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Dean/ Professor/Registered Criminologist
Board Review Lecturer

1. It refers to a group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the
achievement of goals and objectives that promote the maintenance of peace and order, protection of
life and property, enforcement of the laws and prevention of crimes.
a. Police Administration c. Organization
b. Police Organization d. administration

2. It is defined as the process involved in ensuring strict compliance, proper obedience of laws and
related statutes. It focuses on the policing process or how law enforcement agencies are
organized and managed in order to achieve the goals of law enforcement in the most effective,
efficient and productive manner.
a. Police Administration c. Organization
b. Police Organization d. administration

3. The determination in advance of how the objectives of the organization will be attained..
a. Directing c. Planning
b. Organizing d. Controlling

4. The task of providing competent men to do the job and choosing the right men for the job. It involves
good selection and processing of reliable and well-trained personnel.
a. Budgeting c. Controlling
b. Reporting d. Staffing

5. It involves the determination and allocation of personnel as well as the resources of an organization to
achieve a pre-determined goals or objectives of the organization.
a. Directing c. Planning
b. Organizing d. Controlling

6. The forecasting in detail of the results of an officially recognized program of operations based on the
highest reasonable expectations of operating efficiency.
a. Budgeting c. Controlling
b. Reporting d. Staffing

7. The making of detailed account of activities, work progress, and investigations in order to keep
everyone informed of what is going on.
a. Budgeting c. Controlling
b. Reporting d. Staffing

8. It involves the overseeing and supervising of the human resources and the various activities in an
organization to be achieved through cooperative efforts the pre-determined goals or objectives of the
a. Directing c. Planning
b. Organizing d. Controlling

9. It involves the checking or evaluation and measurement of work performance and comparing it with
planned goals or objectives of the organization, and making the necessary corrective actions so that
work is accomplished as planned.
a. Directing c. Planning
b. Organizing d. Controlling

10. This is a small tribal area, during the Anglo-saxon period policing, where every person was charged in
keeping the peace and each person was under the law represented by a policeman. This is also the
forerunner of the word “town”.
a. Scotland Yard c. Tun
b. Shires d. Bow Street

11. This was an ancient method of apprehending a criminal whereby a complainant goes to the middle of
the village and shout or blow his horn to call the village to assemble and run to the direction of the
culprit, who when caught is meted with punishment without giving him the opportunity to defend
himself. This system was eventually changed in a much later date, wherein once an offender was
caught, he is brought before a royal judge, but again he cannot defend himself since the only facts
permitted to be presented and given weight by the said judge were his actual capture at the crime
scene or his possession of stolen items. This method slowly developed over a period of years. The
idea of letting the punishment fit the crime later came into consideration and the trial by ordeal was
done to determine the guilt or innocence of the suspect. The modern version of this method today is
what we call “citizen’s arrest”.
a. Bow Runners c. Citizen’s Arrest
b. Hue and Cry d. Trial by Ordeal

12. The policing system during the Norman period which was claimed as the forerunner of the word
a. Shire c. Shire-rieve
b. Rieve d. Constabuli

13. The meaning of the word “constable or constabuli”.

a. Horse master c. a&b
b. Keeper of the horse d. None of the foregoing

14. A group of men whose task was to run errands for the Bow Street Court. This was considered as the
first organized foot patrol.
a. Bow Street Runners c. Constables
b. Praetorian Guards d. Merchant and Parochial Police

15. He is considered as the “father of modern policing” due to his contributions to the modernization of
police force, for his principles in policing which are still being used today and paving the way for the
creation of one of the most effective and efficient police organization in the world – “the Metropolitan
Police Force famously known as the Scotland Yard”.
a. Henry Fielding c. Henry T. Allen
b. Sir Robert Peel d. Cesare Lombroso

16. The famous Police Central Headquarters first established by Sir Robert Peel in London.
a. Court of the Star-chamber c. Scotland Yard
b. Camp Crame d. None of the foregoing

17. This police force, also called Scotland Yard established by Sir Robert Peel in London, was viewed as
the first organized police form.
a. Metropolitan Police Force c. Bow Street Runners
b. Sergent de Ville d. Merchant and Parochial Police

18. In this theory, law enforcers are regarded as “civil servants of the community or the people”, who rely
on the efficiency of their functions upon the express needs of the people especially in the preservation
of public peace and security. This theory prevails in the Philippines based on the existing laws,
concepts and principles.
a. Home rule theory c. Old Concept
b. Continental theory d. Modern Concept

19. In this theory people have no share or have little participation with the duties or connection with the
police organization. Law enforcers are regarded as “servants of the state or higher authorities”.
a. Home rule theory c. Old Concept
b. Continental theory d. Modern Concept

20. This philosophy advocates that the yardstick of police efficiency is the increasing number of arrests,
throwing offenders to jail rather than trying to prevent them from committing crimes.
a. Home rule theory c. Old Concept
b. Continental theory d. Modern Concept

21. In this concept, police efficiency is measured by the decreasing number of crimes or absence of
crimes. Its objective is the welfare of the people and the society.
a. Home rule theory c. Old Concept
b. Continental theory d. Modern Concept

22. It means “a government of a city”. It is where the word “police” was derived.
a. Politia c. Politeia
b. Patrouiller d. Polisia

23. This was a body of rural police organized in each town and established by the Royal Decree of 1796.
This act provided that 5% of the able-bodied male inhabitants of each province were to be enlisted in
the police organization for three years.
a. Carabineros de Seguridad de Publica c. Guardia Civil
b. Cuadrilleros d. Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

24. This was created by a Royal Decree issued by the Crown on February 12, 1852, to particularly relieve
the Spanish Peninsular troops of their work in policing the towns. They were mainly composed of
Filipinos who worked under the jurisdiction of the alcalde or mayors. They followed a military structure
and received semi-military training yet lacked other dimensions of today’s police service.
a. Carabineros de Seguridad de Publica c. Guardia Civil
b. Cuadrilleros d. Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

25. This was organized in 1712 for the purpose of carrying outlaws of the Spanish government. They
were with carbines as its name indicates. It was the earlier version of mounted riflemen in the history
of the Philippine police system.
a. Carabineros de Seguridad de Publica c. Guardia Civil
b. Cuadrilleros d. Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

26. An act passed on July 18, 1901 that provides for the organization and government of an Insular
a. Organic Act 157 c. Organic Act 70
b. Organic Act 175 d. Organic Act 765

27. An act passed on January 09, 1901 creating the Metropolitan Police Force in Manila.
a. Organic Act 157 c. Organic Act 70
b. Organic Act 175 d. Organic Act 765

28. On October 3, 1901, Insular Constabulary was renamed as Philippine Constabulary pursuant to
Organic Act 255. Who was the first Chief of the then Philippine Constabulary?
a. Sir Robert Peel c. Brigadier General Rafael Crame
b. General Howard Taft d. Lt. Col. Henry T. Allen

29. He was the first Chief of the Philippine Constabulary when the Constabulary, after 16 years of
existence, was placed under the Filipino leadership.
a. Col. Antonio P. Torres c. Brigadier General Rafael C. Crame
b. Gen. Fidel V. Ramos d. PDG Cesar P. Nazareno

30. The first Chief of the Manila Police Department after its creation pursuant to Organic Act 183 on July
31, 1901.
a. Col. George Curry c. Brigadier General Rafael C. Crame
b. General Howard Taft d. Lt. Col. Henry T. Allen

31. The first Filipino Chief of the Manila Police Department when it was taken-over by Filipinos.
a. Col. Antonio P. Torres c. Brigadier General Rafael C. Crame
b. Gen. Fidel V. Ramos d. PDG Cesar P. Nazareno

32. This law is otherwise known as the Police Professionalization Act of 1966. This law was passed and
approved by Congress with end in view of professionalizing police service which serves as the Code
of all local police departments in the country. This is the same law that created the Police
Commission which was later renamed as the National Police Commission as a supervisory agency
to oversee the training and professionalization of the local police forces under the office of the
a. Republic Act 6975 c. Republic Act 8551
b. Republic Act 4864 d. Republic Act 9708

33. This law is otherwise known as the Integration Act of 1975. This law created the PC/INP – the
Philippine Constabulary as the nucleus and the Integrated Local Police as components, under the
Ministry of National Defense. This is the same law that provided for the transfer of the National
Police Commission from the office of the President to the Ministry of National Defense.
a. Republic Act 6975 c. Presidential Decree 421
b. Presidential Decree 482 d. Presidential Decree 765

34. What article and specific section of the 1987 Philippine Constitution that provides for the
establishment and maintenance of one police force which shall be national in scope but civilian in
character that shall be administratively controlled and operationally supervised by the National
Police Commission?
a. Art. III, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
b. Art. VI, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
c. Art. XVI, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
d. Art. XVII, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
35. This law mandated the abolition of the PC/INP and gave birth to the new Philippine National Police,
thus known as the “PNP Law”.
a. Republic Act 6975 c. Republic Act 8551
b. Republic Act 4864 d. Republic Act 9708

36. Who are the principal authors of Republic Act 6975?

a. Senators Ernesto N. Maceda and Aquilino Pimentel
b. Congressmen Jose S. Cojuanco Jr and Rodrigo Gutang
c. a & b
d. Senators Orlando Mercado and Loren Legarda

37. The first Chief the Philippine National Police.

a. Col. Antonio P. Torres c. Brigadier General Rafael C. Crame
b. Gen. Fidel V. Ramos d. PDG Cesar P. Nazareno

38. Pursuant to RA 6975, the tri-bureaus of the DILG are:

a. National Bureau of Investigation, Bureau of Correction and Bureau of Customs
b. Bureau of Immigration, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency and Land Bureau
c. Philippine Navy, Philippine Marines and Coast Guard
d. Philippine National Police, Bureau of Fire Protection and Bureau of Jail Management & Penology

39. The premier educational institution for the training, human resource development and continuing
education of all personnel of the PNP, BFP and BJMP.
a. Philippine Public Safety College c. Philippine College of Criminology
b. National Defense College d. National Police College

40. This is also known in its short title as the “DILG Act of 1990”.
a. Republic Act 6975 c. Republic Act 8551
b. Republic Act 4864 d. Republic Act 9708

41. An Act establishing the PNP under the reorganized DILG.

a. Republic Act 6975 c. Republic Act 8551
b. Republic Act 4864 d. Republic Act 9708

42. This is known as the “PNP Reform and Reorganization Act of 1998”. It envisions the PNP to be a
community and service-oriented agency.
a. Republic Act 6975 c. Republic Act 8551
b. Republic Act 4864 d. Republic Act 9708

43. An Act enacted on August 12, 2009, extending for 5 years the reglamentary period for complying with
the minimum educational qualification for appointment to the PNP and adjusting the promotion
a. Republic Act 6975 c. Republic Act 8551
b. Republic Act 4864 d. Republic Act 9708

44. A principle in police organization that dictates that there should be only one person in complete
command in a particular situation or activity and that no person should report to more than one
superior officer.
a. Chain of command c. Unity of command
b. Command responsibility d. Span of control

45. A principle in police organization that dictates that immediate commanders shall be responsible for
the effective supervision and control of their personnel and unit. It is the doctrine that provides
commensurate accountability to one who is vested with management or leadership function. The
very purpose of this is to prevent cuddling of erring members of the PNP.
a. Chain of command c. Unity of command
b. Command responsibility d. Span of control

46. It refers to the arrangement of officers from top to bottom on the basis of rank or position and
authority. It is the unbroken flow of command from top to bottom of the police organization.
a. Chain of command c. Unity of command
b. Command responsibility d. Span of control

47. The relationship between superiors and subordinates.

a. Delegation of authority c. Unity of command
b. Specialization d. Hierarchy of authority
48. It pertains to the conferring of certain specified authority by a superior to a subordinate.
a. Delegation of authority c. Unity of command
b. Specialization d. Hierarchy of authority

49. The assignment of particular personnel to particular tasks which are highly technical and require
special skills and training.
a. Delegation of authority c. Unity of command
b. Specialization d. Hierarchy of authority

50. Under RA 6975, who shall be automatically appointed as the ex-officio Chairman of the
a. The secretary of the Department of Justice
b. The secretary of National Defense
c. The Chief of the Philippine National Police
d. The secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government

51. Under the above-mentioned law, who shall be automatically appointed as the ex-officio member of the
a. The secretary of the Department of Justice
b. The secretary of National Defense
c. The Chief of the Philippine National Police
d. The secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local Government

52. The following are the powers and functions of the DILG, EXCEPT:
a. Provide assistance towards legislation regarding law enforcement and public safety
b. Exercise administrative control and operational supervision over the PNP
c. Organize, train and equip primarily for the performance of police functions
d. Establish and prescribe rules, regulations and other issuances implementing laws on public order
and safety

53. This is in charge of the external security of our country as provided for under RA 6975.
a. Philippine National Police c. Philippine Coast Guard
b. Armed Forces of the Philippines d. National Bureau of Investigation

