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PGPBABI 2019-20

Group Assignment – Tableau

by group DVT GA 7

 Data Source Vintage Art.xlsx

 Tableau Public Workbook Link :

[Paste link here]

Attached here are a couple Dashboard Snapshots from our workbook

including quick observations:
Quick Observations
 Art Auction House Christie made the maximum number of sales.
 Art Pieces from American nationality did the significantly highest number of sales.
 Buyers preferred Offline Sales over Online Sales
 Highest number of art pieces got sold in Texas with Florida and California running
close by.

Quick Observations
 Art pieces sold by all auction houses has significantly high acquired price vs its final
selling or current auction price which translates and shows the loss they incurred in
process. This is the area which requires research and finding out the factors that lead
to this.
 The pattern of high acquiring price vs actual selling price is pretty similar in year 2012
and 2013 with almost little to no change indicating again to the constant decline in
profit with somewhat being better in third quarter of 2013.

Quick Observations
 Art House Artnet did not make the highest number of sales but it did make most of
the profitable sales.
 Buyer 99760 seems to be the top buyer purchasing art pieces from Artnet Auction
house with profitable sales. Whilst this buyer did not make any purchases from art
houses Christie and Sotheby. Those Art house could work to target this buyer in
order to increase their profitable sales.
 Also, Buyer 1081 did make Art house Artnet to make quite profitable sales but
somehow it didn’t work for other two auction houses indicating their loss in sales.

Quick Observations
 Art Auction Houses provided certain quality checks and guarantees like Good Art
Check, Good Purchase Check and Auction House Guarantee to Art Pieces but
somehow it doesn’t seem to favor sales in a profitable way making its whole purpose
futile. This need to be researched and worked on in order to understand the
 In terms of size of art piece, the most popular is 9 inches X 12 inche as maximum
number of art pieces got sold were of these sizes.

Quick Observations
 Art Type 17 seems the most popular one with record sales 0f $91,011,494.
 Art Category “Dark Art I” has received the highest number of critic ratings making it a
popular art sales category.

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