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Mary Joy A.

Galolo, RND

Comparison of Public Administration System

Reflection: Decentralization and Local Governance of Malaysia

Malaysian government treasure its traditions and it is shown on their system of

governance where they are ruled by a king but manage by a prime minister as

influenced by the colonization of British régime. Somehow, Malaysian community are

hardworking and competitive people of the world. They are eager to make their country

great as they are known for their tourism tag line “Malaysia, Truly Asia” which captures

and defines the essence of the country's unique diversity. No other country

has Asia's three major races, Malay, Chinese, Indian, plus various other ethnic


Malaysia is a federal constitutional elective monarchy, and the only federation

in Southeast Asian countries. They let their states to rule and improve their area of

responsibility and respect the sultans. Hence, the patriotism of the Malaysian grows

even more as they keep thriving to improve each state. But, on contrary their lies

between discrimination on mixed Malaysian people. Native Malaysian claim they are

above all because the are pure bloods and mixed Malaysian doesn’t have enough

rights on their lands.

Even of today’s government still racism exist and it is so sad that even on their

own land they felt as if they don’t belong. Hoping that as years go by conflict between

the Malaysian community will come to its end because they have so much to offer as

one nation connected with one true blood.

Mary Joy A. Galolo, RND

Comparison of Public Administration System

Reflection: History and Context of the Development of Public Administration in

the Philippines

The Philippines has been colonized by Spain for almost 400 years. For a long

period of time Filipinos adopt most of the Spanish cultures and traditions even some

of the Filipin foods has been influenced by Spanish cooking. For that in my opinion our

Philippine government begun in Spanish era since Philippines splits to numerous

barangays before Spanish arrived.

Second, after freed from Spain, Philippines was then colonized by America.

Hence, the Philippines government is modeled after the U.S. government. It has a

President, Vice President and Congress with a Senate and a House of

Representatives. The main difference between the two systems is that the Philippine

constitution limits the Presidents to one six-year term. The republican form of

government that was developed during the commonwealth period when the

Philippines was a possession of the United States.

Later on, as political government grows in the Philippines political dynasties

between Filipino families grows like mushrooms. Political dynasties are more like

oligarchy, in a sense that only a few people or families have control on the government.

In the Philippines, families, not parties, remain the most enduring feature of Philippine

legislature. Most often than not, the political families get richer, while their constituent

gets poorer, or stays the same.

Moreover, Philippines as a democratic development take into consideration the

people of their right to vote. But, as influenced by our history and also our experience

we often get to choose people from political dynasty for the reason that we’ve seen

how their families worked on the government. For that, Philippine government is also

democratic but monarch in my opinion.

Mary Joy A. Galolo, RND

Comparison of Public Administration System

Reflection: Public Ethics and Corruption in the Philippines

As what the book says “Corruption is a failure of public ethics, and generally

holds back growth and progress” truth be told it is for decades Filipinos endure the

slow growth of our government because of corruption. Development has been

compromised and money goes straight to the pockets of selfish politicians. The

downfall of the Philippines lies on the hands of her own children such a sad reality for

all of us.

Although we have a very good policies, laws, ethics, religion but Filipinos are

easily tempted with wealth and power. Nothing but a second hand item goes down to

projects that could be for the good of the people and even in the local government

corruption resides. Poor becomes poorer and rich continues to swim in richness.

Corruption is a serious obstacle to the social and economic development of a country.

The biggest losers are the Filipino people. In effect, the end-users are made to pay for

overpriced goods or services or are made to deal with low-quality or substandard

goods or services.

For the common good I hope time will come Philippine growth will be a big

priority to us. Corruption will vanish and public ethics will prevail. Natural resources

will be put to good use. No more poverty, no more malnourished children and no more

squatter areas. Only good public service and people-oriented government will prevail.

Good governance will be soon rise into power and honest politicians will win elections.
Mary Joy A. Galolo, RND

Comparison of Public Administration System

Reflection: Public Ethics and Corruption in Malaysia

Malaysia has its fair share of corruption from political donations, to big time

project frauds I think no country is not guilty of dishonesty of publics money. Malaysia

is ranked as the second least corrupt country among Southeast Asian countries.

However, this country is still facing problems in its fight against corruption.

Public trust has been compromised. Present throughout history and still

prevalent within today’s world, government corruption has consisted of a number of

negative issues including bribery, economic and social impacts, and the misuse of

power. Political corruption not only leads to the misleading of resource, but also affects

the manner in which decisions are manipulated. At the same time, it is important to

oppose corruption in developing nation such as Malaysia.

The community’s expectation that the public service will maintain the same

standards of professionalism, responsiveness and impartiality in serving successive

governments is a key element of a nation’s system of federalism. Whereas, gaining

and keeping public trust must be approached holistically, as the threads of integrity,

transparency and accountability are knit together to uphold all public administration

and ultimately, governance reforms.

Corruption scandals in Malaysia often have some common themes, such as

lack of transparency, vested interests, and costs that are borne by the public sector.

Every nation without exception needs to define and promote ethical conduct. The

Malaysian government is reforming the public service occasionally and responding to

demands for performance, and change management. Few have acknowledged the

important roles that religion or spirituality play in managing organizations or public


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