54. This is also in charge of the internal security of our country as provided for under RA 6975.
a. The Department of Justice
b. The Department of National Defense
c. a & b
d. The Department of the Interior and Local Government

55. Pursuant to RA 8551, the PNP through information gathering and performance of its ordinary police
functions shall support the AFP on matters involving suppression on insurgency only, except in cases
where the President shall call on the PNP to support the AFP in combat operations.
a. True c. Maybe
b. False d. No idea

54. The PNP, BFP and BJMP, shall assist the AFP in times of national emergency, declared by congress,
upon the direction of the President
a. True c. Maybe
b. False d. No idea

55. It is an agency attached to the DILG for policy and program coordination.

56. What is the term of office of NAPOLCOM regular and full-time commissioners?
a. 4 years without reappointment or retention c. 6 years without reappointment or retention
b. 5 years without reappointment or retention d. 7 years without reappointment or retention

57. Which among the following is the power and function of the NAPOLCOM?
a. Provide assistance towards legislation regarding law enforcement and public safety
b. Exercise administrative control and operational supervision over the PNP
c. Organize, train and equip primarily for the performance of police functions
d. Establish and prescribe rules, regulations and other issuances implementing laws on public order
and safety
58. It decides cases on appeal from decisions rendered by officers other than the PNP Chief, the Mayor
and the PLEB.
a. National Appellate Board c. Court of Appeals
b. Regional Appellate Board d. Kangaroo Court

59. It decides cases on appeal from decisions rendered by the PNP Chief.
a. National Appellate Board c. Court of Appeals
b. Regional Appellate Board d. Kangaroo Court

60. It refers to the primary law enforcement agency in the country?

a. Philippine National Police c. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
b. National Bureau of Investigation d. Armed Forces of the Philippines

61. Pursuant to its constitutional mandate, the Philippine National Police is:
a. National in scope c. National in scope and Civilian in character
b. Civilian in character d. National in scope and Military in character

62. This means that the PNP is a nationwide government organization whose jurisdiction covers the entire
breadth of the Philippine archipelago.
a. National in scope c. National in scope and Civilian in character
b. Civilian in character d. National in scope and Military in character

63. This also means that the PNP is not a part of the military, although it retains some military attributes
such as discipline.
a. National in scope c. National in scope and Civilian in character
b. Civilian in character d. National in scope and Military in character

64. What is the position of the head of the Philippine National Police?
a. Deputy Chief PNP for Administration c. Chief Directorial Staff
b. Deputy Chief PNP for Operation d. Chief PNP

65. The highest ranking police official in the PNP organization.

a. Deputy Chief PNP for Administration c. Chief Directorial Staff
b. Deputy Chief PNP for Operation d. Chief PNP

66. What is the rank of the Chief PNP?

a. Police Deputy Director General c. Police Director General
b. Police Director d. Police Chief Superintendent

67. What is the term of office of the Chief PNP?

a. 4 years c. 6 years
b. 2 years d. 9 years

68. Can the term of office of the Chief PNP be extended? In what circumstances and who may extend it?
a. No, there’s no such law that provides for the extension of the term of office of the Chief PNP
b. Yes, by the President of the Philippines, in times of war or national emergency declared by
congress and the executive
c. Yes, by the Secretary of the DILG, in times of war or national emergency declared by congress
and the executive
d. Yes, either by the Secretary of the DILG or the President of the Philippines, in times of war or
national emergency declared by congress and the executive

69. How many years may the President of the Philippines extend the term of office of the Chief PNP in
times of war or national emergency declared by congress and the executive itself?
a. 6 months to 1 year depending on the gravity of the situation
b. 2 years depending on the gravity of the situation
c. 3 years depending on the gravity of the situation
d. 4 years depending on the gravity of the situation

70. He is the second man in command with the rank of Police Deputy Director General.
a. Deputy Chief PNP for Administration c. Chief Directorial Staff
b. Deputy Chief PNP for Operation d. Chief PNP

71. He is the third man in command with the rank of Police Deputy Director General.
a. Deputy Chief PNP for Administration c. Chief Directorial Staff
b. Deputy Chief PNP for Operation d. Chief PNP
72. He is the fourth man in command with the rank of Police Deputy Director General.
a. Deputy Chief PNP for Administration c. The Chief Directorial Staff
b. Deputy Chief PNP for Operation d. Chief PNP

73. Which among the following are the powers and functions of the Chief PNP?
a. Directs and controls tactical as well as strategic movements, deployments, placements,
utilizations of the PNP or any of its units and personnel, including equipment, facilities and other
b. Delegates to subordinate officials with respect to the units under their respective commands in
accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the commission
c. Issues detailed implementing policies and instructions regarding personnel, funds, properties,
records, correspondences and such other matters as may be necessary to effectively carry out
the functions, powers and duties of the bureau
d. All of the foregoing

74. The head of the Directorial Staffs with the rank of Police Deputy Director General.
a. Deputy Chief PNP for Administration c. The Chief Directorial Staff
b. Deputy Chief PNP for Operation d. Chief PNP

75. It exercises control, direction, coordination and monitoring of all PNP operations, including patrolling,
conduct of search, arrest and seizures, aviation security, maritime security, civil disturbance
management, civil security and traffic management; and prepares, coordinates and issues operational
plans, orders and directives.
a. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management c. Directorate for intelligence
b. Directorate for Operations d. Directorate for Logistics

76. It develops policies, rules and procedures for logistical activities like procurement, planning,
maintenance, installation and transportation.
a. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management c. Directorate for intelligence
b. Directorate for Operations d. Directorate for Logistics

77. Formulates plans and policies, coordinates and supervises the performance of intelligence activities of
the PNP; evaluates and integrates all intelligence projects and efforts, and specifically provides
intelligence information for the use of the command group; and determines foreign intelligence
objectives and directs and controls foreign intelligence assignments.
a. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management c. Directorate for intelligence
b. Directorate for Operations d. Directorate for Logistics

78. Manages the recruitment and appointments of PNP personnel; plans for the transfer and assignment
of personnel as well as the adjustment of qualification standards; assesses personnel fitness and
performance; and records, processes and administers application of leaves and other benefits.
a. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management c. Directorate for intelligence
b. Directorate for Operations d. Directorate for Logistics

79. Plans, directs, coordinates and supervises the performance of police community relations programs,
projects and activities of the PNP.
a. Directorate for Police Community Relations c. Directorate for Research and Development
b. Directorate for Comptrollership d. Directorate for Integrated Police

80. Undertakes financial management and internal auditing and management functions; prepares the
PNP annual budget and formulates policies, procedures and guidelines on auditing and accounting,
reporting and general financial management; and monitors the implementation of financial programs
of the PNP.
a. Directorate for Police Community Relations c. Directorate for Research and Development
b. Directorate for Comptrollership d. Directorate for Integrated Police

81. Directs and supervises the conduct of inter-regional anti-criminality, counter-terrorism and counter-
insurgency against lawless elements which transcend regional boundaries and provides a system for
the promotion of socio-economic growth.
a. Directorate for Police Community Relations c. Directorate for Research and Development
b. Directorate for Comptrollership d. Directorate for Integrated Police

82. It reviews, studies and develops standards for weapons, clothings, transportations, communications,
criminalistics equipment and other materials for use of the PNP.
a. Directorate for Police Community Relations c. Directorate for Research and Development
b. Directorate for Comptrollership d. Directorate for Integrated Police

83. Formulates policies, rules, procedures and standards for the conduct of investigation as well as
research and development efforts for improving or strengthening the delivery of investigation services;
and directs monitors and supervises all investigating units of the PNP.
a. Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
b. Directorate for Investigation & Detective Management
c. Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Management
d. Directorate for Plans

84. Develops plans for the PNP organizational and force development and for the conduct of research
and development projects; and performs project management functions for inter-agency and
international initiatives for the development of the PNP and for the performance of strategic programs
and activities.
a. Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
b. Directorate for Investigation & Detective Management
c. Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Management
d. Directorate for Plans

85. Formulates plans and policies on the career development of PNP members; formulates doctrines
pertaining to organization, administration and operations of PNP; and determines training
requirements of the PNP personnel and units and formulates training programs and directives for the
a. Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
b. Directorate for Investigation & Detective Management
c. Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Management
d. Directorate for Plans

86. Assists the Chief PNP in policy formulation and managing information, electronics and
communications technology resources to promote, develop, and regulate integrated and strategic ICT
systems, and reliable and efficient communications infrastructure in support to the PNP mission.
a. Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
b. Directorate for Investigation & Detective Management
c. Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Management
d. Directorate for Plans

87. It provides support for the security, management of traffic flows and maintenance of the national
a. Engineering Service c. Training Service
b. Headquarters Support Service d. Legal Service

88. It provides career and specialized training programs for PNP personnel in order to upgrade their
professional knowledge and skills necessary to cope with the challenges in public safety and social
a. Engineering Service c. Training Service
b. Headquarters Support Service d. Legal Service

89. Formulates policies, plans and procedures in the management of engineering services, land utilization
and on-based or off-based housing activities.
a. Engineering Service c. Training Service
b. Headquarters Support Service d. Legal Service

90. Provides spiritual and counseling services for the moral growth of PNP personnel and their
a. Finance Service c. Logistics Support Service
b. Health Service d. Chaplain Service

91. It serves as the PNP legal counsel as well as represents the PNP in all criminal and civil actions
before the courts in coordination with the office of the Solicitor General. It also serves as adjudicative
unit in the processing of claims for benefits of retirees and separated PNP personnel.
a. Engineering Service c. Training Service
b. Headquarters Support Service d. Legal Service

92. Responsible for providing medical and dental services to the PNP personnel and their direct
dependents and other authorized civilians.
a. Finance Service c. Logistics Support Service
b. Health Service d. Chaplain Service

93. Responsible for disbursement of all funds of the PNP and the accounting of the same.
a. Finance Service c. Logistics Support Service
b. Health Service d. Chaplain Service

94. Responsible for the procurement, distribution and management of all the logistical requirements of
the PNP including firearms and ammunitions.
a. Finance Service c. Logistics Support Service
b. Health Service d. Chaplain Service

95. Formulates and implements information technology policies, plans and programs of the PNP.
a. Information Technology Management Service c. Directorate for Plans
b. Communications and Electronic Service d. Personnel and Retirement Benefits Service

96. It operates, maintains and ensures coordination between and among PNP units and offices in the
acquisition, distribution and operation of communications and electronics facilities.
a. Information Technology Management Service c. Directorate for Plans
b. Communications and Electronic Service d. Personnel and Retirement Benefits Service

97. Responsible for the processing of claims and benefits of personnel PNP personnel, retirees and
separated PNP personnel and their direct dependents.
a. Information Technology Management Service c. Directorate for Plans
b. Communications and Electronic Service d. Personnel and Retirement Benefits Service

98. It is the primary unit responsible for the implementation of the pertinent laws on cybercrimes and anti-
cybercrime campaigns of the PNP and the national government. It focuses on cybercrime offenses,
computer-related offenses, and other content-related offenses such as cybersex, child pornography,
unsolicited commercial communication, and other related offenses.
a. Anti-Cybercrime Group c. Aviation Group
b. Anti-Kidnapping Group d. Highway Patrol Group

99. In coordination with the Airport authorities, it secures all the country’s airport against offensive and
terrorist acts that threaten civil aviation, exercise operational control and supervision over all
agencies involved in airport security operation and enforces all laws and regulations relative to air
travel protection and safety.
a. Anti-Cybercrime Group c. Aviation Group
b. Anti-Kidnapping Group d. Highway Patrol Group

100. The replacement of the old Police Anti-Crime and Emergency Response Force or PACER.
a. Anti-Cybercrime Group c. Aviation Group
b. Anti-Kidnapping Group d. Highway Patrol Group

101. It is tasked with the enforcement of the provisions of RA 6539 otherwise known as the “Anti-
Carnapping Act of 1972”.
a. Anti-Cybercrime Group c. Aviation Group
b. Anti-Kidnapping Group d. Highway Patrol Group

102. It performs all police function over the Philippine territorial waters and rivers.
a. Maritime Group c. Special Action Force
b. Intelligence Group d. Civil Security Group

103. Provides administrative services and general supervision over the organization, business operation
and activities of all organized private detectives and watchmen, security agencies and company
guards’ forces.
a. Maritime Group c. Special Action Force
b. Intelligence Group d. Civil Security Group

104. It serves as the intelligence and counter-intelligence operating unit of PNP.

a. Maritime Group c. Special Action Force
b. Intelligence Group d. Civil Security Group

105. It functions as the mobile striking force or reaction unit to augment regional, provincial, municipal or
city police forces for civil disturbance control, counter-insurgency, hostage-taking rescue operations,
and other special operations.
a. Maritime Group c. Special Action Force
b. Intelligence Group d. Civil Security Group

106. It provides scientific and technical investigative aid and support to the PNP and other government
investigative agencies. It also provides crime laboratory examination, evaluation and identification of
physical evidences involved in crimes with primary emphasis on their medical, chemical, biological
and physical nature.
a. Police Security and Protection Group c. Police Community Relations Group
b. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group d. Crime Laboratory Group

