PSY102 NSCC Online Syllabus Spring 2019

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PSY 102 OL
Spring 2019


Behavioral Science Department
Office: DB367E (Berry Building Danvers)
Office Hours: Since this is an “on-line” course, you will have access to
me via e-mail.
Cell phone: (781) 771-4366

TECHNICAL ORIENTATION: If you have questions about Blackboard, please consult the
“Blackboard Learn Help Information” links within the “My Courses” tab. If you are having
technical problems, please contact the NSCC Blackboard Learn Helpdesk at: To take an online course, you need to have daily access to a computer
with Internet. For more information on ensuring your computer can access Blackboard Learn,
please consult the “Browser Requirements and Plug-in Information” link within the “My
Courses” tab. If you need any assistance or have any questions, please contact the NSCC
Blackboard Learn Helpdesk at:

COURSE ORIENTATION: All students taking this course (PSY 102) are expected to review
the course orientation power point. Additionally, please review the syllabus, including criteria
for grading, assignments, discussions, and taking exams.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is the systematic study of behavior including the
development of psychology as a science, the biological basis of behavior, learning and memory,
motivation, sensation and perception, personality development, cognitive processes, maturation
and development, and adjustment.
Prerequisite: Communications Proficiency
This course fulfills open, liberal arts, social science, and behavioral science electives.

REQUIRED TEXT: Pastorino, E. & Doyle-Portillo, S. (2010 or 2013 or 2016). What Is

Psychology? Essentials. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
In order to purchase the textbook for the lowest cost, any edition of this text by these
authors will do.

PUBLISHER’S WEB SITE: The publishing company of this book provides a Student
Companion Site (directions below) which provides a variety of supplemental learning tools and
activities such as chapter outlines, learning objectives, flash cards, quizzes, and links to related
sites. You are encouraged to use these resources.
Go to
*Please note that you do not need to access this site for any assignments*

TEACHING FORMAT: This is an online course. Therefore, the materials necessary for
learning are located in the Blackboard course site (find the Blackboard icon/link in “My
Courses” on Pipeline), as well as your textbook. Students are required to participate in the
Discussions and contact the professor if additional explanation of material is required. I prefer to
be contacted via e-mail on Pipeline. However, if you need to reach me immediately, you can call
my cell phone.

DISCUSSIONS/CLASS PARTICIPATION: Although this is an online course, you are

required to complete work by assigned dates throughout the semester. Please review the course
schedule and make note of the dates work is due. Students are expected to participate in the
Discussions and ask questions as needed. Discussions and the chapter quizzes must be completed
by the deadlines for that chapter. With the exception of the final exam, all work must be
completed by Friday May 3, 2019. You must take tests during the assigned time. Anyone
anticipating a problem must contact me immediately. Discussions received after the deadline
(without prior approval from the professor) will not receive full credit (they will receive
half credit).

DISCUSSION BOARD: The purpose of the Discussion Board is to demonstrate your

understanding of information you are learning about in the textbook. When you click on
“Discussion”, you will find a list of specific questions for each chapter. They are also listed in
“Learning Modules”. You are required to answer two questions and then respond to two other
student's posts. It is important to keep up with both the Discussion written assignments, and the
reading of and responses to your classmate's posts. This is a significant part of the course, and
late posts are virtually useless (you will receive half credit for late posts). A late post or
response to another student's post is one that is made after the deadline. Please post responses in
the appropriate “thread” by responding to the appropriate question (read my question and then
click on the “Respond” button).
It is in your best interest to follow the “Discussion Board Guidelines” (found under the
course information tab) as they clearly state what is required to receive a specific grade.
You must use the information from the textbook to support your discussion.

