Feedback Memo Dolores.

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To: Dolores Millard

From: Angela Dikanova

RE: Feedback memo re: Amazon and its workers.
Date: October 23, 2019

As requested, I am writing this memo to provide feedback on your latest presentation on the
topic of Amazon and their workers providing shipment. I thought your overall presentation was
great and informative. I have no doubt that with my feedback and when you present next, this
memo will prepare you to make your next presentation flawless. Here are few thoughts and
ideas from your presentation.

A few things I enjoyed about your presentation:

 Facts. I thought you had a lot of great facts listed throughout your slides that pretty
much put together your whole presentation.
 Video. The video presented was very informative and insightful. You did a good job
adding that clip and relating it to your point on Amazon workers and how they are
overworked, including someone who personally experienced this. This was your key
point and focus on the topic of Amazon that really caught my attention.
 Eye contact. You kept good eye pace with the audience and did not just read off the
slides. This made it easier to follow along with your slides and not get lost in your
statements you presented.
 Flow. I enjoyed the flow in your slides. They were very short and not overwhelming to
the audiences’ eyes. They weren’t crammed or too wordy which made your slides very
presentable and appealing.

A few things you could improve on:

 Quick introduction. Your introduction seemed to be addressed very quickly. It jumped

straight into the facts without really addressing what Amazon is and the focus of your
topic. This is noticeable in the very beginning of your slide, with a very quick transition.
 Questions. Asking and interacting with the audience on their thoughts on Amazon gives
you a connection to the crowd. It also captures the audience attention when asked
these questions, feeling more included in your ethics topic and discussion.
 Citation for evidence. Your statements would be more credible if you have added on
your slides where EXACTLY your information comes from. Credibility is super important
when giving a presentation, to make sure the statements are actually reliable to build
your point or not. This can be noticed on your slides where you provided facts. Where
did you get this information from?
 Demographics. Your presentation was missing some key information on the workers at
Amazon and their demographics. For example, including details like number of workers,
their benefits, and lastly, adding what kind of individuals are these manufacturers in the
company. This is really important to state in order to give a sort of background on the
company and where they stand in terms of employment rates and diversity of that
position. After showing the video, I think it would be a good idea to add these
demographics for a better presentation.
 Missing additional information. Adding in how shipping works and the exact process of
it would have also been a good bonus. It can’t always be known that the audience
knows exactly how companies work when it comes to such things. So addressing and
informing the audience gives them some input on how the companies work and what
the responsibilities consist of.

Thank you again for showing me your presentation and where your focus is leaning on for your
business topic. If you would like to do another practice run before your real presentation, I have
some time these next few days to schedule a quick ten minute session. Let me know and we
can schedule a time next week that would work best for us both.

If you have any additional questions about your presentation and my feedback memo, please
feel free to reach out and I will clarify any of your concerns!

Angela Dikanova

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