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We, Sachin Patel(11730) & Rahul Kurup (11767) hereby declare that project
Titled “Brand Activation: Capturing Customer's feedback for the ordered
food on food serving apps in Ahmedabad city” is an original piece of research
work carried out by us under the guidance and supervision of Dr. Jay Desai,
Assistant professor of B.K School of professional and management studies and it
was not submitted to any other organization, university or institutions or
published any time before. The information has been collected from genuine &
authentic sources. The work has been submitted in partial fulfilment of the course
of Master in Business Administration to our college.

Date: 20th April, 2019 Sachin Patel (11730)

Place: Ahmedabad Rahul Kurup (11767)
MBA Full Time (2017-19)

B. K. School of Business Management, Gujarat University


This is to certify that ‘Mr. Sachin Patel’ and ‘Mr. Rahul Kurup’, student of Full
Time MBA (2017-2019 Batch) at B. K. School of professional and management
studies, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad have prepared a project Report on
“Brand Activation: Capturing Customer's feedback for the ordered food on
food serving apps in Ahmedabad city” in partial fulfilment of two years full-
time MBA Program of Gujarat University. This project work has been undertaken
under the guidance of ‘Dr. Jay Desai’, Assistant professor of B.K School of
professional and management studies, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad and found

Date: 20th April, 2019 Dr. Jay Desai

Place: Ahmedabad B.K School of professional
and management studies


No endeavor is complete without acknowledging those who have helped me to

make this project a success.
We would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our project guide Dr. Jay
Desai, without his immense help, the project wouldn’t have been possible to get
its appropriate structure. Lastly, we thanks all those people who directly and
indirectly supported us in completion of this project.

Thank You,
Sachin Patel & Rahul Kurup
MBA 2017-2019,
B.K School of Professional and Management Studies,
Gujarat University,


The main objective of this report is to show how customers behave and what factors do they
keep in mind while selecting a particular hotel or restaurant's food on a food-ordering app.

Also, this gives us an insight on how should that particular hotel/restaurant act or strategize to
activate their brand accordingly.From this research paper, we would understand the shift of
consumer’s behaviors because of different factors associated with Age, Gender, etc.
The purchase behavior and the selection of hotel/restaurant is made clear and why are they
chosen by different age groups or different genders and why they are not chosen is the outcome
that we get.

Keywords: Age, Gender, Brand activation, Data analysis, Insights.


Sr.No Title Page No

1 Title Page 1
2 Undertaking 2
3 Certificate 3
4 Acknowledgement 4
5 Executive Summary 5
Chapter 1 Introduction of Online food delivery 8
1.1 Market Insights 9
1.2 Demand Drivers 11
1.3 Supply Drivers 12
1.4 Impact of online food service on restaurant 14
business in India
Chapter 2 Brand Activation 15
2.1 What is Brand Activation? 16
2.2 Why Brand Activation? 17
2.3 How to activate Brand? 17
2.4 Brand Activation Process 18
Chapter 3 Literature Review 19
Chapter 4 Research Methodology 26
4.1 Introduction of Research Methodology 27
4.2 Objective of Research 27
4.3 Sampling Frame 27
4.4 Sampling Technique 27
4.5 Data Collection Method 27

Chapter 5 Data Analysis and Interpretation 29
5.1 Demographic Attribute 30
5.2 Frequency Analysis 31
5.3 Independent Samples Test 42
5.4 Anova 44
5.5 Cross Tabs 50
5.6 Randomness 51
Chapter 6 Limitation & Future Scopes 53
Limitations of the Study 54
Scope of the Study 54
References 55





Online Food Delivery Market of India
The meaning of food tech has evolved over the years. Earlier, it referred to food processing
and the technology used for its manufacturing. Now, it pertains to the online food ordering and
delivery services market. Adequate funding and investments in this market space have enabled
companies to provide online food delivery services that have never been seen before.

The popularity of online food delivery service can be attributed to the several benefits it
provides, such as food delivered to the doorstep of the customer, various payment options,
attractive discounts, rewards, and cashback offers. Restaurants and cafes also find it profitable
to sell their food through online mediums since it reduces a significant amount of operational
overheads. College students, working couples and office goers are the key target audience of
food-tech companies.

More than 80% of the orders that come on these online food delivery platforms are from the
top five Indian cities, out of the 20 where they are active.

1.1 Market Insights:

The online food delivery market in India was valued at INR 45.58 Bn in 2017 and is expected
to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of ~38.08% from 2018 to 2023.
Metropolitan cities like Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Kolkata, Chennai, and Hyderabad
accounted for ~87% of the overall online food delivery market in India in 2017. Among the
major players, Bengaluru-based online food delivery player, Swiggy is currently the market
leader constituting of ~36.5% of the market, followed by Zomato. The percentage of daily
orders fulfilled by the self-owned delivery fleet of companies has increased from ~46% to
~56% and the average delivery time of the overall market improved from 47 minutes to 42
minutes during the period Q4 of 2016 to Q4 of 2017.

1.1.1Key growth drivers of the market:

 Amongst the ~1.35 Bn population in India, 50% fall under the age of 25 years while half
of the rest falls under the age of 35 years, thus representing one of the youngest populations
of the world. Since the majority of demand comes from the age group between 18 and 40,
India has emerged as a market with a high opportunity for growth.

 India's per capita income has shown a growth of ~8.6% for the fiscal year ending in March
2018. As a result, Indians are gaining a high purchasing power which in turn is paving the
way for the growth of online food delivery market in the country.

Key growth factors:

 Higher disposable income, families with Double-Income-No-Kids (DINKS), a greater

number of people with access to internet, and increased smartphone are some of the major
factors that are leading to the growth of the online food delivery market in India.

Key players:
 Food panda, Swiggy, Faasos, UberEats and Zomato are currently among the top-rated food
ordering aggregators operating in the Indian market.

The online food ordering business in India is expected to treble in size over the next three years
to at least $2.5 billion, according to recent estimates from Red Seer. Swiggy and Zomato have
so far led the way with large funding rounds. Now, the likes of Uber and Ola have also thrown
in their hats to grab a pie of the fiercely competitive segment in the consumer internet business
space. Ola acquired Food panda and is building a food-delivery platform, while Uber launched
its UberEats service in India in 2017.