Students must become familiar with how to properly cite information that they use from
other sources. If you did not think of the idea or conduct the research that gave rise to the
concepts you are discussing, you must cite the person or persons who did. Not knowing how
to cite is not an excuse for not citing. Improper citation is considered plagiarism and will
result in failing of Discussion Board posts. You must become familiar with proper APA
citation. There are many resources to help you with this: the library staff is quite
knowledgeable, the tutoring center can help you, RefWorks is free through the library, or
simply google “how to cite properly in APA style” and you will be provided with numerous
resources. Here are some additional electronic resources you may find helpful to learn
about proper citation:

Quizzes: There will be a quiz for each chapter except for the last chapter. The quizzes will be
available to you on the Monday that the chapter begins, until the following Sunday at 11:55PM.
You will have 40 minutes to complete the 20 questions. When you sit down to take the quiz be
ready by having read, studied, and learned the information from that chapter. You will not have
much time to look up information during the quiz so I suggest that you are prepared before you
take it.
Exams: Here you will find the unit exams that cover several chapters at a time. These will only
be available to you for a few days at the end of that particular learning unit. You must take the
specified test during the noted time frame, so be sure to mark your calendar. I do not turn
exams back on after the deadline. Also, make sure you start the exam at least 60 minutes
before it is due to be turned off. You will have 60 minutes to complete a 50-question exam. It is
essential that you are prepared before you begin the exam. Also, plan to take the exam at a time
that will be free of distraction so that you will make the most of your 60-minute time limit.

GRADING: Your final grade will be based on four unit exams, a final exam, Discussion
questions (follow the Discussion Board guidelines), and quizzes (though they make up a small
part of your final grade, quizzes are required). I do not give any extra credit assignments.

Unit Exams 4 @ 10% each 40%

Quizzes (10 @ 1% each) 10%
Discussion Board 40%
Final Exam 10%

NSCC Grading System

A = 93+ 4.0 C+ = 77-79 2.3 D- = 60-62 0.7
A- = 90-92 3.7 C = 73-76 2.0 F = below 60 0.0
B+ = 87-89 3.3 C- = 70-72 1.7
B = 83-86 3.0 D+ = 67-69 1.3
B- = 80-82 2.7 D = 63-66 1.0

Please refer to the current NSCC Student Handbook for a complete description of the
College’s Grading Policies.


Plagiarism Policy

PLAGIARISM: Defined as the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or

unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgement. It also includes:
• The unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency
engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials;
• Taking credit for work done by another person;
• Doing work for which another person will receive credit;
• Copying or purchasing other’s work or
• Arranging for others to do work under a false name.
The college considers plagiarism to be an act of academic dishonesty, and can and will take
disciplinary action against students who plagiarize the work of others. As the course instructor, I
have the right to take action as appropriate up to and including failing the student. Additionally,
or alternatively, “a faculty member may file a complaint against the student under the College’s
Code of Conduct alleging academic dishonesty. The complaint will be handled by the College’s
Code of Conduct Officer pursuant to the Code of Conduct. If a faculty member issues a failing
grade, the student shall have the right to file a grievance under the Grade Appeal Process of the
Student Grievance Procedure.”

As a student at North Shore Community College (NSCC), you are invited to engage in an
interactive, collaborative partnership with Disability Services and your professor to meet any
disability-related need for reasonable academic accommodations in this course.

• To begin this process, please visit Disability Services

http:/ and follow the outlined procedure to
request services.
• If you have already received approval for accommodations from Disability Services at
NSCC, please present your professor with your Faculty Notice of Academic
Accommodations during the first week of the semester or as soon as possible.
Accommodations go into effect once you hand-deliver this notice to your professor.
• If you will require assistance during an emergency evacuation on campus, please notify
your professor immediately. For your reference, evacuation procedures are posted in all

NSCC is committed to developing and maintaining an inclusive, proactive, and empowered
culture where diversity is a guiding value, not just in theory, but also in practice. This course will
foster an environment of respect for all individuals, groups, cultural backgrounds and diverse
points of view.


Food Insecurity/Hunger
Any student who faces challenges with getting the food they need is urged to contact Student
Health Services in Lynn and Danvers or email If this is an
urgent need and you are unable to contact anyone at Student Health Services, please contact the
Dean of Students office in Lynn or Danvers for support (978)762- 4000 ext. 6614.

