Sugat NG Alala

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Date: ____________

I. Objective:

Describes the process of fertilization in flower leading to the development of seeds.

Values: Men cross-pollinate a flower in order to obtain a better and stronger plant.

II. Subject Matter:

Plants (How are seeds formed?)

A. Science Concept/Idea:

1. The stamen and the pistil are not always found together in all flowers.

2. Perfect flower (bisexual) is a kind of flower with both the stamen and the pistil.

3. Imperfect flower (unisexual) is a kind of flower when only one of the stamen or the pistil is

4. Fertilization is the union of the male and female cell of a flower.

5. Embryo is the growing plant.

6 Cotyledon is the food of the growing plant.

B. Science Processes:

Observing, describing, inferring and communicating

C. Materials:

Real flowers and enlarged picture of a flower

Pictures of the reproductive parts of the flower


Science Module IV - by Mrs. Jessie A. Villegas p. 76-77

Science and Health for Changing Environment – by Mrs. Estrellita S. Dela Cruz, et. Al. pp. 51-52

Grolier Encyclopedia of questions and answers, pp. 133-134

III. Procedure:

A. Preparatory Activities:


What is pollination?

What are the agents of pollination?

Checking of Assignment


Let the children bring out the different flowers they have brought.

Let them open the inner part of the flower and find the reproductive organs, using
magnifying lens.

B. Presentation:

1. Relate the motivation to the lesson.

2. Children will answer the question.

a. Do all flowers have the stamen and pistil?

b. What can you infer?

C. Concept Formation:

1. Teacher asks the pupils to guess what is the difference between a perfect flower and imperfect
2. Teacher explains how seeds are formed through an illustration.

3. Children are allowed to ask questions, too, regarding the lesson.

4. Pupils will illustrate how seeds are formed.

D. Generalization:

How are seeds formed?

E. Application:

If you see a boy of you age who is destroying the flowers in the park, what will you do to
stop him?

IV. Evaluation:

Write a simple or short definition

1. fertilization - ____________________________________________________

2. perfect flower - __________________________________________________

3. imperfect flower - ________________________________________________

V. Assignment:

Name 3 bisexual flowers and 3 unisexual flowers, by investigating some flowers at homes.
This lesson plan is based on Meryll’s Principles of Instruction because learners are engage to
discovering new ideas by their own and the teacher will just be their guide/facilitator. The topic are
presented through actual example that will be interesting to the students and illustration for additional

ACTIVATION - Letting the pupils/students bring their own flower that they want that will make the
lesson more interesting to them as they are the one who will bring a actual and not just picture of
flower. As they become interested in the lesson everyone will be willing to participate on the given task
by just letting them and just Facilitate them the student will enjoy the task of opening the inner part of a
flower and finding its reproductive organs using magnifying glass will be a great task to gain their
attention and interest on the new lesson.

DEMONSTRATIONS - After the task given the teacher will now present a enlarge picture of a flower this
illustration will be the representation of the actual flower that the students bring and through this
illustration it is just like looking at the magnifying glass so that the teacher will now easily describe every
parts of a flower and what is the function of this part in forming a new flower seeds and the students is
given a chance to ask questions that they want to be answered and cleared.

APPLICATION - At the end of the discussion the students expected to be able to explain every part of the
flower responsible in producing/forming its seeds. And for a situational question the students can make
a decision and appropriate action to that situation that is connected through the lesson .

INTEGRATION - the students now know the different function and parts of a flower and its reproductive
organ and they learn the differences of every kinds/species of flower and they now know how to
differentiate the perfect flower to a imperfect flower.

Prepared by: Fritz Kenneth B. Degras


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