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1. “The General rule is that property of any kind may be transferred”. Explain the
statements with exceptions.

2. Explain the provisions of Transfer of Property Act, 1882 relating to direction for
accumulation of income.

3. ‘X’ sells his house to ‘Y’ with a condition that ‘Y’ should not alienate it without
the consent of ‘X’. Is this condition valid ?

4. A property is transferred to ‘A’ for life, then to his first son (unborn) for life and
then to ‘B’ absolutely. Is the transfer valid ?

5. Discuss the provisions of Transfer of Property Act relating to the transfer of

property by the ostensible owner.

6. Explain the protection given in respect of improvements made by bona fide

holders under defective titles.

7. ‘A’ transfers to ‘B’ an estate to which ‘C’ is entitled, and as a part of the same
transaction gives ‘C’ a coal mine. ‘C’ takes the coal mine and exhausts it. Has
‘C’ confirmed the transfer of his estate to ‘B’ ?

8. ‘A’ sues ‘B’ in respect of a house in ‘B’s possession. During the pendency of suit
‘B’ sells the house to ‘C’. ‘A’ suit is decreed. Is ‘C’ bound by the decree.

9. Define mortgage. Explain the essentials of a mortgage by deposit of title deeds.

10. “Once a mortgage is always a mortgage’. Discuss.

11. Write a note on ‘charge’.

12. ‘Write a note on ‘simple mortgage’.

13. Define sale. Distinguish it with contract for sale.

14. Explain the rights and liabilities of a lessor.

15. ‘A’ makes a gift to ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’. ‘B’ and ‘C’ accept the gift, while ‘D’ refuses.
Decide the validity of the gift.

16. ‘A’ lets a farm to ‘B’ for the life of ‘C’. ‘C’ dies, but ‘B’ continues in possession
with ‘A’ s consent. What is the effect of such possession ?

17. Define Trust. Distinguish it with debt and Bailment.

18. What are the duties and liabilities of Trustees ?

19. Write a note on “Public Trust’.

20. Write a note on extinction of trust.

21. Explain concepts of immovable property and transfer of property.

22. “mango tree” movable or immovable?

23. Who is an Ostensible owner? When can a transference from him get a good title
against the real owner?

24. Doctrine of election. Indian and English

25. Note: Priority

26. Define Mortgage. Discuss the mortgage right of redemption.

27. Different kinds of mortgage. Conditional sale and English Mortgage.

28. ‘Redeem up fore close down’ Elucidate.

29. Note: Charge

30. Various modes of termination of leases.

31. What is a gift? When can it be revoked?

32. Note: actionable claim

33. Note: Exchange

34. What are the essentials of a valid trust ? How is it different from agency and

35. Rights and liabilities of trustees.

36. Note: Extinction of trust.

37. How Trustees are appointed.

38. Define transfer of property and discuss what passes to transferee on transfer of

39. Transfer of Property Act applies to transfer inter vivos. But transfer for the
benefit of an unborn person is an exception to this rule – Explain.

40. ‘A’ makes an absolute gift of a house to ‘B’ with a direction that ‘B’ shall reside
in it . Is the transfer valid. Give reason.

41. Write note on condition restraining alienation.

42. Explain the circumstances under which creditors can set aside a transfer as

43. Elucidate the doctrine of ‘Lis pendens’ as provided under the Transfer of
property Act.

44. ‘A’ ‘B’ and ‘C’ are the co-owners of a land that is subject to mortgage, ‘C’
transfers his share to ‘D’. What is the legal effect of this transfer ?

45. Write note on ‘apportionment’.

46. What is Mortgage ? Explain the essentials of Mortgage.

47. Explain the rights and liabilities of the mortgagee in possession.

48. Write note on mortgagee’s power of sale without intervention of the court.

49. Write note on ‘Foreclosure’.

50. Define Sale. What are the liabilities of the seller before and after completion of
sale ? Explain.

51. Discuss the essentials of lease and state how leases are made.

52. ‘A’ the lessor gives ‘B’ the lessee notice to quit the property leased. The notice
expires. ‘A’ accept the rent tended by ‘B’ which has become due in respect of
the property since the expiration of notice Is the notice waived ? Give reason.

