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Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth

Running head: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth control:

Unexpected pregnancy

A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth control with

Disabilities: Unexpected pregnancy

A Research Proposal Submitted to The Faculty of Maryknoll School of Lupon Inc.

In Partial Fulfillment to the Requirements for Practical Research 1

Canoy, Daniella Mourine D.

Cartagena, Rayner

Mancio, Aldren D.
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth


BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………………….1

REVIEW RELATED LITERATURE……………………………………………………………3

RESEARCH QUESTION……………………………………………………………………….5

CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKS………………………………………………………………5

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY…………………………………………………………….6

SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS…………………………………………………………………...6

DEFINITION OF TERMS……………………………………………………………………….6


RESEARCH DESIGN…………………………………………………………………………..7

LOCALE OF THE STUDY……………………………………………………………………...7



DATA GATHERING AND PROCEDURE…………………………………………………….8


Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
Chapter I



The present age numerous ladies suddenly got pregnant while utilizing their

contraception. (Alleman., 2014 Most sudden pregnancies happen when the couple isn't

utilizing anti-conception medication or are utilizing anti-conception medication

conflictingly or inaccurately. This absence of consideration has brought about a

framework wide inability to give care to conceptive matured ladies who are in danger of

surprising pregnancy (Taylor, 2013). Furthermore, Kendall (2005) characterized startling

pregnancy as a confounded or undesirable, and order has been broadly utilized in study

explore. The reason for this unintended pregnancy is that without utilizing contraception

in view of that such huge numbers of ladies got out of the blue pregnant. Each lady

looks over a scope of preventative strategies that vary in vital ways. Deficient choice

help may lead them to choose a technique that ineffectively accommodates their

conditions, prompting disappointment, abuse, or nonuse by (Wyatt., 2014).

In the Philippines, Ericta (2010) shows that spontaneous pregnancies are bound to

happen among more seasoned ladies than more youthful ladies. One of every three

births (36 percent) in the Philippines is either undesirable (16 percent) or confounded

(20 percent). As indicated by Finer and Hussain (2013), numerous Filipino ladies

experience unintended pregnancies, due to that premature birth is profoundly criticized

in the nation. The populace is expanding about having unintended pregnancy and

countenances huge difficulties in the zone of conceptive wellbeing. As per the

Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
perspective of Klima2007) that unintended pregnancy is an overall issue that influences

ladies, their families, companions, and society in view of this unintended pregnancy the

consequence of preventative they utilized is fizzled. Likewise, National Academies

Press (NAP) says that unintended pregnancy the consequence of preventative they

utilized is fizzled. Likewise, National Academies Press (NAP) says that unintended

pregnancy majorly affects various social, financial, and social parts of present-day life.

This investigation looks at on why premature birth is the most ideal approach to make

your life safe considering this unintended pregnancy. However, not every single

impromptu pregnancy is undesirable, as indicated by Hall et al., (2017) it might appear

to be plainly obvious that unintended pregnancies would be related with antagonistic


Unintended pregnancy among young people might be critical test in high-pay and low-

pay nations. The idea of unintended pregnancy has been basic to demographers in

looking to get ripeness, to general wellbeing specialists in averting undesirable

childbearing and to the two gatherings in elevating a lady's capacity to decide if and

when to have youngsters (Santelli et al., (2007). As displayed by Finer (2010) that

unintended pregnancy rates commonly incorporate all ladies in the denominator. This

downplays juvenile's rates because numerous teenagers are not explicitly dynamic.

Unintended pregnancy among young people is a typical general medical issue in

industrialized, center or low-pay nations. Conceptive control including pregnancy

compulsion and anti-conception medication harm might be related with accomplice

savagery and hazard for unintended pregnancy among youthful grown-up females using

family arranging facility benefits by (Miller et al., 2009). Along these lines youth sexual
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
and physical maltreatment as a hazard factor for pre-adult pregnancy yet the connection

between introduction to youth misuse and untended pregnancy.


Women’s values in Contraceptives Choice

According to Wyatt (2014), women can choose from arrange of contraceptive

methods that differ in important ways. In the other hand, Anderson (2009) aim to

summarize the attributes of contraceptive methods included in available division aids as

well as surveys and interviews of women actively choosing a contraceptive methods.

