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Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri Selangor,

Tingkat 2, Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah,
40503 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.

No. Telefon Am SUK: (6)03-55447000

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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts
Kerajaan Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan

w w w . s e l a n g o r . g o v . m y
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Foreword by Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor

Foreword by Economic Advisor to Selangor
Selangor Executive Council (Exco) Members
Selangor Statistics
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1. Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor

2. Economic Stimulus Package

3. Transparent and Accountable Government

4. State Finances

5. Trade, Industry and Investment

6. Tourism

7. Islamic Affairs and Malay Customs

8. Non-Muslim Affairs

9. Local Government

10. Poverty Eradication and Caring Government

11. Environment

12. Consumer Affairs and Orang Asli

13. Land

14. Gender and Women’s Issues

15. Youth Issues

16. Entrepreneurial Development

17. Science, Technology and Innovation

18. Holistic Development

19. Education

20. Culture

21. Agriculture

22. Plantation Workers

23. Housing

24. New Villages and Illegal Factories

25. Healthcare
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Foreword by
Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Abdul Khalid bin Ibrahim,
Dato’ Menteri Besar Selangor

It has been two years since Pakatan Rakyat was sworn in as the Selangor State Government. The
past two years have been rewarding as we have introduced new policies and programmes ranging
from the Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) programme and the Economic Stimulus Package to
measures ensuring greater transparency and public accountability. Administrative reform is not
often easy but I am proud to assure our rakyat in Selangor that indeed we are well on our way to
becoming a more efficient and effective state government.

“Governing Selangor: Policies, Programmes and Facts” is a collation of more than 20 policy
factsheets that captures the many key achievements of the Selangor government over the last
two years. Every portfolio as carried by each of our Selangor Executive Council members has been
detailed in a concise fashion for our readers. It provides an easy snapshot of highlighted policies
and programmes we have initiated. I welcome you to examine these achievements with us.

I would like to thank every member of the Selangor State Government for all their hard work over
the past two years in contributing to our success to date. I am grateful for the encouragement and
close co-operation that we have managed to establish. Although there may be moments of
disagreement, I am humbled by the ability of all parts of the bureaucracy to make a strong
commitment to working together ultimately for the benefit of the rakyat. I also thank members of
the business community, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in civil society, trade
commissions, departments and agencies, community organisations, and the media – all as
stakeholders in society without whose valuable contributions through consultations the Selangor
government would not run as smoothly.

Selangor continues to be the most vibrant state in Malaysia, the urban centre that contributes
more than 20 percent to the national economy. A thriving economy and business hub; sustainable
development; a caring society; a green, clean and safe environment to live in, and an educated
and critical thinking people; equal opportunities for all alike; a culture of meritocracy and
excellence; are all aspirations of the Selangor government.

We envision a society that is engaged with the state government, as we believe all people have
the right and responsibility to contribute to nation-building. We envision a better quality of life for
our people in all aspects, and as such all our programmes are crafted toward that end in mind.

I am confident that with the successful implementation of such fresh policy initiatives and
programmes, Selangor will continue to be the pride and joy of the nation at large. I invite you
to join us in this exciting journey ahead, 2010 and beyond.

Thank You for your support.

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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Foreword by
Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim,
Economic Advisor to the Selangor State Government

On behalf of Pakatan Rakyat, I would like to thank the people of Selangor for the mandate and
trust given to Pakatan Rakyat. This trust vested in us, we accept with humility.

The responsibility to govern a state as complicated and diverse as Selangor is far more challenging
than to be elected in the first place. Fortunately, the state leadership and wakil rakyats have shown
commendable focus to go through the steep learning curve to do justice to the trust given by the

The State Government, under the leadership of Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, has
remained true to the very foundation that had brought PKR, PAS and DAP together in Pakatan
Rakyat – that is to put the people as the utmost priority. This was translated into a comprehensive
pro-people programs under the banner of ‘Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor’ (MES) that have
touched the lives of so many people in ways that had not been done before.

As at 31 December 2009, the total funds that have been distributed and returned to the
people by the State Government through MES is RM248 million. There are about 1.5 million people
in Selangor who benefitted directly through the Free Water Scheme while funds have been
provided to help senior citizens, new parents and students who are qualified to receive funding
assistance from the State Government. At the same time, the state economy continues to grow
and attract investments; enabling such pro-people programs to be continued in the future.

I have no doubt that the State Government will continue to improve and serve the people better.
This success is especially due to the civil servants; without whose support Pakatan Rakyat would not
have been able to implement the programs smoothly.

With the combined efforts and focus shown by everyone thus far, Selangor will remain a model
state where economic progress goes hand in hand with people’s welfare.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts


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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Land, State Finances, State Economic Action Council, Youth Healthcare, Plantation Workers, Povery Eradication and
and Sports Caring Government.


Trade, Industry and Investment Education, Higher Education, Holistic Development


Islamic Affairs, Malay Customs, Infrastructure, Public Facilities Housing, Building Management and Squatters


Modernisation of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Local Government, Research and Development
Entrepreneurial Development
YB RODZIAH BINTI ISMAIL Tourism, Consumer Affairs and Environment
Welfare, Women’s Issues, Science, Technology and
New Villages and Illegal Factories
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts



Vital Statistics - Selangor 2001-2008

Jadu al 1.0 : PERANGKAAN PENTING NEGERI SELANGOR 2001-2008 samb.

Vital Statistics - Selangor 2001-2008 cont.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts


Vital Statistics - Selangor 2001-2008 cont.

Jadual 3.2 : JANGKAHAYAT PENDUDUK (Tahun) 2001 – 2007

Population Lifespan (Year ) 2001-2007
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts


In Selangor, we believe that our State’s resources belong to its people – and we have pledged to
return the wealth of the State to its true owners of the economy. Thus, through the Merakyatkan
Ekonomi Selangor, or Selangor’s People-Based Economy programme launched in the very first year
of Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor, the people are able to reap the benefits of a healthy and robust
economy. The MES programme is also based on the philosophy that every Selangor resident should
feel they belong to the state.

Key Achievements
The MES programme is a series of welfare-based packages that have been rolled out phase by phase since 2008. It started
with Phase I with seven programmes. This was followed by Phase II which began in 2009. Phases III, IV and V are expected to
be implemented from 2010 onwards in a systematic manner. The Selangor government expects to continue brainstorming
new policies and programmes that will benefit its residents. For more information, go to


1. Free water supplies for the first 20 cubic meters

• Objective: to alleviate financial burden of the people.
• 1.5 million individual meter users in Selangor have benefitted from this initiative.
• RM 166.7 million spent since its inception.

2. Program to increase rock and mineral revenue

• Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd established to focus on managing sand mining in Selangor
• New approaches to rock and mineral extraction adopted.
• Profits from sand royalty in 2009: RM 4.68 million.
• Revenue obtained is redistributed to the people via welfare programmes.
• Please visit for more information.

3. Rewards for children enrolling in university (Yayasan Warisan Anak Selangor, YAWAS)
• RM 1000 award given to Selangor-born students enrolling in university.
• Reserved for those with family incomes below RM 1500.
• 7339 students have benefitted from the initiative.

4. Tabung Warisan Anak Selangor (TAWAS)

• Insurance coverage for Selangor-born babies up till the age of 18.
• Policy starts with an initial fund of RM100 that is later invested.
• All will receive RM1500 upon turning 18 years of age.
• 19,210 babies have been registered for the scheme.
• 15,802 applicants have been approved
• A sum of RM1,342,400 has been paid to participating banks
• Please visit for more information

5. Friendly Scheme for Senior Citizens (Skim Mesra Usia Emas, SMUE)
• RM 2500 awarded to named offspring of deceased senior citizen and person with disability, provided that
they lived in Selangor for more than 10 years and are at least 60 years old at the time of death.
• 13,342 families have benefitted from the scheme.
• As of January 2010, more than 122,000 have registered for the scheme.
• The Selangor government has spent more than RM21.6 million since its inception.
• Approximately 300,000 senior citizens live in Selangor, with about 9,000 deaths expected on average every year.
• The scheme has successfully registered more than 40% of the total number of senior citizens in Selangor,
expected to reach 50% by March 2010.

6. One stop crisis centre (OSCC)

• Objective: to aid women and children in rape cases, domestic violence, or abuse.
• 6 OSCCs established in hospitals Ampang, Serdang, Selayang, Sungai Buloh, Klang, and Kajang.
• OSCC seminar successfully conducted in 37 DUNs.
• OSCC Phase 2:
o Public education on household violence and child and sexual abuse.
o Protection of women in terms of infrastructure, counseling, and legal aid.

7. Estate workers’ children’s education fund

• Provision of scholarship to children of estate workers.
• Finances the building and maintenance of hostels for these children.
• 130 children have benefitted and furthered their studies at INPENS.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts


1. 90-days’ maternity leave, 14-days paternity leave and 30-days’ leave for death of husband
• Maternity leave
o 30 days’ optional leave in addition to prior granted 60 days’ leave.
• Paternity leave
o 7 days’ optional leave in addition to prior granted 7 days’ leave.
• Death of husband
o 27 days’ optional leave in addition to prior granted 3 days’ leave.

2. Entrepreneur development programs

• Assistance programs and training for youth and developing entrepreneurs.

3. Takaful contributions for people with disabilities and orphans

Upcoming Programmes:


1. Pre-school assistance
• RM 50 per month per child

2. Nursery-school assistance
• RM 75 per month per child

3. SMUE II: Expanding the current SMUE programme

o Healthy Breakfast: Discounted and free healthy breakfasts will be given to senior citizens by large
corporate companies through their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes facilitated by
Rantaian Mesra Sdn. Bhd.
o Participating companies will be those such as Carrefour, Tesco, Giant and others
o Discounted prices on pharmaceutical products from selected pharmacy outlets


1. Home owners’ grant

2. Assistance for newly-weds
3. Allowance for single-mothers
4. Special allowance for housewives


1. Education scholarships
2. Environmental protection conditions
3. Sufficient and strategic business premises
4. Development of mini sports and recreation complexes
5. 20% discount on annual assessment fees (cukai pintu)
6. Increasing income of fishermen and farmers


Apart from its Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) Programme, the Selangor government has also introduced a number of
other welfare-based programmes aimed at assisting other communities.

1. People with Disabilities (Orang Kurang Upaya, OKU)

o A standard “OKU” car sticker has been issued throughout the state.
o This car sticker allows people with disabilities access to facilities at carparks and other benefits.
o Accessibility for people with disabilities has been imposed on all new government buildings.
o Opportunities for people with learning disabilities have been given within working teams of the government and
private sectors
o People with disabilities are given representation at local councils by ensuring a certain percentage is appointed
as local councillors.
o The Selangor government is considering upgrading rehabilitation treatment in groups through the means of
modern technology. We have donated RM100,000 to a stroke foundation in Petaling Jaya to support their efforts
in purchasing machines that give automated therapy.

2. Takaful Rakyat (People’s Takaful)

o The Selangor government is expecting to introduce Takaful Rakyat.
o Takaful Rakyat is an insurance scheme that is expected to cover the public from the ages of 18 to 60 in the case
of death.
o The scheme is in the midst of being finalised.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts


The State has taken proactive measures to boost Selangor’s economy through our economic
stimulus package and we will strive to ensure that the State’s resources and assets be rightly utilised
and maximized for the benefit of the people. The stimulus package was announced in March 2009
as a combination of mid to long-term projects to attract investments of more than RM50 billion and
creating more than 150,000 jobs.

Klang River Basin Rehabilitation project Revival of Abandoned Projects

Efforts to clean the Klang River have been unsuccessful in With more than 140 abandoned projects in the State, the
the past. The Selangor government today envisions a future Selangor government believes that reviving selected
where its rivers are clean and pristine, its riverbanks projects will provide jobs, boost the construction industry
contributing to an environment of sustainable development, and add to economic vibrancy of the State. Tremendous
and most importantly centred upon the community. The 3 efforts are being taken to revive projects, including meeting
stages are in Klang; Shah Alam, Subang Jaya and Petaling various stakeholders and potential developers.
Jaya; and finally in Ampang Jaya. We believe this will restore
the pride we have in our natural resources. • Upholding the rights of buyers and keeping developers
• Objective: Restoring cleanliness, beauty, pride, and • 144 abandoned projects involving 45, 449 units.
value to the 120km long river running through our cities. • 48,360 buyers involved.
• Improving river management and flood control. • Gross Development Value (GDV) worth RM 7 – 9 billion.
• Development of sites along the riverbanks to in • Abandoned Projects Taskforce formed to facilitate
crease land value. adoption of abandoned projects.
• Creating a water-based public transportation network. • 14 projects revived and currently being completed,
among which –
What has been done: i. Revolusi Hijau 1, 2, 3 (Alam Perdana and Alam
i. Gazetting of river reserve 50 metres on either side Mutiara) Kuala Selangor
of Klang River. ii. Bukit Botak, Selayang
ii. Klang river land-use inventory – completed for iii. Villaria, PJS 5, Petaling Jaya
Klang, Shah Alam, Subang Jaya, and Petaling
Jaya; to begin in Ampang Jaya. Urban renewal
iii. Companies have been shortlisted for rehabilitation
and development works. Selangor being an urbanised state has many urban centres
in need of renewal and revitalisation. Target areas are aged
What is being done: and dilapitated areas, as well as those facing congestion
i. Identifying partner companies for implementation and over-population. By providing a vision towards
of the project. sustainable living, the Selangor government takes a holistic
ii. Klang River Carnival on the 13th-14th March, in approach in providing a green lung to its cities. Gone are
conjunction with Pakatan Rakyat’s 2 Years in the days of “overdevelopment”; instead we focus on
Selangor. sustainable development.
iii. Vision Plan for Klang City alongside the river
iv. Development of a Klang River Rehabilitation • Revitalizing aged cities in Selangor toward green and
Project Master Plan. sustainable living – boosting social and economic
What will be done: • Types of renewal:
i. Intensive cleaning up and rehabilitation of the river. i. Redevelopment – destroying the old, building the new.
ii. Establishment of a Klang River Special-Purpose ii. Regeneration – unique combinations of the old
Vehicle as a monitoring body. and the new
iii. Development of public infrastructure. iii. Rehabilitation – giving old buildings new functions.
iv. Building of human capital. • Areas for development – Petaling Jaya, Klang,
v. Realizing the vision of restoring the Klang River Kajang. Actual location still under study.
back to its ancient glory. • What has been done:
i. Pooling together advice from professional urban
Statistics planners on best practices.
i. Water quality of Klang River improved from ii. Urban Renewal Convention held from 30th
Polluted to Moderate from 2005 to 2009. November to 1st December 2009.
• What will be done:
i. Technical Workshops on identified locations
ii. Public consultations, public hearings on identified
locations’ proposal for urban renewal
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Increasing Paddy Yield What has been done:

