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L E S S O N Lesson Physics 9 B & C

Teacher Mr. Charles

P R E P A R A T I O N Delivery date 08/04/18
Course Book: Complete Physics for Cambridge IGCSE Theme: Electromagnetic waves Unit number: 7.01; Pgs. 144-145

Lesson Core Objective(s): By the end of the session,

Engaging starter: Structures / Functions:
students will be able to:
How do our eyes see objects and things around us?  Describe the features and characteristics Focal length, principal focus, principal axis, convex
lens, concave lens, reflection, refraction, critical
Learning Pragmatics: (Link) Resources of light waves angle…
Real life Textbook
Teaching and Assessment for
Sub-objectives Time (mins) Presentation Practice Product
learning strategies Learning
Describe the Engaging starter: Begin the lesson by asking Students would be Students will be  Board work EVALUATION-
characteristics and 2 mins students to define reflection provided with past able to describe  Recall prior linked to learning
features of light and refraction. Choose them paper worksheets to the behavior of knowledge objectives
Presentation of randomly to describe basic describe reflection light through  HOTs questions
lesson: things about reflection and and refraction of different media.
23 mins refraction. Teacher may give light. The student s They will also be
them hints should they have should work able to describe Answer all
difficulty recalling… individually and seek features of light. questions from
Video of images formed in assistance from provided HOTs
lenses should also be played teacher if needed. worksheet.
for students.
Illustrate safety Presentation+ Students already learnt about Students should Students will be
precautions taken Practice+ electromagnetic spectrum, let work on past paper able to profer
for different Product them explain some uses and worksheet on solution to some
electromagnetic /Assessment dangers associated with these electromagnetic real life problems
spectrum. = 20 mins spectra. However, for every spectrum and their associated with
danger, let them mention dangers. usage of
some safety measures that electromagnetic
could be taken to reduce the waves.
Plenary: (hot seat / 3 learnt, 2 mastered, 1 needs more explanation / points summary / face-to-students, bask to board / short quiz / oral discussion …)5 mins
Why do we wear recommended, medicated glasses? How do they function?

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