Leblanc (2010) conduct a systematic review to identify the attributes of

contraceptive methods that may be important to women when engaging in this decision

making process. Contraceptive vaginal ring effectiveness is maintained during 6 weeks

of use prospective study of normal by (Petric, Thomas & Westhoff, 2013). In the same

way of Chan, Mistrette and Gillam (2012), the etonogestrel contraceptive implant in

obese women. Contraceptive failure rates of etonogestrel sub dermal implants in over

weight and obese women by (Wade, Zhao & Seura, 2012).

According to Bitzer and Breethvizen (2000) that the statement on combined

hormonal contraceptive containing third or fourth-generation progestogens or

cyproterone accurate, and the associated risk of thromboembolism. Little is known

about what women value in their interactions with family planning providers and in

decision making about contraception. While women wanted control over the ultimate

selection of a method, most also wanted their provider to participate in the decision-

making process in a way that emphasized the women's values and preferences.
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
Women desired an intimate, friend-like relationship with their providers and also wanted

to receive comprehensive information about options, particularly about side effects

(Dehlendorf et al., 2013).

Awareness and Effectiveness of using Birth Control

According to Finer LB and Zolna MR (2006) that the highest rate of unintended

pregnancy is in the United States than in other developed nations. They designed a

large prospective cohort study to promote the use of long-acting reversible

contraceptive methods as a means of reducing unintended pregnancies in our region by

(Winner et al., 2012). They set a goal of reducing contraceptive failure during the first

year of use from 13% in 1995 to 7% by 2010 (Kost et al., 2008). Estimates are obtained

using the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), a nationally representative

sample of women containing information on their characteristics, pregnancies and

contraceptive use.

According to Gipson, Koenig and Hindin (2008) that the effects of unintended

pregnancy on the health of infants, children, and parents in developed and developing

countries. Contraception has become a widely discussed issue around the world.

Family planning services and supplies currently prevent 187 million unintended

pregnancies each year including 60 million unplanned births and 105 million abortions

by (Elkalmi et al., 2015).

In the same way for, Ameyaw (2017) that unintended pregnancies increase

levels, adoption of risky behaviors and impact on women’s general quality life. In

addition of Kapoor, Kishore and Gupta (2008) that young people represent almost one-
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
fourth of the total population and face significant risks related to their sexual health. The

purpose of this study is to determine the level of awareness about contraceptives

among youths.


1.What are the experiences of a woman who got pregnant while she was using birth



The discoveries and aftereffects of the examination will be incredible advantage to the

accompanying centrality ponder network authorities for them to accomplishments and

consequently all individuals or ladies acknowledges the significance of startling

pregnancy since we realize that numerous ladies welcome this circumstance, numerous

ladies can't sort out why ladies got pregnant while utilizing contraception it is missed

period. Centrality of the examination accumulated the information is contemplates

proposes that oral contraceptives may suggestions the client's state of mind and

increment the danger of discouragement or other passionate changes, missed periods

is a period may some of the time be missed.


The investigation plans to decide for respondent who got pregnant while utilizing anti-

conception medication. Ladies who taking contraception got pregnant is that missed

period. Lady expect that anti-conception medication is protected and anti-conception

medication can avert yet she off-base. Presently we definitely realize that in the event

that you missed period your anti-conception medication you have pregnant.
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth

Lady An individual who got pregnant while utilizing conception prevention.

Missed period-an individual got pregnant on the grounds that she missed period utilizing

anti-conception medication.

Preventative pill-An individual taking this for forestall yet she startling pregnant in light of

the fact that she missed period for taking pill day.
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
Chapter 2


In this chapter is presented the research design, locale of the study, unit of an

analysis and sampling technique, research instrument, data gathering and procedures.


In this study we will conducting a qualitative research on what case study of a

woman who got pregnant while using birth control. Also identify this case of unexpected

pregnancy. A qualitative research is so important to gather some samples of every

family on what case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth control. They

used of it so that a researcher can easily identify. In this, we also utilized for having

anxiety and depression problems of every family because of this, woman increase their

risk. This research must be particular to identify on how a family experience of can

having their birth control. We will to face to face procedure.


This study will be conducted in the Banaybanay Población. The respondent will

be interviewed in their houses or any comfortable place that the respondent will know

the facts, why she pregnant while using birth control. As a researcher, we must know

about their advantages. They were encouraged to answer our face to face interviewed.

