Definition Cause and Effect

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 Cause and effect is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the
other or others. This is a combination of action and reaction.

 A cause-effect relationship is a relationship in which one event (the cause) makes another
event happen (the effect). One cause can have several effects. For example, let's say you
were conducting an experiment using regular high school students with no athletic ability.
The purpose of our experiment is to see if becoming an all-star athlete would increase their
attractiveness and popularity ratings among other high school students.

 Cause = we can use several words, such as because, as, since, for. The words are followed
by complete sentences or clauses. The word ‘for’ is coordinating conjunction.

 Effect = we can use several words, such as so, therefore, as a result, consequently. The
word ‘so’ is coordinating conjuction, while ‘therefore’, ‘as a result’, ‘consequently’ are
conjuction adverbs


 She has lived in London for more than five years, so she can speak English well.
(Dia telah tinggal di London selama lebih dari lima tahun, oleh karena itu dia dapat
berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan baik.)

 I am late for class so I better be hurry.

(Saya sudah terlambat masuk kelas jadi saya lebih baik bergegas.)

 Deni have no time to fetch you from school so you should take a cab home.
(Deni tidak punya waktu untuk menjemputmu dari sekolah jadi kamu lebih baik naik taksi

 It is going to be raining soon so I better bring an umbrella.

(Kelihatannya sudah akan hujan sehingga saya lebih baik membawa sebuah payung.)

 He didn’t come last night, for he fell asleep.

(Dia tidak datang semalam, karena dia tertidur.)

 For buying those well-known breads, I have been waiting in line for 2 hours.
(Demi membeli roti-roti yang terkenal itu, saya telah terus mengantri selama 2 jam.)

 Ria cannot attend my wedding party for she needs to accompany her father in hospital.
(Ria tidak bisa menghadiri pesta pernikahan saya karena dia harus menemani ayahnya di
rumah sakit.)

 I will move to Irlandia starting next week for I get a new job there.
(Saya akan pindah ke Irlandia mulai minggu depan karena saya mendapatkan pekerjaan
baru di sana.)

Pola 1

Subject + Verb + So + Adjective/Adverb + That +Subject + Verb


 Rinaldi runs so hurry that he hit the tree

(Rinaldi berlari terlalu kencang sehingga dia (laki-laki) menabrak pohon itu)

 The teacher speaks so loudly that the students can not understand what he said
(Guru itu berbicara dengan terlalu keras sehingga murid-murd tidak bisa mnegrti apa
yang dia (laki-laki) katakana)

Pola 2

Subject + Verb + so + Many/few + Plural countable noun + that + subject + verb


 Huda buys many apples that we can eat as many as possible

(Tuan Huda membeli banyak buah apel sehingga kita bisa makan sebanyak mungkin)

 I make many kites that the room is messy

(Aku membuat banyak laying-layang sehingga ruangannya kotor)

 Tika threw many glasses that they are broken

(Tika melempar banyak gelas sehingga semua pecah)

Pola ke 3

Subject + Verb + So +Much/Little + Uncountable Noun + That + Subject + Verb


 Kirana ate so little rice that she had a stomachache

(Kirana makan begitu sedikit nasi sehingga dia (perempuan) sakit perut)

 Yanti’s home looks so much grass in front that it looks like a dirty home
(Rumah Yanti terlihat banyak rerumputan didepannya sehingga itu terlihat seperti sebuah
rumah kotor)

 Maya has given much salt in her food that it feels salty
(Maya sudah memberikan banyak garam sehingga masakannya keasinan)

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