1.2 Demand Drivers
Encouraging Demographics
With a population of over 1.2billion, India is undeniably one of the biggest consumer markets
in the world today. Moreover, 50% of this population fall under the age of 25, and the rest
before the age of 35 years; making India among the youngest population in the world too. Most
of the fast food demand comes from age group 18-40 years. What’s more, by the year 2025 the
Indian middle-class demographic is expected to touch 550 million. Young India’s appetite is
one of the key drivers for demand in the food and beverage industry on the whole.

Promising Income and Consumption Levels

With an increasing number of young Indians being productively employed in lucrative
industries, sectors like IT services have upped the living standards and made their wallets fatter
too. The World Bank reports a staggering 50% increase in per capita income since 2006 until
now. Urban India sees a visible change in the social setting, which further fuels the advance of
fast food restaurants in India. Higher disposable income is also a key driver for other
subcategories of food products too.

Favourable Lifestyle Changes

With dual-income families, now urban India sees both parents bring home the bacon, thus
changing the way people live drastically; with changes in routines, lifestyle and food habits.
The demand for quick access to food and one with affordable rates is on the rise. Time crunches
and an increasing need to spend quality time with 92% nuclear families reaching out for fast
food or takeouts to save time and energy that would otherwise go into cooking up a meal at
home every day of the week.

Rising Number of Working Women

Keeping in line with the above point, there has been an astounding increase in working women.
Working women end up spending most of their productive hours commuting and at work,
therefore there is very less time to cook full blown meals at home, all by themselves. Working
women typically spend a large amount of their disposable income on buying takeouts or eating
out. This is again a key demand-driver for the food and beverage industry in India.

1.3 Supply Drivers

Expanding Variety of Cuisines

With more and more restaurants offering global cuisines, this has had a significant impact on
the overall food industry. Chicken biryani, burgers, butter chicken, pizza and Hakka noodles
are customers' most preferred orders. North Indian fare tops, but Chinese, Italian, south Indian
and 'healthy food' are also popular. The more Indians living in urban areas are willing to
experiment with new cuisines, the more will frequency of dining out increase.

Upgrading of Retail Formats

With a slew of international food brands and restaurants making themselves available at
popular malls, these seem to be the ideal space to get more customers who go to malls to shop.
And inversely, more customers going to food courts and restaurants at malls, shop! It is a win-
win situation for all parties, indeed.

Rising of Contract Cultivation

Contract cultivation is essentially a binding agreement that guarantees farmers’ purchases from
giant global companies, provided they agree and supply the preferred crops to the companies.
For example, McDonald's currently has over 400 farmers cultivating potatoes for them in over
2000 acres of farmland in the state of Gujarat.

Emerging of Logistics Providers

It’s not just true for the emerging e-commerce industry where couriers and delivery-handling
companies are on the rise. There are logistic providers for the food industry too, such as
Radhakrishna Foodland who is a local partner, providing their logistics services to global giants
in India such as McDonald's AND Pizza Hut.

Growing of Delivery - dedicated Formats

The initial investment needed for a delivery-focused format is much lower compared to starting
up a restaurant or even a fast food joint. Investments includes rent, designing interiors, furniture
and so on. Due to such cost benefits, more operators are ready to devote their time, energy and
investments in the formats dedicated to delivering food at the doorstep. There is a considerable
decrease in the costs of labour, supplies and the biggest cost saving aspect is the need for quality
real estate. This is the most expensive of all investments in restaurants, and with a delivery
format this cost is saved.

Extension to Delivery Services in Existing Restaurants

Restaurants are now trying to maximize their business output by offering food delivery
services. This way they all are able to rationalize existing fixed costs and also keep their
business sustainable. Home Delivery is a very vital ingredient in this mix. It’s no wonder
restaurants big and small, all are vying to get a piece of this pie! Moreover with this format, a
higher number of customers can be serviced, compared to the sit-and-dine format where at peak
hours, customers will be missed. The delivery format keeps customer loyalty going strong too.

New Trends in the Delivery Sector
The role of mobile apps and also web-based system of ordering food cannot be undermined at
this point. With more people using smart phones, increasing literacy and access to the Internet,
the fortunes waiting to be reaped from the business of home delivery are just a click away!
Domino’s Pizza claims to deliver over 50,000 pizzas in a day and 15,000 of those orders are
made online. Fassos is another popular food chain that doles out over 60,000 orders in a day
and all from their mobile app too. Now that Dominoes and other players have tied up with the
online food service site FoodPanda, these numbers are expected to double in the coming years.
E-Tailing, which is having a sound presence online, is very promising for all delivery-based
‘quick service restaurants’ (QSR) compared to the revenues generated from the typical brick-
and-mortar format.

Delivery-dedicated Websites
Speaking of Food Panda (– Which is one of the biggest food service websites, picking up
almost double the funding of that of Zomato, with $310 million) while global food chains and
QSR like McDonald's, and Pizza Hut have their own websites from where you could order
food, other businesses who want in on the food delivery business opt for websites like Food
Panda and Zomato. There are many others cropping up who have similar food delivery formats,
with their own coupon and discounts system to get more customers - Just Eat and TastyKhana
for instance, who have just entered the market recently. These exclusive websites earn
commissions on every order and the benefit to customers is that they are able to access a
number of food websites offerings at just one stop, avail discounts and exclusive offers to get
maximum value out of their online or mobile app orders. Zomato is one of the most popular
apps and websites that not only let customers order food from multiple restaurants, but have a
rating system and an exclusive phone number using which customers could make reservations
at the restaurants. Their advantage is the access to call records, using which they continually
streamline their processes. It’s no wonder they have now picked up a funding of more than
$163 million for business development. An interesting point to be noted here is that Food Panda
plans to extend their services and tie up with restaurants that cannot do home-delivery. There
will be logistics-related investments done by Food Panda to simply expand their reach and get
a larger bite of the home delivery market. Regardless of who gets the better funding, it is the
‘total recall’ of websites that would ultimately take the biggest share of the pie. Even before
Zomato or Food Panda had made an impression on the smart Indians, there was Burrrrp!, which
is now non-existent and so are other similar websites which mushroomed at one point, but
could not stay true to their value proposition. We have addressed various online food services
that deliver ready meals at homes & workplaces. There is another service based on the food
delivery model - the online grocery market. Some of the leading names in this category include
PepperTap, which recently got some extravagant funding from Snapdeal and BigBasket. Other
services like TapTapMeals exist, which is delivery of “home-cooked” meals other than the
usual global QSR menu.

