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Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness


1. Review the simulated/pretend workplace/office information for Apparel Brands Pty

Ltd in Appendix 1.

2. Carry out all tasks contained in the individual performance plan you developed in
Assessment Task 1.

3. Consult with your team and assessor to determine a suitable time for your teamwork
to be seen in a team meeting.

4. Prepare for the team meeting:

a. Think back on your achievement of team goals: Which goals have you achieved?
Which goals have you not achieved?

b. Identify/find at least one task that you have come across and have not been
able to do and discuss with your team so they can assist in improving your

c. List other steps to sort out these issues – you may decide to running a
brainstorming 1 session, or creating an issues matrix2.

d. In meeting with team, develop a meeting agenda to ensure that all issues,
concerns and problems with carrying out performance plan activities are
addressed in the meeting in order to keep team on track to achieve goals. The
agenda should include opportunity for each team member to employ a process
for sorting of team issues. Provide the meeting agenda to participants (i.e. other
team members) and assessor.

e. Prepare to take notes on issues/tasks and solutions and any unclear issues.

5. Participate in the team meeting:

a. Present your achievement of team goals and issue/s encountered.

1Brainstorming is a group or individual discussion/meeting by which efforts are made to find a

decision for a problem by gathering a list of ideas provided in a meeting by its member(s).

Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

b. Provide feedback to team members to encourage and reward efforts and build
team cohesion/team structure (connectedness)

c. Ask questions and encourage team members to contribute/add to meeting.

d. Lead or play a prominent/leading role in a process to resolve/sort out team

issues. Ensure you clearly signal each step in the process and explain your
methods to make an effective team behavior/style to emulate/follow.

e. Identify job/work problems and propose solutions during problem solving team
issues to keep on track team efforts to achieve goals. If applicable, you may
suggest coaching, training etc.

f. Work and sort out any issues that can be resolved during the meeting with team

g. Record notes on issues and solutions and any unresolved/not sorted issues.
Note unresolved issues or improvements to group work that you will propose
later, after consultation with the manager (assessor).

6. Submit all documents to your assessor as per the specifications below. Ensure you
keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.


You must:

● participate in an observed (i.e in a meeting where you are seen by the assessor) team


● submit a meeting agenda

● submit meeting notes.

Your assessor will be looking for:

● your planning and organisational/structured skills to talk and develop individual

performance plans in a team environment

Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

● evidence/proof of knowledge of group dynamics3

● knowledge of strategies/plans for gaining consensus/team agreement

● knowledge of how to support team members to achieve goals through coaching,

mentoring (i.e advise or train somebody), training etc.

3Group dynamics is a set of behaviours and psychological processes that happen when a group of
people interact.
Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

Appendix 1: Apparel Brands Pty Ltd

Apparel Brands, founded in 1901, is an Australian-based manufacturer and distributor of

general clothing and footwear. The company takes orders from retailers and supplies
retailers with clothing products that have been manufactured to retailers’ specifications.
These clothing products are then sold to consumers/customers under the retailers’ various

Recently, Apparel Brands has found its market share in decline/drop due to a strong
Australian dollar and increased overseas competition. In addition, labour costs are eating
into profit margins. Trends in the Australian textile industry suggest that the company,
although it is in a strong financial position now, will struggle to make a profit within two

To ensure the continued existence of Apparel Brands, the company has embarked on a bold
new strategic direction/plan:

● develop own brands and product range and sell direct to consumers

● use e-commerce 4 opportunities to reduce distribution/selling costs and increase profit


Company vision: In the next five years, Apparel Brands will establish a range of
innovative/new and exciting online clothing brands and help secure a future for Australian
clothing manufacturing.

Scenario history (completed in Assessment Task 1)

Your team was charged with the task of identifying an e-commerce opportunity for Apparel
Brands and developing a proposal to put to the board of directors.

Your budget for setting up the e-commerce venture/project is $30,000.

For your proposed e-commerce venture/project, your team has determined the following:

● Value proposition: What will you offer consumers? What products? What price?
What quality? How will the products benefit (be good for) your customers?

4 Commercial/business deals done electronically on the Internet.

Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

Vertically integrated. Apparel Brands prides on its provocative designs, innovative

technology, and its fairly responsible environment. Created and manufactured in Australian.
The company adopts local culture and styles and makes them into fashionable, high quality
garments desired by the trendsetters.

● Who your target market is: What are the characteristics/style of the people who will
buy your products? What do they need or desire/want?

