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There was once a very thirsty water drop.

I know it doesn’t make sense, and yet it is true.
This water drop wanted to quench a very thirsty person’s thirst.
It was a wish so great that the drop grew rounder and rounder.
Until it fell on a tree canopy, and it gently slipped from branch to branch, like a happy tear.
Until it reached a leaf standing over a bird nest.
“To fall or not to fall, that is the question”, wondered the water drop.
Suddenly, an eggshell cracked, and a little bird opened its peak, full of thirst.
“It’s definitely time to fall”, decided the water drop.
An so it slid from the tree leaf right into the little bird’s open throat.
The bird cheeped, grateful.
I was actually told this story by the bird, many year later.

António Torrado

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