BSBWOR502 Assessment 3 Learner

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BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

Learner Instructions 3
(Liaise with stakeholders)

Submission details

Students Name

Student ID


Assessor’s Name

Assessment Date/s

1. Write a report for your manager on resolution of team performance


Date 09.11.2018
Time 10.00 AM.

Time Topic Stakeholder

10.00-10.15 Plan achieved Regina Santos

- Online channel

10.15 -11.30 Plan not achieved Kelly J.

- Team motivation

11.30-12.00 Raise the problems Sarah Comin

- Brainstorm

13.00-14.00 Solution brainstorm George Tombone

- Conflict resolution

Executive summary
The report has been organized to reveal what circumstance happen including
any action that manager would like to solve the problems. The employee,
Samantha and clothing supplier has conflict each other. Therefore, the report
contains the process of conflict to raised till solved through effective
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BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

The company sets policy and procedure to employee following when there is
any conflict happen both internal and external stakeholder. This will relate to
company’s mission and vision that encourage employee having open
communication to management level.
Explain situation
Samatha contacted to supplier who provide fabric to the company in order to
rush the delivery date but the supplier seems like not pay attention on or give
any cooperate well. Thus, Samantha could not control her temp and yell to the
supplier with rude words. This makes supplier do not supply fabric to
How the issue addressed
I got contact from supplier on Samatha’s poor behavior. Then, I ask her to talk
private. She explained what happened. The conflict cause from temp lost and
cannot control her emotion.
Mitigation Strategies
Samatha has good performance in job function but require EQ improvement.
As a result, the manage organize the coaching program to her. The program
will train her how to deal with tough situation including giving the feedbacks to
her honestly.
Consulting of other team member.
Team has significant power to drive Samatha getting better on her EQ.
Everyone should understand why she behaved like that and give her the
opportunity to improve herself.
Contacting customer to solve problem
Samatha is asked to make a call to say apology to supplier including email.
Moreover, the manager will contact to the supplier either to explain on how the
company deal with her.
The employee who has poor performance will be record and then get the
warning. The supervisor will monitor the improvement closely. At the
beginning, they might be prohibited to contact with others in order to prevent
the repeatedly mistakes. Therefore, there is another person will be in charge
instead of his/her.
a. describe how you maintained an open communication process
between stakeholders (manager, team)
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BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

Communication and trust is the main source for creating a lasting relationship
between stakeholders. Through effective communications and building
trusting relationships, organizations should be committed to ensure that all
stakeholders are involved in shaping the decisions of organizations in a
meaningful manner. The commitment to actively build and maintain long-term
relationships with stakeholders is based on two fundamental guiding principles
– communication and trust.

These two principles shape the development of stakeholder relations

philosophy which includes: ENMAX Corporation (2012):
Encouraging stakeholder participation in the decision-making process
Providing timely information
Open, and honest communication
Listening to stakeholder concerns
Respecting diverse opinions
Seeking mutually beneficial solutions
Learning from each other

Moreover, stakeholder relationships that are unmanaged or mismanaged have

a number of less than favorable consequences for companies. These include
unnecessary expenses, and a lack of buy-in to processes and initiatives
aimed at transforming the company. However, stakeholder management is a
difficult undertaking for organizations because it requires investment and
commitment to a long term structured process. While there are a number of
efficient information management tools available through marketing, it is
important to start with the big picture – who are we going to be speaking to
and how?

Regardless of tactics though, the important part of this aspect of the process
is to understand and manage stakeholder expectations. The stakeholders
need to know when to expect communication and what sort of communication
to expect.

b. describe how you were able to initiate and maintain this

communication process so that input from outside the team could
contribute to team performance

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BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

For any internal communications program to be successful, corporate

communications managers need resources. To establish a meaningful
budget, organizations should evaluate and weigh the downsides of failing to
invest in employees’ ability to build stronger relationships with each other,
share concerns and constructive feedback, and discover information that
helps them be better at their jobs.

Here are a few things to think about:

 Recent costs of employee turnover

 Customer loyalty and retention, and the effectiveness of your
customer service team
 Employee engagement and morale, or lack thereof
 Missed opportunities, misunderstandings, and lost revenue because
of miscommunication
 Product or service quality and development

In addition, they should think honestly about the benefits and disadvantages
of using existing systems for such programs.

The wooden suggestion box on the wall or web form on the company
intranet you already have may not be enough. If people are not currently
using those for employee suggestions, then it will be tough to get them to
start, no matter how good your internal marketing plan is.

Investing in a new method for collecting and reviewing employee

suggestions not only makes the logistics easier, but it also sends a powerful
statement to employees–that you’re serious about hearing what they have
to say.

Often, successful internal communications campaigns provide long-term

returns that are orders of magnitude more than their cost.

When managers are tasked to demonstrate those results, here are three
ways they review the effectiveness and impact of internal communications:

 Analyze recent changes in productivity, sales, and profits

 Conduct surveys on employee happiness and job fulfillment
 Review latest staff retention rates

If the early results show promise, then management may be more

accommodating whenever communication specialists suggest additional
solutions that may further bolster the firm’s bottom line.

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BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

describe your evaluation of team performance and rationale behind corrective

actions in order to provide evidence of:
i. knowledge of group behaviour to build team cohesion
Establish a mission. The most important factor to determine before
selecting members is your team’s mission. Decide the goals of the group
and how you will accomplish those goals. Then select team members who
will contribute best to the mission.

