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The worldwide popularity of Basketball is due to its physical and educational

values as well as to its tremendous dynamics. In Basketball, the special feature of the
concept of play and of rules makes high demands on sportsmen. Basketball commands an
eminent place within the social system of physical education and sports.

Because of its versatility it is often played and included in the extended training
programme of many other sports. It is also a part of the Physical Education Curriculum.
Basketball helps to develop speed, dexterity, strength, endurance and reaction ability. As
a team game it is an important means of developing moral qualities, will power, etc. In
almost no other game is the action of the individual so close to collective thinking and



The basic principles, which Dr. James Nai Smith kept in mind to invent the
Basketball game, are as follows.

1. Tackling should be avoided and not to run with the ball.

2. Ball should be bigger in size (association football)
3. Goal should be horizontal and elevated from the ground.


1. l. The game should be played with the round ball; it should be large, light and
easy to handle with the hands.
2. Traveling or running with the ball is not allowed
3. Any player at any time can take any position on the court.
4. There should not be any personal contact between players.
5. Goal used should be horizontal and elevated above the court.
Besides the above-mentioned principles, following points should be kept in mind
while changing or framing rules.

1. Spectator interest.
2. Safety measures.
3. Fundamental principles.


Thirteen (13) original rules framed by Dr. James Nai Smith in January 15, 1892 are
as follows.

1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.
2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands (never with the
3. A player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw it from the spot on
which he catches ig allowance to be made for-a man who catches the ball when
running at a good speed if he tries to stop.
4. The ball must be held in or between the hands. The arms or body must not be
used for holding it.
5. No shouldering, holding, pushing or tripping or striking in any way the person
of an opponent shall be allowed; the first infringement of this rule by any player
shall be called as foul, the second shall disqualify to injure the person for the
whole of the game, no substitute will be allowed.
6. A foul is striking at the ball with the fist, violation of rules 3 and 4 such as
described in rule 5.
7. If either side makes 3 consecutive fouls, it shall count a goal for the opponent
(consecutive means without the opponents in the mean time making a foul.
8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from the grounds into
the basket and stays there, providing those defending the goal do not touch or
disturb the goal. If the ball rests on the edges and the opponent moves the
basket, it shall count as goal.
9. When the ball goes out of bounds the person first touching it shall throw it into
the field of play. In case of dispute the umpire shall call a foul on that side.
10.The umpire shall be judge of the men and shall note the fouls and notify the
referee when three consecutive fouls have been made. He shall have power to
disqualify men according to rule 5.
11.The referee shall be judge of the ball and shall decide when the ball is in play, in
bounds, and to which side it belongs, and shall keep time, He shall decide when
a goal has been made and keep account of the goals, with any other duties that
are usually performed by a referee.
12.The time shall be 2 fifteen minutes halves with 5 minutes of rest in between.
13.The side making the most goals in that time shall be declared the winner. In case
of a draw, the game may, by agreement of the captains; be continued until
another goal is made.


From 1891 - 1991

A list of some of the changes and modifications made in basketball rules since

1891 follows, showing how the game changed through the years.

1893 - Three points for a goal and I for each foul called; pivoting allowed; two 20-
minute halves, 5-man team suggested; center jump initiated.

1895 - Free throw line put on court at 15 feet; double foul defined; backboard
introduced; time-out allowed for sickness or accident; 3-man officiating plan adopted.

1904 - Wood backboards adopted; ball out-of-bounds goes to the opponents.

1905 - Basic out-of-bounds and throw-in rules adopted; blocking prohibited.

1908 - Double dribble prohibited.

1909 - Glass Backboards legalized; player could advance with I foot without traveling.

l9l0 - Player with 4 fouls disqualified.

1911 - Two-shot foul adopted; 2-handed dribble eliminated.

l92l - Captain could call time-out only when his team had possession.

1923 - The player fouled must shoot the free throw.

1825 -Players on the same team could not wear duplicate numbers; 3-minute overtime
for high school play.

1932 - Ten second backcourt rule adopted; front and back numbering on uniform; free
throw lane space marking adopted.

1937 - Jump ball after each goal was eliminated; only 2 overtime periods are provided
for high school play; all jump balls must occur at least 6 feet inside a sideline; 5 time-
outs allowed in high school play; player prohibited from touching the ball or basket
while the ball is directly above the basket.

1938 - "Sudden death" to decide tie games in first overtime for high school play.