107. This unit undertakes the monitoring, investigation and prosecution of all crimes involving economic
sabotage, and other crimes of such magnitude and extent as to indicate their commission by highly
or professional criminal syndicate or organization.
a. Police Security and Protection Group c. Police Community Relations Group
b. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group d. Crime Laboratory Group

108. It provides security for government officials, visiting dignitaries and private individuals authorized to
be given protection.
a. Police Security and Protection Group c. Police Community Relations Group
b. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group d. Crime Laboratory Group

109. Implements PNP’s police community relations programs, and provides assistance to the regional,
provincial, district and city/municipal offices in their respective police community relations activities.
This unit also accredits volunteer Non-Government Organizations supportive of the PNP programs
and relatedly assists trains, organizes, directs and supervises such Non-Government Organizations.
a. Police Security and Protection Group c. Police Community Relations Group
b. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group d. Crime Laboratory Group

110. The highest ranking police official in the Police Regional Office.
a. Chief Directorial Staff c. District Director
b. Regional Director d. Provincial Director

111. Each Police Regional Offices (PROs) except the National Capital Regional Police Office (NCRPO)
are headed by a Regional Director with the rank of:
a. Police Deputy Director General c. Police Director General
b. Police Director d. Police Chief Superintendent

112. The National Capital Regional Police Office (NCRPO) is also headed by a Regional Director with the
rank of:
a. Police Deputy Director General c. Police Director General
b. Police Director d. Police Chief Superintendent

113. How many Police Regional Offices are there in the PNP?
a. 12 Police Regional Offices c. 16 Police Regional Offices
b. 14 Police Regional Offices d. 17 Police Regional Offices

114. The National Capital Regional Police Office (NCRPO) is divided into five (5) District Offices which
are headed by:
a. Chief Directorial Staff c. District Directors
b. Regional Directors d. Provincial Directors

115. The five (5) District Offices are headed by District Directors with the rank of:
a. Police Deputy Director Generals c. Police Director General
b. Police Directors d. Police Chief Superintendents
116. It has jurisdiction over the cities of Caloocan, Malabon, Navotas and Valenzuela.
a. Northern Police District (NPD) c. Eastern Police District (EPD)
b. Southern Police District (SPD) d. Manila Police District (MPD)

117. It has jurisdiction over the cities of Marikina, Pasig, San Juan and Mandaluyong.
a. Northern Police District (NPD) c. Eastern Police District (EPD)
b. Southern Police District (SPD) d. Manila Police District (MPD

118. This is formerly known as Western Police District, located in the city of Manila, and is popularly
known as the “Manila’s Finest”.
a. Quezon City Police District (QCPD) c. Eastern Police District (EPD)
b. Southern Police District (SPD) d. Manila Police District (MPD
119. This is formerly known as Central Police District, located in Quezon City.
a. Quezon City Police District (QCPD) c. Eastern Police District (EPD)
b. Southern Police District (SPD) d. Manila Police District (MPD

120. It has jurisdiction over the cities of Paranaque, Pasay, Makati, Las Pinas, Muntinlupa, Taguig and
a. Quezon City Police District (QCPD) c. Eastern Police District (EPD)
b. Southern Police District (SPD) d. Manila Police District (MPD

121. The highest ranking police official in the Police Provincial Office.
a. Chief Directorial Staff c. District Director
b. Regional Director d. Provincial Director

122. At the provincial level, the PNP office is known as:

a. National Headquarters c. Police Provincial Office
b. Police Regional Office d. Police Station

123. Police Provincial Office is headed by:

a. Chief Directorial Staff c. District Director
b. Regional Director d. Provincial Director

124. The Police Provincial Office is headed by Provincial Director with the rank of:
a. Police Chief Superintendent c. Police Superintendent
b. Police Senior Superintendent d. Police Chief Inspector

125. The highest ranking police official in a city or municipal Police Station Office.
a. Chief of Police c. District Director
b. Regional Director d. Provincial Director

126. At the city or municipal level, the PNP office is known as:
a. National Headquarters c. Police Provincial Office
b. Police Regional Office d. Police Station

127. Police Station Office is headed by:

a. Chief of Police c. District Director
b. Regional Director d. Provincial Director

128. The Police Station Office is headed by the Chief of Police with the rank of:
a. Police Chief Superintendent c. Police Superintendent
b. Police Senior Superintendent d. Police Chief Inspector

129. It is the systematic arrangement of the relationship of the members, positions, departments and
functions or work of the organization. It is comprised of functions, relationships, responsibilities and
authorities of individuals within the organization.
a. Line Structure c. Organizational Structure
b. Functional or Staff Structure d. Line and Staff Structure

130. This organizational structure is according to functions and specialization, and responsibilities of each
member are divided among authorities who are accountable to the higher authorities.
a. Line Structure c. Organizational Structure
b. Functional or Staff Structure d. Line and Staff Structure

131. It is considered as the oldest and simplest kind of organizational structure. It is defined by its clear
“chain of command” from the highest to the lowest position in the organization which means that
orders or commands must come from the higher level of authority before it can be carried out.
a. Line Structure c. Organizational Structure
b. Functional or Staff Structure d. Line and Staff Structure

132. This type organizational structure is a combination of the line and functional structures. It combines
the flow of information from the line structure with the staff departments that serve, advise and support
them. It is generally more formal in nature and has many departments.
a. Line Structure c. Organizational Structure
b. Functional or Staff Structure d. Line and Staff Structure

133. What kind of organizational structure does PNP is using?

a. Line Structure c. Line and Staff Structure
b. Functional or Staff Structure d. All of the foregoing
134. Police officers whose ranks range from Police Inspector to Police Director General:
a. Police Commissioned Officers c. PNP Non-Uniformed Personnel
b. Police Non-Commissioned Officers d. All of the foregoing

135. Civilian employees of the Philippine National Police:

a. Police Commissioned Officers c. PNP Non-Uniformed Personnel
b. Police Non-Commissioned Officers d. All of the foregoing

136. Police officers whose ranks range from Police Officer 1 (PO1) to Senior Police Officer 4 (SPO4):
a. Police Commissioned Officers c. PNP Non-Uniformed Personnel
b. Police Non-Commissioned Officers d. All of the foregoing

137. Their rank is higher the SPO4 but lower than Police Inspector or between SPO4 and Police
a. PNPA Cadet c. PMMA Cadet
b. PMA Cadet d. ROTC Cadet

138. The standard manning level in rural areas is:

a. 1 police officer for every 500 residents c. 1 police officer for every 500 residents
b. 1 police officer for every 1000 residents d. 1 police officer for every 1,500 residents
139. The “rule of thumb” regarding the manning level of the police in urban areas:
a. 1 police officer for every 500 residents c. 1 police officer for every 500 residents
b. 1 police officer for every 1000 residents d. 1 police officer for every 1,500 residents

140. What are the increased qualifications for Provincial Director under Section 20 of RA 8551?
a. Must hold a master’s degree in Public Administration, Sociology, Criminology, Criminal Justice,
Law Enforcement, National Security Administration, Defense studies, or other related
Disciplines from a recognized institute of learning
b. Members of the Bar with five years of law practice, Licensed Criminologist, or a graduate of the
PNPA who possesses the general qualification for initial appointment to the PNP
c. Letter a only
d. a & b

141. What are the increased qualifications for City Chief of Police under Section 20 of RA 8551?
a. Must be a graduate of Bachelor of Laws or has finished all required courses of a master’s
degree program in Public Administration, Sociology, Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law
Enforcement, National Security Administration, Defense studies, or other related Disciplines
from a recognized institute of learning
b. Members of the Bar with five years of law practice, Licensed Criminologist, or a graduate of the
PNPA who possesses the general qualification for initial appointment to the PNP
c. Letter a only
d. a & b

142. What are the increased qualifications for Municipal Chief of Police under Section 20 of RA 8551?
a. Must have finished at least second year of Bachelor of Laws or has earned at least seventy-two
units in master’s degree program in Public Administration, Sociology, Criminology, Criminal
Justice, Law Enforcement, National Security Administration, Defense studies, or other related
Disciplines from a recognized institute of learning
b. Members of the Bar with five years of law practice, Licensed Criminologist, or a graduate of the
PNPA who possesses the general qualification for initial appointment to the PNP
c. a & b
d. Letter a only

143. The phase of getting as many applicants into process as possible or attracting candidates who
possess the minimum qualifications to be eligible for the selection procedure.
a. Screening or Selection Process c. Training Phase
b. Recruitment Phase d. All of the foregoing

144. The phase of eliminating undesirable applicants who do not meet the organization’s selection
a. Screening or Selection Process c. Training Phase
b. Recruitment Phase d. All of the foregoing

145. Pursuant to RA 9708, PNP members who have just finished second year level or equivalent to 72
collegiate units upon the effectivity of RA 8551 should be given how many years to obtain the
minimum educational requirement preferably in law enforcement related courses, to be reckoned
from the date of its effectivity?
a. 5 years c. 10 years
b. 6 years d. 15 years

146. Pursuant to RA 9708, how many years of service are required for PNP members who have exhibited
exemplary performance as determined by the NAPOLCOM, to be exempted in complying with the
said minimum educational requirement preferably in law enforcement related courses?
a. 5 years of service c. 10 years of service
b. 6 years of service d. 15 years of service

147. What agency is authorized to administer the Entrance and Promotional Examinations for members
of the PNP?
a. Civil Service Commission c. Both a & b
b. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) d. None of the foregoing
148. An examination taken by applicants to the PNP.
a. Police Entrance Examination c. Both a & b
b. Police Promotional Examination d. None of the foregoing

149. An examination taken by the in-service police officers as part of the mandatory requirements for
a. Police Entrance Examination c. Both a & b
b. Police Promotional Examination d. None of the foregoing

150. Who are exempted to take the Police Promotional Examination up to the rank of Police
Superintendent since their profession are considered relevant to law enforcement and police
functions pursuant to NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2008-016?
a. Registered Criminologists c. Medical Doctors and Nurses
b. Members of the Bar (Lawyers) d. Both a & b

151. Appointed by the Chief of the PNP, as recommended by their immediate superiors, attested by the
Civil Service Commission.
a.Police Officer 1 to Senior Police Officer 4 (PO1 – SPO4)
b. Police Inspector to Police Superintendent (PINSP – PSUPT)
c. Police Senior Superintendent to Police Deputy Director General (PSSUPT – PDDG)
d. Police Director General (PDG)

152. Appointed by the President upon recommendation of the chief PNP, with proper
endorsement by the Chairman of the Civil Service Commission and subject to confirmation by the
Commission on Appointments.
a.Police Officer 1 to Senior Police Officer 4 (PO1 – SPO4)
b. Police Inspector to Police Superintendent (PINSP – PSUPT)
c. Police Senior Superintendent to Police Deputy Director General (PSSUPT – PDDG)
d. Police Director General (PDG)

153. Appointed by the PNP regional director for regional personnel or by the Chief of the PNP for the
national headquarters personnel and attested by the Civil Service Commission.
a.Police Officer 1 to Senior Police Officer 4 (PO1 – SPO4)
b. Police Inspector to Police Superintendent (PINSP – PSUPT)
c. Police Senior Superintendent to Police Deputy Director General (PSSUPT – PDDG)
d. Police Director General (PDG)

154. Appointed by the President from among the senior officers down to the rank of chief
superintendent in the service, subject to confirmation by the Commission on Appointments.
a.Police Officer 1 to Senior Police Officer 4 (PO1 – SPO4)
b. Police Inspector to Police Superintendent (PINSP – PSUPT)
c. Police Senior Superintendent to Police Deputy Director General (PSSUPT – PDDG)
d. Police Director General (PDG)

155. Status of appointment given to an applicant possessing the upgraded general qualifications for
appointment, and after completion by the newly recruited PO1s of the required PNP Field Training
Program (FTP) for 12 months or 1 year (inclusive of the PSBRC) involving actual experience and
assignment in patrol, traffic and criminal investigation pursuant to RA 8551 and NAPOLCOM
Memorandum Circular No. 2007-009.
a. Permanent Appointment c. Semi- Permanent Appointment
b. Temporary Appointment d. Semi- Temporary Appointment
156. Status of appointment given to an applicant under the waiver program due to educational and weight
requirements pending satisfaction of the requirements waived, and to the newly recruited PO1s
pending compliance of the required PNP Field Training Program (FTP) for 12 months or 1 year
(inclusive of the PSBRC) involving actual experience and assignment in patrol, traffic and criminal
investigation pursuant to RA 8551 and NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2007-009.
a. Permanent Appointment c. Semi- Permanent Appointment
b. Temporary Appointment d. Semi- Temporary Appointment