In this case of study, a woman who got pregnant while using birth control, we need to

face to face interviewed.

Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth

The person that we interviewed is woman age of 45 she’s full of problems about

their birth control. We see in her face that she struggles with that problem. The woman

experience about using birth control but she is pregnant. The researcher asks the

woman some of questions to identify what the right are they used of birth control.


The instrument used in the study was adopted from interviewing face to face to

suit the contact of the study. In this face to face interviewed evaluated the facts of a

woman having pregnant while using birth control. That’s why there is a face to face

interviewed not doing a video call or through chatting.


The researcher will be asked permission from the woman having pregnant while using

birth control. The researcher tailed and tabulated all data gathered from the respondent

and subjected these to data treatment and analysis.


The researcher will be use audio recorded to complete the important evidences

in whole interview. The data of respondent will be transcribed accurately. The

researcher will make sure that the transcribed statement of the respondent shall state.

All of data that has been gathered will be examined and organized.
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
Data Treatment and Analysis: The data will be gathered from 45-year-old respondent

who suffers from birth control. We have one woman know that experiences having

pregnant while using birth control but after her pregnancy is a narrative to analyze her

situation better.


BENEFICENCE AND NON_MALEFICENCE; This study shall be conducted without

inflicting harm to anyone. The researcher will be careful of the way construct the

question and always ensure the safety of the respondent. This study shall be and

provide necessary information for people to understand woman experiencing having

pregnant while using birth control, and most especially to those women or mothers

experiencing the same situation.

CONFIDENTIALITY; All the gathered data shall be exclusive within the researchers and

the respondent. Leaking of information should be avoided at all coats. The identity of

the respondent shall be kept hidden, if she doesn’t want her identity revealed.

FIDELITY AND RESPONSIBILITY; The researches are responsible with how they

approach the respondent, where, what and how they ask the question, and shall humbly

ask the permission of the person who will be interviewed. They shall keep the promise

they had with the respondent, especially matters regarding confidentially.

INTEGRITY; The researchers are honest with all the data presented in the research.

They are also honest with the respondent and made sure that the person who will be

interviewed is well-aware of what is going on, and what she benefits from this study.
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
Chapter IV


Practical Implications

The research study has an important practical implication. First, the researchers

learned that how a pregnant woman can handle their situations, especially to those

women got pregnant while using birth control. We can easily learn that being women

who got pregnant is not easy to survive, they should be careful about what they want to

do because nowadays there are many bacteria’s that can easily attract to those

pregnant women, so we should be careful with that.

The researchers must do something to help them to comfort them and to provide

something that they use so that they can maintain the healthy or the protection of their


Researchers also recommend that hospitals and the government institutions and free

mental health check-ups right at the beginning of their pregnant. The researchers also

believe that more healthy check ups and activities to help them healthier and stronger

no matter what happen for them to realize that being a mother for the future is not easy

and it should be planned.

For them to practice on how to handle their needs in case of emergency. It is

very important to practice that kind of activities so that we all people living in this society

especially women have a wide knowledge and learned about pregnancy. it is a big

problem in our society if we cannot control this kind of problem so we must be ready of

our selves and have a positive feeling to face that problems. If we do that, we all people
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
have a good relationship to others and have faith to do good things in their life’s, it is

very important to practice this kind of situation.

Future Research Directions

As this research explored the psychological well-being, as it may goes into a

deeper understanding about who can we handle or survive about getting pregnant while

using birth control. The researchers also recommend about the theories of why is that

happen that women got pregnant while using birth control. Future quantitative

researchers may also be applied to find a possible reason why is it happen to them, it

their any problem why they got pregnant while using birth control.
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
Chapter V


Qualitative research is a research design that needs good training and background in its

field. Lacking the basic training for a qualitative research design and being first-timers in

this method of study, the researchers had a difficult time conducting this study. But even

in these difficulties, the researchers somehow managed to learn and experience the

rewarding of the research.


The researcher will conduct the whole study, had numerous methodological

insights that led to changes with the study.


It was a face-to-face interview, and there was only one interview in one day, the

researchers were able to leave out some important questions to some respondents. As

the locale of the study is quite far from school, it’s so hard to go to that place, that’s why

they were not able return so early and couldn’t ask some question easily due to the

mismatching schedules. Also, there are times that our conversation went out from the

topic, due to some of her job and led to the prolonging of the interview.