1940 - Recommended players be numbered from (3) upward; fan-shaped backboard

legalized; recommend home team wear light-colored suits.

1942 - The referee to toss the ball to start the game, technical foul free throws may not
be waived.

1944 - Five fouls permitted prior to disqualification; player permitted to re -enter any
number of times; double free throw violation results in jump ball; basics of goal
tending rule adopted.

1946 -Legahzed transparent backboards; if a player stops with neither foot in

advance,' he can pivot on either foot; clock starts when the ball is tossed on jump or
crosses line on a throw-in.

1947 -Rectangular target required on backboard; clock stopped for each dead ball in
last 3 minutes of the 4th period.

1948 - Recommended that player who fouls should hold his hand above his head.

1949 - All periods started with a center jump, waiving of free throw not allowed in last
part of the game.

1950 - Modeled ball mandatory; clock is stopped for alljumps; substitute may enter
only when the ball is dead and the clock is stopped; no offrcial's time-outs in the 2nd
and 4th quarter; all specific rules for the last 2 minutes of the 2nd half were removed;
fouled player must raise hand above head.

1952 - Two free throws for no shooting foul in the last 3 minutes of the game and
overtime; 2 free throws for any intentional foul.

1954 - Bonus penalty for common fouls, except last 3 minute overtime periods; time-
out may be requested when the ball is dead or in control of a player of the requesting
team; minimum court dimensions deleted; attention called to dribbler's responsibility
for avoiding contact.

1956 - Offensive goal tending adopted; no hanging on the ring.

1957 - Twelve-foot lane mandatory; ball color must be tan or yellow; starters must be
designated at least 3 minutes before the game, the single numbers I and2or a number
greater then 5 are illegal; numbers must be I single contrasting color.

l96l - "sudden death" overtime eliminated, 3 minute overtime periods; no free throw
for a player control foul; coach can instruct or signal players to call a time out;
substitutes no longer have to report by position

1967 - Mid court lines established; S-second count for holding and /or dribbling in the
mid court while closely guarded result in jump ball; players benches required on side
of scorers' and timers' table; dunking illegal.

1970 - No dunking during warm-ups

l97l - National Federation published a rulebook for girls'competition; offrcial book to

remain at the table during halftime; S-second closely guarded count in forecourt;
thrower may not leave the circle until restrictions end.

1973 - Solid colored shirts mandatory; padding on bottom of the backboard is

mandatory; piping around neck and arm opening limited to 1-inch; head decorations

lg76 - Player may dunk except before the game or during intermission; bench technical
are 2 shots.

1983 - Two time-outs per half non accumulative; consecutive time-outs by the same
team are prohibited; placing a hand on the backboard to gain an advantage is a
technical foul bench technical are also charged to the head coach.
1985 - A I -inch smaller and 2-ounce lighter ball adopted for high school girls which
will become mandatory in 1988-89;each state may adopt scoring 3:Fojn-ts fo,11.goal
from beyond a l9-foot arc; adopted the "alternating possession" throw in for all jump
or held ball situations except the start of the game and each extra period; coaches must
remain seated while the clock is running or stopped except for limited specific
situations fouled player may grasp the basket to prevent injury

1991 - Three free throws to shooter attempting three-point shot.


1-Basic Stance

Player basic stance with ball or without ball is an important body position on
which whole body balance is maintained. Basic stance is little different from one
player to another as it depends upon the comfortable and most effective body position
from where a player can move, stop, jump and change direction easily. The main
mechanics of player basic stance is:

 Stand in a comfortable position feet apart with hip and shoulder width.
 One foot little ahead to make fore - after position.
 Ankle, knees and hip joint are fixed.
 Weight should be equally distributed on both the feet.
 Slightly bend forward Jo keep the c. g. ahead of the body to make the movement
 easy.

2- Ball Handling Exercises

Ball handling or ball juggling exercises are specially designed to develop the ball
sense as well as ball hand coordination.
3- Passing And Receiving

There are two important factors to transfer of possession of the ball from one
player to another player of his team is called passing and receiving that is why the
basketball is exactly called the transfer of the ball from one player to another player in
order to be nearer to the scoring basket and make the basket more sure. As the passing
has got the responsibility even receiver too has specific duties.

4- Dribbling

This is one of the important fundamentals of basketball game. Dribbling is made

when a player gains control of the ball, gives impetus to it by and player to touches it
again before it touches another player.