157. The process by which an individual police officer recruited into the service receives formal
instruction on the job for special and defined purpose and performs actual job functions with periodic
appraisal on his performance and progress. This is also known as the “On-the-job Training or OJT”.
a. Physical Fitness Test (PFT) c. Field Training Program (FTP)
b. Individual Performance Evaluation Report (IPER) d. Moral Recovery Program (MRP)
158. Which statement is true as regards to appointment under a waiver program?
a. Section 15 of RA 8551 provides for waivers for initial appointment to the PNP and mandated the
NAPOLCOM to promulgate rules and regulations to address other situations arising from the
waiver entry requirements.
b. The NAPOLCOM to issued NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 99-005 and NAPOLCOM
Memorandum Circular No. 2007-009 to address the issues and pursuant to NAPOLCOM
Memorandum Circular No. 2007-009, applicants who do not meet the required age, height or
weight can apply for waiver only when the number of qualified applicants fall below the quota
that is determined at the end of the recruitment process.
c. In the year 2013, the NAPOLCOM issued again a new guidelines NAPOLCOM Memorandum
Circular No. 2013-004 stating that applicants who do not meet the required age, height or
weight should be given opportunity to apply for waiver prior to the official start of or during the
recruitment program when the number of qualified applicants fall below the approved national
or regional quota.
d. All of the foregoing

159. Which statement is true as regards to conditions on waivers for initial appointment to the PNP?
a. Waiver of the age requirement may be granted provided that the applicant shall not be less than
twenty (20) nor more than thirty-five (35) years of age. For purposes of this paragraph, one is
considered to be not over thirty-five years old if he has not yet reached his thirty-six (36)
birthday on the date of the issuance of his appointment.
b. Waiver of the height requirement may be granted to a male applicant who is at least 1 meter
and 57 centimeters (1.57m) and to a female applicant who is at least 1 meter and 52
centimeters (1.52m). Provided, that the minimum height requirement for applicants who belong
to indigenous group duly certified by the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) or
the National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) shall be 1.52m for male and 1.45m for
female. Provide further that the Commission shall require said applicants to submit appropriate
proof of their membership in a certain indigenous group.
c. An applicant who is granted a weight waiver shall be given reasonable time not exceeding six
(6) months within which to comply with the said requirement.
d. All of the foregoing

160. What are the factors to be considered in the grant of waivers?

a. Possession of special skills in evidence gathering and safekeeping, cybercrime investigation,
detection and prevention, crime scene investigation, martial arts, marksmanship and similar
special skills; special talents in the field of sports, music or arts and culture
b. Extensive experience or training in forensic science and other legal, medical and technical
c. Outstanding academic records and extra-curricular activities of the applicant during his school
days, good family background in law enforcement or socio-civic activities, recognized social
standing in the community, awards and commendations received, which should be indicated to
the Commission En Banc that the applicant can become a good member of the Philippine
National Police
d. All of the foregoing

161. The requirements shall be waived in the following order:

a. Age, weight and height c. Weight, age and height
b. Age, height and weight d. Height, age and weight

162. Pursuant to the new policy on Lateral Entry as provided for by the NAPOLCOM Memorandum
Circular No. 2008-006, who are the additional persons with highly technical qualifications who may
be appointed as police commissioned officers through lateral entry and shall commence with the
rank of Police Inspector?

a. Teachers, Certified Public Accountants, and Journalists

b. Professors, Deans and Agriculturists
c. Information Technologists, Pilots and Psychologists
d. Medical Technologists, Radiologists and Call Center Agents

163. The upward movement from one classification or rank to another carrying higher benefit and more
responsibility, or the advancement of an employee from one position to another with an increase in
duties and responsibilities as authorized by law usually accompanied by an increase in salary. In
short, it is the upgrading of ranks and/or advancement to position of leadership.
a. Promotion c. Special promotion
b. Regular promotion d. Lateral Entry

164. Section 31 of RA 8551 provides that promotion for uniformed and non-uniformed personnel of the
PNP shall be based on:
a. Merits c. Service seniority
b. Availability of vacant positions d. All of the foregoing

165. A system that is gender fair and ensures that women members of the PNP enjoys equal opportunity
to promotion as that of men.
a. Salary Standardization c. a & b
b. Rationalized Promotion System d. All of the foregoing

166. This is considered in promotion when seniority is clearly and positively related to the job
performance and all other promotional factors are relatively equal among the candidates.
a. Merits c. Service seniority
b. Availability of vacant positions d. All of the foregoing

167. What agency is authorized to confirm all promotions in the PNP?

a. Civil Service Commission c. Both a & b
b. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM) d. None of the foregoing

168. A promotion granted to police officers meeting the mandatory requirements for position.
a. Regular Promotion c. Promotion by Virtue of Position
b. Special/Meritorious/Spot Promotion d. Posthumous Promotion

169. What are the requirements for promotion?

a. Educational Attainment and PLEB Clearance
b. Completion of appropriate Training Course and Eligibility
c. Time-in-Grade, and passing the psychiatric/psychological and drug test
d. All of the foregoing

170. The number of years required for a police officer to hold a certain rank before he can be promoted to
the next higher rank.
a. Educational Attainment c. Time-in-Grade
b. Completion of appropriate Training Course and Eligibilityd. All of the foregoing

171. The required promotional examinations means:

a. Educational Attainment c. Time-in-Grade
b. Appropriate Training Course d. Appropriate Eligibility

172. No member of the PNP who has less than one (1) year of service before reaching the compulsory
retirement age shall be promoted to a higher rank or appointed to any other position, except:
a. Deputy Chief PNP for Administration c. Chief Directorial Staff
b. Deputy Chief PNP for Operation d. Chief PNP

173. Which statement is true as regards to regular promotion under RA 9708?

a. The institution of criminal action or complaint against a police officer shall not be a bar to
promotion. However, upon finding of probable cause, despite any challenge that may be raised
against that finding thereafter, the concerned police officer shall not be qualified for promotion.
b. If the case remains unsolved after two (2) years from the said determination of probable cause,
he shall be considered for promotion. In the event he is held guilty of the crime by final
judgment, said promotion shall be recalled without prejudice to the imposition of the appropriate
penalties under the applicable laws, rules and regulations.
c. If the complaint filed against the police officer is a crime involving, but not limited to, violation of
human rights punishable by reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, and the court has
determined that the evidence of guilt is strong, said police officer shall be completely not
qualified for promotion during the pendency of the said criminal case.
d. All of the foregoing

174. A promotion granted to police officers who have exhibited acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry
at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.
a. Regular Promotion c. Promotion by Virtue of Position
b. Special/Meritorious/Spot Promotion d. Posthumous Promotion

175. Which among the following circumstances is considered a deed of personal bravery and self-
sacrifice above and beyond the call of duty, so conspicuous as to distinguish the act clearly over and
above his comrades in the performance of more than ordinary hazardous service?
a. Overwhelming number of enemies and firepower capability as against the strength of PNP
operatives and their firepower capability; or shoot-out in robbery hold-up incidents inside public
places such as malls, inside public utility vehicles and the like
b. Infiltration and penetration of the safe houses and hideouts of organized crime syndicates like
kidnapping, illegal drugs, carnapping, hijacking and terrorism
c. Conduct of rescue or disaster operations that resulted in the savings of lives and properties
d. All of the foregoing

176. What promotion is given to a police officer who distinguishes himself by exhibiting act of heroism in
the face of an armed enemy or in the conduct of rescue or disaster operations resulting in the loss of
his life?
a. Regular Promotion c. Promotion by Virtue of Position
b. Special/Meritorious/Spot Promotion d. Posthumous Promotion

177. Which statement is true as regards to promotion by virtue position under RA 8551?
a. A PNP personnel designated to any key position whose rank is lower than that which is required
for such position shall, after six (6) months of occupying the same, be entitled to a rank
adjustment corresponding to the position
b. A personnel shall not be reassigned to a position calling for a higher rank until after two (2)
years from the date of his rank adjustment
c. A personnel designated to a position who does not possess the established minimum
qualifications therefore shall occupy the same temporarily for not more than six (6) months
without reappointment or extension
d. All of the foregoing

178. Frequency of the Individual Performance Evaluation among the PNP members should be
a. Every six (6) months covering the period from January to June and July to December
b. Annually from January to December
c. Monthly
d. All year long

179. It refers to the process of measuring the performance of the PNP members. This is also called
“Police Appraisal”.
a. Screening or selection process c. Field Training Program
b. Performance Evaluation System d. Recruitment process

180. What are the objectives of Police Performance Evaluation or Police Appraisal?
a. To provide an administrative effectiveness and efficiency in the performance of the mission and
functions of the PNP; and foster the improvement of individual efficiency, work ethics and
behavioral discipline among the PNP uniformed personnel
b. To advocate democratic principles and ideals and uphold the principle of supremacy of civilian
authority over the military; and provide a basis of professional growth and conferment of greater
c. To motivate the personnel in working to the fullest and exerting greater effort to improve
d. All of the foregoing

181. What are the purposes of Police Performance Evaluation or Police Appraisal?
a. Serves as guide for promotion, salary increase, retirement and disciplinary actions
b. Increases productivity and efficiency of police works
c. Recognizes supervision; and informs the officer of the quality of his work for employment
d. All of the foregoing
182. It refers to the retirement or separation of PNP uniformed personnel from police service due to the
attainment of maximum tenure in a position, non-promotion, demotion in position or rank, relief, or
other means of attrition pursuant to RA 8551 and NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2008-005.
a. Attrition c. Termination
b. Dismissal d. Separation

183. It refers to the maximum cumulative period for a PNP member to hold a particular position level.
a. Attrition by relief c. Maximum tenure in position
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank d. Attrition by non-promotion

184. A PNP uniformed personnel who has been relieved from his position for just cause and has not been
given an assignment within two (2) years after his relief shall be separated or retired.
a. Attrition by relief c. Maximum tenure in position
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank d. Attrition by non-promotion

185. A PNP uniformed or civilian personnel who is relieved and assigned to a position lower than what is
established for his grade in the PNP staffing pattern and was not assigned to a position
commensurate to his grade within eighteen (18) months after his demotion in position or rank shall be
separated or retired.
a. Attrition by relief c. Maximum tenure in position
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank d. Attrition by non-promotion

186. It refers to the designation of PNP personnel to a position lower than what is established for his rank
or grade in the PNP staffing pattern.
a. Relief c. Separation
b. Demotion in position or rank d. Non-promotion

187. It refers to non-advancement to the next higher rank or position beyond the maximum prescribed
a. Relief c. Separation
b. Demotion in position or rank d. Non-promotion

188. A PNP uniformed personnel who have not been promoted for a continuous period of ten (10) years
shall be separated or retired.
a. Attrition by relief c. Maximum tenure in position
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank d. Attrition by non-promotion

189. A PNP uniformed personnel with at least five (5) years of accumulated active service shall be
separated or retired based on: inefficiency based on poor performance during the last two (2)
successive annual rating periods; inefficiency based on poor performance for three (3) cumulative
annual rating periods; physical and/or mental incapacity to perform police functions and duties;
failure to finish the required career courses except for justifiable reasons; refusal to take the
periodical PNP physical fitness test without justifiable reasons; failure to take the periodical PNP
physical fitness test for four (4) consecutive periodic tests due to health reasons; failure to pass the
periodical PNP physical fitness test for two (2) cumulative periodic tests; or non-compliance with the
minimum qualification standards for the permanency of appointment.
a. Attrition by relief c. Attrition by other means
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank d. Attrition by non-promotion

190. It refers to the inability of a PNP member to perform his duties and responsibilities due to physical
defects as a result of disease or injury as may be determined by the PNP Medical Screening
a. Physical incapacity c. Psychological incapacity
b. Mental incapacity d. Emotional incapacity

191. It refers to a condition where the PNP member is unable to exercise his reasoning faculties or
incapable of understanding and acting with discernment his duties and responsibilities as a result of
illness or injury as may be determined by the PNP Medical Screening Committee.
a. Physical incapacity c. Psychological incapacity
b. Mental incapacity d. Emotional incapacity

192. It refers to the method of evaluating the physical condition of PNP members in terms of stamina,
strength, speed and agility.
a. Individual Performance Evaluation c. Psychological and Emotional Tests
b. Medical and Mental Tests d. Physical Fitness Test

193. A PNP member who is dismissed from the PNP through the different ways stated shall be retired if
he has rendered at least:
a. 20 years of service c. 30 years of service
b. 15 years of service d. 35 years of service

194. A PNP member who is dismissed from the PNP through the different ways stated shall be separated,
unless he is disqualified by law to receive benefits, if he has rendered at less than:
a. 20 years of service c. 30 years of service
b. 15 years of service d. 35 years of service

195. It refers to the termination of employment and official relations of a PNP member who rendered at
least twenty (20) years of active service in the government with payment of corresponding benefits.
a. Termination c. Retirement
b. Dismissal d. Separation

196. It refers to the termination of employment and official relations of a PNP member who rendered less
than twenty (20) years of active service in the government with payment of corresponding benefits.
a. Termination c. Retirement
b. Dismissal d. Separation