1.4 Impact of Online Food Services on Restaurant Business in India

The format of home delivery or the takeaways have gained a lot more customers in locations
such as malls, offices and big-party orders for residential complexes. People missing breakfast
on the way to work, order-in. People who desire a better choice of corporate lunch or party,
order in too. Everyone seems to be in awe of the online food order and delivery option for the
convenience and immediate source of food at home. Besides, the convenience of ordering
groceries from your mobile app or web browser has certainly taken away some market share
from the trusted ‘kirana’ or the mom-n-pop stores. India is the 6th largest grocery market in
the world, but the organized sector as run by some of the online businesses mentioned above
makes up only for 5-8% market share of the grocery business. The vast majority is still owned
by these local markets and the mom-n-pop stores. This has some obvious impacts on the brick-
and-mortar formats of in-dining restaurants as more people prefer to have restaurant-style
cuisines right in the privacy of their homes or workplaces, but the impact is not so much as it
may appear to be. The fast food business in India is only about 2 decades old, and remains
largely unorganized. Given the rate at which the organized sector is rapidly growing, it is only
a matter of time and a much larger chunk of global investments before a really big impact is
made on ongoing restaurant businesses that may not have a delivery-focused format of their

Food Tech Companies Prefer Chefs to Head Operations

It’s not just housewives who are getting a go at entrepreneurship. To offer their flavors from
home to customers who yearn homemade food, culinary talent from the hospitality industry are
now most wanted at food tech companies that operate on a pure home-delivery model - for
their experience, skills and expertise in the food industry. The companies want them to not only
head the kitchen operations, but also work closely in bringing up new menu options and update
the old ones too. Chefs enjoy complete freedom and democracy at such establishments, agrees
Chef Amit Tyagi who after working 10 years at Taj, joined Yumist to bring up 2-3 dishes to
the menu every week. Cook Gourmet is another platform where even culinary students get a
chance to have their recipes showcased and recognized under their own names! These are
musings from 19-year-old culinary student Tejasvi Arneja who got his recipe featured and is
now a popular Facebook culinary celebrity.

The changing urban lifestyle of the average Indian is dramatic enough to be favourable for the
food-on-the–go and quick home delivery models to grow at higher rates. The ever-increasing
population crowded metro cities and longer travel times are drivers for the convenient, ready-
to eat and cheaper options of having food and groceries delivered at your doorstep. Companies
that are aware of the huge potential for growth may venture straight in, but only the fittest will
survive. Businesses who keep their value proposition and their brand active in consumer’s
minds, will take the biggest share of the Indian online food service pie.



2.1 What is Brand Activation?

The phrase essentially refers to the process of making your brand known to people, increasing
awareness and engagement through some kind of brand experience. Brand Activation is a
marketing discipline, and is a relatively new term in the industry.

Brand Activation is the art of driving consumer action through brand interaction and
experiences. In simple terms, the key aim of these sorts of campaigns is to get consumers to
act. It is about bringing brands to life via experiences and forming long-term emotional

A brand activation is any campaign, event, or experience that enables your brand to engage
directly with consumers and build a loyal brand community around your product or service.
Activations, often inclusive and interactive, ignite the fire that will light the way for people to
find your product and align with your purpose.

The focus of brand activation is on two-way interaction between consumer and brand in real
time which result in a deeper bond between consumer and brand. These live experiences are
usually in the form of live events which allow consumers to have a feel of the brand via
interactive activities. Brand activation is a natural step for the advancement of brand. Brand
activation is the marketing interaction between consumer and brand in which consumer come
to know about the brand and accept the brand as a part of their lives. Activation provides focus
to the actual marketing because with the help of activation, consumers understand brand more
easily and effectively as compared to the traditional marketing. In brand activation, people are
motivated emotionally to adopt the product which in turn enhances the image and equity of the

Brand activation is normally the interaction between company and consumer which helps to
activate the brand. Its purpose is to create the link between the company and the customer.
Brand activation enhances effectiveness in the communication of brand to consumers as it is
more focused on a particular or targeted market. Brand activation revolves around a big idea
which is reinforced with positive stimuli in a way that consumers start appreciating the brand.
Consumers must ensure that the brand activation process is properly developed so that brand
may be connected to the consumers at emotional level. The strength of this emotional
connection is predictor of well-off of the brand. This emotional connection with the brand may
be created through various live activities where consumers have a sense of attachment and trust.
The aim of the brand activation is to motivate the consumer and to make a good image in the
mind of consumers in a way that consumers think that the brand is a part of their lives. Brand
activation is not a theory rather it has practical and logical form demonstrated in some sort of
experiences through which a company or the brand can understand needs and wants of
consumers. Activation can be done by using sources like TV, internet, newspaper, mobile etc.
and through these sources company can convey its message and activate its brand.

Activation is the creative theme for any company because it provides many ideas and a platform
for enhancing the image of a brand. For bringing a brand to life, it is important that consumer
must be communicated about brand features. It must be kept into the mind that only few main
features of the brand should be communicated instead of entire information which may create

ambiguity. For successful activation of a brand it is essential to connect the brand emotionally
with the consumer at the right time, in the right way and at the right place. The right mean for
brand activation may event marketing, niche promotion, retail marketing, social programming,
and sales promotion

2.2 Why Brand Activation?

In today’s competitive environment it is not sufficient to convince consumers by offering
product features at functional or emotional level. Brand activation seems to be more convincing
as the basic idea to active brands is to execute the brand in other ways than traditional
marketing. The real value lies in the opportunities it created by the brand activation. Brand
activation creates trust among consumer, society and the brand which as an outcome creates
loyalty for the brand. In return, this loyalty creates re-purchase behavior and motivates
consumer to spread positive word of mouth about the brand. This customer loyalty can be used
to expand business and in the due process the main challenge is to retain existing relation of
trust between customer and brand. Activation shifts the focus of core marketing and the major
part of the advertising is related to brand activation. There are various reasons behind this shift.
Some of the reasons are given below: Information Selection: People filter the information and
get only that part which is of their interest. Too much information annoyed the customers.
Relevancy: The relevancy of the message has become much more important. Due to the
irrelevancy of many advertisements many people claim that they are more annoyed about
advertising. Experience: Use of experience is very convincing. So in advertising people do not
experience the brand. But in case of brand activation a positive experience with the brand is
the most powerful instrument to activate people.

2.3 How do you ‘activate’ a brand?

With an increasing number of channels and touch points comes a growing number of ways to
introduce your brand to people.

2.3.1 Experiential marketing

Perhaps the best way to activate your brand in people’s minds is by allowing them to experience
it first-hand.

Experiential marketing has become increasingly prevalent in the last few years, perhaps the
most famous example being Carlsberg’s ridiculously successful beer poster campaign.

