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Education Topics

 Ability grouping  Merit pay for teachers

 Adaptive physical  Multiculturalism
education  Multiple intelligences
 Bilingual education  No Child Left Behind
 Blended learning  Online education
 Boarding schools  Outcomes-based
 Bussing education
 Career counseling  Parental involvement
 Charter schools  Peer counseling
 Class size  Plagiarism
 Collaborative learning  Race to the Top
 Common Core  Retention policies
 Community immersion  School choice
 Computer literacy  School schedule
 Computer-assisted reform
instruction  School to work
 Discipline programs
 DREAM Act  Sex education
 Dual enrollment  Standardized testing
programs  STEAM vs STEM
 Early childhood  Teacher unions
education  Technology
 Flipped classroom integration
 Gender-segregated  Violence in schools
education  Virtual classrooms
 Home schooling  Whole brain teaching
 Information literacy  Uniforms
 Kalamazoo Promise  Zero tolerance policy
 Learning styles

Social Work Topics

 Addiction  Mental illness
 Affordable Care Act  Mentoring program
 Autistic Spectrum  Resilience
Disorder  Restorative community
 Early intervention programs
programs  Substance abuse
 Elder abuse  Suicide prevention
 Foster homes  Veterans
 Grief counseling  Welfare reform
 Human trafficking  "Welfare queen"
 Informal economy stereotype
 Interracial adoption
 Juvenile justice
 LGBT youth

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