In a dribble the ball must come in contact with the floor, except that one dribble
may be made. But after the air dribble, player can not passes the ball; it becomes
violation or double dribble. He cannot dribble it again, once the ball comes in rest
either hands or both hands.

Player should not make second dribble after having completed a dribble, unless
the ball, when it is out of his control has touched another player or the opponent
basket or backboard or batted out of his control by an opponent.

5- Shooting

Shooting fundamentals are elaborated as below

1 Relaxation of body as a whole.

2 Confidence

3 Concentration

4 Good temperament

5 Naturalness
6 Physical condition

7 Good balance

8 Finger tips

9 Wrist action

l0 Ball position

I I Near ring target

12 Medium target

13 Natural English

14 Follow through

l5 Follow up

l6 Strong shooting

This one hand variety of shots are used commonly in the game because of its
nature it should have the highest percentage of conversions of all shots. It is a
basketball sign to miss short shot.


l. The hand and wrist movement.

2. The arm movement.

3. The foot position on stationary shot.

6- Rebounding

Rebounding is one of the main elements in fundamental skills of Basketball. It is

nothing but the recovery of reiterative method of ball from the board either in
defensive or offensive position. The teams with more number of rebounds can easily
score more points than the weaker rebounding team. It is not sure that each and every
ball enters into the basket at each trial so that offensive team is good in rebound can
add 6 points at a time, where as defensive team can reduce it by 3 points.

Specific qualities required for a good rebounding are leg strength, muscle fiber
cross rebound arrangement, explosive strength, arm and shoulder power strength,
good leap timing, good mobility on joints, stability equilibrium and sense of
adjustment in the air with fall. Ball protection and landing on the floor etc.

7-Individual Defense

Basketball is mainly associated with two types of techniques or tactics called as

offensive and defensive. The player is a great one who is good and sound and has
fundamentals in defense as well as offense. As a team of basketball, defensive tactics
starts from an individual to combine them to team defense. All individuals together
collect the defense towards the group is called as team collective defense.

8- Foot Work

Basketball is the game where skill starts with or without the ball in hand
therefore it is necessary that player must have control over his or her own body. It
always varies from coach to coach that someone starts with shooting and others start
with dribbling first. Now it is necessary to know that why we practice footwork
because we know that without the effective footwork we can not perform the
dribbling, passing, shooting, rebounding and defensive skill effectively. As it is quite
obvious that the basketball game is quite faster and requires sudden stop, turn, change
of direction and some times stops and jumps for shooting. The ability of the player to
use the proper footwork will be of great importance to execute the other fundamentals
of the game.

To be a top-flight ball handler (which is key to being a great point guard) one
must be able to survey the floor while handling the ball. The ball-handler cannot afford
to be concerned with whether he/she is going to be able to control the ball at high
speeds especially while running a break. Everyone on the team relies on the ball-
handler to get the ball down the floor and be the catalyst toward making something
happen for the team.

A classic rule of life applies here: If you can handle two of something, then mastering
one thing will be much easier. In other words, if you can handle two balls at high
speeds while keeping your eyes looking ahead, handling one will be a piece of cake

DRILL-Stand at one end of the court. Hold one basketball in each hand. Begin to walk
forward toward the opposite baseline, bouncing the ball in your right hand first. In the
fraction of a second after the ball in your right hand has hit the floor, bounce the left

In the fraction of a second after the left ball hits the floor, bounce the right ball.
Continue in this fashion down the court. As you begin to feel more comfortable doing
the drill, start to pick up your pace. Ideally, you will eventually be able to sprint down
the floor, bouncing both balls with equal skill. Don't underestimate the importance of
this ball handling tip! It sounds simple, and it is, so make sure to master ball handling
and you're on your way to a great basketball career!


Description :-Get very good with your weak hand.

Instructions :-Play for I week with your weak hand and you will improve greatly.

Players :-1

Tips :-Don't cheat

Skills :-Weak hand developer


Description :-Develops focus and great ball handling skills.

Instructions :-Get two basketballs, one in each hand and dribble at the same

Players :-l

Tips :-Look up! Never look at the balls or you will never get better at
dribbling and your ball handling skills. Push your self harder and harder.

Variations :-You may also dribble down court and back as many times you
want until you get used to both hands. Also, use a defender to make harder.

Skills :-Ball handling


Description :-Stand up against a wall and dribble very fast against the wall. It
will develop your ball handling.