This type of campaign can be a powerful way to get your brand in front of people and make it
stick in their mind.

This approach is much more likely to make a brand stick in someone’s head in a meaningful
way that an online banner ad or piece of junk mail through their letterbox.

2.3.2 Sampling campaigns

The experiential element of a brand activation campaign could be something more stripped-
back. It could simply mean giving people the opportunity to try your products.

Giving out free samples of a new product can be a great way to introduce people to your brand
and get them talking.

2.3.3 In-store brand activation

Another opportunity to activate a brand is through in-store promotions or events. Again, this
comes down to creating an experiential element whereby customers can touch and interact with
your brand.

2.4 Brand activation Process

Brand activation is the process to create experience with the brand. These experiences get
people to think, feel, sense, act and relate to a brand.
The consumer experience is the ultimate measure of any campaign or idea. Brand activation
process involves the following steps:

 Basically the marketers need to understand their brand and then the needs and wants of
their customers to build a better and most effective brand activation process.

Strategic Development:
 Then a strategy is developed by choosing an appropriate mode of communication.
Strategic review tells that what makes a brand more active.

Creative Development:
 In this stage the focus is on the execution and creative side of the brand activation. In this
stage the various plans are developed and creative ways are decided to execute the

 In this stage the strategy is implemented according to the pre decided execution plans and
creative ways.

 At the end there is an evaluation stage that determines either the brand activation effort
was effective or not and whether the company’s expectations were met.



 Food quality is viewed to be related to satisfaction with fast-food restaurants (Kivela et
al., 1999; Law et al., 2004). Although food can be argued to not be part of service quality,
the focus is on its characteristics such as fresh, healthy, well presented and cooked which
are influential factors for the customers to be satisfied and make their decisions to
purchase again. In line with this observation, according to Kotler (1991), service also
means an intangible activity or benefit provided by the services provider to customer,
which can be a tangible product and something that is added to intangible service, or in
an independent form.

 Researchers (Qin et al., 2010) found that three factors, that is, food quality, perceived
value and service quality all had a direct and positive relationship with satisfaction. Also,
other researchers such as Andaleeb and Conway (2006) and Parasuraman et al. (1994)
revealed that price and product quality together with service quality influence customer
satisfaction. Furthermore, several studies on fast food restaurants showed that food quality
is related to satisfaction and it was tested as a potential determinant of customer
satisfaction (Kivela et al., 1999; Law et al., 2004). In this study, it is expected that there
will be significant relationship between food quality and customer satisfaction. Therefore,
food delivery companies should consider that food quality is one of critical strategies to
create customer satisfaction.

 Reibstein (2002) found that perceived customer service support has a high correlation
with likelihood to purchase again. Posselt and Gerstner (2005), using the theory of order
effect, argue that satisfaction with a service will be influenced by the sequence of service
encounters. In fact, websites that were rated poorly in customer service were the least
likely to be shopped again which reflects the state of customer dissatisfaction.
Furthermore, Suleyman (2010) found that customer service quality has strong effect on
overall online customer satisfaction. Many Internet customers are concerned with real
time, return and replacement issues, and speed of response time to their queries from
customer service representative. Finally, despite a considerable debate about the causal
ordering between service quality and satisfaction, this research proposes in line with
previous researchers (Selnes, 1998; Wiertz et al. 2004) that service quality is an important
antecedent of satisfaction.

 According to Suryadev Singh Rathore, Mahik Chaudhary in their research paper titled ”
Consumer's Perception on Online Food Ordering”, 2018, main focus was to analyze the
perception of consumer towards Online food ordering services. In order to understand
what factors have played a dominant role to attract consumer in the developing country
like India towards them, they decided to study on the consumer perception on online food
ordering. The study highlights the fact that youngsters are mostly poised to use online
food ordering services. The study also reveals that the price of the products, discounts and
special offers have the most influencing factor on online food ordering. The second most
influencing factor is the convenience, the next most influencing factor is on-time delivery.
The study highlights that respondents often prefer to order on weekly basis, the type of
meals which were mainly preferred to order was the snacks followed by dinner. Fast food
was fancied by most of the respondents in their choice of cuisines. The study also revealed
that a major proportion of respondents uses either Uber eats or Zomato to order their food
online. It was also observed that a less percentage of respondents were inclined towards
the use of Swiggy and Food Panda

 According to Yusof Ismail, A.K.M. Ahasanul Haque & Selim Ahmed in their research
paper titled “Key Success Factors of Online Food Ordering Services: An Empirical
Study”, 2016, This study examines the determinants of the customer ordering experience,
which include website trust, customer satisfaction and loyalty. The determinants are
represented by website quality and service quality. Results reveal that not only is there a
significant positive relationship between website quality and website trust but also a
significant positive relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction.
Furthermore, significant positive relationships are also found not only between website
trust and customer satisfaction but also between customer satisfaction and loyalty. Finally,
the study also found an unexpected direct link between service quality and loyalty.
Overall, the study provides valuable insights for operating online food ordering services

 According to GOH SEE-KWONG in his research paper titled “OUTSOURCING TO

OWNERS”, 2017, online food delivery service is also deemed to be more appealing to
smaller restaurant businesses that may not have the capacity to incorporate delivery
service to their business functions. The findings in this study has suggested that the
driving factor that has the most significant impact on restaurant business owner's’ decision
to outsource their delivery service is the increase of revenue. Besides that, food related
factors are hindering them from outsourcing their delivery service to third-party online
delivery services as it is deemed affect the freshness of the meals.

 According to Varsha Chavan, Priya Jadhav, Snehal Korade and Priyanka Teli in their
research paper titled “Implementing Customizable Online Food Ordering System Using
Web Based Application”, 2015, they have presented a digital restaurants and inter-
restaurant navigation using smart phones to customers. Instead of using PDAs to interface
with customers, we are using smart phones or tablet to provide necessary interfaces for
customer to view and order menu. With private login system, customers can view and
make order and receive updates in real-time and collect receipts right from the smart
phone itself. It allows customers to navigate the places or directions in restaurant and also
it allows restaurant owners to manage orders from customers immediately whenever he
or she logged in into the system. Our experience in developing digital restaurants and
interrestaurant navigation using smart phones shows the capabilities of wireless
communication and smart phone technology in fulfilling and improving business
management and service delivery. This system is convenient, effective and easy so that it
improves the performance of restaurant’s staff.

