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Too-too-moo and the Giant

Once on the island of Java there was a little girl named Too-too-moo. She lived with her
Mama in a one-room house in a forest. They were poor but they were happy.
Or they would have been happy, if not for a terrible giant who came and ate their food every
day. Mama knew, if the giant came and did not find a full pot of porridge, he would eat Too-too-
moo instead! Since they had to feed the giant, there was never enough for themselves.
One day, Mama did not get food as much as usual; she had only enough food for the giant.
She and Too-too-moo had to go hungry. They were starving for few days.
On the fourth morning, Too-too-moo got up, and smell the sweet aroma of the porridge.
Too-too-moo was so hungry, she couldn’t stand it.
“I’ll eat just one spoonful,” she said to herself. “The giant will never know.”
Too-too-moo uncovered the pot and ate one spoonful. But she was too hungry to stop!
Before she knew what she was doing, a quarter of the porridge was gone.
When the giant came, he was so angry. Then he pulled Too-too-moo from the house, tossed
her in his mouth, and swallowed her in one big gulp.
Too-too-moo tumbled into the giant’s stomach. “Please let me out!” she shouted. But the
giant didn’t listen as he turned and stamped back through the forest.
Then all of a sudden, Too-too-moo remembered her long hairpin. Quickly she pulled it from
her hair. With all her strength, Too-too-moo stuck it into the giant, again and again.
The giant mad with pain and raced through the woods. He did not look where he was going,
and he tripped on a root and cracked his head on a rock.
The giant was dead!
From that time on, Too-too-moo and her Mama were happy. There was no more giant to
bother them. They always had enough to eat. And they had sweet porridge for breakfast, every
single day.
Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik

Nama : Putu Elka Restu

Kelas : IXa

Lampiran 1: LKPD

Activity 1: Read the story and fill in the table.

Activity 2: After that, go around the class to find out the information needed in
the table. You also have to find out additional information from other friends,
such as “Do you like the story?”, “What other stories do you like?”, “Why?”, etc.
A. Question: What is the ... of the story?
1. Too-too-moo Think quickly to Orientation : Once upon My friend likes
and the Giant solve a problem a time lived a little girl this story. She
named Too-too-moo likes similar story
with her Mama in one too, such as
room house in the forest. Timun Emas or
They used to feed a giant “The Golden
everyday, if not he would Cucumber”.
eat Too-too-moo instead.
So there was never She likes these
enough food for story because the
themshelves. story was very
entertaining and
Complication : One day because its
they had only enough character was be
food for the giant, so able to solve the
they were starving for a problem that she
few days. On the fourth creates. Another
morning Too-too-moo than that, it shows
couldn’t resist the us moral values
temptation of the Giant’s too such as
porridge, so she eat a be brave and
quarter of it. When the never give up. No
Giant came, he was matter how bad is
angry and then eat Too- the condition
too-moo in one big gulp there must be a
but Too-too-moo was solution.
actually still alive in the
giant stomach.

Resolution : Suddenly
she reached the long
hairpin she wear. She
stuck it into the giant.
The giant mad with pain
and then he cracked his
head on a rock. The giant
is dead. From that time
Too-too-moo and her
Mama lived happily ever
2. The Little Red Don’t talk to a Orientation : One day a My friend likes
Riding Hood stranger and share girl called Little Red this story even
personal Riding Hood walks though it has
information through the woods to some gruesome
especially when you deliver food to her sick descriptions on
alone grandmother. what happens.
Beside of that, the
Complication : A Big story was very
Bad Wolf secretly wants entertaining. It
to eats her, so he stalks teaches us to not
her behind trees. He share personal
approaches Little Red information to a
Riding Hood, who stranger because
naively tells him where not all people are
she is going. He suggests kind.
that the girl pick some
flowers as a present for Similar story like
her grandmother. In the this such as “The
meantime, he goes to the Wolf and the
grandmother's house and Seven Young
swallows the Kids”
grandmother whole.
When the girl arrives,
she notices that her
grandmother looks very
strange. And when the
girl realized it is not her
grandmother, the wolf
suddenly jumps out of
the bed and eats her too.
Then he falls asleep.

