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Curriculum V ita

Jerry Kroth


Ph.D. Florida State University; counseling and psychology,

emphasis in psychodiagnosis, counselor education, school
psychology, 1966-1969.
M.A. University of Detroit; psychology; 1963-1965
B.A. University of Michigan; psychology; 1959-1963


Associate Professor Emeritus, Graduate Division, Counseling

Psychology, Santa Clara University (present)

Associate Professor (tenure); Graduate Division of Counseling

Psychology and Education, University of Santa Clara, Santa
Clara, CA; teaching includes psychopathology, group
process, research methods, theories of psychotherapy,
dreamwork and depth psychology. 1974-2011

Assistant Professor; Department of Counseling Psychology, Ball

State University; duties included teaching graduate course
in European program: theories of psychotherapy,
techniques, group process, vocational theory,
psychopathology, psychometrics, theories of personality.

School Psychologist-diagnostician; Downriver Learning

Disability Center, Wyandotte, Michigan, Title III ESEA project.
Evaluation of learning disabled children using perceptual-
motor, psycholinguistic, personality, intelligence and other
evaluative devices; diagnostic and prescriptive process;

Teacher; Anglo-American School of Moscow (1965-66), St.

Mary of Wayne School (1964-1965), St. Philomena School

Memberships and Professional Organiz ations

American Personnel and Guidance Association, 1969-1971

American College Personnel Association, 1969-1970
International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and
Neglect, 1978-1980
National Council on Family Relations, 1979
Institute for Psychohistory, 1983-1987; 1988-present.
Institute for Collective Behavior and Memory, 1983-1987
Association for the Study of Dreams, 1988
National Popular Culture Association, 1988-89

Professional Licenses Held

Licensed Marriage-Family-Child Therapist, State of California,

1976- present
School Psychologist (Pupil Personnel Credential), State of
California, 1975- present.
Certified Psychologist, State of Michigan, 1973- present.
School Psychologist, Life Certificate, Rank I, State of Florida,
1972- present.

A cademic Honors and A w ards

National Institute of Mental Health Traineeship, 1966-1967.

Harris Foundation Award for textbook development in learning
handicaps, 1969.
Certificate of Honor in Psychohistory, Institute of Psychohistory,
Presidential Research Grant, University of Santa Clara, 1984.

Univ ersity Serv ice

Director, Counseling Psychology Programs, Graduate Division,

Santa Clara University, Winter, 1986.1991-1992
Rank and Tenure Committee, Graduate Division of Counseling
Psychology and Education, Santa Clara University, Chair,
1983-1985; member 1986-89; 1993-94; 1997
Member, Faculty Senate Council, 1990-1992, 1996-99.
Member, University Research Committee, Santa Clara University,
1982-1984; 1986-88; 1994-1996
Member, Counseling Psychology Graduate Programs Committee
(program planning, graduate admissions, graduate
comprehensive examinations), Santa Clara University
Member, Counseling Psychology Faculty Development
Committee, 1986-87.
Member, Faculty Affairs Board, 1995-96.
Publications are organized and presented in the following order:
government documents and research, papers presented at
national and international conferences, academic papers, book
reviews, anthologies or edited texts and books.

Government Documents:

Kroth, J.A. "CSATP Interim Evaluation", Office of Child Abuse

Prevention, Department of Health, Sacramento, California,
March 31, 1978.

Kroth, J.A. "Evaluation of the Child Sexual Abuse Demonstration

and Treatment Program", Office of Child Abuse Prevention,
Department of Health, Sacramento, CA June 30, 1978.
Papers Presented:

Kroth, J.A., Forrest, M. & Hagan, D. "Indices of anxiety:

prescription for the counselor." Presented to the National
Convention of the American Personnel
and Guidance Association, Las Vegas, 1969.

