Lista e Librave Ne Biblioteke Fakulteti Teknik

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Titulli i Librit

1 Discrete Mathematics and its Applicacions

2 College Algebra
3 Intermediate Algebra
4 Merrill Algebra One
5 Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
6 A course in Modern Algebra
7 Introducion to Finite Mathematics
8 Linear Algebra
9 Boolean Algebra with Computer Applications
10 Finete Element Method
11 Matematika I , II
12 Matematika I , II
13 Përmbledhje Detyrash Të Zgjedhura nga Matematika
14 Analiza Matematike III
15 Matematika
16 Matematika za I razred srednjeg obrazovanje I vaspitanja
17 Matematika
18 Përmbledhje dëtyrash nga Matematika Elementare
19 Computers In the Curriculum
20 Calculus
21 Calculus
22 Calculus Single Variable
23 Calculus An Integrated Approach
24 Finete Mathematics With Calculuse ,2/E
25 Complex Variables and Applications
26 Mathematics Connections
27 Basic Technical Mathematics with Calculus
28 Basic Technical Mathematics
29 Discovering Technical Mathematics an Introduction
30 Teorijska Mehanika Tla
31 Informacioni Sistemi Za Organizovanje Planiranja I Kontrole
32 Statistics for Engineers and Scientists
33 Elementary Statistics
34 Fondamentals of Physics
35 Six Ideas That Shaped Physics
36 Concepts of Modern Physics
37 Fizika
38 Fizika për Studentet e Fakultetit Teknike
39 Ushtime Laboratorike nga Fizika
40 Fizika
41 Fizika
42 The Theory of Magnetism
43 Kursi I Fizikës së Përgjithshme
44 Ushtime Laboratorike dhe Interaktive nga Fizika
45 Mehanika Fluida
46 Vibracije U Masinstvu
47 Reibung Und Verschleiss
48 Technisch Mechanik
49 Tehnicka Mehanika II Dio Kinematika
50 Ubungsaufgaben aus der Technichen Machanik
51 Mehanika I, Dio Statika
52 Mehanika II. Dio Kinematika
53 Kinematic Synthesis of Linkages
54 Mehanika III --- Dinamika
55 Zbirka Zadataka iz Kinematika sa Izvodima iz Teorije
56 Osnovi Mehanike Loma
57 Tehnicka Mehanika I. Dio Statika
58 Zbrika Zadataka iz Mehanike III
59 Teorijske Mehanike
60 Teorijska Mehanika
61 Mehanika 2
62 Mehanika II
63 Zbrika Zadataka iz Teorijske Mehanike
64 Zbrika Zadataka iz Dinamike Tacke
65 Theoreltical and Applied Mechanics
66 Mehanika I
67 Mehanika 1 Zbrika Resenih Ispitnih Zadataka
68 Mekanika Teorike Dinamika III
69 Leksione Te Mekanikes Teorike
70 Die Statistik in der Wirtschaftsforschung
71 Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics
72 Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers
73 Operacionent Teknologjike I Operacionet Mekanike
74 Technische Mechanike fur Ingenieurschulen
75 Heat Engines Thermodinamics in Theory and Practice
76 Strength of Materials
77 Statistisches Jahrbuch 1999
78 Termoteknika Pjesa II
79 Thermodynamics
80 Mechanical Vibrations
81 Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Desing Volum IV
82 The Second Law An Introduction To Classical And Statical Thermodynamics
83 Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Desing Volum I
84 Reseni Zadaci iz Teorijjske Mehanike sa Izvodima iz Teorije II Dinamika