Resolution :
A woodcutter nearby
heard Little Red Riding
Hood screams and comes
to rescue with an axe,
and cuts open the
sleeping wolf. Little Red
Riding Hood and her
grandmother emerge
unharmed. Then they fill
the wolf's body with
heavy stones. The wolf
awakens and attempts to
flee, but the stones cause
him to collapse and die

(Un-sanitized “Original”
3 Issun-Boshi Bravery and Orientation : A childless My friend likes
or kindness does not old couple prayed to the this story. She
“ The One Inch depend on physical god to be blessed with a likes similar story
Boy ” size child, and so they were too, such as Tom
able to have one. Thumb’s. My
However, the child born friend like these
was only one inch in story because it is
height and never grew shows us how to
taller. The child was be kind and brave.
named the "one-inch
boy" or "Issun-bōshi". This story has its
own uniqueness,
Complication : One day, for example when
Issun-bōshi go to the the protagonist
capital to become a start his journey
warrior, so he embarked with bowl as a
on his voyage with a boat. Another
bowl as a boat, a than that, the story
chopstick as a paddle, a was interesting
needle as a sword, and a and entertaining.
piece of straw as a
scabbard. In the capital, Oni : kind of ogre,
he found a splendid big troll, or demon in
house. When a girl of Japanese folklore.
that family went on a They are typically
journey to visit a palace, evil.
an oni kidnapped the
girl. As Issun-bōshi
attempted to save the
girl, the oni swallowed
him up.

Resolution : Issun-bōshi
used the needle to stab
the oni in the stomach
the oni surrender,
The oni spat Issun-bōshi
back out before fleeing
to the mountains. Issun-
bōshi picked up the
magic hammer dropped
by the oni and swung it
to enlarge his body to a
height of six feet and
married the girl.

(General version)
4. Masala No matter how big Orientation : An ogre My friend likes
Kulangwa and is the problem, if named Shing’weng’we this story. My
The Monster you think cleverly swallowed up all the friend likes this
Shing’weng’we you will be able to people and animals of story because she
solve it. the world except for one never heard this
pregnant woman. She story before and
gave birth to a son she never heard of
named Masala African folklore.
Kulangwa, which
translates as “the clever She likes this
person who understands story because it is
quickly” as he grew up, full of adventure
he remained determined and very
to someday capture interesting.
Shing’weng’we and kill Another than that,
him. the story has its
moral value too,
such as be clever
Complication : Then to solve a
one day the boy meet the problem.
ogre. The ogre was mad
and trying to eat Masala. Extra Information
Being the clever young This tale come
man, he knew he can’t from Sukuma
kill the ogre from the tribes from
outside, he must kill the Tanzannia.
ogre from the inside. Some African
And then he let the ogre storytellers use
swallowed him. musical
instruments to
Resolution : enhance their
Surprisingly, in the ogre performance
stomach he found all the
people and the animals
that have been eaten by
the ogre was still alive.
And then he tear the
ogre’s stomach with his
hand. The ogre is dead
and everyone was save.
From that on, everyone
declared he must be the
king and his mother be
the queen mother.

(Sukuma’s people traditional


B. Compare the moral value of your group’s story to any story that you read!
Answer :
(Already listed in the table)

C. Coclude the additional information you’ve collected from other story!

Answer :
Different naratives story has its authentics uniqueness and adventure. Although all
naratives has the same social function that is to entertain its reader. They have different
aspect that used to entertain its reader. The aspect include character, plot, and the moral
value. The likeable or relateable character, the wonderful plot, and the wise moral value
will not just entertain the reader, it would guide the reader in real life too.

D. Find out other stories that similarly look like Too Tooo Moo and The Giant. Compare the
Generic Structure and the Plot of those stories.
Answer :
(Alredy listed in the table)
Activity 3: Finally, present the result your group’s discussion to the class.

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