Kroth, J.A. & Betwee, M. "Learning disabilities, a medium for

educational facilitation." National Convention of the
Association of Supervisors of Curriculum Development
(ASCD). San Francisco, 1970

Kroth, J.A. "Impact of family therapy on intrafamilial child

sexual abuse." Presented at the International Congress of
Child Abuse and Neglect, London, 1978.

Kroth, J.A. "Estimating the number of unreported cases of child

sexual abuse: a theoretical model." Presented at the
International Congress of Child Abuse and Neglect,
Amsterdam, 1981.

Kroth, J.A. "Recapitulating Jonestown," Presented at the

International Convention for Psychohistory, New York,

Kroth, J.A. "Psychohistorical inquiry in Russian national

character," International Meeting of the Psychohistory
Association, New York, 1984.

Kroth, J.A. "Mystery and the eternal in anticipatory dreams: a

Jungian approach, "Fifth International Conference of the
Association for the Study of Dreams, University of California,
Santa Cruz. June, 1988. (Also Chair of a panel presentation
on psychic and telepathic dreaming.)

Burrows, T. & Kroth, J. A. "The oracle of Orson Welles" Third

Annual Conference of the Northern Pacific Popular Culture
Association, Spokane, May 1989.

Kroth, J.A. "Saloth Sar and the American Shadow," Twelfth

Annual International Psychohistorical Association
Convention, Hunter College, New York, 1989.

Kroth, J.A. "The oracle of the trickster," Thirteenth Annual

Convention of the International Psychohistorical
Association Convention, City University of New York, 1990.

Kroth, J.A. "The Cambodian holocaust, its victims and post

traumatic stress disorder,” Presented at the Santa Clara
University Conference, Collaborating with Families in the
90s, Santa Clara University, October, 1990.

Kroth, J.A. “Narcissism and denial in electronic news

broadcasting,” Presented at the International Psychohistorical
Association Convention, Hunter College, June, 1991

Kroth, J.A. “Sacrifice of Innocents: The oracular dream of Charles

Lindbergh,” Presented at the International Psychohistorical
Association Convention, Hunter College, June 1992.

Kroth, J.A. Appeared on KKUP radio for a panel discussion on

prejudice (Sept., 1990).

Kroth, J.A. Radio interview on KSCU “Psych Talk,” about Omens

and Oracles, July, 1992.

Kroth, J.A. “A psychoanalytic perspective on the assassination of

John F. Kennedy: psychopathology in the American dream.”
Paper presented as part of the Symposium: Self, Society and
Psychopathology: Division 39 of the American Psychological
Association,April 25, 1995 Santa Monica, California

Kroth, J.A. “Jungian perspectives on the impact of the JFK

assassination.” Video presentation. International
Psychohistorical Association 18th Annual Convention, New
York City, June 9, 1995.

Kroth, J.A. “Shadow and synchronicity in the assassination of

John F. Kennedy”. International Psychohistorical Association
19th Annual Convention, Fordham University Law School,
New York City, June 9, 1996.

Kroth, J.A. “Synchronicity and the shadow in the assassination of

John F. Kennedy: A Jungian perspective.” Santa Clara
University Alumni Association Annual meeting, Benson
Center, November 15, 1996.

Kroth,J.A.”The goat suckers (Chupacabras) of Mexico versus the

extra terrestrials of Independence Day: Emerging images of
Mexican and American shadow figures.” International
Psychohistorical Association 20th Annual Convention,
Fordham University Law School, New York City, June 7, 1997.

Kroth, J.A. “The Spanish influenza of 1918: Jungian

implications.” International Psychohistorical Association 21st
Annual Convention, Fordham University Law School, New
York City, June 5, 1998.

Kroth, J.A. Radio interview on “Dreamwork” on KITS Live, San

Francisco 105FM, July 18, 1999.

Kroth, J.A. “Mary Pinchot Meyer and Monica Lewinsky: The

American shadow and its vicissitudes.” International
Psychohistorical Association 22st Annual Convention,
Fordham University Law School, New York City, June 5, 1999.