85 Termoteknika Pjesa I
86 Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Desing Volum V
87 Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Desing Volum II
88 Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Desing Volum III
89 Uvod u Fiziku Cvrstog Stanja
90 Fizika
91 Fizika II
92 Tehnicka Fizika
93 Moderna Fizika I struktura materije
94 Zadaci Iz Kinematika I Dinamike II deo
95 Teorijska Mehanike II deo Dinamika
96 Nuklearna Hemija I Njene Primene
97 Zbrika Zadataka Iz Teorijske Mehanike
98 Statistical Physics
99 Technische Physik
100 Teorijska Mehanika I deo Kinematika
101 Mehanicka Tehnologija -Skripta-
102 Zbrika Zadataka iz Teorijske Mehanike
103 Zbrika Zadataka iz Teorijske Mehanike Kinematika
104 Mehanika Fluida
105 Primenjen Mehanika Kontinuuma
106 Mehanika I - Statika
107 Zadaci Iz Mehanike I Statika
108 Zbrika Zadataka iz Kinematike
109 Tehnicka Mehanika
110 Mehkanika I- za Zabrikon Zadataka
111 Mehanika II
112 Statika
113 Mehanizimi II
114 Fundamentals of engineering mechanics
115 Mekanika e Fluideve
116 Tehnicka Mehanika
117 Termodinamika I Termotehnika
118 Termodinamika
119 Otopornost Materijala
120 Termodinamika Strujnih Procesa
121 Detalet e Makinave dhe Makinat Ngritese e Transportuese II
122 Fondations of Engineering
123 Concepts in Engineering
124 Solid Modeling
125 Foundations of Materials Science and Engineering
126 SluRRY Systems Handbook
127 Pajisjet Dhe Maqina Termike
128 Organizimi I Prodhimtarisë
129 Mekanika e Aplikuar Ne Makina
130 Kaldajat e Avullit
131 Teknologjia Mekanike 2
132 Maqinat Asinkrone
133 Theory of Turbomachines
134 Masinski Elementi I
135 Industrijski Inzenjering
136 Motoret Me Djegje te Brendshme II
137 Thermodynamics an Engineering Approach ( Edicioni i V)
138 Motoret Me Djegje te Brendshme III
139 Thermodynamics an Engineering Approach ( Edicioni I IV)
140 Uvod u Termodinamiku, Kineticku Teoriju Gasova I Statisticku Mehaniku
141 Motoret Me Djegje Te Brendshme I
142 Mechanical Engineering Design
143 Design of Machinery
144 Mechanical Design An Integrated Approach
145 Bioinstrumentation
146 Manufacturing Engineering
147 Menagjimi Dhe Prodhimi I Kombinuar I Energjisë
148 Përmbledhje Detyrash të Mekanikës së Fluideve
149 Ngrohja Ventilimi dhe Klimatizimi I Ndërtesave
150 Pajisjet e Ftohjes
151 Zbirka Resenih Zabataka iz Obrade Deformisanjem I
152 Instalimet Makinerike
153 Përpunim Termik
154 Methodes Pritiques Pour Le Calcul Des Structures Hyperstatiques
155 Detalet e Makinave Transmisionet Me Rripa Dhe Zinxhirë
156 Mekanika Teknike
157 Përmbledhje Detyrash Të Zgjedhura Në Statikë Grafike
158 Menaxhimi Në Inxhinieri
159 Qendresa Kufitare Dhe Shkalla e Sigurise Se Detaleve Te Maqinave
160 Perpunimi Termik I Metaleve
161 Ngrohja Dhe Klimatizimi - II ( Ventilimi dhe klimatizimi )
162 Teoria e Mekanizmave Dhe e Makinave
163 Transformatoret
164 Makina II ( Për profilin " Impiante " të degës mekanike )
165 Saldimi I
