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Interview Methodology

This chapter discusses the data analysis and findings from 5 business owners from Quezon

City, Caloocan City, and Cebu City. They were interviewed during the month of February. 2

clothing store owners, 1 branded bags seller, 1 cosmetics store owner and 1 stationery/arts and

crafts store owner were interviewed, with a range of 23-38 years old, only consisting of female,

who own different kinds of businesses. The interviewed owners of the said kind of businesses are

all full-time to the small businesses they own.

Four of the small business owners who were interviewed are running their business for 2-

6 years. While the remaining one business owner had been running their business for only 2


The interviews consisted of eleven broad questions written below:


When did you establish your physical and online store?


Respondent 1: Evangeline F. Dalida

2 months ago

Respondent 2: Larisse Nielva Zafico


Respondent 3: Geraldine Quinol


Respondent 4: Pamela Reyes

October 2016

Respondent 5: Michelle Borbe

April 2017

Question 2

How many employees do you have in managing both stores?


Respondent 1: Evangeline F. Dalida

2 employees

Respondent 2: Larisse Nielva Zafico

Respondent 3: Geraldine Quinol

In all branches 32.

Respondent 4: Pamela Reyes

9-10 employees

Respondent 5: Michelle Borbe

Actual: Pag sa office, lima kami, then pagka sa labas kumukuha kami ng employee pero yung

employee namin ano lang, seasonal, kunwari sa December kukuha kami ng mga staff namin tas

sila yung nilalahay namin sa physical, pero sa office talaga yun lima talaga.

Translated: 5 employees in office and other employees were in seasonal contract for example

during December we are hiring employees in our physical store.

Question 3

Do you think you can handle both of your stores on your own? Why or why not?


Respondent 1: Evangeline F. Dalida

No, I still need someone that can manage my physical store and online shop. While I’m working.

Respondent 2: Larisse Nielva Zafico

The shop needs to be handled by 2 people in order to have effective and efficient marketing

strategies and sales.

Respondent 3: Geraldine Quinol

Yes, aside from being brand partner of the one of the pioneer Concept Store in the Philippines I

also have my own store.

Respondent 4: Pamela Reyes

Both yes and no. Yes if business isn't as busy on both platforms. On the other hand, I don't think I

can handle both stores on my own during its peak season.

Respondent 5: Michelle Borbe

Actual: Oo, kasi nagagawa naman namin siya ngayon. Meron naman kaming mga physical store

tas meron din kaming online.

Translated: Yes, because I’m doing it right now and I already have physical store and online store.

Question 4

In what online platform did you publish your online store? Do you think it contributed to the

growth of your business? Why or why not?


Respondent 1: Evangeline F. Dalida

I use Facebook, Shoppee, and Lazada. Its help me more to know my physical and my online


Respondent 2: Larisse Nielva Zafico

It started with Instagram and since then the shop's growth increased so we had to open new

accounts from various online platforms like Facebook, Carousell, and Shopee.
Respondent 3: Geraldine Quinol

In Facebook and Instagram, absolutely yes It really contributed a lot especially when I started

online selling because it's a free ads, just compost a post with picture of your product, share, and

you will have a good customer.

Respondent 4: Pamela Reyes

Social Media & Online Shopping Platforms. It definitely contributed to the growth because more

and more potential customers are being reached by these platforms.

Respondent 5: Michelle Borbe

Actual: Shopee, sa Facebook. For promotion na din, ginagamit din siya for promotion, tapos mas

makakakuha ka kasi ng customer pagka sa… di, kunwari sa Shopee diba mas maraming customer

na nagshoshop ngayon sa mga ganung app, sa mga online, ganon, mas nababawasan yung mga

gustong pumunta dun sa ano kasi hassle na, ganun.

Translated: Shopee and Facebook promotion that will also encourage more customers. For

example, a lot of customers are buying in Shopee or in other online stores because it is less hassle.

Question 5

Is the location of your physical store/s strategized? How?


Respondent 1: Evangeline F. Dalida

Yes. How you set up all the items inside the store. Effort is a much to more look nice inside the


Respondent 2: Larisse Nielva Zafico

Yes, based on our data, majority of our clients are from Quezon City. Luckily, the physical store

invited us to showcase our products there.

Respondent 3: Geraldine Quinol

Yes, because you can find it to the mall where foot traffic is really good.

Respondent 4: Pamela Reyes

Of course. Choosing a location will always depend on what kind of business you are running. If

your market is mainly students, choose a location surrounded by schools & colleges. Thinking of

our location depended on vehicular traffic and accessibility as well.