197. It pertains to any complaint initiated by a private citizen or his duly authorized representative on
account of an injury, damage or disturbance sustained due to an irregular or illegal act committed by
a member of the PNP.
a. Criminal complaint c. Citizen’s complaint
b. Civil complaint d. Breach of Internal Discipline

198. Disciplinary authority where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges, restriction to
specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period of not
exceeding fifteen (15) days.
a. Chief of Police c. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
b. City or Municipal Mayors d. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)

199. Disciplinary authority where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges, restriction to
specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period of not less
than sixteen (16) days but not exceeding thirty (30) days.
a. Chief of Police c. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
b. City or Municipal Mayors d. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM

200. Disciplinary authority where the offense is punishable by withholding of privileges, restriction to
specified limits, suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period exceeding
thirty (30) days or dismissal.
a. Chief of Police c. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
b. City or Municipal Mayors d. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM

201. Disciplinary authority for breach of internal discipline who may impose the administrative punishment
of admonition or reprimand, withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits, suspension or
forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period exceeding fifteen (15) days.
a. Chief of Police equivalent supervisors c. Regional Directors or equivalent supervisors
b. Provincial Directors or equivalent supervisors d. Chief of PNP or equivalent supervisors

202. Disciplinary authority for breach of internal discipline who may impose the administrative punishment
of admonition or reprimand, withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits, suspension or
forfeiture of salary, or any combination thereof, for a period exceeding thirty (30) days.
a. Chief of Police equivalent supervisors c. Regional Directors or equivalent supervisors
b. Provincial Directors or equivalent supervisors d. Chief of PNP or equivalent supervisors

203. Disciplinary authority for breach of internal discipline who may impose the administrative punishment
of forfeiture of salary or suspension, demotion, or dismissal, or any combination thereof, for a period
exceeding one hundred eighty (180) days.
a. Chief of Police equivalent supervisors c. Regional Directors or equivalent supervisors
b. Provincial Directors or equivalent supervisors d. Chief of the PNP

204.Disciplinary authority for breach of internal discipline who may impose the administrative punishment
of admonition or reprimand, withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits, suspension or
forfeiture of salary, demotion, or any combination thereof, for a period exceeding sixty (60) days.
a. Chief of Police equivalent supervisors c. Regional Directors or equivalent supervisors
b. Provincial Directors or equivalent supervisors d. Chief of PNP or equivalent supervisors

205. It refers to any offense committed by a member of the PNP involving and affecting order and
discipline within the police organization.
a. Criminal complaint c. Citizen’s complaint
b. Civil complaint d. Breach of Internal Discipline

206. It refers to an act or omission not involving moral turpitude but affecting the internal discipline of the
a. Grave offense c. Criminal offense
b. Minor offense d. Breach of Internal Discipline

207. The multiple filing of complaints either criminal or administrative involving the same cause of action
to different courts or quasi-judicial bodies.
a. Window shopping c. Forum shopping
b. Double jeopardy d. All of the foregoing

208. It refers to offenses where the maximum penalty is dismissal from the service.
a. Criminal complaint c. Citizen’s complaint
b. Summary dismissal case d. Breach of Internal Discipline

209. Who among the following has summary dismissal power over the PNP members.
a. Regional Directors c. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM
b. PNP Chief d. All of the foregoing

210. Which among the following cases shall be considered as ground for summary dismissal?
a. When the charge is serious and the evidence of guilt is strong
b. When the respondent is a recidivist or has been repeatedly charged and there are reasonable
grounds to believe that he is guilty of the charges
c. When the respondent is guilty of a serious offense involving conduct unbecoming a police
d. All of the foregoing

211. A body created pursuant to RA 6975 to handle, investigate and decide citizen’s complaint against
erring officers and members of the PNP.
a. Ombudsman c. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM
b. Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC) d. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)

212. Who composes the PLEB?

a. Any member of the sanggniang panlundsod/bayan chosen by his respective sanggunian
b. Any barangay chairman of the city or municipality concerned chosen by the association of
barangay chairmen
c. Three (3) other members who are removable only for cause to be chosen by the local peace and
order council from among the respected members of the community known for their probity and
integrity, one of whom must be a woman and the other must be a lawyer, or in his absence, a
college graduate, or the principal of the central elementary school in the locality
d. All of the foregoing

213. How many days, from the time the case has been filed, should the PLEB decide on it?
a. Within10 days c. Within 30 days
b. Within 15 days d. Within 60 days

214. Decisions from the PLEB involving demotion or dismissal from the service are appealable to?
a. Court of Appeals c. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM d. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)

215. It is an independent unit of the PNP tasked to improve the image of the police force through
assessment, analysis and evaluation of the character and behavior of the PNP personnel.
a. Legal Affairs Service c. Internal Affairs Service
b. Discipline, Law and Order Section d. NAPOLCOM

216. In which of the following cases may the IAS conduct automatic investigation?
a. Incidents where a police personnel discharges a firearm
b. Incidents where death, serious physical injury, or any violation of human rights occurred in the
conduct of police operation; or incidents where a suspect in the custody of the police was
seriously injured
c. Incidents where evidence was compromised, tampered with, obliterated or lost while in the
custody of the police personnel; or incidents where the established rules of engagement have
been violated
d. All of the foregoing
217. What is the rank of the head of the IAS, who is civilian and appointed by the President upon the
recommendation of the Chief PNP and endorsement by the NAPOLCOM?
a. Director General c. Brigadier General
b. Inspector General d. Lieutenant General

218. Personnel of the IAS, in addition to the allowances authorized under the existing laws are granted
occupational specialty pay which does not exceed:
a. 10% of their basic salary c. 50% of their basic salary
b. 25% of their basic salary d. 90% of their basic salary

219. What are the entry qualifications to IAS?

a. At least five (5) years of experience in law enforcement
b. Have no derogatory service records
c. a & b
d. None of the foregoing

220. Decisions rendered by the National IAS may be appealed to:

a. Court of Appeals c. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM d. Ombudsman

221. Decisions rendered by the Area Office of IAS may be appealed to:
a. Court of Appeals c. National Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM d. National IAS office

222. Decisions rendered by the Provincial IAS should be forwarded to the area IAS office for review:
a. Within10 working days c. Within 30 working days
b. Within 15 working days d. Within 60 working days

223. It refers to the status of any PNP member who absents himself from work without approved leave of
a. Tardiness c. Walk-out
b. Absences without official leave (AWOL) d. Absence

224. It is a ground for summary dismissal of a PNP member:

a. Continuous AWOL for 30 days or more c. Continuous AWOL for 60 days or more
b. Continuous AWOL for 15 days or more d. Continuous AWOL for 180 days or more

225. Formal administrative disciplinary appellate machineries of the NAPOLCOM which are tasked to
hear cases on appeal from the different disciplinary authorities.
a. Court of Appeals c. Disciplinary Appellate Board
b. Sandiganbayan d. Ombudsman

226. It decides cases on appeal from decisions rendered by the Chief PNP and the National IAS.
a. Court of Appeals c. National Appellate Board
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM d. Ombudsman

227. It decides cases on appeal from decisions rendered by the Regional Director, Provincial Director,
Chief of Police, the city or municipal mayors, and the PLEB.
a. Court of Appeals c. National Appellate Board
b. Regional Appellate Board of the NAPOLCOM d. Ombudsman

228. A PNP personnel shall be placed under preventive suspension for a period not exceeding ninety
(90) days from arraignment, if the offense is:
a. Grave offense where the penalty imposed by law is 6 years and 1 day or more
b. Less grave offense where the penalty imposed by law is 6 years and 1 day or more
c. Grave offense where the penalty imposed by law is 12 years and 1 day or more
d. Grave offense where the penalty imposed by law is 20 years and 1 day or more

229. A PNP personnel who has been terminated or separated from the service is entitled to reinstatement
and payment of salary, allowances and other benefits withheld from him by reason of such
termination or suspension upon:
a. Conviction c. a & b
b. Acquittal d. None of the foregoing

230. The improper performance of some act which might be lawfully done.
a. Neglect of duty c. Misconduct
b. Irregularities in the performance of duties d. Misdemeanor
231. The doing, either through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which the officer had no legal right
to do at all, as where he acts without any authority whatsoever, or exceeds, ignores or abuses his
a. Neglect of duty c. Misconduct
b. Irregularities in the performance of duties d. Misdemeanor

232. The omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty, which it was his legal
obligation to perform; it implies a duty as well as its breach and the fact can never be found in the
absence of a duty.
a. Neglect of duty c. Misconduct
b. Irregularities in the performance of duties d. Misdemeanor

233. It refers to the concealment or distortion of truth in a matter of fact relevant to one’s office, or
connected with the performance of his duties.
a. Disloyalty to the government c. Violation of law
b. Dishonesty d. Incompetence

234. It presupposes conviction in a court of any crime or offense penalized under the RPC or any special
laws or ordinances.
a. Disloyalty to the government c. Violation of law
b. Dishonesty d. Incompetence

235. It consists of abandonment or renunciation of one’s loyalty to the government of the Philippines or
advocating the overthrow of the government.
a. Disloyalty to the government c. Violation of law
b. Dishonesty d. Incompetence

236. It refers to ignorance or lack of adequate knowledge and fitness for the satisfactory performance of
police duties..
a. Disloyalty to the government c. Violation of law
b. Dishonesty d. Incompetence

237. It imports the act of cruelty, severity, unlawful exaction, domination, or excessive use of authority.
a. Misconduct c. Oppression
b. Dishonesty d. Incompetence

238. It generally means wrongful, improper or unlawful conduct, motivated by premeditated, obstinate or
intentional purpose.
a. Misconduct c. Oppression
b. Dishonesty d. Incompetence

239. Women’s desks in all police stations were created by virtue of:
a. PD 765 c. RA 8551
b. RA 6975 d. RA 9708

240. The function of the Women’s desk is to administer and attend cases involving:
a. Crimes against chastity c. Abuses committed against women and their children
b. Sexual harassment d. All of the foregoing

241. How many percent is reserved for women in the PNP’s annual recruitment, training and education
a. 5% c. 15%
b.10% d. 20%

242. They are deputized representatives of the NAPOLCOM in their respective territorial jurisdictions.
a. Governors c. Barangay Chairmen
b. Mayors d. a & b

243. When is the operational supervision and control powers conferred to mayors by the NAPOLCOM is
suspended and temporarily given to the COMELEC?
a. 30 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
b. 60 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
c. 90 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
d. 180 days before and after any national, local or barangay elections
244. It means the power to direct, superintend, and oversee the day-to-day functions of the police such as
investigation of crimes, crime prevention activities, and traffic control in accordance with the rules
and regulations promulgated by the NAPOLCOM.
a. Operational supervision and control c. Deployment
b. Employment d. All of the foregoing

245. It refers to the utilization of units or elements of the PNP for the purpose of protection of lives and
properties, enforcement of laws, maintenance of peace and order, prevention of crimes, arrest of
criminal offenders and bringing the offenders to justice, and ensuring public safety.
a. Operational supervision and control c. Deployment
b. Employment d. All of the foregoing

246. It refers to the orderly and organized physical movement of elements or units of the PNP within the
province, city or municipalit5y for the purpose of employment.
a. Operational supervision and control c. Deployment
b. Employment d. All of the foregoing

247. What is the status of the members of the PNP?

a. National Government employees c. Private employees
b. City government employees d. Provincial government employees

248. How many percent of the basic monthly salary is added as longevity pay to PNP personnel for every
5 years of service which is reckoned from the date of his appointment?
a. 5% c. 15%
b.10% d. 20%

249. Aside from the Longevity pay, which shall not exceed 50% of the basic pay, what are the other
allowances given to PNP members?
a. Subsistence allowance and hazard pay c. Cost of living allowance and other allowances
b. Quarter’s, clothing and laundry allowances d. All of the foregoing

250. It refers to any impairment of the body which renders PNP members indefinitely incapable of
substantially performing the mandated duties and functions of his positions.
a. Total permanent physical disability c. Total permanent career disability
b. Total permanent emotional disability d. Total permanent psychological disability

251. A PNP member who is permanently and totally disabled as a result of injuries suffered or sickness
contracted during the performance of his duty as duly certified by the NAPOLCOM, upon finding and
certification by the appropriate medical officer, that the extent of the disability or sickness renders
such member unfit or unable to further perform the duties of his position is entitled to:
a. One (1) year salary c. a & b
b. Lifetime pension equivalent to 80% of his last salary d. No benefits

252. If a PNP member who has been retired under permanent total disability dies within 5 years from his
retirement, his surviving legal spouse or if there is none, the surviving dependents, or legitimate
children are entitled to the pension for the remainder of the:
a. 10 years c. 15 years
b. 5 years d. Lifetime
253. It refers to services rendered as a personnel of the PNP.
a. Government service c. Private service
b. Self-service d. Active service