Players :-1

Tips :-Dribble close to the wall, not far away.

Skills :-Dribbling and ball handling

Description :-Take two balls and dribble

Instructions :-Take Two balls and hold in each hand run down court and do
alternate dribbling

Players :-1 or more.

Variations :-Then dribble at same time.

5. 360 SPIN
Description : - You run down court and when approaching a defender, you use
your good hand and spin around keeping the ball in front of you dribbling once while

Instructions : - Depending on what hand you are (right or left) dribble down
the court with that hand. When you come up to a defender, keep ball in same hand, and
spin clockwise if right-handed and counter-clockwise if left. Dribble once while turning
and remember, do not put your hand on the bottom.

Players : - You only need yourself to do it

Tips : - Patience, this move takes practice. Show the player the move
slow and step by step

Description :- you bounce the ball between both of your legs then through your
opponents to trick them out. This always works with me but you need to practice it a

Instructions :-First you need one guy on offence and one guy on defense. All right first
you dribble up so you at least have a 4-foot gap between you and your opponent. Then
you should have the ball in your dominant hand. So what you do is put spin on the ball
so it goes through both of your legs on one bounce. So first you would d-o a regular
between the legs move with spin on the ball then when the ball comes back just step
over it so it goes between the other leg. Then just push the ball through your
opponent's legs. As easy as that.

Player :-2

Variations :-Just practice.


Description :-Ball handling drill

Instructions :-Take two dribbles to the right crossover two dribbles to the right
crossover keep going

Players :-1

Variations :-Do different moves like a spin or behind the back

Skills :-Handles

Description :-A good drill to improve fingertip strength and ball handling.

Instructions :-Put both of your arms straight up in the air and lock them so they don't
bend. Then tap the ball back and forth with your fingertips. Do this for about 2 and a
half minutes

Players :-1

Tips :-Try to keep going even if it bums

Skills :-Ball handling and fingertip strength

Description:-Making a triangle while bouncing and passing in front of you. Very hard
for non-ball handlers.

Instructions:-Have one basketball in each hand at chest level. Bounce one ball
sideways to the opposite hand while passing the other ball to the opposite hand.
Example: Right hand bounces the ball in front of them (sideways) to the left hand
while the left hand passes it to the right hand. Should make a triangle.

Players :-1

Tips :-Make sure the balls have about the same air pressure.

Variations :-If it is too hard, then just use one ball and slowly incorporate the other.

Description :-All you need to do is take two tennis balls and a really big wall. And

that's it!

Instructions:-What your going to do is bounce one tennis ball with one hand and
bounce it off the wall and you are going to catch it. Sounds simple right? But at the
same time you're going to bounce the other tennis ball with the other hand. And you
keep rotating. And you do this for about a half hour every day.

Players :-1

Tips :-Don’t give up. It will be hard at first but eventually (If your doing it
enough) you'll get the hang of it.


Description :-A good fake out and crossover in one... it can give you a step or two.

Instructions:-With the left or right hand... Dribble the ball in and out like a half
crossover and then once it's out come out with a quick smooth crossover.

Players :-1-2

Tips :-Practice with both hands and do it at your pace and then move forward
with a faster pace.

Skills :-Ball handling and explosiveness


Description :-A great technique for people trying to team to dribble... I know from

Instructions:-With left or right hand.. Dribble the ball in like a half cross over and then
out again... In and out.

Players :-1

Tips :-Do this at your own pace... Start slow and as you progress it gets easier
and easier.

Variations :-Left or right hand.

Skills :-Ball handling...


Instructions :-Try to get the ball around your body 40 times in 30 seconds.

Players :-l

Tips :-Helps players become better players.

Variations :-Rotate which way you go every ten seconds.

Skills :-Dribbling all around your body


Description :-As fast as you can dribble the ball in between your legs while your going
down the court

Instructions:-Dribble the ball in between your legs going down the court.

Players :-l

Tips :-Go as fast as you can do the drill correctly.

Skills :-Coordination, ball handling


Description :-A great way to split a double team on a drive.

Instructions:-Have the ball handler make a drive into a big man on the strong side.
Then, have a weak side defender come and swat at the ball. once the weak side
defender does that, hold the ball in both hands and hold it above your head and finish
with a lay-up or dunk.

Players :-3-10

Tips :-Learn to hold the ball firmly.