53. Write note on Revocation of Gift.

54. Define ‘Trust’. Explain different kinds of Trusts.

55. Discuss the rights and liabilities of Beneficiary.

56. Write note on Extinction of Trust.

57. Write note on duties of Trustee.

58. Discuss the doctrine of constructive notice with the help of leading cases.

59. Explain the provisions relating to conditions in restraint of enjoyment of the

property transferred absolutely ; with exceptions.

60. ‘A’ sells property to B subject to condition that B should not sell the property
during A’s life time. Is the condition valid ?

61. ‘A’ orally grants to ‘B’ for Rs. 10,000 the right to catch and carry away fish from
his lake. Is the grant valid ?

62. Explain the conditions for application of ‘Doctrine of Lis pendens’.

63. Discuss the provisions relating to the doctrine of election.

64. ‘A’sells property to ‘B’ with a covenant that ‘B’ should construct a road across
the property for the convenience of A’s neighbours. B transfers the property to C
who is aware of the Covenant. C refuse to construct the road. Can A enforce the
covenant against C ?

65. Write a note on transfer by ostensible owner.

66. Explain the different kinds of mortgages that can be executed under the Transfer
of Property Act.

67. Explain the principles of ‘Marshalling’ and ‘Contribution’.

68. Write a note on subrogation.

69. Write a note on ‘Right of Redemption’.

70. Explain the circumstances under which a lease can be determined.

71. Define gift. Explain the essentials of a valid gift.

72. Write a note on onerous gift.

73. Write a note on Seller’s lien.

74. Define trust. Explain different kinds of trust.

75. What are the duties and liabilities of trustee ?

76. Write a note on ‘disabilities of trustees’.

77. Write a note on extinction of trust.

78. “Transfer of Property Act applies to transfer inter vivos, but transfer for the
benefit of an unborn person is an exception to this role”. Discuss.

79. Discuss ‘Rule against perpetuity’. State exceptions if any to the rule.

80. Write a note on condition restraining alienation.

81. ‘A’ makes an absolute gift of house to ‘B’ with a direction that ‘B’ shall reside in
it. Is the transfer valid. Give reason.

82. Discuss the doctrine of part-performance. State the differences between Indian
Law and English Law of part-performance.

83. Who is an Ostensible owner ? When can a transferee get a good title against the
real owner ?

84. ‘A’ transfers to ‘B’ an estate to which ‘C’ is entitled and as a part of the same
transaction gives ‘C’ a coal mine ‘C’ takes the coal mine and exhausts it. Has
‘C’ confirmed the transfer of his estate to ‘B’.

85. Write a note on fraudulent transfer.

86. Elucidate Mortgagor’s Right of Redemption and Mortgagee’s Right of


87. Discuss different kinds of Mortgages. State the differences between ‘Mortgage
by conditional sale’ and ‘English Mortgage’.

88. Write a note on Mortgagee’s power of sale without intervention of the court.

89. Write a note on ‘Prohibition of tacking’.

90. Discuss the essentials of lease and state how leases are made.

91. Define Sale. Distinguish it with contract for sale.

92. Write a note on Universal Donee.

93. Write a note on exchange.

94. What are the duties and liabilities of Trustee?

95. Define Trust. State the different kinds of Trust.

96. Write a note on ‘Public Trust

97. How trustees are appointed ?

98. ‘Property of any kind may be transferred’. State the exceptions to this rule.

99. Define vested and contingent interest and distinguish between vested and
contingent interest.

100.Immovable Property | Movable Property.

101.What are the conditions to be fulfilled for applying the ‘Doctrine of election’ ?

102.Who is an ‘Ostensible Owner’ ? What is the effect of sale by ‘Ostensible’ Owner


103.What is the effect of sale by Co-owner?

104.‘A’ a Hindu purchased property with his own money in the name of his wife ‘B’.
After ‘A’s death the widow sold it to ‘C’. Later ‘D’ son of ‘A’ claims the property
as a reversioner. Can ‘D’ succeed against ‘C’ ?

105.Distinguish between English Mortgage and Mortgage by conditional sale.

106.Explain rights and liabilities of Mortgagor and Mortgagee.