i. Discussions with experts on newest technologies and
Increasing Paddy Yield as a project is rewarding, as results strategies in transport.
have been instantaneous and farmers are able to reap the ii. Discussion with Ministry of Transport, PEMANDU and
results of their hard work immediately through increase in Land Public Transport Commission to discuss:
income. This project is a 5-year plan to enhance production Regulatory functions – enforcement, KPIs, monitoring
in Selangor. • Devolvement of authority to the state and local
• A two-pronged objective to increase income of • Formation of a Klang Valley Transport Authority
farmers and to move toward technology-based • Corridor movement – park & ride, BRT
agriculture. • Intra-urban – monorail, tram, LRT
• 5 year plan to increase yield in Kuala Selangor and • Community based transport, micro-bus services
Sabak Bernam. • Supporting infrastructure – passenger walkways,
• Expectations: bicycle pathways.
i. Yield of 7.5 tan/ha from 4.5 tan/ha (increase of
RM 110m/year) What will be done:
ii. Per-capita income of famers raised from i. Klang Valley Transport Council Proposal submitted to
RM 14,475 to RM 20,475. PEMANDU and the Land Public Transport Commission to:
• What is being done: 1. Monitor and plan transport routes
i. Implementation pioneer projects at Sabak 2. Obtain feedback from public transport operators
Bernam and Kuala Selangor. 3. Coordinate with the public land transport
ii. Provision of technical, motivational, and hands commission
on training. 4. Evaluate and monitor public transport proposals.
iii. Improvement of water management system.
iv. Introduction of new paddy plantation technologies Restructuring of Selangor Water Services Industry
and good practices.
v. Results: As part of a national initiative, Selangor and the Federal
• 19.4% increase in Pancang Bedena. Government have been in talks to restructure the state’s
• 23.9% increase in Pasir Panjang. water services industry. The objective is to reverse past
• 7.3% increase in Sawah Sempadan. privatisation gone wrong, where some water concession
companies were unable to deliver their services efficiently
What will be done: or with high quality.
i. Expansion of efforts to all paddy areas.
ii. Increase land coverage of 16% (2009), 37% (2010), • Past problems:
62% (2011), 87% (2012), and 100% (2013). i. Privatising water services so the state was no
longer in charge
Enhancing public transportation ii. Not all companies had the right expertise nor
Public transportation usage has declined significantly from iii. Capital had to come from Federal Government
35% in 1980 to 16% at present. As a result, private car usage • Selangor aims to achieve a water services industry
increases traffic congestion, the Klang Valley being a case that has the following features:
in point. Selangor envisions a state with smooth traffic flow i. A holistic water services industry
with at least 60% public transport usage, an integrated ii. Water industry run by the Selangor government
service between rail and bus services. Through co-operation iii. Low water tariffs for the benefit of the rakyat
with the to-be-formed Land Public Transport Commission, iv. A highly efficient industry with high quality and
Selangor hopes to form a Klang Valley Transport Council to good services
enhance efforts at the local and state government levels. • Selangor gave an original offer to the concession
companies that was reasonable and with sufficient
• Toward a safe, efficient, reliable and integrated returns to investment.
transport system that enhances Selangor’s i. Accepted by SPLASH and ABASS, rejected by
economic, social, and environmental development. PUNCAK and SYABAS
• Objectives: ii. This holistic model is ideal
i. Reliable, affordable, and efficient service. • Selangor government is still in negotiation with the
ii. Increased capacity, frequency, speed, safety, Federal Government to emerge with a solution that
and cleanliness. can resolve the numerous problems faced by the
iii. Better connectability and wider access. water services industry.
iv. Integration between services.
v. Better consumer service.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts


The Pakatan Rakyat government in Selangor is committed to governance based on the principles
of competency, public accountability and transparency. Its policies and programmes have been
carefully crafted in accordance with these standards. The Selangor government believes that
access to information empowers people to make decisions and ultimately allows them to keep
governments accountable in a system of check and balance. We continue to being committed in
improving transparency in our administration and all decision-making processes, and as such are
welcome to receiving public feedback to further enhance our governing of Selangor.

Key Achievements

1. Selangor Select Committee on Competency, Accountability and Transparency (SELCAT)

The Selangor State Legislative Assembly formed the Select Committee on Competency, Accountability and
Transparency (SELCAT) for the purpose of holding public hearings on alleged discrepancies in the running of the state.
Established under existing provisions in the Selangor constitution and assembly standing orders, it investigates complaints
that are received, requests documents and sworn statements from those involved, and then issues summonses to them
to appear before it, including members of the public and civil servants where relevant.

o The Contempt of the House Enactment 2008 was also passed, making it compulsory for those summoned to
attend SELCAT hearings. It provides for a fine and jail term for non-compliance.
o Prosecution is only upon consent of the Attorney-General and under jurisdiction of the police.
o SELCAT consists of both Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional state assemblymen, with the Assembly Speaker as
o Investigations:
o Dissolution of Balkis, the Wives of Elected Selangor Representatives Welfare Organisation and its expenditures
o Investigation into RM500,000 allocation of funds to state assemblymen

2. Public Declaration of State Executive Councillors’ Assets

The decision was made to conduct public declaration of the State Exco members’ assets, including the Menteri Besar. All
assets obtained and disposed of since assuming their positions in the state government from March 2008 onwards are
now published on the official Selangor state government website on

o Public declaration of assets includes incomes drawn, donations and benefits in kind and bank loan agreements
o Reason for limiting to assets after March 8th 2008: to ensure Exco members are not to misuse their positions for
wrongful gain while in office.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

3. Declassification of Information under the Official Secrets Act (OSA) 1972

The Official Secrets Act (OSA) 1972 prohibits the dissemination of classified information. However, the Menteri Besar is
able to declassify information under his powers of Section 2A of the OSA, which has been utilised over the past two

o State information that has been declassified to date:

o Bukit Botak Housing Development project, accompanied by a white paper
o Bukit Ceraka Housing Development projects (Alam Perdana and Alam Mutiara projects respectively with white
o Reforestation Development Project under the Selangor Agricultural Development Corporation (PKPS)
o Yayasan Basmi Kemiskinan (YBK) Issue
o The Selangor government also successfully pressured the Federal Government into declassifying the Bukit
Antarabangsa Landslide Report for the benefit of the victims and their families.

4. Open Tenders

In the past, negotiated tenders was the norm of the state government. However, in a move to enhance competitiveness
and quality of products and services, the Selangor government has gradually opted for the practice of open tenders.
Amongst which are:

o Projects under the State Economic Stimulus Package

o Past negotiated contracts that expire will come under open tenders in time to come

5. Freedom of Information (FOI) Enactment

In order to overcome the restrictions posed by the OSA, the Selangor government formed a Taskforce to work towards
the formation of a Freedom of Information (FOI) Enactment. During its celebration of the World Press Freedom Day in
May 2009, the Selangor government committed to tabling it in the Selangor State Legislative Assembly. This is expected
to be done in the first sitting in 2010. The FOI Enactment would apply to all state-level agencies and departments.

o Steps towards the FOI Enactment:

o Formation of FOI Taskforce headed by a State Exco
o Drafting of the FOI Enactment
o Tabling it to the State Legislative Assembly
o Formation of a Select Committee on FOI at the State Legislative Assembly
o FOI Select Committee to study the draft FOI Enactment
o FOI Select Committee to conduct public consultations with key stakeholders
o FOI Enactment to be tabled for second and third readings at State Legislative Assembly
o FOI Enactment enacted by the State Legislative Assembly and passed as law

6. Selangor Legislative Assembly Service Commission Enactment (SELESA)

The Selangor Legislative Assembly Service Commission Enactment (SELESA) has been proposed for discussion in an
attempt to practice separation of powers between the Executive and Legislature at the State level. This would ensure
the Selangor State Legislative Assembly has its own administration, budget and structure. However, this is still under
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

The Selangor government stresses the need for value for money in managing its finances at all layers: state, local and
municipal levels. This is such that no unnecessary wastage of the rakyat’s money takes place, and all people get the most
optimum return on their taxes paid. We emphasise the need for responsible financial management in a transparent and
accountable manner and have implemented measures to recoup state debts, increase state revenues and cut costs for a
more efficient and lean government. Providing full information about our state finances is also a way to keep the state
government accountable (please refer to the Transparent and Accountable Government Factsheet).

Better Financial Management o Talam owes three state-owned companies debts

totalling RM391.99 million altogether.
The National Audit Department commended the Selangor o The three companies are Kumpulan Hartanah
government on its financial performance in 2008 as its revenues Selangor Berhad (KHSB), Universiti Industri Selangor
increased and debts owed to the state were successfully reduced, (PIYSB) and Permodalan Negeri Selangor Berhad (PNSB).
which the state considers an achievement. The Selangor o The debts of more than 10 years were never paid nor
government has since continued to introduce measures on recognised by any of the related parties.
improving its financial management. o Summarised Process of Talam Debt Recovery:
o Formation of Talam Debt Recovery Taskforce
• The Ops Kutip initiative started in July 2009 o Strategy to recover debt owed by Talam determined
o With the co-operation of the Selangor Land o All steps in accordance with the law and corporate
Office (PTG), ICT Department and all District Land governance
Offices throughout Selangor. o The process involved the State government, Selangor
o A “Knock-Door Policy” where land-owners of Investment Corporation (SIC, a state-owned
premises that have not paid their land premiums company) and Menteri Besar Incorporated (MBI, a
are requested to make payments immediately state-owned company).
o Incentives to reduce fines for late payments from 1 RM392 worth of debts was confirmed and
individuals and companies of up to 50% have crystallised from the books of the three
been introduced to increase land premium companies, all validated through Board of
collection Directors’ resolutions respectively
o Reductions of up to 100% are determined by the 2 The Selangor government took over the debts
Land Office. through an agreement, again validated through
o All fine reductions are subject to strict terms and Board of Directors’ resolutions.
conditions. 3 SIC bought over the debts and transferred it to
• District Land Offices’ collections contribute up to 70% MBI, who paid for the debts through a grant from
of the State revenues. the state government worth RM392 as passed by
o Incentives for District Land Offices’ performance the Selangor State Legislative Assembly in
will be given subject to success of their collection. November 2009.
o RM100,000 to be given to the successful District 4 MBI is now responsible for the debt collection of
Land Office RM392 million from Talam
o Such incentives provide the motivation required 5 The process of negotiations have begun to
to expedite collection recoup these debts owed to the state
• Other proposals to increase state revenues; 6 Talam’s assets are estimated at RM1 billion
o Speed up the process of title-application to in consisting of land, shares, property and other assets.
crease premium collection 7 After negotiations, an estimated RM50 million of
o Increase land premium collection through the RM392 million has been agreed to be
e-payment online, increase payment counters immediately recovered.
o Increase land premium collection by providing in 8 Legal fees amounting to RM700,000 were paid as
centives to land-owners to extend their leases part of the exercise. No other fees were made as
after 99 years no external consultants were used.
o State government to acquire land if sand-stealing • Benefits to the State government
activities are found on their property o The Talam Debt Recovery Project is a case study,
one in which the Selangor government has
Debt Recovery successfully managed to crystallise debts that
were previously unaccounted for and tucked
The Selangor government for the first time has successfully away within a complex of company accounts.
recovered the debts that belonged to several state-owned o Ultimately, RM392 million worth of previously un
companies. The objective of this debt recovery exercise is to recognised debts will be recovered to the state
increase state revenues. More importantly, people now government.
have full access to the status of the money they indirectly in- o No efforts were previously made to recoup these
vested in these companies as tax-paying rakyat to the Se- debts
langor government. This allows them to constantly monitor o Tax-paying Selangor residents are able to monitor
and keep the government accountable to the contributions the status of debts oweing to the state
they have made over the years.
Selangor State Budget 2010
Details of the Talam Debt Recovery Project:
The Selangor 2010 budget is RM1.3 billion, which is a
o Talam Corporation Bhd. (Talam) is a developer that reduction of RM100 million or 7.14% compared to the 2009
has managed projects involving state-owned budget totalling RM1.4 billion. Selangor aims for a balanced
companies budget, and this year it is no different.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Chart 1: State Estimated Revenue 2010 (RM)

State Revenue

The estimated revenue for 2010 is broken up

into three parts: tax revenue of RM460,020,000
making up 35.39% of the budget, a reduction
of RM2,980,000 or 0.64%; non-tax revenue of
RM422,679,000 making up 32.51%, a reduction
of RM107,321,000 or 20.25% and other revenue
of RM417,301,000 making up 32.1%, an increase
of RM10,301,000 or 2.53% compared with 2009.
The reduction in the Selangor revenues is due
to the global economic downturn that had an
effect upon the Malaysian economy as a

Chart 2: State Estimated Expenditure 2010 (RM)

State Expenditure

The Selangor government expenditure is

broken down into two large categories,
namely management and development
expenditure. Management expenditure
makes up 54.58% of total expenditure, as
much as RM709,600,000, while development
expenditure makes up 45.42% of its total
of RM590,400,000.

Chart 3: Management Expenditure (RM)

The bulk of the management expendi-

ture is estimated to be spent on supplies
and services, as much as 43.73% of this
year’s budget, followed by emoluments.

Chart 4: Development Expenditure (RM)

Infrastructure takes up almost half of the

state’s development expenditure, to-
talling an estimated RM286,940,660. This
is followed by the social sector making
up 37.2% of total development
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Table 1(a) : Approved Manufacturing Projects By State, January-December 2008

Potential Local Investment Foreign Total Investment
State No. Project Employment (RM) Investment (RM (RM)
W. P. Kuala Lumpur 12 750 94,018,240 23,768,350 117,786,590
W. P. Labuan 2 122 9,795,046 10,745,462 20,540,508
Selangor 302 30,980 2,866,163,788 9,004,746,225 11,870,910,013
Pulau Pinang 151 22,215 5,068,720,530 5,087,580,883 10,156,301,413
Perak 50 4,792 696,814,578 2,433,202,672 3,130,017,250
Johor 173 17,192 2,315,056,624 9,396,616,223 11,711,672,847
Negeri Sembilan 26 1,718 821,003,102 294,788,185 1,115,791,287
Melaka 41 6,476 182,348,556 3,452,167,121 3,634,515,677
Kedah 46 3,217 288,075,479 2,279,270,375 2,567,345,854
Pahang 23 2,441 1,017,684,593 63,065,242 1,080,749,835
Kelantan 3 486 17,600,000 66,000,000 83,600,000
Terengganu 9 472 636,776,230 355,482,997 992,259,227
Perlis 2 357 63,255,300 106,994,700 170,250,000
Sabah 40 3,244 620,561,707 343,814,185 964,375,892
Sarawak 39 6,711 1,988,348,768 13,180,531,913 15,168,880,681
Undecided 0
Total 919 101,173 16,686,222,541 46,098,774,533 62,784,997,074
Sumber : MIDA


Selangor still the best choice for investors

Since Pakatan Rakyat became government on March 10, 2008, Selangor has achieved the:

• Highest number of industrial projects in both 2008 and 2009

• Highest number of jobs created in both 2008 and 2009
• 2nd highest* in total capital investment in both 2008 and 2009

*Although Sarawak led all states in total capital investment in both 2008 and 2009, this achievement was due to massive in-
vestment into a single aluminum smelting project in Bintulu worth over USD 2 billion (approximately RM7 billion). Such a proj-
ect is not suitable for Selangor due to its highly polluting and power-hungry nature. If this aluminum smelting project is
excluded from consideration, Selangor would be the top state with the highest total capital investment in Malaysia for both
2008 and 2009.