Look for diversity. The most successful teams require diversity. Diverse
teams have access to many people with varying skills and experiences. A
diverse group will be able to pull from all these experiences in order to
achieve the mission.

Practice teamwork. Team-building exercises are the best way to see how
individual members will work together to accomplish a goal. Before your
team has to work on important tasks, see how they handle something
simple like an ice breaker. Who took the lead? Who worked well together?
Use what you observe and apply it to the real mission. Plus, your team
members will bond with each other in the process.

Utilize individual strengths. Determine the strengths of each team

member and assign them to specific tasks based on their strengths.
Delegating based on strengths is the best way for the group to accomplish
its goals. Be clear about what each member is responsible for and hold
them accountable.

Communicate effectively. A team cannot be cohesive if communication is

ineffective. Make sure to methods of communication are consistent. Clearly
explain the team’s instructions and goals. Make sure all messages are
constructed for the benefit of the team.

Give feedback. Throughout a project and after a project is complete, you

need to give your team feedback. This should be a combination of
individual feedback and for the team as a whole. Explain what worked well,
what didn’t, and the results of their project. Constructive feedback will make
for a more cohesive team during the next project.

Ask for feedback. Not only should you give your team feedback, but also
you should ask them to give it to you. Ask what they thought worked well
and not so well. Multiple opinions can really shine a light on flaws in the
process. Plus, your team members will feel like their opinion matters when
you take it in to account for next time.

Celebrate success. When your team successfully accomplishes the

mission you established at the beginning, it’s important to recognize them
for it. Make sure the group knows you appreciate their work and thank
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BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

ii. knowledge of how to support team members to achieve goals

through coaching, mentoring, training etc.
Teamwork is most effective whenever everyone involved works together
towards thecommon goal. It is important to support each other in
a team so that the team will be successful whenever it comes to reaching
its goals. In this regard, members support one another as they collaborate
and communicate freely together.

iii. knowledge of resolution techniques or strategies

Conflict happens. It is inevitable. It is going to happen whenever you have
people with different expectations. This makes conflict management critical,
whether avoiding arguments, disputes, lasting conflict or ultimately, litigation.
Conflict can be avoided if steps are taken early in a discussion to diffuse
anger and facilitate communication, and it can be resolved by applying a
series of thoughtfully applied steps. As a full-time mediator and trainer in the
fields of negotiation and conflict resolution, I see conflict in its final stages - full
blown litigation or on the verge of it in pre-litigation mode. What I have learned
in seeing these disputes for 10 years is that most of them could have been
resolved in the earliest stages if the people involved applied some of the skills
that mediators use to resolve conflict. And wouldn't it be great if companies
could resolve these disputes before each side spent hundreds of thousands in
litigation costs, before the employee was terminated or before the customer or
working relationship was gone forever? Here are some tools for avoiding and
resolving disputes in the early stages, before they become full-blown conflicts

c. describe corrective actions you have actually taken to ensure team

goal/s are achieved.

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BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

Connect Team With The Bigger Picture

The Corporate Leadership Council have repeatedly proven that two levers
have the biggest impact on individual employee performance:
1. Understanding the connection between work and the organisational
2. Being able to link the impact of the job to the companies success
You can start with helping your team by making sure they:
 Discover and understand how they fit into the organisation
 Know how their efforts impact the success of the organisation
 Understand where the team can contribute to the overall strategy goals
For example, a finance team lead can help their team double its revenue in
frontier markets by highlighting how accurate, reliable and ready available
information of the companies financial position will help the leadership make
better decisions on how much and where to invest to expand into new

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BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

Meet, Commit and Hold People Accountable

Accountability for actions gets the team to really deliver the targets. It’s
important to meet on a frequent basis to discuss progress. Some experts
suggest to meet daily, but my experience shows that this doesn’t work
for ‘busy bees’. Instead, meet every week for not more than 30 minutes to
discuss the teams progress on the activities.

Candidate: I declare that this work has been completed by me

honestly and with integrity and that I have been assessed in a
Signature: ___________________
fair and flexible manner. I understand that the Institute’s
Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Units of
Competency Guidelines apply to these assessment tasks. Date: ____/_____/_____

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Appendix 2 – Third-party report

Assessment 2 – Thirdparty report for candidate:

Did the candidate provide you with information from manager? Y

What was the information?

Candidate performance as KPIs.

Did the candidate help you to achieve goals by overcoming issue with Y
achieving activities on performance plan?

Describe how:

Frequently when performance management is mentioned, people think of

the employee performance appraisal or review. Performance management, however,
involves so much more. Properly constructed appraisals should represent a summary
of an ongoing, year-round dialogue. Focusing only on an annual appraisal form leads
to misunderstanding and under appreciation of the benefits of performance

An effective performance management process enables managers to evaluate and

measure individual performance and optimize productivity by:

 Aligning individual employee's day-to-day actions with strategic business

 Providing visibility and clarifying accountability related to performance
 Documenting individual performance to support compensation and career
planning decisions
 Establishing focus for skill development and learning activity choices
 Creating documentation for legal purposes, to support decisions and reduce

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Team member/observer’s name Signature/date

Candidate’s name Signature/date

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