Respondent 5: Michelle Borbe

Actual: Di kasi ano target namin, so ano talaga siya puntahan talaga siya ng mga tao kaya parang

ano benta, tsaka ganun kasi yung mga target market namin, bale yung mga target market namin is

yung mga bata, so pagpinapasiyal sila ng mga magulang nila tas makikita nila yung items namin,

so yun, sasabihin nila sa parents nila na bili mo ko nun ma, ganun, tas yun yung pinaka way para,

mag-increase yung income.

Translated: Our target is to encourage customers, especially kids, wherein our store is located

where they usually go with their parents, for example they are walking with their parents, they are

going to point out our items and their parents will buy it for them and it is a way to gain profit.
Question 6

Which of the two (physical and online) do you consider the most effective? In what way/s?


Respondent 1: Evangeline F. Dalida

Its both help to earn money, someone want to walk in in the physical store we have, online people

will know and will get more information about what we are selling.

Respondent 2: Larisse Nielva Zafico

Since we started 2014, our online platforms are the most effective compared to our physical store.

We cannot guarantee yet of the effectivity of the physical store since we just started last October

2019. Moreover, online platforms don't cost much. You just need the basics: strong internet

connection, mobile phone, good camera, and marketing skills.

Respondent 3: Geraldine Quinol

Same. Because I practice them both and I get profit from the two.

Respondent 4: Pamela Reyes

Both are effective but, in my opinion, physical stores are most effective mainly because our

Philippine culture heavily relies on physical legitimacy checking.

Respondent 5: Michelle Borbe

Actual: Magkaibang way eh, kasi kung yun nga kasi magkaiba yung concumer eh, may ibang tao

kasi na mas gusto yung makita muna yung product bago bilhin, may iba naman na gusto yung ano
yung bili lang ng bili parang ganun pero sa amin kasi more on physical mas ano mas okay pag

physical store.

Translated: Both stores are different when it comes to customers because some of them prefer to

see the actual product before buying and some customers are just buying without quality check,

but for us physical store is more effective.

Question 7

Why did you think of having both online and physical store?


Respondent 1: Evangeline F. Dalida

People online can purchase even they are far away from the area. We do shipping. People near in

the physical store can walk in and buy and choose whatever they want

Respondent 2: Larisse Nielva Zafico

We want to let our clients know that we are reaching out to them by opening our first physical

store. We want them to experience a hassle-free shopping experience.

Respondent 3: Geraldine Quinol

Because we have both customers online and physical store.

Respondent 4: Pamela Reyes

We thought of having both stores because of its potential in garnering more customers and

increasing our reach, which has proven to be effective in our case.

Respondent 5: Michelle Borbe

Actual: Kasi may mga customer tayo na mas gustong nagpu-purchase nalang online kesa lumabas

so para lumawak din yung target market namin so iyon kailangan naming iexpand yung way ng

pagdidistribute ng product namin.

Translated: Because some customers prefer to purchase online instead of going outside, so to

increase our target market we need to expand our product distribution.

Question 8

In what store of yours do customers frequently visit and purchase from more than the other?


Respondent 1: Evangeline F. Dalida

Physical Store

Respondent 2: Larisse Nielva Zafico

Physical Store

Respondent 3: Geraldine Quinol

Online Store

Respondent 4: Pamela Reyes

Physical Store

Respondent 5:
Actual: Sa may SM, oo sa physical store.

Translated: Yes, in our physical store located in SM branches.

Question 9

What kind of promotion do you use to attract and gain customers? How do you do it?


Respondent 1: Evangeline F. Dalida

The prices much be cheaper than the other surround your store. But have a good quality of the


Respondent 2: Larisse Nielva Zafico

Social Media postings, giveaways, and sale promotions. Always thing of exciting ways to

introduce these promotions to the public, it depends on what kind of business you're running.

Respondent 3: Geraldine Quinol

We do sales talk, give discounts, free shipping, markdown sale, Christmas sale, basically we

promote our products together with events like valentines, back to school, etc.

Respondent 4: Pamela Reyes

Online Posting via Fb and Instagram

Respondent 5: Michelle Borbe

Online advertising
Question 10

How do you make sure that the customers will always be interested or will continue to patronize

your products?


Respondent 1: Evangeline F. Dalida

You should have a SALE every 2 weeks to make it sure people will come back and have a new

items again.

Respondent 2: Pamela Reyes

To keep the customers interested, the business should always follow the trend or follow its forte.

It will always depend on one's branding and advertising. If you know your market well, use it to

your business' advantage.

Respondent 3: Larisse Nielva Zafico

We offer them what they need. We do suggestive selling and we give them thank you cards and

tags to let them know that we are thankful for supporting small businesses. We update them of

their orders and we show them that they can reach us anytime by staying online always.