Kroth, J. “The Media and child abuse.” International

Psychohistorical Association 23rd Annual Convention,
Fordham University Law School, New York City, June, 3, 2000.

Kroth, J. “Repetition compulsion: from psychoanalysis to

collective behaviorism. International Psychohistorical
Association 24th Annual Convention, New York City, June,

Kroth, J. Berkes, J, Buechler, KL, Gonsalves, F, & Smith, C. “Flying

closer to the flame: a correlational investigation of risk-taking and
dreamsPresented at WPA, Portland. April, 2014.

Kroth, J. Minakakis, C, Riska, E., Singh, K & Fattahi. “Sweet dreams: an

investigation of artificial sweeteners, insomnia, and dreaming,” Presented at
WPA, Las Vegas, 2015.

Academic Articles & publications

Kroth, J.A. Relationship between anxiety and menarcheal onset.

Psychological Reports, 1968, 23, 801-802.

Kroth, J.A. Effects of posture and anxiety level on effectiveness

of free association. Psychological Reports, 1969, 25, 725-

Kroth, J.A. The analytic couch and response to free association.

Psychotherapy: Theory, Research & Practice, 1970, 7, 206-

Forrest, M.S. & Kroth, J.A. Psychometric and physiological

indices of anxiety. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1971,
27 (1), 40-42.

Carpenter, K. & Kroth, J.A. Effects of videotaped role playing on

nurses therapeutic communication skills. Journal of
Continuing Education in Nursing, 1976, 7(2), 47-53.

Kroth, J.A. Impact of family therapy on intrafamilial child

sexual abuse. ChildAbuse and Neglect: The International
Journal,, 1979, 3, 297-302.

Hull, K.N. & Kroth, J.A. Physical and perceptual analysis in

consumer research. Psychological Reports, 1980, 47, 44-

Kroth, J.A. Collaboration vs. reformation. Journal of

Contemporary Psychology, 26, 1981.

Kroth, J.A. Profitable neglect. Journal of Contemporary

Psychology, 26, 1981.

Kroth, J.A. Media and mass psychology. Santa Clara

Magazine, 1981, 2-8; also
published in the San Jose Mercury News, 1981.

Kroth, J.A. Collective amnesia in everyday life. Kronos: A

Journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis, 1982.
Kroth, J.A. Psychology at the exchange. Santa Clara Magazine,
1983, 8, 15-18.

Kroth, J.A. Recapitulating Jonestown. Journal of Psychohistory,

Winter, 1984, 3, 383-393.

Kroth, J.A. Four faces of collective psychology, Horus: a

publication of the Institute for the study of Collective
Behavior and Memory. Winter, 1986, 2, 1-8.

Kroth, J.A. The psychology of Mexico's depression, Studies in

Applied Psychodynamics, 1, 25-34.

Kroth, J.A. Psychohistory and the Russian national character:

strategic implications. Proceedings of the International
Psychohistorical Association Convention, 1984 (New York:
Psychohistory Press, 1984).

Kroth, J.A. Saloth Sar and the American Shadow, in Historical

and Psychological Inquiry. Paul Elovitz, Editor, (New York:
International Psychohistorical Association, 1990). pp 74-87.

Kroth, J.A. Untitled letter on O.J. Simpson Case. Psychohistory

News, 14, No. 1, Fall, 1994, p. 5-6.

Kroth, J.A. JFK, Psychohistory, and the Solomon Wave in the

Stock Market, Clio’s Psyche, 2, No. 3, December, 1995, pp.

Kroth, J.A. Santa Clara’s MFC Program: An external measure of

quality, CP&E Newsletter, Spring, 1997, p. 5.

Kroth,J.A, Jensen, L & Haraldsson, M., Correlations of splitting

and phobic anxiety with dreaming, Perceptual and Motor
Skills, 1997, 85, 333-334.