Tutoring Center
The NSCC Tutoring Center and NSCC Writing Center (located in Danvers DS105 and Lynn
LW222) are places where NSCC students can go to improve their course work and study skills
with the support of highly skilled peer and professional tutors. Currently enrolled students can
visit the free, walk-in centers where individual tutoring is offered on a first-come, first-served
basis. Visit the Tutoring Center website for more
information on hours and services.
Student Support and Advising Center
The NSCC Student Support and Advising Center provides one-on-one support to help students
maximize their college experience, plan for the future, and balance work, school and family
priorities. Visit the Student Support and Advising Center website for locations, hours, contact information, and
Blackboard Learn
Blackboard Learn is NSCC's Learning Management System (LMS). Blackboard Learn is the
place where you will find the course syllabus, read posted announcements, view the materials for
this course, and submit some of your assignments online. To access the Blackboard Learn course
site, use your NSCC Pipeline username and password to log into NSCC’s Pipeline Portal Click the Blackboard icon in the top right corner. Once on the
Blackboard Learn My Home page, click on the course title listed in the My Courses module. If
you have any issues with Blackboard Learn, please feel free to contact the Blackboard Learn
Helpdesk at
Library Resources and Research Support Services
Assignments in this class require/may require that you use NSCC Library resources. These
resources are free, but you will need to login to access them using a username and password that
are tied to your NSCC Student ID. Receiving a Library account username and password should
be completed within the first week of class. What this means:

1. You will need an NSCC student ID. Stop by the Student Life Office in Danvers (DB 132)
or Lynn (LW 171) with a current class schedule and a government issued photo ID to
receive your NSCC ID.
2. You will need to bring the ID into the Library to have your ID barcode number scanned
into their system, and the Library will generate for you your library account username
and password.

Also, Reference & Instruction Librarians offer free assistance to students who need help locating
information for assignments or guidance in using citation styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, and
more). Assistance is available any time that the reference desk is open. Visit the Library website
http:/ for more information on hours and services.

• Talk with a Librarian at the Reference Desk

• Email
• IM Ask a Librarian at
• Call the Reference Desk directly at 978-739-5525 (Danvers) or 781-477-2133 (Lynn)
• Consult with a subject specific Librarian by appointment


Upon successful completion of this course students will
1. Develop an understanding of psychology and a better appreciation for the field of
2. Gain knowledge of the roots of psychology and the scientists who influence this field of
3. Understand and apply scientific method(s) of investigation to the field of psychology.
4. Evaluate theories of human behavior in a manner that distinguishes between scholarly
methods and popular myths and misconceptions.
5. Explain the connections between neuroscience and behavior.
6. Gain the awareness of different theoretical perspectives used in psychology: biological,
behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, psychodynamic, evolutionary, and socio-cultural.
7. Gain basic understanding of human development and the theories of physical, cognitive
and psychosocial development.
8. Identify the various mechanisms involved in learning, memory, sensation, and
9. Identify some of the socio-cultural/environmental and group influences on human
thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
10. Explain the effect of emotion and stress on health.


Week 1, January 15-20

Introduction and course overview
Assignment: Post introductions to the Discussion Board

Week 2, January 21-27

Chapter 1: What Is Psychology?
Assignment: Read Chapter 1 with emphasis on vocabulary.
End of chapter test (recommended)
Review: Look Back at What You Have Learned
Complete Chapter 1 discussion questions & responses by deadlines
Take the Chapter 1 quiz on Blackboard by 1/27

Week 3, January 28-February 3

Chapter 2: How Does Biology Influence Our Behavior?
Assignment: Read Chapter 2 with emphasis on vocabulary.
End of chapter test (recommended)
Review: Look Back at What You Have Learned
Complete Chapter 2 discussion questions & responses by deadlines
Take the Chapter 2 quiz on Blackboard by 2/3

Week 4, February 4-10

Chapter 3: How Do We Sense and Perceive Our World
Assignment: Read Chapter 3 with emphasis on vocabulary.
End of chapter test (recommended)
Review: Look Back at What You Have Learned.
Complete Chapter 3 discussion questions & responses by deadlines
Take the Chapter 3 quiz on Blackboard by 2/10
Week 5, February 11-17
Prepare for Exam #1 on Chapters 1-3.
Students are encouraged to review the multiple choice study guide
questions from each of the three chapters and use the student companion
site for this text.
Exam #1 on Chapters 1-3. Your exam will be available at noontime on
Thursday February 14 and will be turned off on Sunday February 17 at