Respondent 4: Geraldine Quino

I see to it that my products are always "IN".

Respondent 5: Michelle Borbe

Actual: Syempre ano, yung always kang nagpopost or maguupdate sa facebook page para makita

din nila yung mga improvement ng mga product na nilalabas namin,

Translated: Ofcourse we always post or update our Facebook page for them to see the

improvement of the products that we offer.

Question 11

What can you say about the effectiveness of having both physical and online store in one's



Respondent 1: Evangeline F. Dalida

Customers can buy online if they don’t want to go far, physical store can attract people who pass

by. But not still helpful to earn a good income.

Respondent 2: Pamela Reyes

Having a physical and online store is like having the best of both worlds. An advantage of having

both stores is having a very wide reach; we have customers from Luzon, Visayas, and sometimes

Mindanao. It is double as effective as having both stores compliment each other. Those who live

in far or near places can purchase items from us at their own convenience.

Respondent 3: Larisse Nielva Zafico

Having both really is a challenge and is super effective. By opening a physical store, we are

branching out and we are letting people know that the business do not just cater for Cebuanos but

to other cities and provinces as well. We always make sure to focus on our target market and

believe in our products.

Respondent 4: Geraldine Quino

You will make a profit both at the same time. You can tell to your online sellers that they can visit

your physical store. Having them both is a win win situation as a online/physical store owner.

Respondent 5: Michelle Borbe

Actual: Lumawak yung makakakita ng mga inooffer namin kasi meron kaming physical meron

din kami sa online so lahat ng customer naaano namin na rereach namin

Translated: Expand the audience for the products we offer because we have physical and online

store that lets our business reach the target customers.




The world of business is continuously growing and expanding through the years. Over

time, different tactics are being discovered and applied in order for a business to develop and

achieve stability. Moreover, people are able to seek for new and innovative ways to penetrate the

world of marketing and come up with different sources of profit. All businesses started from being

small before achieving what they currently have or what they may have.

Nowadays, e-commerce platforms have become the new trend for merchants to market

their products. Examples of these are Shopee, Lazada, and the likes, wherein different people can

sell their products and establish a name in the world of business. Sometimes in online stores,

customers are not satisfied with the product they received. They prefer to buy in physical stores

because they inspect the items and quality of the products. The researchers are trying to find out

why and how do business owners manage both of their online and physical store and how does it

affect each other.

It sought for the answers of potential problems of establishing both online and physical

store, how do having both physical and online stores build enough relationship with the customers,

how does strategic location of one’s business affect its overall performance along with the

customers, and lastly, what are the factors that affects a business owner’s choice to continue putting

up their business whether through traditional or online means. The outcome of this study will

provide useful insights on the challenges in managing dealt in building a successful business.
The researchers used qualitative research method that enable researchers to study social

and cultural phenomena which includes observing feelings, thoughts, behaviors and the belief of

the mass society. The researchers chose the phenomenology as the design for this research study

which is to gather data by the use of collecting the direct experiences of the chosen respondents

for a particular phenomenon. The researchers sought 5 participants for this study. The participants

of the study are business owners who have both physical and online store for their businesses. The

2 chosen participants are within Quezon City while the other 2 are from Caloocan City and the

remaining chosen participant is from Cebu City who is contacted through online communication.

Interview and the questionnaire are the main instruments used to gather information which

involves the question that is answered directly by the experiences of the business owners by

handling an online and physical store at the same time.


Based on the study, the researchers concluded that Physical Store and Online Store are

effective as a basis platform for a business. These two stores will gain a higher profit than using

just one. These are both convenient on the customers and also for the business owner.

Online shopping is most convenient for individuals that don’t have time to go to the store.

If they are busy with an online job or online classes then online shopping can sometimes be more

convenient. But of course, when you buy in physical store you can check the quality of the item

you wanted to purchase. Then you will know if it is already enough.

The best way to find all the resources that we have, most people spend time going to the

store, browsing the shelves and waiting for a final decision before having to purchase a certain

Another good way to shop is to shop at the online store. With the continuous developments

in technology, users can now do a comparison between an item’s price in a physical store and an

online store.


Based on the conclusions made, the following recommendations are suggested:

A) For Future Researchers

The researchers recommend that the future researchers conduct a more concentrated

research on business promotion to determine a strategy to ensure that customers are aware of the

existence and positioning of choosing online or physical store in a certain business. Looking at the

findings of this study, not all customers have idea about choosing physical store & online store.

Some customers have any idea about which one is good in business at all.

B) For Future Practices

The researchers recommend to have a good time management in order to accomplish more

things. Time management may also help to improve some specific parts in the study and give more

time to study the research thoroughly.

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