107.Briefly explain charges

108.‘X’ executes a usufructuary mortgage in favour of ‘B’ with a condition that if ‘A’
does not redeem within 10 years. The mortgage shall become a sale. Discuss
the validity of the condition.

109.Explain the essentials of valid gift.

110.Discuss the rights and liabilities of seller and buyer.

111.Distinguish between lease and licence.

112.‘X’ makes a gift to A, B, C. A and B accept the gift while ‘C’ refuses. Decide
validating of gift.

113.Explain the essentials for creation of a Trust.

114.Distinguish between Trust and Bailment.

115.Briefly explain disabilities of Trustee.

116.Discuss the rights of Trustee.

117.Define the term ‘Immovable property’. State the properties which are judicially
recognised as immovable properties.

118.State the rule against perpetuity as provided in the Transfer of Property Act.

119.Whether partition is transfer? Discuss.

120.An immovable property is transferred to ‘X’ for life and afterwards to all the
children of ‘X’, when the last child attain majority. Discuss the validity of transfer.

121.“The Foundation of doctrine of election is that a person taking the benefit of an

instrument must also bear the burden”. Elucidate.

122.State the provisions relating to transfer by ostensible owner under Transfer of

Property Act.

123. Write a note on Apportionment.

124.State the effects of rent bonafidely paid to the holder under defective title.

125.“Once a mortgage is always a mortgage”.Discuss.

126.Explain the law relating to the mortgagors right of redemption.

127. ‘X’ executes a simple mortgage in favour of ‘Y’ and usufructuary mortgage in
favour of ‘Z’. ‘Z’ takes possession of property. ‘Y’ brings the property for sale. In
execution, purchaser Evicts ‘Z’. What is the remedy of ‘Z’ ?

128.Write a note on Marshalling.

129.Define lease. State in brief rights and liabilities of leasee.

130.What are the essentials of gift ? How gift can be effected ?

131.What are the legal presumption as to the duration of lease ?

132.Write a note on “Donatio mortis causa”.

133.Discuss the General authority of a trustee and their statutory powers.

134.Define trust and distinguish trust from ownership and bailment.

135.Write a note on Public Trust.

136.Write a note on extinction of trust.

137.Define vested and contingent interest and distinguish between vested and
contingent interest.

138.The foundation of doctrine of election is that, ︎A person taking the benefit of an

instrument must also bear the burden︎. Explain.

139.Explain the doctrine of ︎Part performance︎.

140.︎Mortgagors︎ right of redemption is a statutory right and the same cannot be

contracted out︎. Discuss.

141.Define Lease. State in brief rights and liabilities of leasee.

142.Define Gift. Explain the essentials of Gift.

143.Distinguish between ︎Trust and Bailment︎.

144.Attestation. | Sale and contract for sale.

145.Write a note on extinction of trust.

146.Basavaraj executes a simple mortgage in favour of Usha and an usufructuary

mortgage in favour of Manjula. Manjula takes possession of property. Usha
brings the property for sale. The execution purchases evicts Manjula. What is
the remedy for Manjula ?

147.Prajwal makes a gift to Priyanka, Vinayaka and Ganesh. Priyanka and Vinayaka
accept, while Ganesh refuses. What happens to the gift ?

148.︎A︎ takes house on lease from ︎B︎ thereafter without ︎B︎s consent, ︎A︎ constructs two
additional rooms in the said house and sublets them to ︎C︎ what is the remedy
available to ︎B︎ against ︎A︎ and ︎C︎ ?

149.Define the term ‘immovable property’. State the properties which are judicially
recognised as immovable properties.

150.Explain the ‘Rule against perpetuity’ and state whether the rule against
perpetuity is applicable to contracts for pre-emption ?

151.Discuss the doctrine of fraudulent transfer under transfer of Property Act and
state the exception to this doctrine.

152.“Once a mortgage is always a mortgage” – Discuss.

153.Define sale. Distinguish between ‘sale’ and ‘contract of sale’ of immovable


154.Define ‘Gift’. What are the essential features of Gift ? How gift can be effected ?

155.Define ‘Trust’ and discuss the rights of beneficiary of trust.

156.Apportionment | Notice | PublicTrust.