Week 6, February 18-24

Chapter 5: How Do We Learn?
Assignment: Read Chapter 5 with emphasis on vocabulary.
End of chapter test (recommended)
Review: Look Back at What You Have Learned
Complete Chapter 5 discussion questions & responses by deadlines
Take the Chapter 5 quiz on Blackboard by 2/24

Week 7, February 25-March 3

Chapter 6: How Does Memory Function?
Assignment: Read Chapter 6 with emphasis on vocabulary.
End of chapter test (recommended)
Review: Look Back at What You Have Learned
Complete Chapter 6 discussion questions & responses by deadlines
Take the Chapter 6 quiz on Blackboard by 3/3

Week 8, March 4-10

Chapter 7: Cognition, Language, and Intelligence: How Do We
Assignment: Read Chapter 7 with emphasis on vocabulary.
End of chapter test (recommended)
Review: Look Back at What You Have Learned
Complete Chapter 7 discussion questions & responses by deadlines
Take the Chapter 7 quiz on Blackboard by 3/10

*******Spring break March 11-17*******

Week 9, March 18-24

Prepare for exam #2 on Chapters 5-7.
Students are encouraged to review the multiple choice study guide
questions from each of the three chapters and use the student
companion site for this text.
Exam #2 on Chapters 5-7. Your exam will be available at noontime on
Thursday March 21 and will be turned off on Sunday, March 24 at 11:55PM.

Week 10, March 25-31

Chapter 8: Motivation and Emotion: What Guides Our Behavior?
Assignment: Read Chapter 8 with emphasis on vocabulary.
End of chapter test (recommended).
Review: Look Back at What You Have Learned
Complete Chapter 8 discussion questions & responses by deadlines
Take the Chapter 8 quiz on Blackboard by 3/31

Week 11, April 1-7

Chapter 9: How do People Grow, Change, and Develop?
Assignment: Read Chapter 9 with emphasis on vocabulary.
End of chapter test (recommended)
Review: Look Back at What You Have Learned
Complete Chapter 9 discussion questions & responses by deadlines
Take the Chapter 9 quiz on Blackboard by 4/7

Week 12, April 8-14

Chapter 10: Social Psychology: How Do We Understand and Interact
With Others?
Assignment: Read Chapter 10 with emphasis on vocabulary.
End of chapter test (recommended)
Review: Look Back at What You Have Learned
Complete Chapter 10 discussion questions & responses by deadlines
Take the Chapter 10 quiz on Blackboard by 4/14

Week 13, April 15-21

Prepare for exam #3 on Chapters 8-10.
Students are encouraged to review the multiple choice study guide
questions from each of the three chapters and use the student
companion site for this text.
Exam #3 on Chapters 8-10. Your exam will be available at noontime on
Thursday April 18 and will be turned off at 11:55PM on Sunday April 21.

Week 14, April 22-28

Chapter 11: Health, Stress, and Coping: How Can You Create a Healthy
Assignment: Read chapter 11with emphasis on vocabulary.
End of chapter test (recommended).
Review: Look Back at What you Have Learned.
Complete Chapter 11 discussion questions & responses by deadlines
Take the Chapter 11 quiz on Blackboard by 4/28

Week 15, April 29-May 3 ***note changes this week***

Chapter 12: What Is Personality, and How do we Measure It?

Assignment: Read Chapter 12 with emphasis on vocabulary.
End of chapter test (recommended).
***** Complete Chapter 12 discussion questions by the deadline, there will
be no student responses to these posts
***** There will be no quiz on chapter 12.

Prepare for exam #4 on Chapters 11 & 12.

Students are encouraged to review the multiple choice study guide
questions from each of the three chapters and use the student
companion site for this text.
***** Exam #4 on Chapters 11 & 12. Your exam will be available at noontime
on Wednesday, May 1 and will be turned off at 11:55PM on Friday May 3.

Final Exam
***May 4-6***
This cumulative final exam will have the same format as the other exams: 50 multiple-
choice questions. The best way to prepare for the final is to review your notes for the end of
chapter quizzes and exams

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