Target market: Women age between 19 – 30 years old who is fashionable, trendy, and
familiar with e-commerce.

● How you will gather necessary information for setting up the venture/operation-

1. Take time to brainstorm.

An idea is great, but we need to be able to give it legs. The job is to think about every aspect
of the business. Come up with answers to every question a stranger or potential investor
might ask.

2. Create a business plan.

The main parts of a business plan include the executive summary, a company description
(what makes the company unique), a market analysis (the competition and target
demographics), the company's structure, a description of the service or product line, the
marketing and sales strategy, financial projections -- plus any additional useful information.

3. Gather needed resources.

4. Launch marketing and brand-awareness campaigns.

Create a Facebook page, Twitter profile, Google+, and LinkedIn page for the business,
depending on the appropriate social media channel for the company. Ensure all web pages
have a cohesive feel and are updated regularly.

5. Tracking budget feedbacks from clients.

● Who you will consult or network (meet with other business professionals) with to
benefit from others’ expertise/skill?

The company will keep an eye on Foreevr21, H&M, and Zara in order to track the
competitive progress.
Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

● What steps you will need to take to set up the e-commerce venture/operation? This
will range/choice from website design, to ensuring a system for payment, to
establishing/setting up an online/internet presence through web search engines , etc.

1. Plan the business

We need a plan. Our planning process should include thorough market analysis, plans for
how we will fund product production, and a SWOT analysis to begin the planning process.

2. Create a business plan.

The main parts of a business plan include the executive summary, a company description
(what makes the company unique), a market analysis (the competition and target
demographics), the company's structure, a description of the service or product line, the
marketing and sales strategy, financial projections -- plus any additional useful information.

3. Register your domain name and set up your website

The e-Commerce site outside of a platform such as eBay or Etsy, we want to make sure our
chosen domain name is available and ready for use. Once we’ve secured it, the process of
setting up our business website begins. We can choose to outsource this to a professional, or
DIY it with our handy guide.

4. Make it legal

There are a few steps we have to take to make sure our business is legal.

● How you will determine/decide the benefit/good use to Apparel Brands: What is the
benefit? Reduced costs? Increased productivity?

To set up the e-commerce will increase the company’s sell revenue because the online tool is
easily for people to get into and make it easily for clients to buy company’s product.

● How you will determine cost?

When starting an online business selling products or services there are some costs which we
can expect before we make our first sale. The online store is a sales channel and acts like a
sales person for our business. Selling online can be very cost effective as there are less
human resource and infrastructure costs compared to a traditional "bricks and mortar"
business. But do not be fooled selling online is not free and our results will be directly
dependent on our investment, quality of service and products.
Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

You have completed individual performance plans to achieve the determination of the above

Assessment Task 2

Performance plans

Action1 Action2 Action3

Description Check the guest's How to setting the How to advertise

needs in e- e-commerce

Timeline 2 weeks 1weeks 1 weeks

23/03/2017- 23/03/2017 23/03/2017

06/04/2017 30/03/2017 30/03/2017

Responsibility Jacky Jason Mary

Resources Email, internet, Internet Internet


Review dates One month One month One month

23/04/2017 23/04/2017 23/04/2017

Measurement: KPI; I need to know Finish to setup the Use network

Outcome what's guests need e-commerce contacts to
in the e-commerce promote

Reflect on your achievement of team goals:

We have achieved make e-commerce have 3000 customers in after 3 months.

they can help you improve performance

Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

1) Organize & Prioritize

Create a daily schedule and follow it. Identify the top three or four critical projects that need
to be completed. Ensure your task list is manageable, adds value, and benefits your firm.

2) Stop Multitasking

Guilty as charged! In the past I’ve been a master multitasked, or so I thought. I could answer
a phone call, respond to an email, and dabble on a project simultaneously. I was satisfied
that I could work on several projects at once. In reality, the quality of my work was
compromised. Multitasking lowers IQ, lowers EQ (emotional intelligence), slows you down,
increases stress levels, and causes mistakes. Master unit asking instead.

3) Avoid Distractions

Did you know that focus is a fundamental quality of productive people? Our brains are wired
to work best when we focus on a single task. Practice staying focused and strive to complete
one task before diving into another.

4) Manage Interruptions

It’s easy to minimize or forget how many times we’re interrupted during the day.
Interruptions can come in all forms: co-workers, bosses, family, etc. Here’s a great trick to
manage your interruptions. Keep a stack of post it notes or index cards nearby. On the top of
each one, write down a person’s name who may interrupt you during the day. The next time
they stop in and ask, “Do you have a minute?” say yes, and also talk about the things you’ve
jotted down on your list for them. Imagine the time you would save if everyone interrupted
you once a day to discuss the three or four things they thought of, rather than three or four
times a day for one item.

