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Leveling Workshop. B2.

Unit 9

1. Vocabulary
1.1 Select the correct definition for each term:

a. A system of government in which every citizen in the country can vote to
elect its government officials.
b. A set of basic laws and principles that a country is governed by, which
cannot easily be changed by the political party in power.

a. Person who supports changes in political, social, or religious systems that
respects the different beliefs, ideas, etc.; of other people.
b. Person who has opinions and beliefs, especially about politics, that are not
extreme and most people consider reasonable or sensible.

a. The attempt to destroy all members of a racial or ethnic group.
b. The belief that other racial or ethnic group is inferior to one’s own.

1.2 Organize the expressions to express someone’s opinion into the correct

I agree with you on that one… I see what you mean, but.
Well, on the one hand… But on the other hand, I couldn’t have said it better
… myself…
I couldn’t agree more… That’s exactly what I think.
That may be true, but… That’s one way to look at it, but...


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2. Grammar clues.

2.1. Uncountable nouns that represent abstract ideas

Abstract ideas are all those intangible things such as thoughts or opinions. Since these
ideas cannot be counted, they are always going to be singular and therefore, they do
not use articles nor numbers.


Correct: Information is not reliable if it comes from certain online sources.

Incorrect: The informations are not reliable if it comes from certain online sources.

There are some tips to identify uncountable nouns:

• Most -ing forms: Learning English is important.

• Abstract concepts, often with endings -ness, -ance, -ence, -ity. Beauty can
be defined as the set of inner and outer characteristics of a person.

Here, a list of some abstract concepts:

Feelings Anxiety Pain Satisfaction

States Liberty Peace Chaos
Emotions Sorrow Happiness Despair
Qualities Beauty Courage Dedication
Concepts Culture Failure Motivation
Ideas Democracy Friendship Wisdom
Events Adventure Childhood Death

2.2 Verbs followed by objects and infinitives

There are some verbs that can be followed by objects and infinitives. Most of the time,
this can be used when a person intends somebody/something to do things in specific.
The object usually receives the action, and the infinitive usually receives the task


● I need you to call me tomorrow morning.

I need you (object) to call (infinitive) me tomorrow morning.

● We want our house to be bigger

We want our house (object) to be (infinitive) bigger.

Take into account: there are some other verbs that cannot work with any object since
they do not need a performer of the action. Instead, they are followed directly by an

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I deserve to be treated as a queen.

I deserve people (No need of an object since “people” is not affected by the
action “deserve”) to be treated as a queen.

These are some of the verbs that are followed by object+ infinitive:

Force Permit
Get Recommend
Help Remind
Instruct Request
Intend Teach
Invite Tell
Need Tend
Oblige Warn
Order Wish

3. Practice the clues

3.1. Choose four words from the box to create sentences. Write one sentence per word
taking into account the expressions given. Remember to properly represent abstract

Government, life, work, proof, news, feelings, peace, pollution

a. _____________________________________________________________________________.

b. _____________________________________________________________________________.

c. _____________________________________________________________________________.

d. _____________________________________________________________________________.

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3.2. Select the options that best fit in the sentences.

● He tends _________________ a little bit complicated.

a. being
b. to be
c. be

● They seem ____________ disappointed about the situation in the country.

a. To be
b. being
c. be

● She promised ________________ smoking.

a. stop
b. stopping
c. to stop

● We need __________ the topic by doing the exercises.

a. practicing
b. to practice
c. practice

● Samantha intents ___________ you next vacations.

a. To visit
b. visit
c. visiting

● Naomi agreed __________ me.

a. help
b. helping
c. to help

● We don’t allow students ____________ in the classroom.

a. To eat
b. eat
c. eating

● My mother taught me ______________.

a. forgiving
b. to forgive
c. forgive

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4. Clues in context.

Last Saturday, I was seated on

the couch thinking that I needed
some vacation. Efficiency in my
work had decreased and I was
feeling really exhausted; stress
was part of my daily routine. So, I
planned to do a trip. I called my
friend Gabriela to tell her about
my idea. She was very excited, so
was I. She advised me to go to
the mountains, but I really wanted
to go to the beach.

We agreed to go on a trip for entertainment, so I told her to decide a fun place.

Patience is one of Gabriela’s biggest characteristics and she agreed to look for the
different options we had and choose the best one. After a long time discussing what
place we deserve to be, I convinced her to go to the beach. At the end, we had a trip
with tons of adventure, beautiful moments and a really good plan to escape the
monotonous routine.

5. Use the clues.

5.1 Write your opinion about these statements using the vocabulary about how to
debate an issue politely.

It’s much more logical if a woman decides not to have children because she would be
contributing with the average percentage of the world population.

People (even underage ones) should be able to buy guns whenever they want without
being asked for so many papers or permissions.

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