Variations :-Flip sides, use as a practice drill or game move.

Skills :-Ball handling smoothness and an easier behind the back dribble.

Description :-Hard, but works very well.

Instructions:-Have one person defend. Start with the ball in one hand. Once the
defender moves his feet, crossover. Repeat until defender's feet cross.

Players :-2

Tips :-To practice it, have the defender only get in the way, not try to steal it.

Variations :-Do it as fast as you can.

Skills :-Using both hands, crossing over quickly.


Description :-This move is for more advanced players but if mastered the player can
get by any defender.

Instructions:-Take one dribble with either hand with that same hand the player flips
the ball behind their back and between their leg all in one swift smooth motion.

Players :-l
Variations :-switching hands and performing the drill from one end of the court to
the other.

Skills :-The skill that is used is being able to go anywhere on the court and


Instructions:-Put ball in I hand and cross over to other hand as hard and as fast as you
can do for several minutes(try to keep control of ball)

Skills :-Will give you a quicker crossover

21. 33 Z'S
Description :-You stand up with your hands at your sides. You have someone place the
ball on your lower neck upper back and whenever he/she wants they let go of the ball.
you then as fast as you can clap in front and try to grip the ball before it hits the

Players :-2 or more (must need a even number)

Tips :-This is a great drill to do. This drill will help your players to improve
their quickness and speed with their hands. It was one done by Pistol Pete.

Skills :-This is to work on speed and quickness


Description :-Kids in a square, trying to steal each others basketballs-

Instructions :-Put 4 tubs (or small baskets) in a square. Tubs at the corners. Put
two balls in each tub and have a player stand at each tub. Put cones on the outsides of
the tubs about 10 feet away, in the middle of each tub to make a bigger square that's at
a 45- degree tilt from the tub square. When coach says go, the players have to go to
another player's tub and take a ball and then dribble it on the outside of the cones
square until they can get to their tub. If they go to their direct neighbor's tub, they just
have one cone to dribble around the diagonal player would be two cones. The object is
to collect as many balls as possible. Go for about a minute or minute and a half. Winner
has the most balls and stays in while the players on the sideline jump in

Players :-4

Tips :-Make sure they are dribbling with the outside hand as they
dribble around the cones. Keeping them selves in-between the cone and the ball.

For the second variation with the defensive players, make sure dribblers stay
close and not dribble so far out.

Variations :-Loose the bigger cone square for younger players so they don\t have to
dribble to the outside after they steal the ball.

For older kids, put defensive players at the cones and have them restricted to staying
at the cones but as players dribble by, they can try to knock the ball away.

Skills :-Quickness, dribbling and conditioning.


Instructions:-Hold the ball at chest height with both hands. You then bounce the ball
between your legs. Move both hands from front to back, catching the ball behind your
back. Attempt to slam the ball through your legs as hard as you can.
Players :-l

Variations :-Instead of catching the ball behind the back, rotate the hands above
your head and catch the ball on the back of your neck.

Skills :-Coordination, quickness


Description :-Very good ball handling drill!

Instructions:-Start at one end of the court with ball in either hand. Run down the
court throwing the ball under the legs! If you drop the ball while running up and down
the court you are out the last player still performing the drill is named the Champion!

Players :-1 or more

Tips :-Make the losers run sprints and give the winner a water break!

Variations :-Run backwards!

Skills :-Ball handling/Speed/Endurance/Hand-Eye Coordination


Description :-Control your ball and go for the steal to win.

Instructions:-Every player has a ball and everyone is confined to the inside of the 3
point arc. Each player dribbles their ball and simultaneously tries to knock other
player's balls out of the arc. Last person with control of their ball wins. It teaches ball
control, shielding, and fast hands.

Success at any level of basketball relies on the effective execution of fundamental. Size,
strength and pure natural ability can take a player only so far. The greatest players,
like former NBA stars Michael Jordan, Larry Bird and Magic Johnson. are those who
master the basics. It's as common to the success of an individual player as teamwork is
to the success of a team.

One of most basic building blocks in a player's development is ball handling, or

dribbling. For smaller player's, dribbling skills are essential to move around bigger
players, ball handling skills can be the difference between becoming a very good
player and an excellent one.

Having effective ball handlers is also a key for any team offense. Solid ball handlers are
needed to run the fast brake, set up the offense and avoid the defense. In other words,
whether big or small, fast or slow, every player must develop ball-handling skills.

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