254. The separation of PNP personnel from the service by reason of reaching the age of retirement, or
upon completion of certain number of years in active service.
a. Separation c. Termination
b. Retirement d. Dismissal

255. Separation of PNP members from the PNP upon reaching the age of retirement which is 56.
a. Compulsory or mandatory retirement c. Retirement
b. Optional retirement d. Dismissal

256. The NAPOLCOM may allow retention in the service for an unextendable period of one (1) year to
PNP officials whose rank is:
a. Police Chief Superintendent c. Police Deputy Director General
b. Police Director d. All of the foregoing

257. Separation from the PNP, upon request of the concerned PNP member and with the approval of the
NAPOLCOM, upon accumulation of at least 20 years of satisfactory active service.
a. Compulsory or mandatory retirement c. Retirement
b. Optional retirement d. Dismissal

258. Upon retirement, a PNP member is entitled to one (1) salary grade higher than the permanent grade
last held for purposes of retirement pay. Provided, that he has served for at least:
a. 1 year of active service in the permanent grade c. 2 years of active service
b. 1 year of active service in the temporary grade d. 10 years of active service

259. A PNP member who has availed optional retirement upon accumulating 20 years of active service is
entitled to:
a.10 % of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired grade
b.30 % of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired grade
c.50 % of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired grade
d.90 % of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired grade

260. How many percent is added for every year of active service rendered beyond 20 years?
a. 5% c. 3%
b.10% d. 2.5%

261. A PNP member who has rendered over 36 years of active service and is compulsory retired upon
reaching the age of 56 is entitled to:
a.10 % of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired grade
b.30 % of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired grade
c.50 % of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired grade
d.90 % of the base pay and longevity pay of the retired grade

262. A retired PNP personnel have the option to receive in advance and in lump sum his retirement pay
for the first:
a. 5 years c. 15 years
b. 10 years d. 20 years

263. The payment of the retirement benefits in lump sum should be made within:
a. 3 months from the date of effectivity of retirement
b. 6 months from the date of effectivity of retirement
c. 9 months from the date of effectivity of retirement
d. 1 year from the date of effectivity of retirement

264. The retirement pay of PNP members is subject to adjustments based on the prevailing scale of base
pay of PNP members in the active service. This statement is:
a. True c. Not certain
b. False d. No idea

265. The salary of a PNP member is equivalent to the salary of a:

a. Professor c. Private school teacher
b. Public school teacher d. Public prosecutor

266. Any PNP member shall retire to the next higher rank for purposes of:
a. Separation pay c. Retirement pay
b. Talent fee d. All of the foregoing

267. What is the age of compulsory retirement in the PNP?

a. 50 c. 60
b. 56 d. 65

268. What is considered as the highest medal in the PNP?

a. Medalya ng Kagitingan (PNP Medal of Valor)
b. Medalya ng Katapangan (PNP bravery Medal)
c. Medalya ng Katangitanging gawa (PNP Outstanding Achievement Medal)
d. Medalya ng Sugatang Magiting (PNP Wounded Personnel Medal)

269. This pertains to any tangible granted to an individual in recognition of acts of gallantry or heroism,
meritorious service or skill and proficiency.
a. Trophy c. Medal
b. Ribbon d. Award
270. It refers to the distinctive physical device of metal and ribbon, which constitutes the tangible
evidence of an award.
a. Decorations c. Medal
b. Trophy d. Award

271. Medalya ng Kagitingan or PNP Medal of Valor shall be awarded only by the:
a. Chief PNP c. President of the Philippines
b. Chief PNP, Regional Directors , and Directors of National Support Units d. DILG Secretary

272. Medalya ng Kabayanihan (PNP Distinguished Conduct Medal), and Medalya ng Katapatan sa
Paglilingkod (PNP Distinguished Service Medal), shall be awarded by the:
a. Chief PNP c. President of the Philippines
b. Chief PNP, Regional Directors , and Directors of National Support Units d. DILG Secretary

273. Medalya ng Kadakilaan (PNP Heroism Medal), Medalya ng Katangitanging asal (PNP Outstanding
Conduct Medal), Medalya ng Kagalingan (PNP Medal of Merit), Medalya ng Kasanayan (PNP
Efficiency Medal), Medalya ng Papuri (PNP Commendattion Medal), Medalya ng Sugatang Magiting
(PNP Wounded Personnel Medal), Medalya ng Ugnayang Pampulisya (Police Relations Medal),
Medalya ng Mabuting asal (PNP Good Conduct Medal), Medalya nf Paglilingkod sa Luzon (PNP
Luzon Campaign Medal), Medalya ng Pagtulong sa Nasalanta (PNP Disaster Relief and
Rehabilitation Medal), Medalya ng Paglilingkod sa Visayas (PNP Visayas Campaign Medal), Medalya
ng Paglilingkod sa Mindanao (PNP Mindanao Campaign Medal) shall be awarded by the:
a. Chief PNP c. President of the Philippines
b. Chief PNP, Regional Directors , and Directors of National Support Units d. DILG Secretary

274. Medalya ng Katapangan (PNP Bravery Medal), and Medalya ng Katangitanging Gawa (PNP
Outstanding Achievement Medal), Medalya ng Pambihirang Paglilingkod (PNP Special Service
Medal) and Tsapa ng Natatanging Yunit (PNP Unit Citation Badge) shall be awarded by the:
a. Chief PNP c. President of the Philippines
b. Chief PNP, Regional Directors , and Directors of National Support Units d. DILG Secretary

275. Otherwise known as the “Bureau of Fire Protection and Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
Professionalization Act of 2004”.
a. PD 765 c. RA 8551
b. RA 6975 d. RA 9263
276. The Bureau under the DILG that is responsible for the prevention and suppression of all destructive
a. Philippine National Police c. Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
b. Bureau of Fire Protection d. Philippine Public Safety College

277. What is the rank of the head of the BFP?

a. Police Director General c. Fire Director
b. Jail Director d. Inspector General

278. What is the rank of the head of the BJMP?

a. Police Director General c. Fire Director
b. Jail Director d. Inspector General

279. What is the position title of the head of the BJMP?

a. Chief of the Jail Bureau c. Chief of the PNP
b. Chief of the Fire Bureau d. President

280. What is the position title of the head of the BFP?

a. Chief of the Jail Bureau c. Chief of the PNP
b. Chief of the Fire Bureau d. President

281. The BFP regional offices are headed by Regional Directors for Fire Protection with the rank of:
a. Fire Chief Superintendent c. Fire Superintendent
b. Fire Chief Inspector d. Fire Senior Superintendent

282. The BFP provincial offices are headed by Provincial Fire Marshal with the rank of:
a. Fire Chief Superintendent c. Fire Superintendent
b. Fire Chief Inspector d. Fire Senior Superintendent

283. The BFP city or municipal offices are headed by City or Municipal Fire Marshal with the rank of:
a. Fire Senior Inspector c. Fire Superintendent
b. Fire Chief Inspector d. Fire Senior Superintendent
284. The BJMP regional offices are headed by Regional Directors for Jail Management and Penology
with the rank of:
a. Jail Chief Superintendent c. Jail Superintendent
b. Jail Chief Inspector d. Jail Senior Superintendent

285. The BJMP district offices are headed by District Jail Warden with the rank of:
a. Jail Chief Superintendent c. Jail Superintendent
b. Jail Chief Inspector d. Jail Senior Superintendent

286. The BJMP city or municipal offices are headed by City or Municipal Jail Warden with the rank of:
a. Jail Senior Inspector c. Jail Superintendent
b. Jail Chief Inspector d. Jail Senior Superintendent

287. The premier educational institution for the training, human resource development and continuing
education of all personnel of the PNP, BFP and BJMP.
a. National Police College c. PNP Regional Training Schools
b. Philippine national Police Academy d. Philippine Public Safety College

288. The premier educational institution for officers of the PNP, BFP and BJMP.
a. National Police College c. PNP Regional Training Schools
b. Philippine national Police Academy d. Philippine Public Safety College

289. Upon completion of the training, graduates of PNPA are conferred with the degree of:
a. Bachelor of Science in Criminology c. Bachelor of Science in Public Safety
b. Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice d. Bachelor of Science in Engineering

290. The law that created the Philippine National Police Academy as the primary component of the
Philippine Public Safety College.
a. PD 1184 c. RA 8551
b. RA 6975 d. RA 9263

291. The planning that is the responsibility of the legislative branch of the government.
a. Internal Policy Planning c. Procedural or Policy Plan
b. Broad External Policy Planning d. Operational Plan

292. The planning that is the responsibility of the Chief PNP and other Chiefs of the different Units or
Headquarters within their area of jurisdiction to achieve the objectives or mission of the police
a. Internal Policy Planning c. Procedural or Policy Plan
b. Broad External Policy Planning d. Operational Plan

293. It involves planning for emergencies of a specific nature at known locations. They are developed in
anticipation of emergencies such as hostage-taking, jail-break, demonstrations and other similar
incidents and totally unanticipated circumstances.
a. Administrative or Management Plans c. Procedural or Policy Plan
b. Tactical Plans d. Operational Plan

294. It deals with procedures that have been outlined and officially adapted by all members of the unit
under specified circumstances. These are guidelines for action to be taken under specific
circumstances and details.
a. Administrative or Management Plans c. Procedural or Policy Plan
b. Tactical Plans d. Operational Plan
295. It pertains to plans that relate to staffing, equipping, supplying and organizing. It includes information
of the police organizational mission statement, goals, and policies; the structuring of functions,
authorities, and responsibilities; the allocation of resources; personnel management; and other
concerns which characters are prevalent throughout the agency, examples assignments and trainings
of personnel; recruitment; equipment and supply procedures.
a. Administrative or Management Plans c. Procedural or Policy Plan
b. Tactical Plans d. Operational Plan

296. It is often called work plan. It describes specific action to be taken by line or operational units. It
usually focuses on a defined community need in a specific neighborhood.
a. Administrative or Management Plans c. Procedural or Policy Plan
b. Tactical Plans d. Operational Plan
297. It requires action or assistance from persons and other private and governmental agencies outside
the department for accomplishing the primary goal of the organization. It involves coordination with
other agencies; examples are exchange of information on wanted persons, known drug syndicates,
known organized crime groups, and stolen vehicles.
a. Administrative or Management Plans c. Procedural or Policy Plan
b. Extra-Departmental Plans d. Operational Plan

298. Procedures that relate to reporting, dispatching, raids, arrest, stopping suspicious persons, receiving
complaints, touring beat and the investigation of crimes.
a. Headquarters Procedures c. Special Operating Procedures
b. Field Procedures d. Criminal Procedure

299. Procedures that involves coordinated actions on activity of several officers; it include duties of the
dispatcher and other personnel concerned which may be reflected in the duty manual.
a. Headquarters Procedures c. Special Operating Procedures
b. Field Procedures d. Criminal Procedure

300. Operational procedures of the special units charged with the searching and preservation of physical
evidence at the crime scene and accidents.
a. Headquarters Procedures c. Special Operating Procedures
b. Field Procedures d. Criminal Procedure

301. Standard Operating Procedure prescribing basic procedures to be observed by all PNP units and
mobile patrol elements in the conduct of visibility patrols.
a. SOP #3 - Siyasat c. SOP #5 – Ligtas (Anti-Kidnapping)
b. SOP #2 – Bantay Kalye d. SOP #1 – Police Beat Patrol Procedure

302. Standard Operating Procedure prescribing the guideline in the conduct of inspections to ensure
police visibility.
a. SOP #3 - Siyasat c. SOP #5 – Ligtas (Anti-Kidnapping)
b. SOP #2 – Bantay Kalye d. SOP #1 – Police Beat Patrol Procedure

303. Standard Operating Procedure prescribing the deployment of 85% of the PNP in the field to increase
police visibility and intensify anti-crime campaign nationwide.
a. SOP #3 - Siyasat c. SOP #5 – Ligtas (Anti-Kidnapping)
b. SOP #2 – Bantay Kalye d. SOP #1 – Police Beat Patrol Procedure

304. Standard Operating Procedure prescribing the guidelines in suppressing kidnapping activities..
a. SOP #3 - Siyasat c. SOP #5 – Ligtas (Anti-Kidnapping)
b. SOP #2 – Bantay Kalye d. SOP #1 – Police Beat Patrol Procedure

305. This SOP prescribes the conduct of an all-out and sustained Anti-carnapping campaign to
stop/minimize carnapping activities, neutralize syndicated carnapping groups, identify/prosecute
government personnel involved in carnapping activities, and to effectively address other criminal
activities related to carnapping.
a. SOP #6 – Anti-Carnapping c. SOP #9 – Anti-Hijacking/Highway Robbery
b. SOP #7 – Anti-Terrorism d. SOP #11 – Manhunt Bravo (Neutralization of Wanted Persons

306. This SOP sets forth the guidelines and concepts of operations to be observed in the conduct of anti-
highway robbery, hold-up and hijacking operations.
a. SOP #6 – Anti-Carnapping c. SOP #9 – Anti-Hijacking/Highway Robbery
b. SOP #7 – Anti-Terrorism d. SOP #11 – Manhunt Bravo (Neutralization of Wanted Persons