157. ‘A’ Hindu male owning self acquired property dies leaving his widow ‘B’ and his
brother ‘C’. ‘C’ transfers his right to succeed to estate of ‘A’ in favour of ‘D’ Is
the transfer is valid ?

158.Anil mortgages his property to Harish by a registered instrument but retains the
property in his own possession. Anil then sells the property to Kavitha who is not
aware of the mortgage. Do Kavitha has constructive notice of mortgage. Decide.

159.Somanna purchases a land from Radhika at Hubli. Somanna believes that he

had acquired absolute title and construct a house on that land. Subsequently
Shashi Kumar who holds a better title on the land proceeds for eviction of
Somanna from the property. Discuss the relief available in Somanna.

160.“All kinds of properties are transferable”. Comment.

161.What do you mean by “vested interest” and “contingent interest” ? Explain with
illustration and distinguish the two.

162.Explain the effects of condition restraining alienation of property.

163.Discuss the provision relating to the “doctrine of election”.

164.Define mortgage. Explain the various kinds of mortgages.

165.What are the essentials of a valid lease ?

166.Define “gift”. Explain the principles relating to revocation of a gift.

167.Sale | Exchange | Extinction of Trust.

168.A purchased an open plot of land from B. A, believing that he had acquired
absolute title, constructed a house on that plot. Later on, C who has a better
title than A, evicts A from the property. What are the reliefs available to A ?

169.A property is transferred to ‘A’ for life, then to his first son (unborn) for life and
then to A’s second son X absolutely. Is the transfer valid ?

170.A sues B in respect of a house in B’s possession. During the pendency of the
suit, B sells the house to C. A wins the case. Is C bound by the decree of the
court ?

171.State the rule against perpetuity as provided in the Transfer of Property Act.

172.Who is an ostensible owner ? When can a transferee from an ostensible owner

get a good title against the real owner ?

173.︎Once a mortgage is always a mortgage.︎ Explain.

174.What is lease ? How lease may be determined ?

175.Define sale. Distinguish it with contract for sale.

176.Explain doctrine of lis pendens. Discuss whether the doctrine applies to court

177.What are the duties and liabilities of a trustee ?

178. Doctrine of Apportionment. | Charge. | Disabilities of Trustee.

179.Ashok makes an absolute gift of house to Basavaraj with a direction that

Basavaraj shall reside in it. Is the transfer valid ? Give reason.

180.Raju makes an agreement to sell his land to Yallappafor Rs. 5,000 and delivers
the possession of the land to Yallappa. Afterwards Raju sells the same land to
Manjunath for Rs. 8,000 Manjunath without making any enquiry relating to
Yallappa︎s interest in the land takes it. What are the remedies available to
Yallappa ?

181.︎A ︎transfers to ︎B︎ an estate to which ︎C︎ is entitled and as a part of the same
transaction gives ︎C︎ a coal mine ︎C︎ takes the coal mine and exhausts it. Has ︎C︎
confirmed the transfer of his estate to ︎B︎ ?

182.Examine the concept of ︎Transfer of Property︎. State the exceptions relating to it.

183.Discuss the rule against perpetuity. State the exception to the rule.

184.Analyse the provision relating to accumulation of income. Suggest the


185.Discuss the different dimensions of lis-pendens concept

186.Examine the rights and duties of buyer in accordance with the provision of
Transfer of Property Act.

187.Explain the meaning of the term ︎lease︎. Bring out its distinction from sale,
exchange, mortgage and gift.

188.Explain the rights and liabilities of trustee under Indian Trust Act.

189.Onerous Gift. | Actionable Claim | Spes successsionis. | Conditional Mortgage

190.︎A︎ makes absolute gift of a house to ︎B︎.︎ A︎ directs ︎B ︎that he should not raise it
higher. So as to obstruct the passage of air to ︎A︎s adjoining house. Decide the
validity of direction under Transfer of Property Act.

191.︎A ︎transfer two acre property to ︎M︎ with the condition that she will desert her
husband within two months of the transfer. Decide the validity of the transfer.

192.︎A︎ lets a house to ︎B︎ for 5 years. Subsequently, permits ︎B︎ to continue in
possession of the house and receives the rent even after the expiry of the
stipulated period as agreed between the parties. Decide legal validity of the
lease under the Transfer of Property Act.

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