Selangor continues to be committed in attracting investment, promoting a business-friendly environment and meeting regu-
larly with industry players in order to ascertain improvements to trade and industry developments in Selangor. Please see Se-
langor Investment Statistics for 2008 and 2009 at the end of the Factsheet.

An intensive all-out effort to attract investors

1. Trade & Investment Mission (MIDA)

• Jepun (Osaka & Yokohama); 5 – 10 Julai 2008
• Special Project Mission on The Food Processing Industry & Halal Seminar, Japan (Tokyo & Osaka) 7 – 16 Okt. 2008
• India – (6 – 14 Jan. 2009)
• China, Hefei & Beijing – (24 April – 1 Mei 2009)
• China, Kunming, Xian & Guang Zhou – (4 – 13 Jun 2009
• China, Shenyang & Dalian – (26 Julai – 1 Ogos)

2. Investment Technical Visit to:

• Europe (Germany, Netherland, Scotland, France) – (12 – 18 Jan 2008)
• Thailand (IMT-GT) (15 – 16 Jan 2008)
• Dubai (12 – 14 Jun 2008)
• Banda Acheh – (16 – 19 Ogos 2009)

3. Visits to Factories and Industrial Estates

To find out problems and issues being faced by factory owners
2008 - 60 lawatan
2009 - 63 lawatan
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts


Jan-Dec 2009
Domestic Total Capital
State Potential Foreign
Number Investment Investment
Employment Investment (RM)
(RM) (RM)
Sarawak 25 6,572 2,736,935,571 5,713,816,148 8,450,751,719
Selangor 278 20,753 2,752,526,769 4,007,064,182 6,759,590,951
Sabah 25 2,509 425,427,130 5,238,868,368 5,664,295,498
Johor 150 11,511 1,494,541,008 2,568,900,512 4,063,441,520
Penang 104 8,696 716,746,786 1,448,494,148 2,165,240,934
Kedah 40 4,127 449,134,195 1,046,928,755 1,496,062,949
Perak 47 3,268 494,277,418 399,595,456 893,872,874
Melaka 23 1,912 406,308,768 486,403,150 892,711,918
Negeri Sembilan 30 2,202 271,133,021 586,464,997 857,598,018
Pahang 17 943 402,205,908 202,635,508 604,841,416
Terengganu 9 360 204,014,630 301,820,338 505,834,968
FT Kuala Lumpur 14 795 122,678,967 32,985,353 155,664,320
Kelantan 4 682 16,229,520 110,700,000 126,929,520
Total 766 64,330 10,492,159,691 22,144,676,914 32,636,836,605

Source : MIDA

4. Dialogue with the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers 8. Dialogues with Business Associations in Selangor
(FMM) 2008 - 3 times
2009 – 13 times
2008 = 16 times
1. 28/1/08 – FMM Petaling 9. Selangor Investment Invitational Golf Tournament 2008
2. 28/1/08 – FMM Telok Gong To foster ties between state government and investors
3. 5/3/08 – FMM Hulu Langat
4. 13/3/08 – FMM Selayang 10. Sponsorship of the East Asian Entrepreneurs Summit 2008
5. 6/4/08 - FMM Petaling (EAES) di Shah Alam, 4 – 7 Nov 2009
6. 7/4/08 – FMM Hulu Langat
7. 6/5/08 – FMM Petaling 11. Seminar On Solar Industry, 10 June 2009
8. 7/5/08 – FMM Hulu Langat
9. 2/7/08 – FMM Hulu Langat 12. Brainstorming Programme on ”Promoting Investment in
10. 25/7/08 – FMM Klang Selangor Strategies”, 20 Jun 2008
11. 2/9/08 – FMM Petaling
12. 23/9/08 – FMM Klang 13. Promoting the proposal to introduce a trading area in
13. 24/9/08 – FMM Hulu Langat Pulau Indah, 7 May 2008
14. 16/10/08 – FMM Kuala Langat
15. 4/11/08 – FMM Petaling 14. Participation in Seminars and Local and International
16. 5/11/08 – FMM Selangor Exhibitions
a. Pameran Perkampungan Islam Hadhari – 26 Jan. 2008
2009 = 12 times b. WCIT 2008 – (19 – 21 Mei 2008), KLCC
1. 11/2/2009 – FMM Hulu Langat. c. SME Showcase 2008, Cyberjaya (12 Ogos 2008)
2. 3/3/2009 – FMM Subang Jaya & PJ d. Hari Bertemu Pelanggan – (17 Nov. 2008), Kompleks PKNS
3. 11/3/2009 – FMM Hulu Langat e. Pameran sempena Malaysia – India Investment
4. 5/5/2009 – FMM Petaling Jaya Forum, 25 – 26 Sept. 2008, PWTC
5. 6/5//2009 – FMM Hulu Langat f. Karnival Mesra Rakyat PBT/Agensi Kerajaan – (28 – 30
6. 25/8/2009 – Dialog Bersama FMM Selangor Nov. 2008), Stadium Melawati Shah Alam
7. 1/7/2009 – FMM Hulu Langat
8. 7/7/2009 – FMM Petaling Jaya & Subang Jaya 15. 24th JBC (Joint-Business-Council) Meeting in Hatyai,
9. 8/9/2009 – FMM Petaling Jaya Songkhla, Thailand (10 – 13 Jan 2008)
10. 2/9/2009 – FMM Hulu Langat
11. 4/11/2009 – FMM Hulu Langat 16. Selangor-Singapore Business Networking Programme &
12. 24/11/2009 – FMM Selangor Briefing on Business Opportunities In Selangor pada
6 May 2008, Grand Bluewave Hotel, Shah Alam.
5. Meetings with Industries according to Zones
2008 = 5 times 17. Meeting between Menteri Besar and participants of the
2009 = 8 times World Halal Forum 2008, 15 May 2008, SUK

6. Hi-Tea With Group Of Investors 18. Dialogue on Impact of Oil Prices with YAB Menteri Besar,
2008 (US companies) 1 July 2008, SUK
2009 - 3 times (Japanese investors, Taipei Investor,
EU M’sia Chamber of Commerce) 19. Seminar On Klang Valley 2 (KV-2), 28 Ogos 2008

7. Luncheon Talk With Foreign Embassies & Foreign Business 20. Participation in the China Guandong Malaysia Business
Council, Oct 2009 Conference 2008, 12 Sept. 2008, Shangri La Hotel,
Kuala Lumpur
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

From islands to beaches, nature reserves to extreme parks, zoo animals to fireflies, Selangor is proud
to boast of its many attractions. The State Government has invested time and effort in order to build
up this industry, and to make Selangor world-renowned.

Key Achievements: • Published twice. In the midst of preparation for the

third edition.
1. Promotion o Selangor Breakaway
The State has through many creative avenues promoted • A handbook containing information on tourist
Selangor to the world as a fascinating place worthy of a hotspots, hotels, transportation, shopping malls,
visit. cultural centers, eateries, hospitals, emergency
phone numbers, embassy information, and etc.
• Tourism Selangor Sendirian Berhad (TSSB) • Available in either a book or a CD.
o Established to promote tourism in Selangor. o Selangor tourism souvenirs:
o Awarded the Special Award for the Best State • Notebook
Travel Promotion Agency in 2009. • Multi-coloured highlighter
• Tourism promotion series conducted intra and inter • Tourism bag (non-woven)
nationally: • Bookmark
o ITB Berlin, Germany • Pong pong stick
o Fascinating Malaysia, Singapore • Fridge magnet
o Medan Travel Promotion, Indonesia • Clips
o World Travel Mart, London, UK • Key chains
o BECOME, One Utama, Malaysia • Fans
o Discover Malaysia Tourism Fair (MDTF), PWTC, • Selangor Discovery FAM Tour 2009
Malaysia o Trip to introduce tourism products to journalists.
o MATTA Fair, Penang, Malaysia o Also participated by foreign journalists.
o MATTA Fair, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • Selangor Shines Campaign
o MATTA Fair, Malacca, Malaysia o Launched on the 21st of December 2009 in
o EAES, SACC Convention Center, Malaysia Sepang Gold Coast.
o GITC, Sunway Convention Center, Malaysia o Theme: Selangor Has More.
o Suarasa, Shah Alam, Malaysia • MATTA International Fair Selangor Umrah and Muslim
• Publications by TSSB: Travel Destinations 2010
o Selangor Explore 102e Magazine o Tourism Selangor is a participant of MASUM 2010.
• A tourism magazine promoting tourism products, o Tourism Selangor is a proud owner of a pavilion
news, and activities in Selangor organized by Tourism that has the features of the traditional Rumah
Selangor and/or other agencies. Melayu – the Selangor Pavilion.
• Published every quarter and distributed to every • 12 parties are currently promoting their products and
public and private company and hotels. tourist destinations at the Selangor Pavilion.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

2. Events Upcoming Programmes:

Besides establishing Tourism Selangor, the State has also
embarked on its first event to promote Selangor as a 1. Tourism promotion series that will be conducted:
tourist spot in the eyes of Malaysians, and also to the Tourism Selangor will continue to promote Selangor
world. internationally to attract foreign tourists. Our next
destinations would be:
• Selangor Shines Campaign
o Launched on the 21st of December 2009 in • Asean Tourism Forum, Brunei
Sepang Gold Coast. • Sales Mission South Asia, India
o Theme: Selangor Has More. • Asia Pacific Incentive and Meetings, Australia
o Activities oriented to increase the number of ar • Thailand Discover World, Thailand
rivals in Selangor: • Malaysia International Travel Tourism, Russia
o Selangor Musical Extravaganza • Indonesia Travel and Holiday, Indonesia
o Tanggathon • Arabian Travel Mart, United Arab Emirates
o 101 Types of Satay Festival • Fascinating Malaysia, Singapore
o International Art and Literary Festival • PATA, Macau
o World Indigenous People’s Festival • International Travel Expo, Vietnam
o Jet Ski Competition • JATA, Japan
o Bendang Festival • Boronata Malaysia, Philippines
o Selangor Auto Festival • World Travel Mart, London, UK

3. Travel and tours 2. Publications

The State has adopted the all-time idea of introducing In the near future, pamphlets introducing various aspects
travel and tour packages in order to attract tourists to of Selangor will be produced to further assist visitors in
visit Selangor. Our achievement is as such: planning their holiday in Selangor.

• Sales achieved: RM 3,412,030. 29 in 2009 • Tourism pamphlets

(RM 2,956,495.00 in 2008). o Homestay Selangor
• Tourism Selangor registered with the Ministry of Finance. o Golf Selangor
• Tourism Selangor accepted warrant for Malaysia o Klang Heritage Walk
Airlines, Fireflyz, and Air Asia. o MICE Selangor
o Food directories in Selangor
o Selangor Tourism Souvenir Book (Selangor Coffee
Table Book)
o Selangor Tourism Map
o Travel brochures and tourism DVDs
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts


Islam is a holistic religion that allows the development of individuals and communities in all aspects.
The Selangor government believes in promoting Islam as a religion of spiritual peace, harmony, and
goodwill amongst mankind. At the same time, Islam promotes social and economic progress and
not at the expense of the poor and less fortunate. We are committed towards strengthening and
restoring the faith of our fellow Muslims through education and other activities aimed at bringing
communities together in close fellowship. Islam also believes in respecting other religions and their
right to worship according to their faiths; please see the factsheet on “Non-Muslim Affairs” for more

Key Achievements • Selangor “Gerak Kerja Dakwah” Performance Re

view Meetings
2009 Programs: o Objective: To plan and improve the work of
• Islamic Affairs District Forum presenting Islam to non-believers and to provide
• “Menjana Islam Syumul di Kalangan Ummah” Seminar a new energy and spirit in doing so.
• Selangor State Mosque Convention o Parties involved: State leadership, professionals,
• Government trip to the Middle East (Egypt, Jordan, Islamic scholars, leaders of Islamic agencies, and
and Syria) NGOs.
• Selangor Islamic Scholars Convention
• Family Institutes Convention • Religious Schools Rebranding Meetings
• Social Concerns Convention o Objective: To make religious schools the premier
• Monthly Islamic Affairs Exco Meeting education institution in hopes to produce
• Monthly “Forum Perdana Bersiri dan Berselibus” in intellectual Muslims in Selangor.
Sultan Salehuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Mosque, Shah o Parties involved: State leadership, JPS, JKR,
Alam religious agencies, professionals, and Islamic
• “Takzirah Dhuha” in Pasar Tani, Section 13, Shah scholars.
• Joint meetings with Islamic NGO leaders. • Monthly Islamic Affairs Exco Meeting
• Islamic Affairs Stenco meetings 2009 o Objective: To discuss Islamic affairs in the state.
o Parties involved: Leaders of Islamic agencies.
Upcoming Programmes
• Islamic Affairs Stenco meetings
2010 Programmes o Objective: To discuss and report on activities and
Islamic affairs with the stenco committee.
• Islamic Affairs Management KPI Review Meetings o Parties involved: Stenco committee of Islamic Af
o Objective: To establish and monitor the fairs in Selangor.
achievements and performance of the Selangor
Islamic Affairs Management body using the KPI • “Program Mendekati Rakyat” (PMR) Meeting
instrument. o Objective: To meet, discuss, and to motivate the
o Parties involved: Various heads of government people in upholding their responsibilities in each
departments, leaders of Islamic agencies and its district.
representatives. o Parties involved: Heads of departments,
headmen, Nazarites, JKKK, and community
• Selangor Islamic Forward Thinkers Meeting leaders.
o Objective: To seek the views of forward thinkers in
Islam to improve Islamic affairs in the state. • Islamic Affairs District Forum (Round 3)
o Parties involved: State leadership, professionals, o Objective: To explain and to increase
leaders of Islamic agencies and NGOs. appreciation toward Islam.
o Parties involved: The local community.
• Selangor Mosque Institutions Forward Thinkers
Meeting • Selangor “Maahad Tahfiz” Convention
o Objective: To plan on elevating the mosque as o Objective: An exposure programme to make
an institution for the transformation of the “maahad tahfiz” successful in this world, and
believers in Selangor. eternally.
o Parties involved: State leadership, professionals o Parties involved: State leadership, JPS, JKR,
and leaders of Islamic agencies. religious agencies, professionals, and Islamic
• Selangor Social Concerns Meeting
o Objective: A strategic planning meeting to • Religious Practice Convention amongst the less
address social issues in Selangor. fortunate
o Parties involved: State leadership, professionals, o Objective: To instill the desire for religious
leaders of Islamic agencies and NGOs. practices and to increase the faith of the less
• “Masih Ada Yang Sayang” Empowerment Meeting o Parties involved: NGOs, “asnaf fakir”, and the
o Objective: To plan, monitor, and continually im poor.
prove “amar ma’ruf” and “nahi mungkar” efforts
in Selangor. • Nazarite Gatherings in Selangor
o Parties involved: State leadership, police force, o Objective: To provide input and to motivate the
syariah courts, state religious agencies, and Nazarites in Selangor so that they are competent
NGOs. in establishing the glory of the mosque.
o Parties involved: Nazarites in Selangor.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

• “Ramah Mesra” with Professionals and Preachers

• Mosque Officers and Management Performance Im o Objective: To strengthen ties between the Exco
provement Convention and professionals and preachers, and to ex
o Objective: To produce mosque officers who are change views on the development of Islam in
truly competent. Selangor.
o Parties involved: All mosque committees in o Parties involved: Exco, KUIS and Unisel lecturers,
Selangor. and preachers.