5) Be a Great Finisher

Many of us are great starters but we fall short on finishing. Think about how many times
you’ve started something new: a project, a New Year’s resolution, or a letter and end up
adding it back on your to-do list. Keep a journal of completed projects and reflect on it to
demonstrate your contributions and accomplishments.

6) Set Milestones

The road to completing a big project may seem overwhelming. Don’t let that stop you from
taking time to celebrate interim achievement. Break large projects into blocks of mini-tasks
and set individual success metrics to keep your morale and energy levels high. Record your
progress, reward yourself, and share your progression with the team.
Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

When used during problem solving, brainstorming brings team members' diverse experience
into play. It increases the richness of ideas explored, which means that you can often find
better solutions to the problems that you face.

It can also help you get buy-in from team members for the solution chosen – after all, they're
likely to be more committed to an approach if they were involved in developing it. What's
more, because brainstorming is fun, it helps team members bond, as they solve problems in
a positive, rewarding environment.

While brainstorming can be effective, it's important to approach it with an open mind and a
spirit of non-judgment. If you don't do this, people "clam up," the number and quality of
ideas plummets, and morale can suffer.

Meeting agenda
Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

Agenda details:

Set up E-commerce for

Agenda detail 1: Target and goal for e-commerce

Agenda detail 2: Timeline and Budget for the project

Agenda detail 3: Responsibility and people who will take care the project’

Agenda detail 4: Tracking the results

An agenda is essentially a meeting plan that outlines what topics will be discussed and in
what order. This could be a formal outline, following Robert’s Rules of Order, including a call
to order and multiple steps to cover old and new business items. Or an agenda can be very
simple - one or two items with time allotted for discussion or voting. It all depends on the
meeting’s purpose and the needs of your business or team. An agenda for a staff or board
meeting may be very different from that for a conference or seminar, but the goals are the
same: to inform meeting participants about what topics will be covered and to allow for easy
facilitation of the meeting process.

Having a well-planned agenda doesn’t guarantee that a meeting will run smoothly, but if
problems do arise, the agenda can help members identify and address the problems and get
back on track. A clear agenda also makes it easier to record effective meeting minutes. The
simplest way to create a meeting agenda is to use a template that already has an outline
designed for you. To save you time, we’ve compiled a list of meeting agenda templates for
Microsoft Word that can be downloaded for free. Whether you distribute your agenda to
team members as a PDF or Word doc, share via the cloud, or attach it to a team project
sheet in Smartsheet, these free templates can help you reach your meeting objectives.
We’ve also included tips below on how to best use an agenda to run an effective meeting.

 prepare to take notes on issues and solutions and any unresolved issues

Meet with all of the people involved individually (as above). Based on your individual
meetings you will now have a clearer picture of the key issues, what each person considers
important and the common ground. These are the key ingredients to a successful mediation
– satisfying each person’s needs (and much as possible) and bringing the people together,
based on common ground.
Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

Arrange to meet with both (/all) people. Encourage each person to summarise their view,
uninterrupted. This is essential as often people involved in conflict do not feel heard.
Sometimes resolving workplace conflict is as easy as providing a forum for people to express
their views.

Pay careful attention to each person’s concerns. Sometimes people have shifted since your
first meeting with them. Do not bring up issues that they decide are not important at the
joint meeting. They may have changed their mind and this can create unnecessary conflict.
Listen really carefully to all the issues so that you can ensure that all the concerns raised are
addressed. Take notes if you and the people involved are comfortable with you doing so.

Summarize the key issues once you have heard from all the people concerned. Ensure that
you pay close and equal attention to everyone’s needs. Failing to do so may lead to others
feeling that you are biased towards one person or another.

Encourage the people involved to discuss options for resolution. Always try to get more than
three options on the table so you don’t just have their positions.