166 Detalet e Makinave Përmbledhje Detyrash Të zgjedhura
167 Termodinamika Dhe Hidraulikka
168 Rezistenca E Materialeve II
169 Investigation Mathematics
170 Modern Algebra And Trigonometry
171 Advanced Calculus
172 Siguria e Mjeteve Transportuese I
173 Siguria e Mjeteve Transportuese II
174 Sistemet CAD/CAM
175 Vizatimi Teknike
176 Makinat Termike
177 Teoria e Lëkundjeve
178 Teoria E Elasticitetit
179 Rezistenca E Materialeve I
180 Saldimi
181 Hanging Structural System Design & Construction
182 Bazat e Matjeve Elektrike
183 Bazat E Programimit ne C ++
184 Algoritmet njohori themelore me programe në C++
185 Algoritmet njohori themelore me programe në Pascal
186 Elektronika energjetike
187 Interative Analog Computer Meda 41 TC
188 Përmbledhje detyrash të tgjedhura nga mekanika teorike me programe në C++ ( Pjesa I )
189 Përmbledhje detyrash të zgjedhura nga mekanika teorike me programe në C++ ( Pjesa II)
190 Përmbledhje detyrash të zgjedhura nga mekanika teorike ,me programe në C++ ( Pjesa IIII )
191 Zbirka Zadataka iz Matematicke Analize
192 Power Electronics
193 Database Management Systens
194 Database Systems The Complede Book
195 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
196 Professional Ajax
197 Unix Systems Programming
198 Object- Oriented Analysis and Design
199 Operating Systems
200 Pattern Classification
201 Accounting For Non- Accounting Students
202 Data Structures With Java
203 A Practical English Grammar
204 Scientific Papers And Presentations
205 Information Systems Strateginc Planning
206 XML Data Management
207 Industrial Waste Treatment Handbook
208 Microsoft Office 2000 Professional
209 Englisht Words Structur, History, Usage
210 Englisht Phonetics and Phonology
211 UML Distilled
212 Schneier On Security
213 Radio Wave Propagation for Telecommunication Applications
214 Telecommunications Protocols and Design
215 Real- Time Systems
216 Top- Down Network Desing
217 Internetworking With TCP/IP
218 Computer Networks A Systems Approach
219 Data Communications & Network Secyrity
220 Network Analysis, Architecture and Design
221 Software Engineering
222 XSLT 2.0 Programmer s Reference
223 Discrete-Event Systen Simulation
224 Managing Software Requirements
225 Beginning XML Databases
226 Software Engineering A Practitioner s Approach
227 Electrical Design of Overhead Power Transmission Lines
228 Electric Power Systems
229 Body Area Commonications
230 Mimo System Technology for Wireless Communications
231 Introductions Management Accounting
232 Wireless Communications
233 Problem Soving , Abstraction and Desing Using C++
234 Numerical Pecipes in C++
235 Team - Based Strategic Planning
236 Performance Tools and Applications to Networked Systems
237 Aligning Modern Business Processes and Legacy Systems
238 Object- Oriented Systems Analysis and Design
239 Complete Digital design
240 Distributed Systems Concepts And Design
241 Introduction to Data Mining
242 Information Systems Process Improvement
243 Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals
244 An Introduction To The Theory on number
245 Matematicka Analiza
246 Discrete Mathematics and its Applicacions Edicioni I V
247 Statistical Methods
248 Vectore Mechanics for Engineers
249 Njohori Materialesh të Makinerisë
250 Gjuha Programuese Pascal
251 Teknika e Tensioneve të Larta
252 Makinat Minerare Transportuese
253 Ngrohja Dhe Klimatizimi - I
Kenneth H. Rosen
Raymond A .Bernetr, Michael R.Ziegla , Karl E. Byleen
Terry H.Wesnen . Harry L.Nustad
Alan G.Foster, James N. Rath, Leslie J . Winters
Mark Dugopolski
Peter J. Hilton & Yel - Chiang Wu
Walter Feibes
George D. Mostow & Josph H. Sampson
Gerald E. Williams
Sadri Shkodra
Isak Hoxha
Islam Shehu
Islam Shehu
Cemail Doliconin & Zarko Petrusic
P. Milicic & V.Stojanovic & Z.Kadelburg
Ejup Hamiti , Emrush Gashi
Isak Hoxha
California State University Fondation
Alex Himonas & Alan Howard
Laurence D. Hoffmann and Gerald L. Bradley
Robert T. Smith & Roland B. Minton
Donald B.Small & John M. Hosack
Laurence D. Hoffmann & Gerald L. Bradley
James Ward Brown & Ruel V. Churchill
Stuart R. Porter & John F.Ernst
Stuart R. Porter & John F.Ernst
David E. Stevens
Karl Terzaghi
Tomas R. Prins
William Navid
Marilyn K.Pelosi & Theresa M. Sandifer
Halliday / Resnick /Walker
Thomas A. Moore
Arthur Beiser
Skender Skenderi & Rashit Maliqi
Skender Skenderi & Rashit Maliqi
Skender Skenderi & Rashit Maliqi & Shukrije Sejdiu
S.H.Skenderi & R. Maliqi
Skender H. Skenderi & Ahmet Veseli
Daniel C. Mattis
S.E.Frish- A.V.Timorjeva
S.H.Skenderi & R.Maliqi
Hunter Rouse
Den Hartog
Bruno Assmann
Davorin Bazjanac
Hans Goldner
Vasilije Andrejeva
Vasilije Andrejeva
Richard S.Hartenberg & Jasques Denavit
S. Pivko
Vlatho Dolecek . B. Sipovac
Dragoslav Sumarac & Dusan Krajcinovic
Danilo P.Raskovic
I.M. Voronkov
Dragoljub Grbic & Rastislav Mandic
Natalija Naerlovic - Veljkovic
M.Bat & A. Kelzon
Josif Vukovic Milivoje Simonovic
R. Askovic
Natalija Naerlovic - Veljkovic
Satanko Brcic, Dragoljub Grbic
Thanas Gece
Thanas Gece
Festgabe fur Rolf Wagenfuhr
Noel de Nevers
Ekrem Beqiri
Martin Frank
John F. Sandfort
Van Nostrand Company. Inc.

Luan Voshtina
George F.Babits
I.I. Artobolevsky
Henry A. Bent
I.I. Artobolevsky
M.Batj , G.J.Dzanelidze, A.S.Kelzon
Luan Voshtina
I.I. Artobolevsky
I.I. Artobolevsky
I.I. Artobolevsky
Charles Kittel
Momcilo S. Kocic
Dragisa M.Ivanovic & Vlastimir M.Vucic
Ivan Supek
Vlastimir Nikolic
Vlastimir Nikolic
M. Haissinsky
Vlastimir Nikolic
Miodrag Radulovic
N.N. Buhgoc , I.M.Voronkov
N.N. Buhgoc , I.M.Voronkov
K.Voronje & N.Obradovic
Milan Micunovic
Vlastimir Nikolic
Slavko Djuric
S. Timosenko & D.H.Jang
Zorislav Sapunar
Vladimir Bogunovic
Borislav Lilic
Zorislav Sapunar
Tom Berisha
Milutin Simonovic & Rade Zaplotnik
Drogomir Malic
Vladimir Siemon
Rastko Cukic & Dobroslav Ruzic
Dragomir Lj. Malic , Vladimir I. Valent
Fatmir Pejani , Adnan Qatipi
Holtzapple Reece
Holtzapple Reece
William E. Howard & Joseph C.Musto
Willam F.Smith
Baha Abulnaga
L.Voshtina , J.Demneri