• “Turun Padang” workshops to appreciate the • “Ramah Mesra” with Female Muslim Leaders
functions and to overcome the lethargy of family o Objective: To strengthen ties between the Exco
institutions and female Muslim leaders and to exchange
o Objective: To bring a new spirit into family views on the development of Islam in Selangor.
institutions and to make families the foundation o Parties involved: Exco and female Muslim leaders.
of our community.
o Parties involved: JAIS, MAIS, professionals, Islamic • “Ramah Mesra” with Youth and Sports Clubs
scholars, NGOs, public servants, and members of o Objective: To strengthen ties between the Exco
the parish. and Youth and Sports Clubs and to exchange
views on the development of Islam in Selangor.
• Islamic NGOs Mobilization Retreat o Parties involved: Exco and representatives from
o Objective: To strengthen Islamic NGOs in the youth and sports clubs.
Selangor and to involve them in the
development of the state. MALAY CUSTOMS
o Parties involved: Islamic NGOs, PAID, and MAIS.
Malay customs and traditions ought to be preserved as far
• Early Preparations Retreat to appoint “surau” as possible as they are important historical relics that must
committees for the 2010-2013 session be cherished. The Selangor government has worked closely
o Objective: To plan for an effective management with its many stakeholders to encourage our community –
in the appointment of “surau” committees for the Malays and non-Malays – to appreciate the preservation of
upcoming session. arts, culture and history through activities with museums, and
o Parties involved: JAIS, PAID, and MAIS. arts and literature societies.

• Landscape and Beautification of Mosques and Key Achievements

“Surau”s Workshop
o Objective: To find the best alternative and an 2009 Programmes:
optimum method to beautify the mosques of • The Selangor Museum Board Direction Brainstorming
Selangor. Workshop.
o Parties involved: JAIS, PAID, and mosque • Appreciation Dinner in conjunction with The Selangor
representatives. Museum Board “Suggestions for Direction” Workshop.
• “Majlis Berbuka Puasa, Memasak Bubur Lambuk dan
• Visitation to “Pasantren”/Life Consecration Centres Solat Tawarikh Berjemaah”.
o Objective: To increase knowledge and to obtain • “Majlis Jalinan Aidilfitri”.
information to assist in the planning for spiritual • Brainstorming Workshop for Launch of the Selangor
activities in Selangor. Malay Customs and Heritage Corporation
o Parties involved: Heads of Departments and • Khat Art Workshop
Islamic Affairs agency of Selangor. • Formative Kompang Competition
• Nisa Jamboree
• Visitation to Singapore (“Nazir”)
o Objective: To provide exposure and new input on Upcoming Programmes
the administration of mosques as an institution for
the transformation of believers. 2010 Programmes:
o Parties involved: Nazarites in Selangor. • “Bicara Tokoh”: Traditional Knowledge of Evaluating
• Selangor KAFA Teachers Convention • “Bicara Tokoh: Budayanita Kelahiran Negeri
o Objective: To produce competent teachers who Selangor”
truly understand their role in developing the • Traditional Kelingkan Art Workshop
believers in Selangor. • Traditional Oral Writing Workshop
o Parties involved: KAFA teachers in Selangor. • One-Day Research Methodology Forum
• International Museum Day
• “Ramah Mesra” with Islamic Scholars • Malay Customs Discussion
o Objective: To strengthen ties between the Exco • Reading and Writing Jawi Workshop for non-Malays
and the Islamic scholars and to exchange views • Selangor Art Heritage Seminar
on the development of Islam in Selangor. • Team Building Courses
o Parties involved: Exco and Islamic scholars. • Khat Writing Workshop
• Traditional Food Workshop and Cooking Competition
• “Ramah Mesra” with NGOs • “Sireh Junjung” Arrangement Competition
o Objective: To strengthen ties between the Exco
and NGOs and to exchange views on the
development of Islam in Selangor.
o Parties involved: Exco, Islamic scholars, and
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

The Selangor government believes in the constitutional right of all Malaysians to profess and
practise their respective religions freely. We are committed to ensuring that adherents of all faiths
receive the proper care and attention, and that their concerns are dealt with in a compassionate,
reasonable and transparent manner. Hence, one of the first important steps taken after Pakatan
Rakyat took over Selangor was the revamping of the Selangor Non-Muslim Council. Apart from this,
the Selangor government has also met with the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism,
Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taosim and intends to make such meetings regular.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Selangor Non-Muslim Council c. Developers of areas of land more than 100 acres
In the revamping of the Selangor Non-Muslim Council, nu- must prepare a site for a religious place of worship.
merous consultations with representatives of all major reli- d. Land for places of worship cannot be given under
gious groups/bodies took place. As a result the following TNB high extension cables, and next to water
amendments were made to the guidelines of the Selangor purification ponds.
Non-Muslim Council. It is also important to note that the es- e. The land area approved for every place worship is a
tablishment of these guidelines is significant as it marks a minimum of 10,000 sq ft. The developer of any estate
transparent and clear method of dealing with non-Muslim must find an alternative place to relocate the
places of worship, which was non-existent previously. existing temple if the estate was developed.
f. The Height of the structure of the building is range
1. Membership of the Council between 48-50 feet.
a. The Council is jointly chaired by EXCOs Y.B Dr Xavier g. Every application is treated on a case-by-case basis,
Jayakumar a/l Arulanandam, Y.B Teresa Kok Suh Sim and is subject to regulations of the repective Local
and Y.B Ronnie Liu Tian Khiew Council.
b. Four (4) state assemblymen are incorporated as
members of the Council 4. General role and function
c. (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER) Seven (7) main religious a. The main duty of the Council, is to evaluate and if
bodies are also members of the Council. proper approve land applications by religious places
• Christian Federation Malaysia of worship. The Council also plays a role in approving
• Buddhist Committee any land when a religious place of worship needs to
• Malaysia Hindu Sangam be moved to a new site.
• Federation Of Taoist Association Malaysia
• Malaysia Gurdwara’s Council 5. Allocation of funds
• Buddist Missionary Society Malaysia a. Funds can only be given to religious places of
• Malaysia Buddhist Association KL/Selangor worship that are registered with the Registrar of
2. Number of Meetings b. All Applications must be made through the local
a. The State implemented a new policy where the state assemblymen’s’ office before it is brought for
Non-Muslim Council now sits six (6) times a year as approval to the Council chairs.
compared to twice a year previously. c. Every place of worship is allowed to receive funds
only once a year.
3. Policies
a. In general any place of worship that is more than 100 Approval of land given in 2008 – 2009
years old, is declared a historical building whether it Land applications for 90 religious places of worship were ap-
is situated on private or state land as per the proved.
Antiquities Act 1976
b. Every application that is made to a District Office Funds Allocated in 2009
must reach the Non-Muslim Council in six(6) months
Type Number of places Total amount (RM)

Christian 72 900,500.00

Buddhist 184 1,291,500.00

Hindu 163 2,526,500.00

Sikh 18 128,000.00
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

The local government as an administrative authority closest to the grassroots acts as the best liaison
between the State and its people. The Selangor State Government seeks to empower councilors in
their role as governors of the people. We are committed to providing better quality services
through all its 12 local authorities in Selangor, and are focused on improving in areas such as
cleanliness, safety and efficiency for the benefit of our residents.

Key Achievements: 3. Cleanliness

1. Improved Local Government Services Ensuring cleanliness is a pivotal role of the local government
In order to improve upon the perception of local in order to provide the people with a comfortable
authorities as inefficient and ineffective, several efforts environment that they can call home.
have been taken to improve its services.
• Implementation of a “Clean Zone” in each local
• Appointment of councillors amongst professionals council in Selangor.
and members of non-governmental organisations • Each local council is to identify clean zones in their
(NGOs). respective areas.
• Immediate approval of business licenses • A “Clean Zone” competition has been initiated by
o A total of 57 licenses have been approved the Selangor government, with clean zones of each
immediately. local council competing within a year up to June
o All local councils are now implementing 2010.
immediate approvals of business licenses. • Guidelines are based on general cleanliness, infra
structural maintenance, maintenance of public
2. “Best Local Government” Award amenities and landscape maintenance.
The “Best Local Government” Award 2009 was given as
an incentive for local governments to continually im 4. Local Councillors
prove their services.
It is the State’s vision to further empower and equip its local
• Based on Star Rating of the local governments in councillors who represent the State to its people, and who
Selangor by the Ministry of Housing and Local connect its people back to the State. This means ensuring
Government. there are sufficient financial, physical and human resources
o 4 stars – 4 local councils (Subang Jaya, Petaling made available to the councillors to carry out their duties.
Jaya, Shah Alam and Klang)
o 3 stars – 5 local councils (Kajang, Ampang Jaya, • Allocation of funds for each councillor to run
Kuala Langat, Selayang and Sepang) activities for the year.
o 2 stars – 3 local councils (Hulu Selangor, Kuala • Provision of an office and a clerk for each councillor,
Selangor, and Sabak Bernam) previously not made available.
o Each local government was awarded with a • Division of zones for each councillor within the local
trophy and a certificate of appreciation from the council area
State Government. o Each councillor is responsible for the zone they
o The Star Rating is based on 352 indicators under have been allocated to.
four main criteria: management, service thrust,
customer management and community
involvement and views.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

5. Local government Cash Reserves and Analysis of In 2. Safety

come and Expenditure
Increasing crime levels in our neighbourhood have added
Efforts are taken to ensure that funds allocated to each local to our worries in life. The local governments in Selangor seek
government are spent wisely for the benefit of the people. to provide a secure environment for each of its residents.

• All Local Councils’ income and expenditure have • “Safe City” Programme criteria have been presented
been analysed in a detailed manner. to each local government by the Selangor
• All councils have been instructed to ensure their Department of Town and Country Planning.
expenditure is prudent and only on what is necessary
3. Good governance
6. Freezing of business licenses
We believe that good governance is crucial at every level of
Businesses that do not benefit the community at large have authority, and it is Selangor’s promise to its people that we
had their licenses frozen, such as: will uphold integrity, transparency, and accountability as
core principles.
• Cyber cafes
• Massage parlours • The State government is in the process of establishing
a local government in Klang.
7. Establishment of Committees • Standardising the establishment of committees and
its functions in each local government.
Various committees have been established in order to aid
the administrative processes of the local government. 4. Local government elections

• Audit and Corporate Management Committee This was Pakatan Rakyat’s promise to the people in 2008,
• Tender and Quotation Committee and we uphold that we will continue to work towards
implementing local government elections to return this right
8. Meeting with the residents of Selangor to our people.

It is important that the authority governing the people of • The Selangor state government has received several
Selangor be approachable, that they may truly be able to proposals to conduct local government elections.
represent its people and their needs. • One suggestion was to have pilots conducted in one
or two local councils to study its effectiveness.
• Roadshows conducted within each local • The plans are currently being studied.
government, in order for the people to meet their
respective elected representatives and local council. 5. Close Circuit Televisions (CCTVs)

9. Local government standing committee meeting The use of CCTV is another measure to further increase
security in our neighbourhoods.
Standing committee meetings are conducted regularly in
order to effectively tackle issues within the various zones in • Implementation of the use of CCTVs in each local
the local government. government.
• The Selangor government has increased its
• Total number of meetings in 2009: 10. allocation for safety and security to ensure more
CCTVs are installed in all local government vicinities.
Upcoming Programmes:

1. Cleanliness

More will be done in terms of cleanliness in order to ensure

that the people of Selangor truly have a healthy environ-
ment to build their homes.

• Evaluation of the “Clean Zone” program in each

local government based on the criteria that will be
• Rezoning of areas of work under Alam Flora.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts


"Wars against nations are fought to change maps; wars against poverty are fought to map change." -- Muhammad Ali

The policy lines between poverty eradication and that of caring government are often blurred as
the areas are often intertwined. The poverty eradication and “caring government” efforts focus
mainly on issues of housing for the poor, income generation, education, and healthcare. These
efforts are streamlined to help those truly in need with the long term aim of ensuring self-indepen-

Key Achievements 3. Healthcare Assistance

1. Reconstruction and restoration of dilapidated homes. o Subsidy of Haemodialysis Treatments for Kidney
Patients In 2009 the Selangor State began a
Dilapidated homes across Selangor cause problems to programme where selected poor patients (poverty
residents as they continue to live in deplorable guideline of RM 1500 and below) were given
conditions. The Selangor government is committed to RM 60 per dialysis treatment.
reconstruction and restoration of these homes whose However in 2010 the policy for haemodialysis assis
landowners cannot afford to fix, in order to improve tance has been modified to give each patient a
living conditions. We have given assistance to the one-off subsidy of RM 2000. This is to enable more
following homes for all races alike in all nine districts in people to receive aid.
• 2008 o Cataract surgery
o 132 homes were reconstructed (RM 3.182 million) The Selangor State initiated a program where the
o 154 homes were restored (RM 907,500) State would pay for intraocular lenses used in
• 2009 Cataract surgery.
o 133 homes were reconstructed (RM1.2 million) The basis of this policy is that many poor patients
o 146 homes were restored (RM3.35 million) avoid going for Cataract Surgery because they can
not afford to pay for the lenses which cost
2. Poverty blueprint approximately RM 400-600, even though the surgery
itself is free in Public Hospitals.
The policy for the Poverty Blueprint initiative is to increase
the income of very poor entrepreneurs. The Selangor o Minor surgery
government made the decision to raise its poverty line Minor surgeries that cost below RM 2,000 are
household income (PLI) to RM1500, as this provides a subsidised for selected poor patients. However if the
more realistic indication of poverty. At this level, it is surgery costs more than RM2000, aid is capped at
estimated that 30% of Selangor is classified as poor. For RM 2000.
the programme, the selection criterion is very strict and
goes through an interview process followed by a site-visit o Donation of medical equipment
by Officers. Aid is only given in the form of tools or The State donated 1 dialysis machine costing
equipment. This initiative does not provide financial aid. RM 50,000 to the Haemodialysis Association of Klang
• 2008 Applicants 353
Selected 197 20 Wheelchairs and walking aids were donated to
• 2009 Applicants 2148 needy individuals by the State in collaboration with
Selected 345 the Rotary Club. The State also provided assistance
to children who needed specialised wheelchairs
costing about RM 2000 – RM 5000 each.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

4. Studies carried out Back to School Programmes

In 2008, 700 BATA shoe vouchers worth RM 20 each were
Merdeka Center for Opinion Research, a survey agency, distributed to all 56 DUNs In 2009, 39,200 school bags
was tasked with the duty of studying the financial back were given out to all DUNs (700 per DUN)
ground of 600 paddy farmers in Tanjong Karang, Sabak
Bernam. The results of this study are expected in 2010. UPSR & PMR
Skim Bantuan UPSR & PMR 2009, was a programme set
5. Training up to help poor students in their examination years.
Specifically primary students in Standard 6, and
o The Selangor State Government in collaboration with Secondary students in Form 3 were chosen for this
the Malaysian Indian Business Association (MIBA) programme. Each DUN selected 50 UPSR students who
organised four one-day Seminars that were received RM 90 each and 50 PMR students who
conducted free-of-charge for entrepreneurs who received RM 120 each.
were interested in business ventures.
Upcoming Programmes
o Skills Training for an average of 200 students in 2008
and 2009 each at INPENS International College The Selangor State continues to look forward to exciting new
initiatives for its Poverty Eradication Policy. Upcoming activi-
6. Financial donations to NGOs ties include:

Funds were given to Non-Governmental Organisations 1. Studies carried out

such as The Malaysian Parkinsons Association, Hospice A new study on the ‘Urban Poor’ in Taman Sentosa,
Klang, Sekolah Khas Klang, Dyslexia Association, Kiwanis Klang has been started by Merdeka Centre for
Foundation, Persatuan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Akal Opinion Research.
Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan just to name a few.
2. Skills Training for poor women
7. Individual Aid A centre with 10 sewing machines bought by the
state is being set up in Tanjong Karang. Women will
Food Hampers be allowed to learn sewing at a minimal fee.
Food hampers that contain basic provisions such as rice,
milo, coffee, sugar, milk and oil are given out on a 3. Skills Training for students (school leavers) at INPENS
continuous basis. To date the State has officially given International College
about 2500 hampers.
4. Identity Card (IC) & Birth Certificate (BC) Registration
During the 100-day Celebration of Pakatan Rakyat in Programme
Selangor in 2008, a total of 39,200 bags of 5kg rice, milk RM 80,000.00 has been allocated to set up and carry
tins and sugar were given out to all the DUNs in Selangor. out a registration initiative. This involves hiring of full-
Each DUN received 700 bags of 5kg rice, 1400 tins of milk time staff and establishment of an office in Majlis Per
and 700 packets of sugar. bandaran Klang.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

“Treat the earth well. It was not given to you by your parents; it was loaned to you by your chil-
dren.” – a Kenyan proverb that is seconded by Pakatan Rakyat here in Selangor. We will strive to
adhere to the principles of sustainable development and to be a part of worldwide efforts to
protect our earth – for the benefit of our children in Selangor.

