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Classification of Sensory Receptors

Adequate Stimulus

Adequate stimulus can be used to classify sensory receptors. A sensory receptor’s

adequate stimulus is the stimulus modality for which it possesses the adequate sensory
transduction apparatus.

Sensory receptors with corresponding stimuli to which they respond.

Receptor Stimulus

Apmullae of Lorenzini (primarily function as

Electric fields, salinity, and temperature

Baroreceptors Pressure in blood vessels

Chemo receptors Chemical stimuli

Electromagnetic radiation receptors Electromagnetic radiation

Electroreceptors Electrofields

Hydroreceptors Humidity

Infrared receptors Infrared radiation

Magnetoreceptors Magnetic fields

Mechanoreceptors Mechanical stress or strain

Nociceptors Damage or threat of damage to body tissues (leads to pain perception)

Osmoreceptors Osmolarity of fluids

Photoreceptors Visible light

Proprioceptors Sense of position

Thermoreceptors Temperature

Ultraviolet receptors Ultraviolet radiation

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