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21212020 fetdipmeter FET DIP METER This is the JFET based dip resonance meter as described by Drew Diamond VK3XU in Amateur Radio (Australia) magazine, June 1990. (see scan below) essentially followed the design as printed: however, for the dipping coils, I used octal cable plugs and (my children’s) re-cycled “crayola" pen casings as coil formers. By sawing two perpendicular hacksaw cuts in the base of same they become a snug inteference fit in the locating spigot of the 8 pin "octo-plug” Also being of different colours allows the corresponding dial scale to be printed in the same color. (see pix) I would like to restate the following from the original article: The “dipping” phenomenon is produced when the coil of the “dipper” is coupled to the coil of the tuned circuit under test ‘This is what I think actually happens. ‘When the field from the primary coil energizes the passive coil it will if the exciting frequency is at or near the resonant frequency of the passive circuit set up its own field in opposition to the primary field, which tends to lower ‘the amplitude of oscillation in the primar ‘Thehigher the Q of the passive cuit the sharper the dip forthe same degree of coupling. ‘This explanation is at odds with that given in the standard texts which generally state that energy is absorbed or sucked from the dipper coil, but this does not explain why a higher Q circuit produces a deeper dip than a low Q we. vkSth.convvKéfivetdlpmeter him 48 1212020 fetdipmeter FET DIP METER DIAL ARTWORK For another informative article scanned from Practical Wireless mag (UK) Dec’ 1985 : wen. vkSth.convvK6fivetdiometer him 21212020 fetdipmeter LINK: Using the FET dip oscillator we. vkSth.convvKéfivetdlpmeter him 21212020 A SIMPLE. DIP METER ‘Dusw Damon, VKSXU "Nox Metan’ Garteas Rp ‘Wont Park 3115 phe dip meterisa very handy instru: ‘ment for the radio worker. Heso- nant finquoney of tuned cizeuitsmay tbe found simply by loosely coupling the dipper ail to the inductive component of the crmuit under tost and soarching for a ip on the meter. The inductance of an ‘unknown coil, or the capacitance of an unknown eapacitor may be found by measuring the resonant frequency of a ‘known/inknown combination and then ooking up « chart (seo Ref 1), Tho meter may algo be used to check the quality of SSB, CW, RTTY or AM transmissions, fand as a signal ecurcs for rosoiver work Wavemeter operation isslso provided, 30 transmitter stages may be checked for harmonies andor apurii, This project should iaterestanyone with morethan a pascinginterest in the technical aspects, ‘of eedio, and offers an instrument which will find frequent application, both in- side and outside the shack. ‘Theory of Operation The classicTlartey configuration was found by experiment to be the simplest fetdipmeter Sa cireuit to provide the widest frequency ‘coverage consistent with a satisfactorily ‘constant output indication over each range. The LEME to S0MHe frequency range is covered with five home-made plug-incoils:.1-L8, Theecilsremounted tupon four of five;pin phage 20 that a vaniablecspadtanee maximum of 300pF may beselecied ipcaverthe1 8to17MHz ‘rages, and 100pP mazimum for the 17 to SOME renge. Oscillation is maintained by QI, an ‘MMPF102 FEET. The sine voltage appear ‘ng at the source tap is detected by ger- zanium diode D1 and C9 charges o an EMF of about 0.5 which drives meter AL Barphones may be plugged into the revitheresothat any avdiomodulation ‘pon the signal ean be heard. “The dipping’ henomenon isprodueed ‘when the coil of the dipper is eopled to the coil ofthe tuned eireuit under teat ‘This is what I think actually hhappons*"When the feld from the pric ery coil energises the ‘passive’ col, # will fthe exciting frequencyisat.ornear the resenant Frequency of the passive ee Jar serio2 eo Sa = Cente anes carne ies sami Eee Seca de - cs. ry ts es i Ee ou r 4 ’ pu Ne Corande Figure, DIP OSCILLATOR 1 8-30MH= Page 12 — AMATEUR RADIO, June 1990 ww. vkSth.convvksfivetsipmeter him ineait, ae pts own ficld in opposition tothe} Geld, which tends to lower the ‘ef oscillation in the pn- mary Geom” Hf the coupling is cuffi- ciently Tigi ewcillation may actually cease The Bigher the Q of the passive Circuit, eierperand dooporthedipfor the sate degree of coupling. This expla- ‘nation eatediewath that normally given in the standard texts, which goncrally ‘tate thatenergy i"absorbed”or“sucked” from the dipper coil. but this does not explain why a higher Q circuit produces a deeper dip than a low @ one. (Thisssbeemasethecoupling factor, or tightness of coupling, is defined as the product of coupling coefficient K and Q. ‘When KQ = I coupling is said to be critical. Ba |" Waverseter operation isobtalned when the oscillator is seitched off. The circuit then becemes a simple tuned circuit and diode detector tapped into the coll. Construction ‘The dipper shown in the photo was built in an off-the-shelf sluminium box measuring 75x13.315.4em.Thecireuit components have beon mounted upon a ‘small tag stripadjacent to thecoil socket, 0 ensuring that signal conductors are kkopt short. The 200pF + 100pF variable capacitor at C8 and C7 is known to be available from two sources at present (more about parts later). Those capaci- tors usually come with little padder ca- pacitors fitted to the solder tags. These ‘aro not required, so remove the SBA ‘screws and break off the copper plates. ‘Use a multimeter on its highest ohms ‘range to check that the capacitor plates ‘are aol shorting or leaky imust read infinite over the entire rotation). When fitting the capacitor, mako sure that the ‘mounting serews donot touch the plates ‘Usa spacers if this is a problem. ‘The photo shows a auggosted dial ar- ogement. The scale, compassed upon thin cardboard, may be fixed onto the case with double-cidod adhosive tape, ‘capaclior shaft projecting through the centre The earsorwasmade froma 72mm. length of 1.6mm poropex, vidth toauit a arzish knob of about. 3em diameter. A Tine should he seored down the middle of ‘the perepex aa shown, then glued to the ‘knob, A very emall hole (say mm) willbe required in the carsor corresponding to each dial scale to facilitate 21212020 LINK TO ORIGINAL MAGAZINE ARTICLI page we. vkSth.convvKéfivetdlpmeter him

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