Key Achievements

1. Reduction of open burning fires

Open burning fires is a source of major pollution, and Selangor has been committed to reducing and eventually
eliminating open burning.
o 2008: 30 flights allocated for the Department of Environment Selangor for the monitoring of environmental
pollution (only 6 flights in 2007).
o 2008: 678 cases investigated (only 430 in 2007).
o Open burning fire hotspot – Johan Setia:
i. Reduction efforts – funded a RM20,000 study conducted by the Global Environment Centre (GEC) in
conjunction with the Department of Environment, Department of Irrigation and Drainage, Klang Municipal
Council, Klang District and Land Office, Rela, and the Rural Development and Security Committee in Johan
ii. Action team – in 2009, the state government directed Majlis Perbandaran Klang to form a special unit
comprising of 20 officers to perform 24-hour monitoring and firefighting.
iii. 2009 – Less than 10 small combustions reported.

2. Forests that have been gazetted as reserves

Forest reserves provide a green lung to Selangor, and the State Government believes in preserving them in their
pristine form.
o Kota Damansara Forest Reserve (344 hectares)
o Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve (1,248 hectares)
o 300 hectares of former Ulu Langat forest reserve recovered for recreational and educational forest
o 400 hectares of former mangrove in Kuala Selangor recovered

3. Forests that have been rehabilitated

Other forests have been rehabilitated in Selangor.
o Raja Musa Forest Reserve (1,500 hectares)
o Rehabilitated mangrove along the coasts of Selangor by planting over 150,000 trees.

4. Forest conservation target announced

o Commitment to increase Selangor’s forest cover to 32%. In 2009, it stands at 30.5%

5. Wildlife protection – fireflies and hunting bans

The Selangor state believes that endangered species of wildlife should be given sufficient protection, as such has done
the following:
o Gazetted Kampung Kuantan as a Special Protection Zone for Fireflies in 2009
o Banned hunting of sambar deer, bearded pig, & flying fox in 2009
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

6. Pollution control – shutting down polluters

Selangor is committed to combating pollution as far as possible.
o Factories and farms found to be excessively polluting have been shut down.

7. State Environmental Policy

Selangor will emerge with its own State Environmental Policy this year.
o Consultations concluded in 2009.
o Final draft being prepared for release on Earth Day 2010.

8. Declassification of information
Selangor has also taken the initiative to embark on a process of declassifying important and relevant information. This
trend will continue on other crucial issues.
o Information was declassified in order to halt destruction of key forest reserves given to the Selangor Agriculture
Development Corporation for ‘plantation forest’ projects.

9. Projects assisted
Selangor has also assisted and supported various environment-related projects, among them:
o 2nd International Firefly Symposium
o Environment Awareness Camps for schoolchildren
o Festival Of Wings
o World Wetlands Day
o “Does Malaysia Need Nuclear Energy?” Conference
o Eco-Green Week

Upcoming Programmes:

1. Upcoming Policies
o Climate Change Policy

2. Forestry Policies
o 25 year moratorium on logging in forest reserves
o Forestry Act (Selangor) Amendment to require public consultation in any process of conversion or degazettement.

3. Increased reduction of forest fires and open burning

o 30 illegal dumpsites have been identified and will be targetted for action

4. Climate change awareness campaign

o A comprehensive awareness campaign targetting youths in Selangor will be introduced.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

No Plastic Bag Day Campaign

One of the most significant campaigns in Selangor, the State has initiated No Plastic Bag Day each Saturday, encouraging
retailers and consumers to use re-usable cloth bags to reduce wastage resulting in plastic bag-dumping.

8 billion plastic bags were used in Malaysia in 2009. The state is targeting 20% reduction of usage within the first six months of
2010. Each plastic bag will be charged 20 sen by participating outlets on Saturdays. We will work towards increasing the
number of days in 2010, while making participation in the campaign a licensing condition.

Signatories to the campaign now include:

30 retailers
3 shopping malls
For more information, go to

Smart consumer Campaign

To encourage better consumer habits, the State initiated a campaign to educate the public about their rights as consumers
and the importance of making good decisions as consumers. As part of the campaign, booklets in three major languages
were prepared and distributed widely all over Selangor. Easy to understand but thorough, the booklets advocated careful
spending while stressing the need for consumers to be assertive with their rights.

Save electricity campaign

Recognising the importance of reducing energy consumption, the State also started a campaign to encourage residents of
Selangor to reduce electricity use. By giving consumers information about the energy consumption of typical electrical de-
vices along with the tariff rates, the State aims to use economic reasoning to encourage all Selangor residents to make en-
ergy efficiency a way of life.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

The rights and interests of the Orang Asli community in Selangor has long been ignored by previous
administrations. When Pakatan Rakyat formed the government, one of its priorities was to finally
address some of the past neglect and address longstanding issues involving the community.The
Selangor government is committed to restoring indigenous rights.

Orang Asli Land Task Force

The Selangor Orang Asli Land Task Force was launched in 2009 to enable the state government to work together with the
community find solutions to issues related to ancestral land. For the first time ever, a member of the community was even
employed by an executive council member to assist the state government in coordinating these efforts. The task force has
looked into the gazetting of Orang Asli reserves, claims over disputed lands, drawing up a policy, and reforming legislation in
related matters.

Withdrawal of the Sagong Tasi case

In a landmark decision, the Shah Alam High Court ruled in 2002 that the Temuans were unlawfully evicted from their ances-
tral lands in Bukit Tampoi, Dengkil. However, the previous administration initiated an appeal to overturn the decision. In the
interest of fairness, justice and protecting the rights of the Orang Asli, however, the Pakatan Rakyat government decided to
drop the appeal, finally putting to rest the case that has been in the courts since 1996.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

One of the areas that State Governments are given to manage is that of land. The state’s Land Of-
fice (Pejabat Tanah dan Galian) together with the state executive council makes important deci-
sions related to land and its accompanying resources, sand and rock materials. The Land Taskforce
was also set up with the intention of reviewing and reforming obsolete land policies of the past. The
Menteri Besar meets regularly with the various committees to resolve disputes and problems. The
Selangor government is committed to manage its natural resources as a responsible steward, for
the benefit of its rakyat.

Land approvals by the Land Development and Environmental Resources Committee

Policies decided upon by the Land Development and Environmental Resources Committee

There have been substantial policies that have been decided upon in the past two years by the Selangor government, in its
efforts to reform land policies of the past, and to improve land administration. The following are numerous achievements to

• Plans and policy papers

a. Preparation of a sectoral development plan that is organised and complete in every aspect to ensure perfect
and organized development in any area in terms of infrastructure and public amenities.
b. Policy paper to be prepared on guidelines for the development of highlands and hill slopes.
c. Submission of a proposal to ensure that open spaces are well maintained.
d. Policy guidelines on handing out of permits on rock materials (except sand) to be based on a review of market
demands for rock materials.

• Review of policies
a. Review on premiums charged on government-owned lands to facilitate selling of lands.
b. Suggestion to introduce a “No Homeless” concept to the State, urging the chairperson of the Housing and
Squatters Committee to act on this concept when solving the issue of abandoned housing projects.
c. Suggestion for the cooperation between resident associations and quarry owners to be established due to
complaints arising from incoming and outgoing of lorries and dust and debris from quarries from sand-blasting
d. Suggestion to include the Registrar’s Caveat (Kaveat Pendaftar) into the ownership documentation after
obtaining the approval from the State Exco to prevent landowners from being involved in certain transactions
such as land transfers that will amend the original approval by the State Exco.

• New Policies
a. Every application received to be processed on a “First In First Out” basis to ensure that all applications are
processed fairly and in order.
b. Confiscation of land:
i. Developers who do not comply with the instructions of the state authorities,
ii. Developers of abandoned projects
iii. Failure to pay quit rent as issued by the Land Office
c. Maintenance of approval powers by the District and Land Administrator for the approval of temporary permits to
remove red earth on land of not more than 10 acres, including the removal of excess red earth on land that has
been given the planning approval.
d. Rezoning of an area into an industrial zone to be done only after adequate infrastructure is made available.
e. Agriculture lands are not to be owned by foreigners with the intention to develop into an industrial site in order to
protect the value of the land and its potential.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

• New Measures for Better Administration

a. Preparation of an inventory containing the name of companies, board of directors and shareholders need to be
prepared to assist local councils in monitoring approvals – to avoid approving projects undertaken by companies
who have had a track record of incomplete/abandoned projects.
b. Incentive offered for applications that pay off their premiums early, and action will be taken against those who
fail to pay off their premiums after the stipulated amount of time.
c. A Registrar’s Caveat (Kaveat Pendaftar) is to be submitted by the officer-in-charge for land designated for public
use in order to safeguard the interests of the State Government.
d. The assistant chief of the land office is to be responsible for the monitoring of government assets in every district
that houses the property and environmental resources of the State government.

Sand Mining Activities

1. Setting up of Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd

• Objectives:
o To maximize the State’s returns from sand mining.
o To ensure transparency and responsibility in the sand selling process.
o To have a holistic management of the sand mining industry in Selangor

• Modus Operandi: Transparency.

o Sand-buying companies appointed through open tenders.
o Companies are required to go through an interview and a site visit will be conducted.
o Mining activities permitted only after the contracts are offered.
o Companies are monitored to ensure that they adhere to the rules stipulated in the contract.

2. Increasing revenue
• Revenue received in forms of royalty, dividend, and payments made to the State Government and its agencies.
• Accumulated profit after tax of approximately up to RM 5 million (as of 3rd Quarter of 2009)

3. Sand stealing activities

• KSSB has been implicated in sand stealing activities when a summon was issued to a lorry that transported sand out
of the Bestari Jaya mine before operating hours.
• KSSB has paid the fines issued and will only allow lorries to transport sand during operation hours.
• KSSB will take strict action against any of its employees who are suspected to be involved in sand stealing activities.

4. Monopoly of private sand mines

• KSSB does not monopolise sand mines on private lands.
• KSSB solely operates on mines owned by the State Government or its agencies such as KDEB, PKPS, PNSB, and KHSB.
• However, KSSB has put in applications to operate in private mines since September 2009 after the State Government
has set up the private land mine policy.
• 14 applications were received and 5 were submitted for consideration by the State Exco.
• KSSB’s responsibilities in the private land mines:
o To obtain a permit.
o To provide advisory services.
o To ensure that operators comply with permit conditions.
o To ensure that the sale of sand is equivalent to the royalty paid to the State.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts


The Selangor government believes in the equality of human beings irrespective of gender. In fact,
women contribute significantly to the social and economic life of Malaysia, representing about 36%
of the workforce. However, Malaysia still ranks 68th out of 109 countries on the Gender Empower-
ment Measure (GEM), which measures women’s participation in economic and political life. We
are therefore committed in empowering women to know their rights, build their job skills, and pro-
viding education and assistance on all discrimination and violence against women.

1. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)

• Malaysia has submitted its 3rd and 4th Malaysia Government Report on Convention of the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 2009.
• It is important for all elected representatives to be well briefed on CEDAW’s framework, its implications and their
obligations to advance gender equality in Malaysia.
• The training workshop on CEDAW – Strengthening Awareness of Elected Representatives to Promote and Advance
CEDAW in Malaysia was held specially for the Selangor State Assembly Representatives (ADUNs) and their research
staff in April 2009.
o Objective: To strengthen the understanding of elected representatives on the rights-based framework and use of
CEDAW and aimed at understanding Malaysia’s obligations and how to apply CEDAW to laws and policies that
will result in equality and non-discrimination.
• CEDAW provides an international benchmark where rights are not discriminated.
o Fills the gap left by the previous mainstream human rights conventions that do not recognise various forms of
violations against women.
o CEDAW covers both public and private sectors
o Three principles of CEDAW are non-discrimination, substantive equality and state obligation.
o CEDAW sets down the framework that gender stereotypes must be addressed and rectified and to provide
action plans to promote equality and eradicate discrimination in all areas of society within the public and private
• The action plan must provide for full realization of rights without delay, and reduce the gap between law, policy and

2. Female Representation in the Selangor government

• Members of Parliament: 18.18% women

• State Legislative Assemblypersons (ADUN): 14.28% women
• Management and professional group (Grade 41 and above) – 35.45% women
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

3. Key Achievements

• Centres at local councils for women affected by violence

• Women DUN Community Center (Pusat Komuniti Wanita DUN)

i. As a platform to enhance and educate women on their skills and rights.
ii. To expand on ideas to be shared amongst all women in respective constituencies.
iii. A symbol of women’s empowerment, dynamism and self-confidence
iv. A source of financial support for affected women.
v. An education centre to encourage women to be positive-minded, professional, productive, efficient and build
skills for self-motivation for self, family and country.
vi. Activities are crafted based on healthcare, knowledge, skills, rights and responsibilities, parenting, and are
organised to cater to women according to their age groups.
vii. 10 Community Centres were formed in 2009 with the help of donated equipment by the Selangor government.
viii. 15 Community Centres are expected to be formed in 2010

• One Stop Crisis Centre

i. ’One Stop Crisis Centre’ (OSCC), or Pusat Khidmat Krisis Sehenti
ii. Objectives:
1. To provide holistic services to victims of abuse, rape and domestic violence.
2. To provide a safe haven for victims’ treatment
3. To provide emotional and counselling support
4. To provide legal aid for women facing domestic court cases
iii. Placed under the Emergency Department in each hospital with employees tasked to treat and give proper care
to victims.
iv. These services need to be further publicised
1. Awareness campaigns through NGO networks throughout Selangor have been conducted
2. To raise awareness on domestic violence, provide information on family law and OSCC services.
3. 2009: 50 out of 56 constituences carried out OSCC Awareness Campaign Programmes, “Say No to Domestic
Violence Against Women, Families and Children”.
4. The programme targets community leaders

• Maternity benefits to mothers – 90 days of maternity leave for all female civil servants. The Selangor government en
courages private companies to adopt the same.