Kroth, J.A., Pol Pot’s death and nightmares of the Cambodian

Genocide. Clio’s Psyche. Psychohistory Forum, June 1998, 9-

Kroth, J.A.,Yoneda, D., Hammond, A. Fear of fat and the dream

process: a correlational investigation. Psychological Reports,
1998, 83, 1197-1198.

Kroth, J.A , Gilbert, H., Guichard. A, & Quatman, T. Analysis of

factor structure in a dream inventory, Perceptual and Motor
Skills, 1999, 89, 657-658.

Kroth, J.A. “Kosovo, Littleton, and media warps.” Self-Help

Psychology Magazine; http:/, June, 1999.

Kroth, J.A. “Shadow and Synchronicity in Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Eyes

Wide Shut,” Self-Help Psychology Magazine,
http:/, August, 1999.

Kroth,JA., McDavid, J., Rendlen,C., Patel, A., & Zeiener, L. Risk-

taking, death anxiety, and dreaming. Psychological Reports
91, 2001.

Kroth, JA., Bautista, C., Bess, J., Cruickshank,K, Stashak, J.

Incidence of having dreamed and conservative political
attitudes. Psychological Reports, 2006, 98, 923-926.

Kroth, J.A., Haraldsson, M., Jensen, L. Correlations of splitting

and phobic anxiety with dreaming. Perceptual and Motor
Skills, 19097, 8, 333-334.

Kroth, J.A., Roeder, B., Gonzales, G., Tran, K & Orzech, K. Dream
reports and marital satisfaction. Psychological Reports, 2005,
96, 647-650.

Kroth, J.A., Thompson, L, Jackson, J., Pascali, L, Ferreira, M.

Dream characteristics of stock brokers after a major market
downturn. Psychological Reports, 2002, 90, 1097.

Kroth, J.A. Lamas, J., Pisca, N., Bourret, K., Killath, M.

Retrospective dream components and musical preferences.
Psychologcial Reports, 2008, 103, 93-96.

Kroth, J.A. “The Bush panic,” originally published by Radical

Academy, 2001.

Kroth, J.A., Briggs, A., Cummings, M., Rodriguez, G., Martin, E.

“Retrospective reports of dream characteristics and
preferences for organic vs. junk foods.” Psychological
Reports, 2007, 101, 335-338.

Kroth, J. Garcia M., Hallgren, M., LeGrue, E, Ross, M, & Scalise, J.

Perinatal loss, trauma, and dream reports. Psychological
Reports, 2004, 94, 877-882.

Kroth, J.A., Mann, S, Cervantes, C., Jaffe, M, & Rustic, V.

Financial stress, attitudes toward money, and scores on a
dream inventory. Psychological Reports, 2010, 107, 1 173-

Kroth, J.A. "American anomalies: just how insane is our foreign

policy." Huffington Post
anomalies-just-h_b_444541.html 2010

Kroth, J.A., "Virginia tech and Choe Seung Hui,"
html 2009

Kroth, J.A., Cochran, M., Lerza, A, Lin, N., Stuart, A. Magical

thinking and retrospective dream reports: a correlational
study. Psychological Reports, 2011, in press.

Kroth, J.A. Behind the Connecticut massacre,” Counterpunch,

Dec. 2012.

Kroth, J.A. Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Edward Snowden, and

Goliath, Huffington Post, 2013

Kroth, J. The long march of America’s oligarchy. Huffington

Post, 2014.

Kroth, J. When a black swan flies over a house of cards,

Counterpunch, Aug., 2015

Kroth, J. Minakakis, C., Riska, E., Singh, K. & Fattahi, N. “Sweet

reams: an investigation of artificial sweeteners, insomnia and
dreaming.” Presented at the Western Psychological Association
Conference, Las Vegas, 2015.