Qemal Y. Bucinca
Pellumb Karaulli, Genc Celo
Naser Sahiti
A.Bushati , R.Laperi , A. Sodinaku
Naun Xhoxhi
G.T. Csanady
Dusan J. Vitas & Milan D. Trbojevic
Fehmi Shehu
Yonus A.Cengel & Michael A.Boles
Fehmi Shehu
Yonus A.Cengel & Michael A.Boles
Fehmi Shehu
Joseph E. Shigley, Charles R. Mischke
Robert L. Norton
Ansel C. Ugural
John G. Webster
V. Danilevsky
Luan Voshtina & Fejzullah Krasniqi
Fejzullah Krasniqi , Jonuz Bunjaku
Luan Voshtina & Gjergj Simaku
Mustafë Muhaxheri
Tomisllav Todic
Fejzullah Krasniqi , Rexhep Selimaj
Hysni Osmani
Kloucek --- Kani
Isak A. Jashari --- Gani S. Pllana
Xhevat Perjuci
Fehmi Krasniqi & Gani Bajrami
Skënder Osmani
Dhimiter Mihali & Niko Zaka
Vladimir Nika --- Ylli Shehu
Fejzullah Krasniqi
Pellumb Karaulli, Rahim Korbi
J. Kora
H. Agolli, N. Pema , A.Kodra
Bajrush Bytyçi & Hysni Osmani
Nijazi Ibrahimi
Fejzullah Krasniqi & Xhemail Fejzullahu
Xhevat Perjuci
Larry L.Hatfield & Thomas J.Lester
Mary P.Dolcian , Simon L.Berman , William Wooton
David V.Widder
Ilir Doçi
Ilir Doçi
Shaban A. Buza
Nijazi Ibrahimi
Rexhep Selimaj
Thanas Geçe & Ahmet Geca
Xhevat Perjuci & Ilir Doçi
Xhevat Perjuci
Bajrush Bytyçi
Grozdana Redivojevic, Dragan Kostic
Jusuf Gacaferri
Agni Dika
Agni Dika
Agni Dika
Myzafere Limani
Karel Bodias & Karel Ebert
Gani Pllana
Gani Pllana
Gani Pllana
Daniel W.Hart
Raghu Ramakrishnan & Johannes Gehrke
Hector Garcia - Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman
Christopher M. Bishop
Nicholas C. Zakas, Jeremy McPeak, Joe Fawcett
Kay A. Robbins & Steven Robbins
John Deacon
Andrew S. Tanenbaum & Albert S.Woodhull
Richard O.Duda , Peter E. Hart, David G. Stork
John R. Hubbard
A. J. Thomson & A.V. Martinet
Martha Davis
Anita Cassidy
Akmal. B. Chaudhri & Awais Rashid , Roberto Zicari
Frank Woodard
Visual Reference
Francis Katamba
Peter Roach
Martin Fowler
Bruce Schneier
H. Sizun
John D. Spragins
Jane W.S. Liu
Priscilla Oppenheimer
Douglas E. Comer
Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie
Houston H.Carr & Charles A. Snyder
James D. Mc Cabe
Roger S. Pressman
Michael Kay
Jerry Banks , John S. Carson II
Dean Leffingwell & Don Widrig
Gavin Powell
Roger S. Pressman
Masoud Farzeneh , Shahab Farokhi
B.M.Weedy , B.J.Cory
Jianqing Wang & Qiong Wang
George Tsoulos
Charls T.Horngren, Gary L.Sundem ,
Andreas F. Molisch
Frank L. Fridman & Elliot B. Koffman
William H. Press , Saul A. Teukolsky
C. Davis Fogg
Maria Carla Calzarossa & Erol Gelenbe ( Eds.)
Willem- Jan van den Heuvel
Simon Bennett, Steve McRobb and Ray Farmer
Mark Balch
George Coulouris , Jean Dollimore and Tim Kindberg
Pang -Ning Tana , Michael Steinbach , Vipin Kumar
Anita Cassidy & Keith Guggenberger
M. Morris Mano and Charles R. Kime
Ivan Niven , Herbert S. Zuckerman
Sibe Mardesoc
Kenneth H. Rosen
Herbert Aekin / Raymond R. Colton
Ferdinand P.Beer, E.Russell Jonston, Elliot R. Eisenberg
Nexhat Boshnjaku
Agni Dika
Jusuf F. Krasniqi & Gani R. Latifi
Minir Dushi
Fejzullah Krasniqi

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