4. Upcoming Programmes

• Proposals in improving women’s rights in Selangor

i. Skills-Enhancement and Economic Capabilities
1. To form a community centre to increase the potential of women in Selangor in the areas of skills and entrepre
neurial development
2. To enhance the quality of life and increase women’s incomes above the poverty level
3. To empower Selangor women in leadership and knowledge of their rights as women, responsibilities, the law,
healthcare, and social issues.
4. Commitment to gender mainstreaming in the Selangor government administration based on women’s
policies, Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and International Conventions, raising awareness on gender
5. Providing exposure and motivation to women
6. To celebrate and honour women at all levels
7. To provide educational seminars on family sexual abuse.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Almost half of the Malaysian population in 2005 lies within the 15-40 year old category, defined as
youth in Malaysia, with about 2.3 million in Selangor alone. It is estimated that at least 100,000 youth
leave school annually and enter the labour force. Our youths in Selangor are the most important
agents of change in time to come. Thus, the time is now for us to mobilize and invest in their
budding talents. We strongly believe that it is the youth who are the leaders of tomorrow, and we
are committed to building and shaping this important generation for the future of the nation.

Key Achievements

• Selangor State Youth Secretariat:

A Selangor State Youth Secretariat dedicated to youth development was conceptualised at the end of 2008 and formed
in mid 2009, and has since taken flight to initiate a range of programmes, activities and seminars to empower the next
generation of leaders in Selangor. Programmes for youths has been given the fresh name of “Gen-S”, or Generation
Selangor, the Secretariat aims to truly shape youth leaders who are critical thinkers and socially engaged in the process
of nation building in all aspects. The Secretariat itself is headed by a young team that brainstorms and implement new in
novative programmes for its Selangor youth.

o Established May 1, 2009.

o Objectives:
• To formulate and implement youth development programmes throughout Selangor.
• To provide content development for youth programmes in accordance with the aspirations of the State Government.
• Monitor and accelerate youth programmes in accordance with the various requirements and needs.
o Programmes implemented according to six main themes:
• Sports
• Arts
• Leadership
• Education
• Community
• Entrepreneurship
o Summary of achievements from projects implemented:
• Programmes successfully implemented according to schedule and satisfactorily achieved their objectives.
• Network of relationships between youth associations, NGOs, and student groups established to facilitate planning
of activities.
• Collection of database of participants who have attended the youth programmes for youth mobilisation and
channeling of information.
• Dissemination of information and aspirations of the State Government through its implemented programmes.
• Building up a network of youth volunteers to participate in programmes and get connected to other youth
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

• Summary of Programmes in 2009:

A myriad of events was carried out in hopes of addressing and empowering our youth. Youth festivals, conferences
and roundtables in particular have been important in encouraging youth to think outside the box, discuss
national-level issues such as unity and nation-building, and seeking solutions to Malaysia’s problems. Building a
future for Malaysia, youths are encouraged to ask questions and discuss issues openly in a rational manner. Selected
programmes include:

o Youth Entrepreneurship Roundtables

o Youth Development Convention
o Youth in Community
o “Mahasiswa Bersama Pemimpin”
o “Sukan Selangor” Gen-S Carnival
o Festival of Youth ‘09
o Conference by Youths for Youths – Building a New Future for Malaysia
o “Jom Daftar Undi”, A Young Voters’ Registration Campaign
o “Jelajah Futsal Selangor”, District-wide futsal competition

Only 64% of youth said their votes could make a difference in 2008. To empower youth leaders, the Selangor
government successfully launched its “Local Council Youth Committees” in August 2009. This allows youth from the
local and grassroots level to themselves lead youth programmes, empowering them with self-determination and to
experience cross-cultural co-operation.

o Each local council has between 24-26 Local Council Youth Committees, corresponding to the 24-26 zones
per council
o 290 Local Council Youth Committees have been formed throughout Selangor
o The Local Council Youth Committees receive funding from the State Government
o Activities conducted are in line with the Secretariat’s Youth themes of Sports, Arts, Leadership, Education,
Community and Entrepreneurship.
o RM2 million is dedicated to all 290 committees every year.

Upcoming Programmes

Acting upon the success of previous events, selected programmes will be maintained, on top of a host of other newer

o Munsyi Abdullah Dialogue - Public Lecture Series

o National Youth Summit
o Selangor Young Talents' Award
o “Jelajah Futsal Selangor” Gen-S
o PeBT Leadership Courses
o Festival of Youth
o “Imarah Masjid” Programme
o Selangor Students' Retreat
o Young Entrepreneurs' Workshop
o Extreme Sports Programme
o Gen-S Flea Market

The Youth Secretariat of Selangor hopes to progress and to work toward fulfilling these criteria in the short and long run:

• Short-term
o To bring clarity in its vision, mission, and objectives.
o To improve the structure and add on to the roles of the secretariat.
o To strengthen its image and branding.
o To launch stringers or agents.
o To increase networks with universities, colleges, and partner organizations.
o To widen engagement networks with other youth organizations and NGOs.
• Medium-term
o To increase publicity to improve visibility.
o To widen engagement networks with the media and corporate companies.
• Long-term
o To implement high-profile and impactful programmemes.
o To widen the network beyond Selangor.
o To widen engagement networks to the region.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts


It is estimated that in 2010, the broadband penetration rate in Malaysia is 34.2 percent, taking
into account all wireless access including mobile broadband. With a penetration rate of cellular
phones of 108.1 percent, Malaysians are strong consumers of technology. Selangor being the most
urbanised state in the country has the highest number of technology users (chart below shows
Selangor having the highest number of household Internet users). The Selangor government
believes that science, technology and innovation should be used to better the lives of individuals
and businesses, and is committed to providing means to those ends.

Graph: Distribution of Household Internet Users by State (2005, 2006 and 2008)

Source: Household use of the Internet Survey 2008, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission

Key Achievements

1. Festival STI Selangor (FesSTIS)

The STI Festival Selangor is an annual festival that is to be held every year, launched in 2009 as FesSTIS '09. This year it
will be held from 5th-7th June 2010, known as FesSTIS '10 at the SACC, or Shah Alam Convention Centre.

o Objectives:
o FesSTIS is held to promote innovation to the public using Science and Technology as tools
o To collaborate with all stakeholders such as innovators, research and development centres and industrial players
to facilitate the commercialisation of products.
o FesSTIS ’09 received over 100 entries on innovation, 30 of which were chosen as finalists.
o Six contestants’ entries were awarded with the “Most Innovative” prizes, receiving cash of more than RM10,000.

Amongst other programmes introduced to promote innovation is a television reality programme called “Mentor Mentee”, in
which students from UNISEL (Industrial University of Selangor) are selected to be mentored by the Malaysian Creative and In-
novative Society (MACRI).
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

2. Manufacturing Tourism


A UNISEL professor has discovered a new technology on Spirulina, a microscopic bacteria now used as health
supplements for humans and animals. This exciting new technology was made known to the Selangor government
during FeSTIS ’09.

o The professor discovered the technology to breed Spirulina in captivity.

o He also successfully broken the Spirulina strain down smaller, which allows a faster and better rate of dissolution
into the body upon consumption.
o The Selangor government has arranged for an industrial player to commercialise the end product.
o A government grant of RM1 million has been given to UNISEL to build a manufacturing line in Hulu Selangor.
o The land has been identified and production is expected to begin in June 2010.

Other Products

With this programme, more downstream entrepreneurs will be encouraged.

o ONE VILLAGE ONE PRODUCT: We expect offshoot products such as crackers, noodles and other snacks with Spirulina
will be produced by people in the vicinity. This directly increases their main income.
o Packing of the main spirulina health and pharmaceutical products can be packed at their home at a reduced cost,
also contributing income to the villagers.
o Manufacturing Tourism:
o The manufacuring plant will be built n programmed towards tourists in mind.
o Tourism Selangor Sdn. Bhd. can co-operate with the villages to bring in tourists who observe spirulina production.
o This is expected to boost the state’s economy through its manufacturing, infrastructure, and tourism.

3. People’s Cyber Centre (Pusat Siber Rakyat, PSR)

Formerly known as the IT Community Centre, or Pusat Komuniti IT (PKIT), the current Selangor government has rebranded
them as the People’s Cyber Centres (Pusat Siber Rakyat, PSR). The PSRs are aimed at granting greater Internet access to a
wider reach of Selangor residents, especially those who are unable to afford it in their private homes. These services meant
for grassroot communities are hoped to grant greater connectivity with information and the world at large.

o PSRs are located within state-owned libraries situated in all municipalities.

o As of March 2010, five PSRs have been formed in Ampang, Bestari Jaya, Semenyih, Klang and Kuala Langat.
o 10 more are expected to be formed by the end of 2010.
o Previous problems of unattended premises, unrepaired computers, locked up centres, and disrupted internet services
are expected to be resolved.

4. HyWIN (Hybrid Wireless Infrastructure Network)

The HyWIN, or Hybrid Wireless Infrastructure Network, is a five year programme under the U-Wisel, or Ubiquitous Wi-Fi, Pro-
gramme in Selangor. The HyWIN Programme is set in place towards realising the Selangor government’s commitment to en-
suring high quality and high speed Internet connectivity throughout Selangor.

U-Wisel policies have been laid out by the Selangor government to those who would like to participate in making Selangor
connected. U-Wisel seeks to achieve the following in Selangor:

1) Connectivity
2) Coverage
3) Sustainability
4) Economic Impact

o Connectivity will start from Shah Alam CBD (Center Business District) and spread out to neighbouring municipalities
and the end of state lines.
o This involves a FDI (Foreign Direct Investmest) of RM2.14 billion in 5years.
o A well connected public will be a better informed, knowledgeable, educated people.
o This will ensure that Selangor’s development is on par with the rest of the world.
o Through better Internet connectivity, people will have equal opportunities in business.

5. Upcoming Programmes
There are several more programmes to be explored in 2010 which are still under study before being implemented.

They are :

o Interior Display Media (IDM)

o Selangor Mobile Innovative Lab Express (SMILE)
o Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH)
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

We recognize the role of individuals in being the cornerstone to the progress of Selangor. As such,
individuals in communities need to receive development in a holistic manner. The State is
committed to see each and every member of our society developed in five aspects, namely
Spiritually, Physically, Intellectually, Emotionallyand Socially (S.P.I.E.S.).

S.P.I.E.S. Programme Selangor “Briged Amal” Programme

o Vision: The Selangor “Briged Amal” Programme is a volunteer team

• To establish a community of excellence that is that was initiated by the Alumni of the S.P.I.E.S. programme
productive, effective, progressive, and competitive. involving potential future community youth leaders who are
o Mission: local icons in their respective areas.
• To provide trainings and programmes that integrate
spiritual and moral values to produce a holistic and o Vision:
excellent people. • To build a culture of knowledge and volunteerism
• To build a community that is caring and o Mission:
environmentally-friendly. • To produce a culture of volunteerism in Selangor
through quality human resources.
S.P.I.E.S. Seminars o The objective of the programme is as follows:
• To build up the spirituality and moral aspects of the
Throughout the year 2009, numerous S.P.I.E.S. seminars community
were conducted involving all layers of the community, • To generate social and national consciousness
including with youth, students, families, teachers, villagers, amongst participants
civil servants and also conducted on an international • To create positive ‘pressure groups’ for a future
platform. generation of leaders
• To spur partipants on towards community and
o In total, 268 courses have been conducted in 2009 humanitarian work.
involving 18,825 participants throughout Selangor. • To prepare participants in the areas of training, skill-
o The courses have been conducted with specific building, education, entrepreneurship and career
communities such as youth, community leaders, building.
private education institutes, parents, single parents, • To build up participants’ independence and
the elderly, teachers, Development and Safety competitiveness abilities
Village Committees (Jawatankuasa Kemajuan dan • To involve the community in sports, culture and
Keselamatan Kampung), Parents’ and Teachers’ As recreational activities.
sociations, civil servants, charity brigades and heads • To build up an effective community service activity
of Government departments. • To strengthen a spirit of co-operation amongst
o Apart from local training programmes, a SPIES Selangor residents
International Conference was conducted in o Activities of the programme include:
December 2009 that introduced S.P.I.E.S. at the • Community activities
international level. • Skills and educational training
o 22 countries were involved, including Malaysia, Sri • Career and entrepreneurial programmes
Lanka, Iran, Pakistan, Singapore, India, Hong Kong, • Recreational, sports, arts and cultural programmes
Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Somalia. o Community Activities include:
o Feedback from the programmes found that • Gotong-royong activities
participants and facilitators supported the • Paramedics courses
continuation of such a programme as the module • Cooking and other career courses
content and speakers’ effectiveness could be • Sports and arts activities
directly applied in their lives. • Volunteer programmes: Cleaning of mosques and
other sites.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Programme to Address Social Ills in Selangor 3. Outdoor Camps

• Outdoor camps are meant to encourage
Selangor is one of the states with the highest social ills in co-operation and cross-cultural friendships.
Malaysia, amongst which are robbery, drugs, vandalism, 4. Parenthood Seminars
gangsterism, prostitution, domestic violence, juvenile • To provide motivation to parents whose children are
delinquency and school truancy. The Selangor government at high-risk of being influenced and exposed to
has introduced an Action Plan to Address Social Ills that has social ills
formed a Committee on the Prevention of Social Ills. • To provide suggestions and views on responsible and
excellence at parenthood
o Objective • To provide advice to parents to resolve problems
• The objective of this Committee is to ensure that faced by their children with regard to social ills
serious efforts are made to prevent social ills in a 5. Interactive Youth Programme (for men and women
cohesive and synergistic manner. The Programme is separately)
inclusive and involves numerous relevant • Youth aged between 13-20 years of age
departments and agencies such as the Police, • Objective: For youth to gather together with
AADK, Health Department, Education Department, activities such as music, educating them on their
Welfare Department, prisons, NGOs, community biological changes, team building, sports, sexual
leaders, Parent-Teachers’ Associations, educators, education, as well as encouraging healthy
and all district offices and local councils. interaction.
• A special action room within each district office has 6. “Jom Kerja” Series
been designated as a One-Stop Centre to prevent • From 1st Jan 2009 to 30th October 2009 there were a
social ills in their localities. total of 5439 people retrenched in Selangor, of which
• The objective of the programme is to identify the 4003 were local and 1436 foreign. Largest
source of social ills through a 5P theme: component was from the manufacturing industry,
• Pembangunan (Development) with 2774 people retrenched (1876 local and 898
• Pencegahan (Prevention) foreign).
• Pencelahan (Intervention) • As at 2nd Quarter of 2009, the unemployment rate of
• Penguatkuasaan (Enforcement) Selangor was 3.6%, with 78,000 people unemployed.
• Pemulihan (Rehabilitation) This is compared against the national level of
unemployment, also 3.6% and with 415,700
Other Programmes and Seminars unemployed.
• Online registration for retrenched and unemployed
1. Social decadence prevention seminar workers in early 2009 in co-operation with
• To obtain feedback on ways to prevent social and job registration at all local
decadence. councils.
• To come up with a resolution and action plan to • Jom Kerja: To encourage the unemployed to find
prevent social decadence in Selangor. gainful and meaningful employment in the state of
2. “Generasi Idaman Selangor” (GeMS) Programme Selangor through the Finding Workers Program
• Initiated with the objectives of enhancing self (Program Pencarian Pekerja), especially youth and
esteem of participants as model students of their single mothers. The programme also helps
families and religions, contributing to the country. companies seek local talent and human resources.
• Educate participants on the concept of ‘self’ and • The series involved Kuala Selangor, Sabak Bernam,
positive characteristics that are important to building Kuala Langat and Klang with the following rates of
a godly character. achievement:
• To build awareness about social ills that should be
avoided and prevented.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

The Selangor government recognises that education is crucial in shaping and moulding the young
for a better future. We are committed to ensuring all Selangor residents have equitable access to
quality education. Although it is the Education Ministry that shapes national education policy, the
Selangor government nevertheless has a vision in creating Selangor as a Knowledge and
Education hub and has contributed significant efforts to that end, both at the primary and
tertiary levels.

