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Roush 1

Maria Roush

Professor Sandra Gregorio

EDU 201

28 October 2017

Personal Philosophy of Education

My dream since I was about 8 years old has always been to be a teacher and that dream,

desire, and passion has never wavered; In fact, it’s grown stronger. There are a plethora of

rewarding aspects to teaching from being able to give back, the honor and privilege of actually

helping our future generation, seeing what you’re teaching and the way you teach it actually

being absorbed and understood, being able to make a difference, and knowing that for some kids

you are the highlight of their whole day and these are just to name a few. My abundant passion

and genuine love for children are definitely factors that will contribute to my success as a teacher

along with my commitment to being the best teacher I can be and always striving to develop,

learn, and grow. My field observation was very insightful and really highlighted how influential

teachers are to shaping young minds and how you talk to children and encourage them can either

make them or break them. My cooperating teacher, Mrs. Luque, was incredibly constructive and

did an amazing job at encouraging her students in a positive way as opposed to breaking them

down and this observation really showed how important that is.

Perennialism is my personal educational philosophy and psychological orientation which

focuses on the subject matter as opposed to the child and expresses the importance of certain

subject matter being taught universally. Perennialists believe that education is preparation for life

and that education should be consistent for everyone as well as the past being a reflection of
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knowledge and wisdom which has stood the test of time. I wholeheartedly believe that

Perennialism suits how I would be as an educator as I truly feel that the subject matter is

important as well as the way in which it is taught and focuses on the curriculum and developing

your intellect. School and the purpose it serves are vital to your student’s success outside of the

classroom and making sure that when your students leave the classroom they understand what it

is that they’re learning. In a time where technology has taken over, students are becoming grown

in elementary school, and teachers are disrespected more than ever we need to remember that

that there was a time not that long ago when classrooms were segregated, education was not

looked at as important, and women weren’t even allowed to become educated; remembering

where we’ve come from and how far we’ve really come is keeps everything in perspective. I

personally have the upmost respect for the education system and believe that children are the

future and educating them as such should be our number one priority.

One of the amazing aspects of classrooms in the United States are the cultural, racial, and

ethnic diversities. Looking at those diversities as amazing and being sure to incorporate the

differences in all of these children with the way you teach in addition to making sure you not

only know yourself but taking the time necessary to get to know your students. I personally feel

that setting the tone the first day of school with what type of teacher you are will set the tone for

the entire school year, but first you have to know what your tone is as a teacher that way there

you can implement that tone on the first day. Depending on the grade level you choose that will

determine what things are most important as far as what you need to focus on making sure your

students know. For example; if you choose to become a kindergarten teacher chances are the

children in your class won’t even know how to line up so that would be something you would
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need to focus on, but if you were a 4th grade teacher, your students already know how to do that.

Due to each grade level requiring different focuses and each class being filled with a mixture of

sexes, races, and cultures I think it may be difficult to have set approaches unless you know the

grade level, class make up and class struggles, and once you do know you will be able to make

the proper assessments on what to focus on in that particular class.

There are a number of qualities that are needed in order to not only pursue a teaching

career but to be successful in it. Genuinely having a passion for children and teaching them is a

very important quality. Knowing yourself as an educator and what you bring to the classroom as

well as knowing the subject content that you will be teaching. Knowing your students and what

they like or dislike, are interested, and talents they have and keeping in mind that it’s not just

about getting up in the front of the room and teaching something, but creating a teaching style

that works with the students you have so they are engaged and soak up what you’re teaching. My

goals for the future are to continue my college career and take it all the way; get me associates,

bachelors, masters and then my doctoral which I know is going to be a long road but I am

definitely up for the challenge. Another important step in achieving my goals is to get a job with

the school district as soon as the hiring freeze is over whether it be as office staff, a bus driver, or

even as a janitor; as well as continuing to volunteer at schools as well as with the Children’s

Ministry at church. This journey has just begun and I am thrilled for what’s to come.

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