Kroth, J. North Korea and American insanity, Huffington Post


Kroth, J. The corona and the prospect of global collapse,

International Clearing House, 2020

Kroth, J. Four ominous reasons Trump will be reelected in 2020,

International Clearing House, 2019

Kroth, J. Propaganda and pedophile priests, Information

Clearing House, 2019

Kroth, J. Peace and Reason in the Middle East, Tikkun, 2019

Kroth, J. Not for prime time: ‘The U.S. kills 951 civilians,’
Common Dreams, 2019

Kroth, J. The deep state and the boomerang effect, Huffington

Post 2017

Kroth, J. Was Supertuesday rigged? Hampton Insitute, 2016

Other Publications

Kroth, J.A. Video. “The Impact of the Assassination of John

Fitzgerald Kennedy,” Film Library, Institute of Psychohistory,
New York City, 1995.

Book Reviews

Purdy, B., & Kroth, J.A. (Book Review); Strange Gods: the great
American cult scare. David G. Bromley & Anson D.Shupe Jr.
Boston: Beacon Press, 1982, 249 pp. $13.50; Journal of
Psychohistory, Spring, 1989

Kroth, J.A. Cambodia: 1975-1978: Rendezvous with Death. Karl

D. Jackson, Editor, (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton
University Press, 1989, $37.95, 333pp. Journal of
Psychohistory, Fall, 1991.

Kroth,J.A. The Living and the Dead. Robert McNamara and five
lives of a lost war. Paul Hendrickson, New York: Alfred Knopf,
1996. Psychohistory News, Vol.16, No. 3, Spring, 1997.


Studies in Applied Psychodynamics ; J.A.Kroth, editor,

(Cupertino, CA: Genotype, 1986.)

Kroth, J.A. A Programmed Primer in Learning Disabilities.

(Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas Publishers, 1971; second
printing, 1974).

Kroth, J.A. Counseling Psychology and Guidance: An Overview

in Outline. (Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas Publishers,

Kroth, J.A. Child Sexual Abuse: Analysis of a Family Therapy

Approach. (Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas Publishers,

Kroth, J.A. Flesh and Blood. Genotype, 1980.

Kroth, J.A. The Survival Guide to Rats and Stats. (Cupertino, CA:
Genotype, 1988, 2001).

Kroth, J.A. Omens and Oracles: Collective Psychology in the

Nuclear Age. (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1992).

Kroth, J.A., with Forrest, M. Psychology Underground: from

politically correct orthodoxies to a new century of inquiry.
Lima, OH: A.R.Press, 2001.

Kroth, J.A. Conspiracy in Camelot: the complete history of the

assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy: New York: Algora
Publishers, 2001

Kroth, J.A. The Lindbergh kidnapping: mobs, mass psychology &

myth. Libre/Digital, 2011

Kroth, J.A. Psyche’s Exile: an empirical odyssey in search of the

soul. Libre/Digital 2011

Kroth J.A., Aliens and Man: a synopsis of facts and beliefs. New
York: Algora Publishers, 2010.

Kroth, J.A. Duped! Delusion, denial, and the end of the American
Dream, Genotype, 2012

Kroth, J.A. Coup d’etat: the assassination of John Fitzgerald

Kennedy, Genotype, 2013.

Kroth, J.A. The Psychic Immune System: a hidden

epiphenomenon of the body’s own defenses, Rowman &
Littlefield, 2016 in press
Kroth, J.A. Messages from the Gods: a scientific exposition on
the extraterrestrial origin of crop circles. Genotype, 2019

Kroth, J.A. Ecocide: why radical interventions are needed now to

stop climate apocalypse, Genotype, 2020.

Miscellaneous: Currently contributing editor to Psychological

Reports and Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2011. Recently
completed clinical CEU training for re-licensing as an MFT in
the areas of Legal and Ethical Issues, Child Abuse, Substance Abuse,
HI, and Battered Women’s Issues; Currently editor
References ---on request

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