5.participate in the team meeting

Good teamwork doesn’t just happen. Conscious effort is needed to help groups of individuals
work together as a team. Teams can experience difficulties working together at times, but
this is a normal aspect of group or organizational life. Good team performance and positive
team relations need to be developed and maintained and certain features or ‘building
blocks’ enable teams to work together well. Before looking at these you might want to
reflect on your own experience of team work.

provide feedback to team members to encourage and reward efforts and build team

Communicate very well

 You will need to communicate well to:

 boost team morale
 deal with team conflict
 pass on messages from management
 facilitate group discussion
 mentor and coach your staff
 show leadership
Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

encourage team members to contribute to meeting:

Team members contribute more and work harder for any project if they feel a sense of
ownership in its success or failure. If they don't identify with the success of the project on a
personal level, you can expect them to offer the minimum of effort. To motivate your team
members to see the project as their own, communicate openly and honestly so they
understand just as much about the project as you do. Don't hold back information about
expected difficulties or any other aspect of the task. When problems or roadblocks arise
along the way, call on the whole team to help you solve the difficulty. Give them the
freedom to experiment with different solutions. If you try to control the project from the top
down, your team members may see the project as yours rather than theirs. Give them a
chance to display their talents and ideas, and they'll be motivated to make the project a

1. Define it.

Forge a consensus regarding our organization’s working definition of leadership.

There’s certainly real power in a common definition of leadership; there’s even more power
in a common leadership skill set.

2. Teach it.

Ensure everyone knows our leadership point of view and leaders have the skills required to

3. Practice it.

Create opportunities for leaders and emerging leaders to lead; stretch assignments prove
and improve leaders.

We discovered that for most people—leaders included—the natural tendency is to avoid

risk. So, when a new project would come along, the leader responsible would assign a
seasoned leader regardless of opportunity. It did not matter what was needed; our existing
leaders rarely gave an emerging or inexperienced leader a shot. This did nothing to help
young leaders grow and develop in a real-world setting.

This does not mean we always give the next opportunity to the emerging leader. Sometimes,
the seasoned leader is the right choice. However, because we recognize the power of The
Opportunity, we are consciously working to provide it more often.
Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

4. Measure it.

Track the progress of our leadership development efforts, adjusting strategies and tactics

A scorecard should answer at least four questions: What is most important now? Is our
performance improving or declining? What impact are our interventions having? And are we

5. Model it.

Walk the talk and lead by example—people always watch the leader.

e. When a team oversteps the mark of healthy difference of opinion, resolving conflict
requires respect and patience. The human experience of conflict involves our emotions,
perceptions, and actions; we experience it on all three levels, and we need to address all
three levels to resolve it. We must replace the negative experiences with positive ones.

The three-stage process below is a form of mediation process, which helps team members to
do this:

 Step 1: Prepare for Resolution

Acknowledge the conflict – The conflict has to be acknowledged before it can be managed
and resolved. The tendency is for people to ignore the first signs of conflict, perhaps as it
seems trivial, or is difficult to differentiate from the normal, healthy debate that teams can
thrive on. If you are concerned about the conflict in your team, discuss it with other
members. Once the team recognizes the issue, it can start the process of resolution.

Discuss the impact – As a team, discuss the impact the conflict is having on team dynamics
and performance.

Agree to a cooperative process – Everyone involved must agree to cooperate in to resolve

the conflict. This means putting the team first, and may involve setting aside your opinion or
ideas for the time being. If someone wants to win more than he or she wants to resolve the
conflict, you may find yourself at a stalemate.

Agree to communicate – The most important thing throughout the resolution process is for
everyone to keep communications open. The people involved need to talk about the issue
and discuss their strong feelings. Active listening Add to My Personal Learning Plan is
essential here, because to move on you need to really understand where the other person is
coming from.

 Step 2: Understand the Situation

Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

Once the team is ready to resolve the conflict, the next stage is to understand the situation,
and each team member's point of view. Take time to make sure that each person's position
is heard and understood. Remember that strong emotions are at work here so you have to
get through the emotion and reveal the true nature of the conflict. Do the following:

1. Clarify positions – Whatever the conflict or disagreement, it's important to clarify

people's positions. Whether there are obvious factions within the team who support
a particular option, approach or idea, or each team member holds their own unique
view, each position needs to be clearly identified and articulated by those involved.

This step alone can go a long way to resolve the conflict, as it helps the team see the facts
more objectively and with less emotion.

 Step 3: Reach Agreement

Now that all parties understand the others' positions, the team must decide what decision or
course of action to take. With the facts and assumptions considered, it's easier to see the
best of action and reach agreement Add to My Personal Learning Plan. If further analysis and
evaluation is required, agree what needs to be done, by when and by whom, and so plan to
reach agreement within a particular timescale. If appropriate, define which decision making
and evaluation tools are to be employed.

If such additional work is required, the agreement at this stage is to the approach itself:
Make sure the team is committed to work with the outcome of the proposed analysis and
Assessment Task 2 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

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