It was quite difficult to understand especially that you have no ideas or

background in Quantitative Research. Since we originally started with a different

method, we had to speed up or double time our understanding about this topic. It is also
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
difficult to translate the transcript, as not all Visayan words had a direct English

translation. There were common words like, “kuan, basta, taysa, hulatlang, etc”. that

were very hard to translate in English. So, we must spend out time wisely so that we

can do other things to do.


This topic is very time consuming as we have one respondent. Also, we wanted

to tell their stories, but it was difficult coming up when there are times that she wants to

stop the interview. Hopefully, we will do our best to create an organized and

understandable output.
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
Chapter III


This part introduces the association of the information corpus into subjects through

Thematic Analysis. The scientists had the capacity to discover three (3) worldwide

subjects which are: (1) Pevious/Outside Community Life, which portrays the critical

encounters they had before looking for treatment from Unexpected Pregnancy; (2) Early

Experiences of Community Life, which portrays the huge encounters they had while

changing in accordance with their new condition; and (3) Blossoming of Community

Life, which portrays their encounters in connection to the requirements tended to from

the spaces of mental prosperity—individual, social, and group.These worldwide subjects

arrange the reactions to the main research question which is,what are the experiences

that you encountered of getting pregnant while using birth control? Since the

respondent moved toward becoming tested at her beginning period throughout

everyday life, her account begins an actual existence arrange where she haven’t

connected with work life and still in the place where they grew up with her family in


The informant of this study is a resident of Banaybanay, Davao Oriental. Her age is 25,

a brief description of the respondent is provided below.

Rachel. Rachel is a 25-year old woman and was born on July 14, which lives in

Banaybanay, Davao Oriental.

Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
This exploration planned to portray the biographies of the respondents to incorporate

their critical encounters as in an unexpected way abled individuals previously/outside

network life, after entering a PWD foundation, amid the blooming of their locale life,

which incorporates their voyage in shaping the PWD people group of Banaybanay.

The main worldwide subject gives a diagram of the respondent's biography and how it

resembled for them to be in an unexpected way abled. It draws out their past

encounters, connections, how they took care of the difficulties that came.

Obstacle. The obstacle of being a woman who unexpectedly got pregnant.

“Uhm, wala gayud ako magdahum nga ako nagamabdos samtang naggamit sa
pagkontrol sa pagpanganak sa niini nga kaso. Uhm daghang mga babag ang miabut sa
matag pagpangita, pagkaon nga posible alang sa akong tiyan, nagkaon ko nga
pagkaon nga gusto ko bisan unsa nga ehersisyo ug regular nga pagkaon.”

“Uhm, I never expected that I’m getting pregnant while using birth control in this
case. Uhm many obstacle come every meal finding, uhm food that possible for my
stomach, I ate food that I likes any exercise and regular diet.”
Brief Summary
Rachel is now struggling of how she going to understand in her situation.

Previously/Outside Community Life

The principal worldwide topic gives an outline of the respondent's biography what's

more, how it resembled for them to be in an unexpected way abled. It draws out their

past encounters, connections, how they took care of the difficulties that came, how they

were aided, and how they were directed to OLV. It has four sorting out subjects,

specifically: Childhood, School Life, Receiving External Support and Grown-up Life.

Suffer. Rachel suffers because of her situation but she doesn’t surrender.
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth
“Wala gyud ko magmahay tungod kay ang akong anak lapas sa bag-ong
miyembro sa among pamilya.”

“I never regret it because my baby spacious to as new member of our family.”

Brief Summary

She became a mother but she still decides to not find the father.

Early Phase as a Woman in Unexpected Pregnancy

The second global theme gives an overview on the respondent’s life experiences
and his feelings as she already engaged in that situation. It brings the implications of
her life as it changes as she supplies the role of a mother. She uncontrolled temptation
and willingness to have the baby.
Pleasure. As a woman who got pregnant while using birth control, she decides to bring

more information how hard being a woman who got pregnant unexpectedly. It brings her

feelings towards of being a mother.

“Oo Okay, Uhm maayo kaayo nga mapasalamaton tungod sa akong anak,
bisan kon wala ang iyang amahan.”

“Yes Okay, Uhm well very happy anf thankful because my baby, even if without
his father.”
Unexpected Pregnancy: A case study of a woman who got pregnant while using birth


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