Selangor as a Knowledge and Education Hub o To discuss and analyze the impact of
globalization and its challenges to the
Higher Education Programs development of Muslim education in the world.
o To suggest solutions to some of the issues in
Seminars and conferences were organized at the interna- Muslim education.
tional level to introduce institutions in Selangor to the rest of o To support the initiatives of the state of Selangor,
the world. The objective of these conferences were to intro- Malaysia in its aim to Islamize education.
duce higher institutions of learning in Selangor to the interna- • Budget: RM 200,000.
tional world, in order to attract academicians and foreign • Participants:
students to our institutions. This would allow our institutions to o 167 professionals in the field of education,
be a reference and knowledge centre for various disci- including representatives from local universities
plines, with the goal of resolving problems at both national and from The Islamic Academy of Cambridge,
and international levels. Mufti from the Republic of Kazakhstan, Yemen,
Pakistan, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Turkey, and
1. Islamic World Academy of Science Conference. other countries.
• The conference was held on the 14-17 December 2009
• Objective: 3. Financial provisions
o To engender public awareness of the concept of Endowment funds were initiated in order to sponsor
knowledge society in general, and in decision- professorship chairmanships and selected teaching
making circles in particular. facilities at local private institutions. The Selangor
o To assess the role of women as knowledge government believes in investing into education to
producers in science and scientific enterprise in enhance scholarship and innovative thinking.
OIC and developing countries.
o To highlight the hurdles facing R&D in OIC • Private institutions in Selangor for the Endowment
countries (knowledge workers’ views). Funds Program (Professorship Course)
o To strengthen private sector science linkages o Objective:
(knowledge application). o To increase competitiveness in attracting funds
o To strengthen the linkages between science and from public and private sectors in carrying out re
scientific community and the media (knowledge search activities.
dissemination). o Strengthening the quality of academic teaching,
o To engage the youth of OIC countries in science, learning, and research.
technology and innovation (STI) (knowledge for o Placing the education institutes of Selangor in the
the future). midst of universities renowned in Biotechnology
• Jointly organized by: and Islamic Education.
o Islamic World Academy of Sciences (IAS), o Budget: RM 1,000,000.
Amman, Jordan o RM 500,000 for UNISEL (Industrial University of
o International Islamic Academy of Life Sciences Selangor) and RM 500,000 for KUIS (Selangor
and Biotechnology (IIALSB), University of Industry, International Islamic University College) as a seed
Selangor (UNISEL) grant to attract various parties to contribute to
o Selangor State Government. the research programs conducted.
• Participants: • Excellent Teaching and Learning Laboratory
o 233 scientists from around the world especially
from OIC countries, including local public and 4. “Jejak Ilmuan” Program
private institutions. This programme was started in order to create a network
o Participants came from Sudan, Bangladesh, of intellectuals and knowledge workers in Selangor. This
Australia, Tunisia, Jordan, Pakistan amongst others. programme would connect the young and older
generations together in an effort to share valuable
2. 7th International Conference on Muslim Education. experiences, exchange ideas, and stimulate highly
• The conference was held on the 21-23 December 2009. intellectual discussion.
• Objectives:
o To bring together a large number of scholars and • Objective:
researchers from around the world and give o To identify, measure, and create databases and
them the opportunity to interact and network knowledge networks.
with each other. o To produce a generation of intellectuals.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

o To highlight prominent intellectuals as role models 2. Distribution of Support to Schools in Selangor.

to the rest of the community.
o To promote knowledge-based activities as a The Selangor state government’s vision for education is
culture in Selangor. for Selangor to become a Knowledge and Education
• Budget: RM 700,000. Hub. In order to achieve this goal, we have to pay
• Programs: careful attention to the infrastructure and educational
o “Jelajah Ilmuwan” Program facilities in schools, as well as the quality of both the
o To introduce intellectuals and knowledge workers educators and students at schools.
to the community and to have youths learn from
their success stories. • State vision: To make Selangor a Knowledge and
o Programme conducted in: Education Hub.
• Kuala Selangor • Efforts taken in achieving the vision:
• Klang o Improving of infrastructure and education
• Sabak Bernam. facilities in schools.
o “Tunas Ilmuwan” Program o Improving of teaching and learning skills among
o A database was established to gather school teachers.
intellectuals and knowledge workers in order to o Increasing the quality of students academically
support them. and morally.
o The best 2008 SPM student in the state of o Increasing the effectiveness of school
Selangor was awarded as an encouragement to managements.
the rest of the students. • In order to improve the above, the Selangor
o Day of Knowledge government has distributed funds in a targeted manner.
o Mentoring
No Type of School No. of Schools Total Distribution
Education Programmes
1 Religious 146 RM 5,425,972.00
1. “Program Tuisyen Rakyat”, or People’s Tuition 2 Chinese 83 RM 6,000,000.00
3 Tamil 97 RM 3,957,726.00
This is a free tuition programme targeted at low-income Total 326 RM 15,383,698.00
families who cannot afford to provide tuition for their
children. The Selangor government is committed to • A total of 326 schools have received financial support
providing education aid to families and believes that • Percent of budget distributed: 96.14%.
education is the best way to empower children in the
long-run. The issue of giving land to Tamil Schools is also
addressed, as there is insufficient space in Tamil schools
o UPSR/PMR/SPM Tuition Fees Assistance Scheme currently. The Selangor government has identified and
• Assistance given to students from poor families approved the giving of land to a school in Klang
and mediocre academic performance.
• 100 students from every DUN given a chance to o 2.72 acres of land in Klang has been given to an
be a part of the scheme. existing primary school tobuild an additional school
• Contents of the program include: building, which is expected to accommodate 1,000
o Parenthood Program students.
o Final Preparations Program o The existing school buildings are not large
o Provision of a special notebook for each enough to house new students.
participant. o Currently, parents are forced to send their schooling
• Budget: RM 3,450,000. children to schools that are too far from their homes.
• Number of participants: 4305. o With the new school, the financially strapped parents
• Number of tuition centers: 115 have a better option for their children
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

The present Selangor government has injected new life into the portfolio on culture, giving it a
much needed redefinition, translated into programmes that are widespread and targeted to the
public. Culture as we understand it is not limited to merely dance and song, but is really a part of a
community’s everyday living, including the socialisation process and language. Costumes and
food are hence natural manifestations of culture. We focus on content through edu-tainment in-
stead of mere entertainment.

Key Achievements

1. Theatre

“Teater Menunggu Kata Dari Tuhan” or “Awaiting the Word from God” by Dinsman is one of the successful
performances to date. This performance not only lives up to edutainment as it has educational contents, but it has also
been performed internationally amongst the grassroots. It changes the perception that theatre is for the elite alone.

2. Theatre Buildings and Gallery

As in Tasik Shah Alam, the Shah Alam Cultural Gallery has been constructed, expanding facilities within each district to
encourage theatre activities and community interaction. We successfully launched such a programme in Hulu Selangor
in early 2010. We expect three more such facilities to be built this year.

3. Walking Festival

This is a people’s festival held twice a year. All kinds of games are watched and played, including:

• Teng-teng
• Batu seremban
• Congkak
• Sepakraga bulatan
• Martial arts - Silat, Silmbau and Wushu
• Gasing
• Champuling
• Gamelan
• Jurugudur (india)
• Galah Panjang
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

4. Cultural Interaction with the Rakyat

An annual event ala telematch is held to increase the cross-cultural interactions between the city and village folk.
Amongst the games played are as follows:

• Coconut-scraping
• Cycling
• Tug of war

These are efforts to restore a community of culture that has been lost. We desire for the youth and new generations to
embrace cultural values for the future. Other activities are such as:

• Mari Bercerita, or Let’s Tell Stories

Programmes such as Kisah Benar that is a cultural norm amongst school-going children have been introduced to the
communities. These programmes will be introduced at school and public libraries in time to come.

• Mari Menulis, or Let’s Write

We hope that writing becomes a cultural norm of young children and teenagers in society, which cultivates a spirit of
inquiry. Writing stories and eventually following the news, instills good cultural values.

• Mari Membaca, or Let’s Read

This programme will also be based on the facilities of libraries. We have introduced Idola Kanak-Kanak, or Children’s Idol
to start reading sessions, important to encourage our young to enthusiastic about reading. The average Malaysian
should be given sufficient motivation to read and expand their knowledge in all facets of life.

5. Bicara Tokoh, Discourse Amongst Leaders

These experts and leaders’ discourse sessions are efforts to pay appropriate respects to our artists, writers and cultural
leaders in society and introducing them to the rest of the Selangor community. These events will be held continuously
once every two months.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

We acknowledge that farmers, fishermen, and breeders are part of those contributing significantly
to the economy of Selangor. In return, we are committed toward providing them with what they
need, to make a better living for themselves whilst contributing to our economy as a whole. The
Selangor State Government is committed towards greater modernisation of agriculture through
increasing use of high-end technology and research.

Livestock and Fishery Funds

The Selangor government continues to focus its efforts on assisting its farmers, breeders and fishermen. Specific unique proj-
ects are identified, which the state government plays an active role in ensuring their success.

• Allocation of RM 2.2 million assisted 101 farmers, livestock breeders, and fishermen.
• Assistance given in the form of:
o Boats, engines, and nets given to 40 licensed and efficacious fishermen.
o Equipment and seeds given to 34 farmers.
o Gene-pool assistance and breeding equipments given to 11 breeders.
o Equipment and seeds given to 16 aquaculturists.
• Application for assistance processed either by the Exco for Modernization of Agriculture or Director of the State
Economic Planning Unit.
• A maximum of RM 25,000 allocated to each eligible applicant.
• Efficacious applicants awarded following a satisfactory site visit.
• Projects assisted:
o Khaki Chambel duck breeding project, Kuala Selangor
o Mussels breeding project, Sabak Bernam
o “Thai-gene” oyster mushroom project
o Gold Arowana Breeder “Contract Farming” project, Meru, Klang
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Increasing paddy yield (part of the Economics Stimulus Package)

The Selangor government initiated the project of enhancing paddy yield in the South-western region of the state. With a
combination of factors that requires technical precision, a unique formula is applied to all areas, resulting in incredible
increase of paddy yield. This allows farmers in the area to enhance their income levels significantly.

• A two-pronged objective to increase income of farmers and to move toward technology-based agriculture.
• National average of paddy output is 4 tonnes per hectare, with Selangor having the highest of 5.1 tonnes per
hectare. We aim to increase this average even further.
• 5 year plan to increase yield in Kuala Selangor and Sabak Bernam.
• Expectations:
o Yield of 7.5 tan/ha from 4.5 tan/ha (increase of RM 110m/year)
o Per-capita income of famers raised from RM 14,475 to RM 20,475 per season.
• What is being done:
o Implementation pioneer projects at Sabak Bernam and Kuala Selangor.
o Provision of technical, motivational, and hands on training.
o Improvement of water management system.
o Introduction of new paddy plantation technologies and good practices.
o Results:
• 19.4% increase in Pancang Bedena.
• 23.9% increase in Pasir Panjang.
• 7.3% increase in Sawah Sempadan.
o The 10 important factors that determine good paddy yield results are:
• Paddy Variety
• Valid seedlings
• Appropriateness of soil
• Preparation of the paddy field
• Variety of the paddy
• Field’s infrastructure
• Water management
• Planting plots
• Monitoring of pesticides
• Fertilisation
• Harvesting
o The success of the programme depends on precise and accurate ‘rice checks’ that are carefully done. Issues
such as non-level fields, careless seed growth and harvesting must be monitored.
• What will be done:
o Expansion of efforts to all paddy areas.
o Increase land coverage of 16% (2009), 37% (2010), 62% (2011), 87% (2012), and 100% (2013).
o Paddy Plantation Project in 2010
• A continuation of the paddy enhancement project as part of the Economic Stimulus Package, the project
will involve 4,622 farmers in an area of 6,098.5 hectares (5,088 lots). This is expected to increase paddy yield
from 5.5 tonnes per hectare to 5.9 tonnes per hectare, resulting in an increase of 36,000 tonnes per season. In
its completion in 2013, the project is expected to successfully involve an area of 18,960 hectares in total.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

According to statistics from the
National Union of Plantation
Workers (NUPW), the number of
estates in Selangor dropped
from 150 in 1996 to 95 in 2006.
Plantation workers in Selangor
have faced problems such as
lack of housing, lack of access
to education and skilled train-
ing for employment, and
healthcare facilities. The Selan-
gor government is committed
to working in consultation with
plantation workers and their
children, empowering them
with the right skill sets to obtain
jobs for better social mobility.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Key Achievements 6. Keeping Children in School Initiative

1. Plantation Workers Housing Scheme a. Bus Fare Subsidy Programme

The State successfully completed housing for Coal In mid 2009 the State initiated a bus fare subsidy
field Estate workers and effectively negotiated land programme, because in some estates parents were
for the Bukit Raja ex-plantation workers. In the case not sending their children to Primary School because
of Highlands Estate, the State completed the they could not afford the bus fare. 5 estates were se
handover of 33 houses. lected for the initial launch of this programme,
i. Ladang Mary
Housing schemes that are currently being ii. Ladang Sungai Tinggi
negotiated include Sg. Sedu, Semenyih Estate, Bukit iii. Ladang Minyak
Subang and a new initiative in 2010 is Tumbuk Estate. iv. Ladang Hopeful
v. Ladang Nigel Gardner
2. Higher Education Assistance for Children of
Plantation Workers A total of 172 students were subsidized for RM 50
The Selangor State in 2009 began to provide each, for 5 months of bus fare. The total being
financial aid to students who came from Plantation RM 43,000.00
backgrounds. These students were awarded grants
of up to RM 5000, which were paid directly to their re b. Cycle to School Programme
spective Universities. To date 5 students have The state decided to give students bicycles to get to
received this aid. school within the plantations.

