extent. It provided financial assistance to eight such women to set up micro enterprises
based on their skills. The project was executed with the assistance of "Shakti Samuha" and is
monitored by save the children. It is determined to continue such programs in future too.

 Ncell Pvt. Ltd. has been working in Nepal since 2004 as the first private mobile
operator in the country. It is committed to being the best local mobile network for the
people living in the country.
 Ncell is part of TeliaSonera, a leading European telecommunication company since
October 2008.
 The contain inside this report can be used as a reference by any of the students of any
institutions as a sample. This report is a case study on NCELL so; it can be put as a major
part of developing cases related to any organization.
 Ncell here in Nepal uses global matrix organization structure; it has mixed its global
division functions and market share to construct its organization structure.
 Ncell has 48 per cent market share of subscribers as of mid-August, against 45 per cent market
share of Nepal Telecom, this is possible for Ncell because of integration between these all levels.
 Ncell consists of a team coming from different cultural backgrounds. It highly values the
knowledge and diversity of its employees.
 The internet provides a synthesis of computing and communication capabilities that adds
value to every business art of life cycle for the Ncell Company.
 Ncell have aligned with the world's leading IT companies, allowing it to pick and choose
the right solutions for each client's unique business challenges.
 Ncell provides business-technology solutions that transform data into business insight,
making organization more agile, efficient and productive. They provide solutions through
a wealth of consulting, design and implementation expertise, with full support for new
and existing technology environments.
 Ncell believes in its slogan 'Here for Nepal' and has been contributing in various fields of
the society.
 Ncell has contributed for the self employment of women from underprivileged family.
This has helped them to uplift their financial status and control the girls trafficking
caused by poverty in some extent.
 The Ncell team brings an extensive amount of expertise to every situation, which means
people who know how to do things right, have done it that way before, and provides a
consistent solution that delivers results in a timely fashion.

Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon, “Management Information System, Managing the Digital
Firm”, Eight Edition, Pearson Education

Jha Janardan, Udupa H. Nagraja, “Management Information System- Block I”, reprint 2008,
Sikkim Manipal University

Sigdel Baikuntha. Sharma Dilli Prasad, Bastakoti Hiranya Prasad, Pokhrel Nawaraj, “A Textbook
of Management Information System”, Ocean Publication Pvt. Ltd.

Reports of Ncell Pvt. Ltd., Krishna Tower, New Baneshower, Kathmandu

1. Will you provide a brief introduction about Ncell?
2. What is your organization’s structure, and what are the levels of management of
this company?
3. What are the activities done at various levels of management?
4. What are the various processes used in the DFD of your one of the mostly used
system, i.e. customer management system?
5. Which internet network is widely used over here among LAN, MAN and WAN?
6. Will you tell us about the use of internet, intranet and extranet in your
7. Give us a brief description about the networking and internetworking devices
used in your organization?
8. Which network topology is used over here?
9. What are the various security measures used?
10. How database is managed here in this company?
11. What are the several tools and techniques used to manage database?
12. What are the several types of information used?
13. What are the competitive advantages gained by your organization?
14. What are the moral dimensions of Ncell?

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