 According to LEONG WAI HONG in their research paper titled “Food Ordering System
Using Mobile Phone”, 2016, The purpose of this project is to develop a computerized and
mobilized food ordering system that can be used to revolutionize the traditional ordering
system that currently implemented in majority of the food and beverage industry.
Conclusion was their proposed method is combined the food ordering system which is in
mobile platform into the restaurant management system which is in computer platform.
The integration of both features which develop a system that can let user to have an
experience of portability which is user can process their food ordering through using their
smart phone or tablet. Besides, restaurant manage their daily operation management
through using the computer platform it is because computer have some other features such

as it has a wider screen, other compatible system that can help to manage the restaurant
and some other driver that needed to communicate with those necessary hardware.

 According to Milena M. Head, Khaled Hassanein in their research paper titled “Trust in
e-Commerce: Evaluating the Impact of Third-Party Seals”, 2017, This paper present a
new conceptual model for online trust, which illustrates the phases of consumer online
trust and outlines the necessary interactions between consumers, vendors and referees to
progress from one trust phase to another. This model can help to further our understanding
of online trust, provide online vendors with methods for building consumer trust, and
direct future research in this new promising field. From this model, this paper focused on
the impact and influence of trusted third-party referees and their seals-of-approval as
mediators for building online consumer trust.

 According to Andreas Kuckertz , Sebastian Hinderer and Patrick Röhm in their research
paper titled “Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial opportunities in the food value chain”,
2019, The food industry is a setting in which many such opportunities exist. To shed light
on those specific entrepreneurial opportunities, we combine a five-step model of the food
value chain ranging from agriculture to consumption with classic economic sources of
entrepreneurial opportunities, that is, changes in supply, changes in demand, exogenous
shocks, or informational asymmetries prevalent in the market. We proxy for
entrepreneurial opportunities by shedding light on where start-up investors assign their
capital in the food value chain. Conclusion was that Any situation “in which new goods,
services, raw materials, and organizing methods can be introduced and sold at greater than
their cost of production” 8 constitutes an entrepreneurial opportunity and the current
analysis has uncovered a plethora of such situations, although the suggested
categorization might not be completely disjunct. Still, the food industry provides various
entrepreneurial opportunities along the food value chain as the suggested map of the
opportunity space illustrates. Following the investor perspective, converting & packaging,
agriculture, and shipping & selling are the steps of the food value chain attracting the most
funding. This is an indication that these are generally favorable areas for entrepreneurial
activity in the food value chain

 According to Dr. Neha Parashar, and Ms. Sakina Ghadiyali in their research paper titled
DIGITAL FOOD APP SERVICES”, 2017, The main objective of the paper is to
understand the relation between facilities and the purchase behavior. Secondly to find the
most popular app in the food delivery industry and understand as to how have technology
played an important role in the restaurant industry. The present study found a significant
relationship between factors considered important while selecting a food delivery app.
And from the analysis it was also found that the facilities offered play a major role in
making a purchase from an app. Social media should be the most desired tool for
marketing by firms. Currently cash on delivery is the most preferred option of payment
by the respondents but other digital techniques are also in the growth stage. Firms must
also make sure that the apps are comfortable and user friendly. The special apps are a
convenient way for the consumers to place orders and for the company to attract further
more consumers but the comfort of usage must be given a higher preference.
 According to Serhat Murat Alagoz & Haluk Hekimoglu (2012), e-commerce is rapidly
growing worldwide, the food industry is also showing a steady growth. In this research
paper they have used the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a ground to study the
acceptance of online food ordering system. Their data analysis revealed that the attitude

towards online food ordering vary according to the ease and usefulness of online food
ordering process and also vary according to their innovativeness against information
technology, their trust in eretailers and various external influences.

 According to R.V.Patil , Aniruddha Kale, Dineshkumar Pawar , Tejas Patil, in their

research paper titled” Wireless Customizable Food Ordering System for a Restaurant
Using Apriori and K-means Algorithm”, 2017, found that the adoption of wireless
technology and emergence of mobile devices has crystal rectifier to automation within
the food industry. In this paper, an automatic food ordering system is proposed which is
able to keep track of user orders and have implemented some data mining techniques for
analyzing the data with respect to future perspective. Different types of algorithm related
to data-mining has been used in this system such as Apriori and K-means.

 According to Mrs I.Karthika, Miss. A.Manojanaranjani in their research paper titled “A

Study on the various food ordering apps based on consumer preference”, 2016, For
marketers, one of the most significant impacts has been the emergence of virtual stores
that sell products and services online. Consumer can now purchase goods and services
virtually anywhere, 24 hours a day, 7days a week, without geographical and temporal
boundaries. The goal is to save time of customers by providing facilities like vacancy list
at reception, digital food ordering, instant e-billing and fast parking service which will
result in consumer satisfaction and ultimately profit the restaurant. Conclusion of the
study was Online food ordering apps nowadays become fast moving in India, people do
not find adequate time to go for ordering food, because of fast pace of life. The internet
has become a major source in the digital era where online food ordering has gained
significance not only by the entrepreneurs but also among the consumer. Online food
ordering is in the fingertip of the consumer. It gives a different experience and consumer
can make the food ordering more fashionable over the internet as they getting used it and
becomes more enjoyable and easier.

 According to SOHAM TRIVEDI in his research paper titled “CONSUMER

MARKET”, 2018, The study enumerates the perception towards online trends of food
sales that the contemporary consumers hold. Adjacently the study accelerates its claims
to the essence of the digital platform and the corresponding influence it projects upon the
said perception. Conclusion was Users were significantly interested in online ordering,
especially the young population of India. Slowing the trend is shifting towards online
ordering of food and the cause for it is the easy availability of internet at a low cost and
more use of electronic devices by people around. The findings suggest a shifting trajectory
towards online mediums of food ordering. This however, compliments the food delivery
trend of the Indian market. With the online facility available on mobile devices make the
trend being set at a much higher pace.

 According to Rathod Ashish; International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and
Innovations in Technology, the issues facing by the food industry like Some issues are
such as peak hour-long queue issues, sometimes due to wrong order was written by waiter,
increase of taking away foods than visitors, speed major requisite of food preparation,
limited promotion and advertising on current strategy, and quality control of food
management issues. The purpose of this project was to develop an online “Food Finder”
application. It is an online food ordering system that enable the customer to place their
order at any time and any place.

 According to H.S. Sethu & Bhavya Saini (2016), their aim was to investigate the student‟s
perception, behavior and satisfaction of online food ordering and delivery services. Their
study reveals that online food purchasing services help the students in managing their
time better. It is also found that ease of availability of their desired food at any time and
at the same time easy access to internet are the prime reasons for using the services.