307. This SOP prescribes the operational guidelines in the conduct of operations against terrorists and
other lawless elements involved in terroristic activities.
a. SOP #6 – Anti-Carnapping c. SOP #9 – Anti-Hijacking/Highway Robbery
b. SOP #7 – Anti-Terrorism d. SOP #11 – Manhunt Bravo (Neutralization of Wanted Persons

308. This SOP sets forth the objectives and concepts of operations and tasks of all concerned units in the
neutralization of wanted persons.
a. SOP #6 – Anti-Carnapping c. SOP #9 – Anti-Hijacking/Highway Robbery
b. SOP #7 – Anti-Terrorism d. SOP #11 – Manhunt Bravo (Neutralization of Wanted Persons

309. This SOP sets forth the concepts of operations in the campaign against professional squatters and
squatting syndicates.
a. SOP #12 – Anti-Illegal Gambling c. SOP #14 – Jericho
b. SOP #13 – Anti-Squatting d. SOP #15 – Nena (Anti-Prostitution/Vagrancy)

310. This SOP sets forth the operational thrusts to be undertaken by the PNP that will spearhead the fight
against all forms of illegal gambling nationwide.
a. SOP #12 – Anti-Illegal Gambling c. SOP #14 – Jericho
b. SOP #13 – Anti-Squatting d. SOP #15 – Nena (Anti-Prostitution/Vagrancy)

311. This SOP sets forth the operational thrusts to be undertaken by the PNP that will spearhead the fight
against prostitution and vagrancy.
a. SOP #12 – Anti-Illegal Gambling c. SOP #14 – Jericho
b. SOP #13 – Anti-Squatting d. SOP #15 – Nena (Anti-Prostitution/Vagrancy)

312. This SOP prescribes the operational guidelines to be undertaken by the National Headquarters of
the PNP in the establishment of a quick reaction group that can be detailed with the office of the
Secretary of the DILG, with personnel and equipment requirements of that reaction group supported
by the PNP.
a. SOP #12 – Anti-Illegal Gambling c. SOP #14 – Jericho
b. SOP #13 – Anti-Squatting d. SOP #15 – Nena (Anti-Prostitution/Vagrancy)

313. This SOP prescribes the procedure and manner of conducting an arrest, raid, search and seizure or
search of person, search of any premises and the seizure of properties pursuant to the Philippine
Constitution, Rules of Court and updated decisions of the Supreme Court.
a. SOP #17 – Guidelines in the Conduct of Arrest, Search and Seizure c. SOP #14 – Jericho
b. SOP #16 – Anti-Pornography d. SOP #15 – Nena (Anti-Prostitution/Vagrancy)

314. This SOP prescribes the guidelines to be followed by tasked PNP units in enforcing the ban on
pornographic pictures, videos and magazines.
a. SOP #17 – Guidelines in the Conduct of Arrest, Search and Seizure c. SOP #14 – Jericho
b. SOP #16 – Anti-Pornography d. SOP #15 – Nena (Anti-Prostitution/Vagrancy)

315. This master plan prescribes the grand strategy to be undertaken by the PNP units on crime
prevention, control and suppression, in the total fight against all forces of criminality.
a. Sandugo – PNP Internal Security Operations Master Plan
b.Sangyaman – PNP’s Master Plan to Help Protect and Preserve our Environment, Cultural
Properties and Natural Resources
c. Sandigan – Milenyo – Anti-Criminality Master Plan
d. Sangbanat – PNP’s Master Plan on Campaign against Illegal Drugs

316. This master plan sets forth the concept of operations, operational guidelines and tasks of all PNP
units in the total fight against illegal drugs; integrating/orchestrating the activities of all concerned
National Government Agencies in the conduct of anti-illegal drug campaign at the National down to
barangay levels.
a. Sandugo – PNP Internal Security Operations Master Plan
b.Sangyaman – PNP’s Master Plan to Help Protect and Preserve our Environment, Cultural
Properties and Natural Resources
c. Sandigan – Milenyo – Anti-Criminality Master Plan
d. Sangbanat – PNP’s Master Plan on Campaign against Illegal Drugs

317. This serves as the long range and holistic master plan of the PNP in waging an internal security
support operations nationwide. Premised on the estimate of the national situation and other
considerations, it prescribes the counterinsurgency support strategy, operational concept, scheme of
implementation, service support, and coordinating instructions in order to accomplish the PNP’s
internal security support mission.
a. Sandugo – PNP Internal Security Operations Master Plan
b.Sangyaman – PNP’s Master Plan to Help Protect and Preserve our Environment, Cultural
Properties and Natural Resources
c. Sandigan – Milenyo – Anti-Criminality Master Plan
d. Sangbanat – PNP’s Master Plan on Campaign against Illegal Drugs

318. This master plan prescribes the guidelines to be followed by tasked PNP units in assisting lead
government agencies in the enforcement of laws over Philippine territorial waters, lakes, rivers,
mountain ranges, forest, to include laws and ordinances that have been set forth to preserve, protect
and enhance our environment and natural resources.
a. Sandugo – PNP Internal Security Operations Master Plan
b.Sangyaman – PNP’s Master Plan to Help Protect and Preserve our Environment, Cultural
Properties and Natural Resources
c. Sandigan – Milenyo – Anti-Criminality Master Plan
d. Sangbanat – PNP’s Master Plan on Campaign against Illegal Drugs
319. This master plan sets forth the strategic concepts and operational guidelines, as well as contingency
plan to ensure the maintenance of peace and order during the year-round observance of holidays,
which involve great concern on the movements of the citizens, international, national and local
meetings, conferences, events, and rallies or mass actions in protest to wide range of issues.
a. Sandugo – PNP Internal Security Operations Master Plan
b.Sangyaman – PNP’s Master Plan to Help Protect and Preserve our Environment, Cultural
Properties and Natural Resources
c. Sangingat – Milenyo – The PNP’s Master Plan on Security Coverage in the 3 rd Millennium
d. Sangbanat – PNP’s Master Plan on Campaign against Illegal Drugs

320. This master plan sets forth the strategic concepts and operational guidelines, and coordinating
instructions to be undertaken by the PNP on disaster management.
a. Saklolo – PNP Disaster Plan
b.Sangyaman – PNP’s Master Plan to Help Protect and Preserve our Environment, Cultural
Properties and Natural Resources
c. Sangingat – Milenyo – The PNP’s Master Plan on Security Coverage in the 3 rd Millennium
d. Sangbanat – PNP’s Master Plan on Campaign against Illegal Drugs

321. Activities of the PNP designed to preserve internal security against insurgents, secessionists and
terrorists. Among others, it includes territorial defense operations, intelligence, combat, military and
police civil relations and psychological operations.
a. Internal security Operations c. Internal military Operations
b. External security Operations d. External military Operations

322. What is the term of office of the Chief PNP?

a. 4 years c. 6 years
b. 2 years d. 9 years

323. Can the term of office of the Chief PNP be extended? In what circumstances and who may extend
a. No, there’s no such law that provides for the extension of the term of office of the Chief PNP
b. Yes, by the President of the Philippines, in times of war or national emergency declared by
congress and the executive
c. Yes, by the Secretary of the DILG, in times of war or national emergency declared by congress
and the executive
d. Yes, either by the Secretary of the DILG or the President of the Philippines, in times of war or
national emergency declared by congress and the executive

324. How many years may the President of the Philippines extend the term of office of the Chief PNP in
times of war or national emergency declared by congress and the executive itself?
a. 6 months to 1 year depending on the gravity of the situation
b. 2 years depending on the gravity of the situation
c. 3 years depending on the gravity of the situation
d. 4 years depending on the gravity of the situation

325. He is the second man in command with the rank of Police Deputy Director General.
a. Deputy Chief PNP for Administration c. Chief Directorial Staff
b. Deputy Chief PNP for Operation d. Chief PNP

326. He is the third man in command with the rank of Police Deputy Director General.
a. Deputy Chief PNP for Administration c. Chief Directorial Staff
b. Deputy Chief PNP for Operation d. Chief PNP

327. He is the fourth man in command with the rank of Police Deputy Director General.
a. Deputy Chief PNP for Administration c. The Chief Directorial Staff
b. Deputy Chief PNP for Operation d. Chief PNP

328. Which among the following are the powers and functions of the Chief PNP?
a. Directs and controls tactical as well as strategic movements, deployments, placements,
utilizations of the PNP or any of its units and personnel, including equipment, facilities and other
b. Delegates to subordinate officials with respect to the units under their respective commands in
accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by the commission
c. Issues detailed implementing policies and instructions regarding personnel, funds, properties,
records, correspondences and such other matters as may be necessary to effectively carry out
the functions, powers and duties of the bureau
d. All of the foregoing
329. The head of the Directorial Staffs with the rank of Police Deputy Director General.
a. Deputy Chief PNP for Administration c. The Chief Directorial Staff
b. Deputy Chief PNP for Operation d. Chief PNP

330. It exercises control, direction, coordination and monitoring of all PNP operations, including patrolling,
conduct of search, arrest and seizures, aviation security, maritime security, civil disturbance
management, civil security and traffic management; and prepares, coordinates and issues operational
plans, orders and directives.
a. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management c. Directorate for intelligence
b. Directorate for Operations d. Directorate for Logistics

331. It develops policies, rules and procedures for logistical activities like procurement, planning,
maintenance, installation and transportation.
a. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management c. Directorate for intelligence
b. Directorate for Operations d. Directorate for Logistics

332. Formulates plans and policies, coordinates and supervises the performance of intelligence activities
of the PNP; evaluates and integrates all intelligence projects and efforts, and specifically provides
intelligence information for the use of the command group; and determines foreign intelligence
objectives and directs and controls foreign intelligence assignments.
a. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management c. Directorate for intelligence
b. Directorate for Operations d. Directorate for Logistics

333. Manages the recruitment and appointments of PNP personnel; plans for the transfer and
assignment of personnel as well as the adjustment of qualification standards; assesses personnel
fitness and performance; and records, processes and administers application of leaves and other
a. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management c. Directorate for intelligence
b. Directorate for Operations d. Directorate for Logistics

334. Plans, directs, coordinates and supervises the performance of police community relations programs,
projects and activities of the PNP.
a. Directorate for Police Community Relations c. Directorate for Research and Development
b. Directorate for Comptrollership d. Directorate for Integrated Police

335. Undertakes financial management and internal auditing and management functions; prepares the
PNP annual budget and formulates policies, procedures and guidelines on auditing and accounting,
reporting and general financial management; and monitors the implementation of financial programs
of the PNP.
a. Directorate for Police Community Relations c. Directorate for Research and Development
b. Directorate for Comptrollership d. Directorate for Integrated Police

336. Directs and supervises the conduct of inter-regional anti-criminality, counter-terrorism and counter-
insurgency against lawless elements which transcend regional boundaries and provides a system for
the promotion of socio-economic growth.
a. Directorate for Police Community Relations c. Directorate for Research and Development
b. Directorate for Comptrollership d. Directorate for Integrated Police

337. It reviews, studies and develops standards for weapons, clothings, transportations, communications,
criminalistics equipment and other materials for use of the PNP.
a. Directorate for Police Community Relations c. Directorate for Research and Development
b. Directorate for Comptrollership d. Directorate for Integrated Police

338. Formulates policies, rules, procedures and standards for the conduct of investigation as well as
research and development efforts for improving or strengthening the delivery of investigation services;
and directs monitors and supervises all investigating units of the PNP.
a. Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
b. Directorate for Investigation & Detective Management
c. Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Management
d. Directorate for Plans
339. Develops plans for the PNP organizational and force development and for the conduct of research
and development projects; and performs project management functions for inter-agency and international
initiatives for the development of the PNP and for the performance of strategic programs and activities.
a. Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
b. Directorate for Investigation & Detective Management
c. Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Management
d. Directorate for Plans

340. Formulates plans and policies on the career development of PNP members; formulates doctrines
pertaining to organization, administration and operations of PNP; and determines training
requirements of the PNP personnel and units and formulates training programs and directives for the
a. Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
b. Directorate for Investigation & Detective Management
c. Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Management
d. Directorate for Plans

341. Assists the Chief PNP in policy formulation and managing information, electronics and
communications technology resources to promote, develop, and regulate integrated and strategic ICT
systems, and reliable and efficient communications infrastructure in support to the PNP mission.
a. Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
b. Directorate for Investigation & Detective Management
c. Directorate for Information and Communication Technology Management
d. Directorate for Plans

342. It provides support for the security, management of traffic flows and maintenance of the national
a. Engineering Service c. Training Service
b. Headquarters Support Service d. Legal Service

343. It provides career and specialized training programs for PNP personnel in order to upgrade their
professional knowledge and skills necessary to cope with the challenges in public safety and social
a. Engineering Service c. Training Service
b. Headquarters Support Service d. Legal Service