3. Skills training from INPENS International College 7. Health Awareness Camps for Plantation Workers
Every year the Selangor State Government sponsors Basic healthcare is at deplorable levels in the
approximately 50 Indian students who have plantations. In view of this, the State carried out 3 health
completed SPM. to study Level 1 & Level 2 of the camps in 2009 in plantations, to provide workers with the
Certificate Courses at INPENS International College. basic facts on health.
These Indian students are selected based on their
interest to pursue skills training and are not 8. UPSR Excellence Awards
academically inclined. The aim of this policy is to The state wanted to motivate and encourage students
give these students a chance to break out of the from Tamil schools who did well for UPSR. Awards were
poverty cycle. The State collaborates with the given either in cash and kind. In 2008, a token of 500
Education Welfare and Research Foundation (EWRF) students – from Tamil schools, Chinese schools and
to select these students. Agama schools - who got all A’s for UPSR were given
RM 100 each. And in 2009 a total of 700 students who
In February 2010, a total of 67 students were got all A’s were given RM 50 & a school bag full of
registered for courses. stationary for Form 1.

(example of courses available : computer systems (For Chinese and Agama school students, the assistance
technician, automotive technician, air-con of the DUNs were sought to provide the State with
technician, hair styling, beauty, sewing, mechanical names of successful students from poorer backgrounds)
enginneering, electrical techinician)
9. Glasses for the poor students
4. Aid for Tamil Schools in Plantations The State also began an initiative to provide reading
The conditions of Tamil schools in plantations are glasses to children from estate schools.
closely monitored via frequent visits by the EXCO
officers to respective estates. After 50 years of Upcoming Programmes
neglect, their problems range from land issues and
lack of infrastructure to poor academic results. The Selangor State continues to look forward to exciting new
• Financial assistance was given to schools for initiatives for its Plantation Workers Policy. What to look for-
extra UPSR tuition classes to be conducted (Im ward to in 2010:
portant because passing rate in Tamil schools is 45%)
• Financial aid was given to build “Pondok 1. Continue Housing Scheme Negotiations
Bacaan” in certain schools to promote reading
amongst the students. 2. Plantation Workers Seminar
• Financial aid to procure tables, chairs and basic (involving the plantation owners, plantation workers
furniture was also given to various schools. unions, NGOs, and the State officials)
• Funds were given for co-curriculum activities such
as the inter-school drama competition and 3. UPSR Excellence Awards
Science Fair 2009 (a programme organised by To include students who get 5 A’s onwards, to be a
Tamil Foundation for all Tamil schools in Selangor) source of encouragement to more students.

5. Development of IT in Tamil Schools 4. Awareness seminars/sessions for women in

In 2009, RM 256,000 was allocated for the building plantations.
and set up of 3 complete Computer Labs in SJK(T)
Ladang Acob, SJK(T) Ladang Permata & SJK(T)
Ladang Rasak.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

As the State government, we yearn to see our citizens have a place they can call home.
Housing – having a place to live comfortably in – is a basic and essential right that governments
are responsible in fulfilling. Living conditions should also be clean, with access to amenities as water,
electricity and good infrastructure. We have since taken the effort to ensure that abandoned
projects are completed, housing developments are well-managed, and urban squatters no
longer living in deplorable conditions.

Revival of Abandoned Projects

With more than 140 abandoned projects in Selangor, this has become a major eyesore for Selangor residents. In the
past, numerous developers failed to bring their projects to completion. With the dedication of the Selangor government
today, we focus on several key projects and are confident we can revive these with the co-operation of all stakeholders.

• Project considered abandoned if failed to be completed according to schedule, that is, more than 2 years.
• As of 31 December 2009:
o 135 cases involving 48,623 units
o At an estimated value of RM 5 billion.
o 18 cases revived involving 15,128 units.
• Abandoned Projects Taskforce established
o To identify consultants responsible to research and make suggestions.
o To list possible “rescue contractors” that will revive the projects.
• 2010 target:
o State to use methods of land acquisition and confiscation of lands to resolve large scale projects.
• Section 3(1)(a) of the Land Acquisition Act 1950 (Act 486):
• Alam Perdana, Mukim Ijok, Kuala Selangor
• Bukit Botak, Selayang, Gombak
• Kampung Melayu Rasa, Ampang Pecah.
• Section 100 KTN on failure to land tax and Section 129 KTN on breach of condition of land.
• Alam Perdana, Mukim Ijok, Kuala Selangor
• Alam Mutiara, Mukim Ijok, Kuala Selangor
• Bandar Baru Sg Buaya.

Building Management

The objective of setting up the Joint Management Body (JMB) and the Management Corporation (MC) is to manage the
transparency of accounts and expenditure on maintenance fees of strata properties. The Selangor government believes
in strong corporate governance and management.

• Joint Management Body (JMB) and Management Corporation (MC) established.

o Parties involved: Contractors and owners.
o Method: Owners pick management agents who are then responsible for the collection of service fees for each unit.
o Number of JMBs: Of 3931 developments in Selangor, 1659 are known to have set up the mandatory JMB.
o The remaining developments have yet to set up a JMB as the developers have yet to have a first meeting with the
o Establishment of JMB monitored by the Commission of Buildings at each local council and enforced by the Taskforce
Act 663.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Lift and Commmunity Centres

The Selangor government has also focused its efforts on repairing numerous dilapitated low-cost flats and other housing
development areas, specifically to do lift and paint repairs. This improves the living conditions of the residents.

• Objective: To improve living standards of residents in low-cost flats.

• Repairing of lifts in 10 housing developments that have an established JMB.
• 2010 targets:
o To start lift repair works by February.
o To provide community centres for 5 developments

Water Migration

Part of the Selangor government’s social policies is to ensure free water for all Selangor residents for their first 20m3 of
usage. However, this free water scheme has not benefited those in the strata property. This programme of water
migration is to ensure all receive the benefits of the state government equally.

• The State government’s scheme to provide free water for the first 20 m3 of usage has not benefited those in strata
• Objective: To convert bulk meters to individual meters in strata properties.
• Number of conversions to date: 213 applications out of 363 housing developments.
• 2010 target: All strata developments have bulk meters converted to individual meters.

Management of Urban Squatters

Urban squatters is still a problem faced in Selangor today, but with better management, the Selangor government
hopes to improve the situation. This ensures better quality of life, better access to amenities and healthcare. All
Selangor residents should be made to feel they are home, and should be given roofs and a home to live in.

• Objective: To relocate urban squatters to low-cost apartments in low-rent areas.

• Squatters will be offered the opportunity to purchase low-cost apartments.
• Number of squatters as of 31 December 2009: 50,431.
• Number of squatters relocated: 46,409 (92.1%).
• 2010 target:
o At least quareter of the remaining squatters to be relocated by the end of the year.
o To curb new squatter settlements.
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

After more than 60 years, the land ownership issue affecting thousands of families in hundreds of
new villages across Malaysia has not yet been resolved. Selangor has 42 new villages, categorised
as kampung baru (6), kampung bagan or fishing villages (19) and kampung tersusun or planned
villages (17). New villages are remnants of the Emergency in 1948-1960, set up at the time to quell
communist activities.

The land upon which many new villages sit has now become prime land for development. Many new villages still await land
titles, but the current Selangor government is committed to ensuring the issue is resolved quickly by providing land ownership
titles. New villages’ infrastructure is also an area we are committed to improving constantly.

Key Achievements

1. Upgrading and Improving Infrastructure in New Villages

• Efforts to improve conditions of villages as a whole are taken seriously by the State, and we are committed in
ensuring that the villagers have a comfortable place they can call home.

• RM 4.2 million has been spent for 101 projects in 53 villages.

2. Approved land ownership applications 3. Photo exhibition

The state government has started the process of • A photo exhibition of all the new villages in Selangor
resolving land ownership issues by reopening files in including those whose infrastructure is being im
the land and district offices to review, reorganise and proved and titles considered was done in
update documents and records kept from the commemoration with the formation of the 61st
Emergency. 10 new villages are in the process of new village.
obtaining leasehold titles. The Selangor government
wants the villagers to own the land they have occupied Upcoming Activities:
for decades. Although freehold titles are difficult to
obtain, the state hopes to do this through provisions 1. Construction of a gallery displaying the history of
under the National Land Code or the State Land Code. new villages in Selangor.
The state is also looking into more than half of the fishing 2. Mobile library (in collaboration with the Selangor
villages without TOLs (temporary occupancy licenses). Public Libraries Body).
3. Projects to upgrade and improve infrastructure in
• The following new villages’ applications for land titles new villages.
have been approved: 4. Pilot projects for election of new village chiefs.
i. Kg Bukit Angkat, Kajang 5. Launch of “i-kg baru” website, which allows
ii. Kg Bukit Sekinchan, Sekinchan villagers to monitor the progress of their
iii. Kg Bagan Sekinchan, Sekinchan applications and approvals.
iv. Kg Baru Damai, Serendah 6. Appointment of 7 new community service
v. Kg Baru Gurney, Hulu Yam Bahru (conditional officers.
approval) 7. Approval of land ownership applications:
• Other villages in the process of getting leasehold • Kg Baru Seri Dengkil
titles: • Kg Kenangan 18 Hulu Langat (Sg Makau)
i. Kg Baru Sg. Macau, Hulu Langat • Kg Bagan Sg Besar
ii. Kg Baru Kundang, Kundang • Kg Baru Kundang
iii. Kg Baru Sungai Besar, Sungai Besar
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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

When the Pakatan Rakyat government took over in 2008, there were about 2,000 illegal factories in
the state of Selangor. Their existence can be attributed to past corrupt practices. Illegal factories
pose problems because they do not contribute taxes and do not adhere to regulations such as
safety, environment, health, and employment laws. However, the Selangor government’s policy is
to work with them and encourage them to apply to be legalised, since doing illegal business is not
in line with the state’s principles of transparency and public accountability. Legalising the factories
also ensures the companies follow state and federal laws.

Key Activities

• The Selangor government has sped up the process of appoving applications through an Illegal Factories
Committee. Illegal factory operators are expected to submit their applications to the government by June 2010
in order to legalise their factories.
• Meetings between the state government and factory owners have been conducted in:
• Sg. Buloh, Subang, Teluk Gong, Subang Jaya, Kwan Tung Baru
• The meetings are held with the objective of encouraging factory owners to legalise their factories as was success
fully done in Kg. Baru Balakong.
o Efforts have been made to improve and to streamline guidelines under the Approval of Illegal Factories
Programme. (Garis Panduan Penyeragaman Pelaksanaan Program Pemutihan Kilang Tanpa Kebenaran).
o The Selangor government has given better incentives in the form of discounts for premiums that are paid
within nine months to encourage owners to legalise their factories.

Future Activities

• A programme to approve illegal factories in the areas of Teluk Gong, Klang, Sg. Penaga Industrial Park, Subang Jaya,
Kg. Baru Sg. Buloh and Kwan Tung Baru, Kajang.
• Plans to achieve the maximum rate of approving applications of illegal factories by the land district office by the
30th June 2010
• Plans to achieve the maximum rate of approving applications of illegal factories for their Planning and Building Plans
from local councils by the end of December 2010.

Legalizing of Factories According to Districts

Legalizing of Factories According to Local Councils

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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Although healthcare is an area under the Federal Government, nevertheless the Selangor govern-
ment believes that every Malaysian citizen has a right to access healthcare services at a reason-
able cost. The Selangor government has given healthcare assistance to the poor and low-income
families (see “Poverty Eradication and Caring Government” Factsheet) in accordance with that
commitment. In addition, we have given special attention to dealing with contagious diseases in
the state, especially during moments of crises.
Key Achievements

1. The War on Dengue

Selangor is the state with the highest number of dengue cases in Malaysia, with increasing fatalities annually. Selangor
recorded 44 dengue-related deaths in 2009. Some of the contributing factors are to do with poor infrastructure
maintenance, high population density, population mobility, urbanisation, foreign labour, poor structural planning and
lackadaisical attitudes.

Year Number of Dengue

cases in Selangor
2005 11,965
2006 12,284
2007 15,871
2008 21,262
2009 18,675

a. Regular meetings have been held throughout the last two years to monitor the situation
b. The Selangor government has also stressed the importance of educating the public in keeping their homes free of
potential aedes larvae breeding grounds such as stagnant pools of water.
c. Greater efforts are being undertaken to ensure local councils have sufficient manpower to address this problem.
d. 2010 : the state initiated meetings between the state secretary’s office and local council heads so that joint action
committees be formed at every local council
e. A Dengue Seminar was conducted which included academic experts from University Malaya, and foreign experts
from Singapore.
f. The Selangor government hopes to co-operate with the Federal Government and liaise with departments and
agencies and its local councils to:
o Have better co-ordination amongst agencies
o Better case investigation and monitoring
o Requesting for greater resources from the Ministry of Health
o Better health education
o Community mobilisation
o Improving on source reduction

Dengue Cases in Malaysia, by State, 2009

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Governing Selangor:
Policies, Programmes and Facts

Dengue Cases in Selangor according to Local Council (Deaths in brackets)

(Latest statistics can be downloaded from

2. Influenza A (H1N1) outbreak

The Influenza A(H1N1) virus broke out in 2009, and caused global alarm as it had the potential of being a pandemic

a. Supported the national campaign against H1N1 – gave out posters, flyers.
b. Gave out 2000 facemasks per DUN and 1000 pieces of soap

3. Health Seminars

The Permanent Committee for Health of the Selangor State Government organised a seminar on ‘The Future of the
Malaysian Healthcare System’ on 18th July 2009 in Subang. Representatives from the private and public healthcare
sector as well as numerous concerned NGOs participated in the seminar. Three keynote papers were presented by
invited experts. The bulk of the time was spent in workshops where the presentations were discussed intensely. This
report is based on the presentations and the workshop discussions.

In 2010 the report will be handed over to the Ministry of Health and Parliament.

4. Health Camps

The Selangor government carried out two health camps each year in 2008 and 2009, and has targeted four camps this
year, with a different approach. The focus will be on reaching out to poor income level areas.

In 2010 Manipal Alumni will collaborate with the State in the running of the health camps. Their expertise is in early
cancer detection (pap smear test), diabetes testing and dental treatment for people at the health camp. The first
camp is scheduled for the 14th March 2010 at Batang Berjuntai, Kuala Selangor.

5. People’s Dialysis Centres (Pusat Dialisis Rakyat, PDR)

The Selangor government has identidied several parties and private companies as partners to operate dialysis centres
in the state. Collaborating with the state, the partners will run the business whilst the Selangor government identifies
appropriate premises for their operations.

o Details of the People’s Dialysis Centres:

• Two centres are currently in operation in Ampang and Taman Medan.
• Another two have been identified in Ulu Kelang and Sementa.
• 52 Centres are expected to be opened in each state constituency over the next 5 years.
• RM20 million is expected to be invested into this programme by private investors.
• Eligible patients can receive subsidies based on their level of income (and the various schemes provided by the
Federal Government, Lembaga Zakat Selangor and the Selangor Government.
• These centres are expected to assist up to 45,000 patients over the next 5 years.
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For More Information about Selangor, please visit:
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