 According to Dipesh Karki & Apil Panthi in their research paper titled “How Food
Quality, Price, Ambiance and service quality affects customer satisfaction: A study on
Nepalese Restaurants in Finland”, 2018, This study helps in understanding that in what
ways food quality, ambiance, price and service quality are responsible for customer
satisfaction and what customers are thinking about the chosen restaurants.

 According to Dr. N.Sumathy and S.Josephin, in their research paper titled “A STUDY
food ordering system is one of the latest service. This is made possible through the use of
electronic payment system. This study is to investigate the customer perception, behavior
and satisfaction of online Food Adjure app. The most important attribute of food adjure
app is order accuracy. The overall satisfaction level is high on reliability, assurance and
responsiveness of food adjure app. This study was to find the awareness level and
satisfaction derived by the consumer and also to find which factor influence customers to
buy food through online from food adjure app. Most of the respondents disagree to the
fact that online website charges high delivery fees. Almost all users feel safe paying
online. The Service rendered by the food adjure app is the major factor behind its success

 According to Jyotishman Das in their research paper titled “CONSUMER PERCEPTION

EMPIRICAL STUDY”, 2018, The purpose is to know what are the influencing factors,
their perceptions, needs, positioning of various attributes of different online portals in
their mind and overall satisfaction towards online food delivery services. Conclusion was
that Zomato has gained positive opinion of majority of the consumers in comparison to
other service providers. It is mainly because of their better on time delivery and better
discounts. Zomato has been in the first position in online food delivery service provider
and if it includes the minor improvements, it will sustain its upper hand in forthcoming

 According to Abhishek Singh, Adithya, Vaishnav Kanade, Prof. Salma Pathan in their
research paper titled “ONLINE FOOD ORDERING SYSTEM”, 2018, The online food
delivery system is the need of hour because of the recent changes in the industry and the
increasing use of the internet. A Real-time online food ordering system for the customer
is our proposed system. It can be concluded that, based on the application: Orders are
made easily by this system; Information needed in making order to customer is provided
by the system. Receiving orders and modifying its data is possible through the application
and it also helps admin in controlling all the Food system.

 According to Sheryl E. Kimes in his research paper titled “Customer Perceptions of

Electronic Food Ordering”, 2011, This study found that online, mobile, and text ordering
is reasonably popular among U.S. residents who use the internet, given that nearly half of
the survey respondents had placed a restaurant order using an electronic channel. The

perceived control and perceived convenience associated with electronic ordering were
important for both users and nonusers, but the non-users had a significantly higher need
for personal interaction and also had higher technology anxiety than the users did.



4.1 Introduction

Research methodology is a process used to collect information and data for the purpose
of making business decisions. The methodology adopted here includes survey through
questionnaire for the purpose of primary research and it contains present information.

4.2 Objective of Research

Primary Objective:

 To Study the factor that consumer is consider while ordering food online
which help restaurant to activate their brand.
Secondary Objective:
 To study the relationship between gender and their buying behavior of
online food.

4.3 Sampling Frame

Sampling frame is deciding on elements that are available for selection in the process
of sampling. In the present study, a sample of 211 individual is taken who are using
online food application for ordering food.

4.4 Sampling Technique

A convenience sampling which is the type of non-random sampling used to elicit the
necessary information.

4.5 Data Collection Method

Primary Data
Here, Primary data was used to conduct a research. Data was collected through
structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepared taking into consideration the
objectives of the study. In the questionnaire, necessary instructions were given in
simple, easily comprehensible language.

Secondary Data
The secondary sources include literature review from various journals, magazines,
websites, government publication, research reports and survey reports.

Questionnaire Development

Questionnaire has been administered with close ended questions.

Data Analysis
SPSS and Microsoft Excel have been used to analyse and interpret the data.



5.1 Demographic Attribute
Demographic Attribute
Demographic Variables Category Frequency
13-18 15
18-30 152
Age 30-50 32
Above 50 11
Total 210
up to 2,50,000 62
2,50,001-5,00,000 74
Family Income(Annualy) 5,00,001-10,00,000 42
More than 10,00,000 32
Total 210
S.S.C. & H.S.C. 24
Graduation 90
Education Post-Graduation 88
Other 8
Total 210
Male 136
Gender Female 74
Total 210

5.2 Frequency Analysis




80 74




Male Female

The majority of respondents were male in the survey, which is approximately 64.76%.

160 152






40 32
15 11

13-18 19-30 31-50 Above 50

Majority of the respondents belonged to the age group 19-30, followed by those who are
between 31-50 and then by those who are below 15.

S.S.C. & H.S.C. Graduation Post-Graduation Other

Majority of the sample belongs to the graduation category.

Public Sector Private Sector Student Housewife Business

Individuals who works in private sector are highly used online food ordering application.

How often do you use these applications?








Daily Once in a week Once in a month Occasionally

From the analysis that we did and the result that we got, it is very clear that most of the
individuals prefer to order once in a week.

No resources to cook
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals strongly agree that they
order from apps because they don’t have resources to cook.

Do not want to cook
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals strongly agree that they
order from the app because they do not want to cook.

There is no one to come out with me








Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals agree that they order from
apps because there is no one to go out with them.

I do not like to go out for satisfying my hunger







Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals agree that they order from
apps because they don’t really want to go out to satisfy their hunger.

Price of the Food

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals agree that they order from
apps because they get better prices on the app.

Quality of the food






Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals strongly agree that they
order from apps because they like the quality of the food that they get.

Quantity of the food







Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals agree that they order from
apps because they are satisfied with the quantity they get.

Packaging of the food
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals agree that they order from
apps because they like the packaging.

Complementary with the food

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals strongly agree that they
order from apps because they get something complementary with the food.

Discount, offers






Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals strongly agree that they
order from apps because they get good discounts.








Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals strongly agree that they
order from apps because they get good taste and same as in hotels.

Variety of Food






Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals strongly agree that they
order from apps because they get good options and varieties.

Ratings and reviews

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals agree that they order from
apps because they can compare the ratings and order.

Customization option available
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals agree that they order from
apps because they can customize the food they can order.

Mode of Payment offered by seller

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals agree that they order from
apps because they get good modes to pay the money.

Word of mouth publicity
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

From the analysis that we did, we could make out that individuals agree that they order from
apps because of the word of mouth.