344. Formulates policies, plans and procedures in the management of engineering services, land
utilization and on-based or off-based housing activities.
a. Engineering Service c. Training Service
b. Headquarters Support Service d. Legal Service

345. Provides spiritual and counseling services for the moral growth of PNP personnel and their
a. Finance Service c. Logistics Support Service
b. Health Service d. Chaplain Service

346. It serves as the PNP legal counsel as well as represents the PNP in all criminal and civil actions
before the courts in coordination with the office of the Solicitor General. It also serves as adjudicative
unit in the processing of claims for benefits of retirees and separated PNP personnel.
a. Engineering Service c. Training Service
b. Headquarters Support Service d. Legal Service

347. Responsible for providing medical and dental services to the PNP personnel and their direct
dependents and other authorized civilians.
a. Finance Service c. Logistics Support Service
b. Health Service d. Chaplain Service

348. Responsible for disbursement of all funds of the PNP and the accounting of the same.
a. Finance Service c. Logistics Support Service
b. Health Service d. Chaplain Service

349. Responsible for the procurement, distribution and management of all the logistical requirements of
the PNP including firearms and ammunitions.
a. Finance Service c. Logistics Support Service
b. Health Service d. Chaplain Service
350. Formulates and implements information technology policies, plans and programs of the PNP.
a. Information Technology Management Service c. Directorate for Plans
b. Communications and Electronic Service d. Personnel and Retirement Benefits Service

351. It operates, maintains and ensures coordination between and among PNP units and offices in the
acquisition, distribution and operation of communications and electronics facilities.
a. Information Technology Management Service c. Directorate for Plans
b. Communications and Electronic Service d. Personnel and Retirement Benefits Service

352. Responsible for the processing of claims and benefits of personnel PNP personnel, retirees and
separated PNP personnel and their direct dependents.
a. Information Technology Management Service c. Directorate for Plans
b. Communications and Electronic Service d. Personnel and Retirement Benefits Service

353. It is the primary unit responsible for the implementation of the pertinent laws on cybercrimes and
anti-cybercrime campaigns of the PNP and the national government. It focuses on cybercrime
offenses, computer-related offenses, and other content-related offenses such as cybersex, child
pornography, unsolicited commercial communication, and other related offenses.
a. Anti-Cybercrime Group c. Aviation Group
b. Anti-Kidnapping Group d. Highway Patrol Group

354. This police force, also called Scotland Yard established by Sir Robert Peel in London, was viewed as
the first organized police form.
a. Metropolitan Police Force c. Bow Street Runners
b. Sergent de Ville d. Merchant and Parochial Police

355. In this theory, law enforcers are regarded as “civil servants of the community or the people”, who
rely on the efficiency of their functions upon the express needs of the people especially in the
preservation of public peace and security. This theory prevails in the Philippines based on the existing
laws, concepts and principles.
a. Home rule theory c. Old Concept
b. Continental theory d. Modern Concept

356. In this theory people have no share or have little participation with the duties or connection with the
police organization. Law enforcers are regarded as “servants of the state or higher authorities”.
a. Home rule theory c. Old Concept
b. Continental theory d. Modern Concept

357. This philosophy advocates that the yardstick of police efficiency is the increasing number of arrests,
throwing offenders to jail rather than trying to prevent them from committing crimes.
a. Home rule theory c. Old Concept
b. Continental theory d. Modern Concept

358. This law is otherwise known as the Integration Act of 1975. This law created the PC/INP – the
Philippine Constabulary as the nucleus and the Integrated Local Police as components, under the
Ministry of National Defense. This is the same law that provided for the transfer of the National
Police Commission from the office of the President to the Ministry of National Defense.
a. Republic Act 6975 c. Presidential Decree 421
b. Presidential Decree 482 d. Presidential Decree 765

359. What article and specific section of the 1987 Philippine Constitution that provides for the
establishment and maintenance of one police force which shall be national in scope but civilian in
character that shall be administratively controlled and operationally supervised by the National
Police Commission?
a. Art. III, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
b. Art. VI, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
c. Art. XVI, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution
d. Art. XVII, sec. 6, 1987 Philippine Constitution

360. This law mandated the abolition of the PC/INP and gave birth to the new Philippine National Police,
thus known as the “PNP Law”.
a. Republic Act 6975 c. Republic Act 8551
b. Republic Act 4864 d. Republic Act 9708
361. This law originally created the Police Commission that later on became the National Police
a. RA 6040 c. RA 6975
b. RA 4864 d. PD 765
362. He was first Filipino Chief of the Philippine Constabulary, to whom the national headquarters of
the PNP was named after.
a. Antonio Torres c. Rafael Crame
b. Henry T. Allen d. Emilio Aguinaldo

363. Integrated act of 1975 that established the Integrated National Police (INP), which is composed of
the PC as the Nucleus and the Integrated Local Police forces as components.
a. RA. 4864 c. P.D. 765
b. Act 175 d. R.A 6975

364. As a civilian in character, it is a non-military organization, nor is any position thereof that shall be
occupied by any active member of the AFP, whose administration is governed by the Department
of Interior and Local Government through the office of the NAPOLCOM, and its personnel
qualification and security of tenure government by the Civil Service Law.
a. NBI c. PDEA

365. It is the Agency of the Government Attached to the DILG for policy and program coordination
where the Chief holds the position as ex-officio member and the Secretary of the DILG as ex-
officio Chairperson.
a.PNP c. NBI

366. What is the role of the PNP on matters involving the suppression of insurgency and serious
threats to national security?
a. The AFP operating through the area commander is the one primarily responsible on
matters involving insurgency and other serious treats to national security.
b. The PNP is relieved of the primary role towards insurgency and other serious treats to
national security.
c. The PNP shall provide assistance to the AFP in insurgency – affected areas.
d. All of these

367. The NAPOLCOM is composed of:

a. Chairperson
b. Four (4) Regular Commissioners (three from the civilian sector who are neither an active
member nor former members of the Police or Military and one from the law enforcement
sector, and at least one of them shall be a women).
c. Chief of the PNP as ex – officio member
d. All of the foregoing

368. What power does the NAPOLCOM exercise over the PNP?
a. Administrative Control and Operational supervision
b. For Planning and Program formulation
c. Examination and audit PNP
d. Establishment of uniform crime reporting

369. The term of office of the four (4) Regular Commissioners _____.
a. Four years without re appointment c. Three years with reappointment
b. Six years without re appointment d. Two years with reappointment

370. R.A. 6975 provides that on the average nationwide, the manning levels of the PNP in urban areas
shall be approximately in accordance with a police- to- population ratio of _______.
a. One policeman for every seven hundred inhabitants.
b. One policeman for every five hundred inhabitants.
c. One policeman for every one thousand- five hundred inhabitants.
d. One policeman for every one thousand inhabitants.

371. The PNP shall be headed by Chief who shall be assisted by two (2) deputy chief that ______.
a. One for operation and one for administrative
b. One for peace and order and one for administrative
c. One for peace and order and one for operation
d. One for operation and one for Supervision.
372. All of the following are members of the People’s Law Enforcement Board, except:
a. Three (3) members chosen by the Peace and Order Council from among the respected
members of the community.
b. Any barangay captain of the city/ municipality concerned chosen by the association of
barangay captains.
c. Any member of the Sangguniang Panglunsod
d. A bar member chosen by the Integrated Bar of the Philippines

373. All regional appointments of commissioned officers commence with the rank of ______.
a. Senior Police Officer I c. Police Officer 3
b. Police Inspector d. Police Senior Inspector

374. An appeal filed with the NAPOLCOM regional appellate board shall be decided within ______
days from receipt of the appeal:
a. fifty c. twenty
b.Thirty d. sixty

375. The provincial governor shall choose the provincial director from a list of _______ eligible
recommended by the PNP regional director:
a. six c. five
b. Three d. four

376. PO1 to SPO4 shall be appointed by the regional director for regional personnel and by the PNP
Chief for national headquarters’ personnel and attested by the _______.
a. Commission of Appointment c. National Police Commission
b. Civil Service Commission d. Professional Regulation Commission

377. The one who exercises the power to revoke, for cause, licenses issued to security guards.
a. Chief PNP c. Secretary, DILG
b. Undersecretary for Peace and Order d. Chairman, NAPOLCOM

378. What is the rank of the PNP cadet?

a. Police Inspector c. between SPO4 and Inspector
b. Higher than SPO4 and Inspector d. both b and c

379. They are exempted to undergo the PNP Field Training Program, taking into consideration that
their four- year course includes academic subjects on core police function such as patrol, traffic
and criminal investigation, and on- the- job training in urban and rural areas.
a. Graduates of PCCR c. Holders of Master’s Degree
b. Graduates of PNPA d. Any criminology graduate

380. An award given in case an individual who distinguishes himself or herself dies before the granting
of the awards.
a. Medal of Valor c. post – mortem award
b. Posthumous Award d. 21 gun – salute

381. PO1 Pulos T. Agay is a recipient of the PNP Medal of Valor. What kind of promotion will he
a. Regular promotion c. Posthumous promotion
b. Special promotion d. Temporary promotion

382. PO1 Pining Garcia was appointed to the police service on August 23, 2013. What is the current
status of PO1 Garcia as a member of the PNP?
a. Permanent c. Probationary
b. Temporary d. Casual

383. Senior Superintendent to PNP Director General shall be appointed by the President upon the
recommendation of the PNP Chief and endorsement by the Chairman of the CSC and the
confirmation of the _______.
a. President c. Commission on Appointment
b. Civil Service Commission d. NAPOLCOM

384. The following are the appropriate eligibilities for Police Officer 1, except:
a. Honor Graduates pursuant to P.D. 907
b. Licensed Criminologists pursuant to R.A. 6506
c. Bar and PRC Board Passers pursuant to R.A. 1080
d. Holder of a Master’s Degree pursuant to CHED Memorandum Order

385. A doctrine that imposes commensurate accountability to those who are vested with leadership
and management functions which purpose is to the erring PNP members.
a. Command Responsibility c. Chain of Command
b. Unity of Command d. Delegation of Authority

386. The primary purpose of conducting background investigation for PNP applicants is _______.
a. To determine if he has the obligation to support a child or family
b. To determine from his relatives his mental sanity
c. To determine his reputation from various sources
d. All of them

387. The purposes of performance evaluation are the following, except:

a. It serves as a guide for promotion, salary increase or Disciplinary action
b. It increase efficiency
c. It informs the police officer of the quality of his improvement
d. None of them

388. PO1 kenneth Totnak entered the police service at the age of 25. How long will he be in the police
service before reaching the compulsory age of retirement?
a. 31 years c. 40 years
b. 36 years d. 21 years

389. Members of the Bar and Licensed Criminologist whose profession are germane to law
enforcement and police functions are no longer required to take promotional examinations up to
the rank of _________.
a. Police Inspector c. Police Director
b. Police Superintendent d. Police officer 1

390. The PNP entrance and promotional examinations are administered by ______.
a. Philippine National Police c. National Police Commission
b. Civil Service Commission d. Philippine College of Criminology

391. PO1 Pogi entered the police service on August 1, 2013 at the age of 21. Considering that PO1
Pogi is an ideal police officer, how old he be, before he becomes Chief Inspector?
a. 35 years old c. 52 years old
b. 47 years old d. 49 years old

392. The PNP performance evaluation result from January to June shall be submitted on the first week
of July, and then the PNP performance evaluation result from July to December shall be
submitted on ______.
a. Last week of December of the same years c. First week of January of the succeeding year
b. Third week of December of the same years d. Same schedule as the first evaluation

393. Two or more persons forming an organization must identify first the reason for establishing such
organization. They must identify the organization’s _______.
a. Strategy c. Mission
b. Vision d. Objective

394. To improve delegation, the following must be done, EXCEPT:

a. Establish objectives and standards c. Require completed work
b. Count the number of supervisors d. Define authority and responsibility

395. Those who are charged with the actual fulfillment of the agency’s mission are the _____.
a. Staff c. Management
b. Supervision d. Line

396. The number of subordinates that can be supervised directly by one person tends to _____.
a. Increase as the physical distance between supervisor and subordinate as well as between
individual subordinates increases
b. Decrease with an increase in the knowledge and experience of the subordinate
c. Increase as the level of supervision progresses for the first line supervisory level to the
management level
397. PNP in – service training programs are under the responsibility of the ____.
a. PNP Directorate for Plans
b. PNP Directorate for Human Resource and Doctrine Development
c. PNP Directorate for Personnel and Records Management
d. PNP Directorate for Comptrollership

398. This means controlling the direction and flow of decisions through unity of command from top to
bottom of organization.
a. Audit c. Coordination
b. Monitoring d. Authority

399. Shield in the PNP Badge symbolizes:

a. Education c. Protection
b. Core values d. Integrity

400. The National Headquarters of the PNP is based in:

a. Camp Castaneda c. Camp Vicente Lim
b. Camp Olivas d. Camp Crame

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