5.3 Independent Sample Test
Independent Samples Test
Levene's Test for
Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means 95% Confidence
Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error Interval of the
F Sig. t df tailed) Difference Difference Lower Upper
No resources Equal variances
1.831 .178 .745 208 .457 .137 .183 -.225 .498
to cook assumed
Do not want to Equal variances
1.656 .200 1.589 208 .114 .236 .148 -.057 .528
cook assumed
For ease of Equal variances
.033 .856 .501 208 .617 .057 .114 -.168 .282
delivery assumed
Because it is Equal variances
.090 .765 .530 208 .597 .071 .134 -.194 .336
time saving assumed
Convenience Equal variances
of providing assumed
8.569 .004 1.105 208 .271 .120 .108 -.094 .333
food at
required place
There is no Equal variances
one to come assumed 3.154 .077 1.261 208 .209 .235 .186 -.132 .603
out with me
I do not like to Equal variances
go out for assumed
1.071 .302 1.424 208 .156 .255 .179 -.098 .608
satisfying my
Because I can Equal variances
compare assumed 16.783 .000 2.881 208 .004 .399 .138 .126 .671
Food tracking Equal variances
28.775 .000 3.260 208 .001 .470 .144 .186 .754
Price of the Equal variances
1.639 .202 .848 208 .397 .101 .119 -.134 .336
Food assumed
Quality of the Equal variances
5.189 .024 .175 208 .861 .016 .091 -.163 .195
food assumed
Quantity of the Equal variances
2.064 .152 2.119 208 .035 .226 .107 .016 .437
food assumed
Packaging of Equal variances
3.260 .072 1.704 208 .090 .192 .113 -.030 .414
the food assumed
Complementar Equal variances
5.710 .018 2.613 208 .010 .341 .130 .084 .598
y with the food assumed
Discount, Equal variances
1.248 .265 1.251 208 .212 .134 .107 -.077 .344
offers assumed
Taste Equal variances
13.381 .000 2.099 208 .037 .187 .089 .011 .362
Variety of Food Equal variances
7.179 .008 3.021 208 .003 .321 .106 .112 .531
Ratings and Equal variances
3.122 .079 .412 208 .680 .046 .111 -.174 .265
reviews assumed
Freshness Equal variances
and assumed
3.153 .077 3.085 208 .002 .363 .118 .131 .594
temperature of
food delivered
Information Equal variances
provided about assumed 4.804 .030 2.170 208 .031 .275 .127 .025 .525
food by seller
Customization Equal variances
option assumed .154 .695 2.176 208 .031 .263 .121 .025 .501
Mode of Equal variances
Payment assumed
4.058 .045 2.070 208 .040 .263 .127 .012 .513
offered by
Word of mouth Equal variances
9.444 .002 2.228 208 .027 .297 .133 .034 .560
publicity assumed

Conclusion :
H0 : There is no significant relation between factors considered to order food online and Gender
If the significant value is less than 0.05, the perspective of Male and Female does not match.
Here, many factors show that the value is less than 0.05. That shows us they have different
perspective there.
Factors are:
 Because I can compare prices
 Food tracking
 Quantity of the food
 Complementary with the food
 Taste
 Variety of Food
 Freshness and temperature of food delivered
 Information provided about food by seller
 Customization option available
 Mode of Payment offered by seller
 Word of mouth publicity

5.4 Anova
Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
No resources to Between 7.258 3 2.419 1.514 .212
cook Groups
Within 329.237 206 1.598
Total 336.495 209
For ease of delivery Between .831 3 .277 .443 .722
Within 128.736 206 .625
Total 129.567 209
Because it is time Between 6.581 3 2.194 2.607 .053
saving Groups
Within 173.342 206 .841
Total 179.924 209
Convenience of Between 1.519 3 .506 .899 .443
providing food at Groups
required place Within 116.047 206 .563
Total 117.567 209
There is no one to Between 8.633 3 2.878 1.741 .160
come out with me Groups
Within 340.434 206 1.653
Total 349.067 209
I do not like to go Between 5.548 3 1.849 1.202 .310
out for satisfying Groups
my hunger Within 316.947 206 1.539
Total 322.495 209
Because I can Between .767 3 .256 .266 .850
compare prices Groups
Within 197.714 206 .960
Total 198.481 209
Food tracking Between 2.450 3 .817 .782 .505
Within 215.078 206 1.044
Total 217.529 209
Price of the Food Between 2.248 3 .749 1.103 .349

Within 139.947 206 .679
Total 142.195 209
Quality of the food Between 2.557 3 .852 2.200 .089
Within 79.824 206 .387
Total 82.381 209
Quantity of the Between 1.956 3 .652 1.176 .320
food Groups
Within 114.239 206 .555
Total 116.195 209
Packaging of the Between 4.039 3 1.346 2.237 .085
food Groups
Within 123.985 206 .602
Total 128.024 209
Complementary Between 6.302 3 2.101 2.563 .056
with the food Groups
Within 168.865 206 .820
Total 175.167 209
Discount, offers Between 4.525 3 1.508 2.828 .040
Within 109.875 206 .533
Total 114.400 209
Taste Between 1.727 3 .576 1.507 .214
Within 78.730 206 .382
Total 80.457 209
Variety of Food Between 2.639 3 .880 1.576 .196
Within 114.985 206 .558
Total 117.624 209
Ratings and Between 1.767 3 .589 .996 .396
reviews Groups
Within 121.833 206 .591
Total 123.600 209
Freshness and Between 3.900 3 1.300 1.910 .129
temperature of food Groups
delivered Within 140.195 206 .681
Total 144.095 209

Information Between 4.490 3 1.497 1.936 .125
provided about Groups
food by seller Within 159.205 206 .773
Total 163.695 209
Customization Between 4.467 3 1.489 2.124 .098
option available Groups
Within 144.433 206 .701
Total 148.900 209
Mode of Payment Between 4.823 3 1.608 2.082 .104
offered by seller Groups
Within 159.101 206 .772
Total 163.924 209
Word of mouth Between 4.013 3 1.338 1.554 .202
publicity Groups
Within 177.302 206 .861
Total 181.314 209

Conclusion :
H0 : There is no significant relation between factors considered to order food online and Gender
If the significant value is less than 0.05, the perspective of Male and Female does not match.
Here, only Discount offers show that the value is less than 0.05. That shows us they have
different perspective there.

Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
No resources to Between 7.258 3 2.419 1.514 .212
cook Groups
Within 329.237 206 1.598
Total 336.495 209
Do not want to Between 9.854 3 3.285 3.190 .025
cook Groups
Within 212.127 206 1.030
Total 221.981 209
For ease of delivery Between .831 3 .277 .443 .722
Within 128.736 206 .625
Total 129.567 209
Because it is time Between 6.581 3 2.194 2.607 .053
saving Groups
Within 173.342 206 .841
Total 179.924 209
Convenience of Between 1.519 3 .506 .899 .443
providing food at Groups
required place Within 116.047 206 .563
Total 117.567 209
There is no one to Between 8.633 3 2.878 1.741 .160
come out with me Groups
Within 340.434 206 1.653
Total 349.067 209
I do not like to go Between 5.548 3 1.849 1.202 .310
out for satisfying Groups
my hunger Within 316.947 206 1.539
Total 322.495 209
Because I can Between .767 3 .256 .266 .850
compare prices Groups
Within 197.714 206 .960
Total 198.481 209
Food tracking Between 2.450 3 .817 .782 .505
Within 215.078 206 1.044
Total 217.529 209

Price of the Food Between 2.248 3 .749 1.103 .349
Within 139.947 206 .679
Total 142.195 209
Quality of the food Between 2.557 3 .852 2.200 .089
Within 79.824 206 .387
Total 82.381 209
Quantity of the Between 1.956 3 .652 1.176 .320
food Groups
Within 114.239 206 .555
Total 116.195 209
Packaging of the Between 4.039 3 1.346 2.237 .085
food Groups
Within 123.985 206 .602
Total 128.024 209
Complementary Between 6.302 3 2.101 2.563 .056
with the food Groups
Within 168.865 206 .820
Total 175.167 209
Discount, offers Between 4.525 3 1.508 2.828 .040
Within 109.875 206 .533
Total 114.400 209
Taste Between 1.727 3 .576 1.507 .214
Within 78.730 206 .382
Total 80.457 209
Variety of Food Between 2.639 3 .880 1.576 .196
Within 114.985 206 .558
Total 117.624 209
Ratings and Between 1.767 3 .589 .996 .396
reviews Groups
Within 121.833 206 .591
Total 123.600 209
Between 3.900 3 1.300 1.910 .129

Freshness and Within 140.195 206 .681
temperature of food Groups
delivered Total 144.095 209
Information Between 4.490 3 1.497 1.936 .125
provided about Groups
food by seller Within 159.205 206 .773
Total 163.695 209
Customization Between 4.467 3 1.489 2.124 .098
option available Groups
Within 144.433 206 .701
Total 148.900 209
Mode of Payment Between 4.823 3 1.608 2.082 .104
offered by seller Groups
Within 159.101 206 .772
Total 163.924 209
Word of mouth Between 4.013 3 1.338 1.554 .202
publicity Groups
Within 177.302 206 .861
Total 181.314 209

H0 : There is no significant relation between factors considered to order food online and Age.

If the significant value is less than 0.05, the perspective of particular age group does not match.
Here, the factors, "Doesn't want to cook" and "Discount offers" show that the value is less than
0.05. That shows us people are affected by these two factors for all age groups.

5.5 Cross Tabs
Gender * Occupation * How often do you use these applications? Cross tabulation
How often do you use these Occupation Total
applications? Publ Privat Studen Housewif Busines
ic e t e s
Sect Sector
Daily Gender Male 2 10 11 1 3 27
Female 2 4 2 0 1 9
Total 4 14 13 1 4 36
Once in a Gende Male 4 25 12 1 6 48
week r Female 4 9 5 1 3 22
Total 8 34 17 2 9 70
Once in a Gende Male 3 9 7 0 6 25
month r Female 3 6 7 4 4 24
Total 6 15 14 4 10 49
Occasionall Gende Male 5 15 5 0 11 36
y r Female 1 8 8 2 0 19
Total 6 23 13 2 11 55
Total Gende Male 14 59 35 2 26 136
r Female 10 27 22 7 8 74
Total 24 86 57 9 34 210

From the above table, we can say that how an occupation and the gender tells us that where are
the opportunities.
For example: 1) Housewives do not order food on these apps.
2) Businesswoman do not prefer to food occasionally, as the responses have
given zero preference to it.

5.6 Randomness
Runs Test
Test Cases < Cases Total Number Z Asymp.
Valuea Test >= Test Cases of Runs Sig. (2-
Value Value tailed)
How often do 2 36 174 210 55 -1.383 .167
you use these

No resources to 2 79 131 210 59 -5.980 .000

Do not want to 2 84 126 210 66 -5.160 .000
For ease of 2 91 119 210 86 -2.554 .011
Because it is time 2 70 140 210 77 -2.699 .007
Convenience of 2 84 126 210 98 -.548 .584
providing food at
required place

There is no one 3 102 108 210 70 -4.973 .000

to come out with
I do not like to 2 45 165 210 63 -1.794 .073
go out for
satisfying my

Because I can 2 63 147 210 77 -2.011 .044

compare prices

Food tracking 2 63 147 210 89 -.033 .974

Price of the Food 2 86 124 210 90 -1.797 .072

Quality of the 1b 0 210 210 1c

Quantity of the 2 76 134 210 95 -.448 .654
Packaging of the 2 73 137 210 79 -2.632 .008

Complementary 2 52 158 210 67 -2.277 .023
with the food

Discount, offers 1b 0 210 210 1c

Taste 1b 0 210 210 1c

Variety of Food 2 97 113 210 99 -.889 .374

Ratings and 2 83 127 210 95 -.925 .355

Freshness and 2 93 117 210 95 -1.350 .177
temperature of
food delivered

Information 2 72 138 210 91 -.711 .477

provided about
food by seller

Customization 2 75 135 210 97 -.065 .949

option available

Mode of 2 71 139 210 81 -2.163 .031

Payment offered
by seller
Word of mouth 2 62 148 210 95 1.100 .271

If all the values would have been zero, it would tell us that all the responses came from the
same person. However, the values are different and that shows that the respondents are different
and it is a good sign.




 Sample Size is less

 The data collection was limited to Ahmedabad district area so, the findings may not be
the same for the other parts of India.
 People of different cities may have different opinion than Ahmedabad people. So, the
data cannot be used out of Ahmedabad.

 Further study at different areas of India would enable better generalization of the
findings of the study.
 New startups can use the data to set up business at first go. This will help to grow fast
and avoid the opportunities that are already there for old hotels or restaurants.
 Hotels and restaurants can link better with food ordering apps to cater customers and
improve their food experience by eliminating the past bad experiences.



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