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Christy Reece

February 1, 2020
ECED 330

Culturally Responsive Practices Plan

Part Two: Family Perspectives
Interview of Family Member

Date of Interview: Monday, January 27, 2020 at 4:30 pm

Interviewee: Mother of child

General questions about the early Summaries of family member’s Related questions for you to consider
learning setting responses (Please respond to the questions

1. In thinking about your child’s 1. Right now for her speech In thinking about the early learning
experiences in the early learning development, it is also my husband’s setting, what is most important for
setting what is most important to concern. To verbally express herself. the child? What is most important
you? Language in general. English and about the early learning setting for the
Spanish. We can tell she can’t think of child, is for them to be excited to
2. What are your expectations for the word that she wants to say. It’s kind come to class, and feel it is a place of
your child in the early learning of our fault we use Spanglish. Old habit. acceptance of all cultures and
setting? diversities with social/emotional,
2. Get the best education possible, feel cognitive, and physical growth
3. What are your expectations of the safe and welcome. opportunities.
early learning program?
3. Provide a safe and welcoming What are your expectations for the
environment for her to be happy and child? My expectations for the child
good learning environment. So far so are to feel happily welcomed, safely
good. secure, and socially accepted.

What are your expectations for the

family? My expectations for the
family are for them to help me
understand their child and be willing
to share their desires and for their

What personal and professional

experiences have shaped your
perspectives? In my personal and
professional experiences, I learned it is
important to create a warm and
inviting learning setting for families to
feel confident their child will be able
to be welcomed and accepted so they
can develop academic growth. I
learned parents are the best experts
of their child and are full of
information to help me know their
child better.

What values and beliefs do you think

inform your perspectives? What I
value is the uniqueness of families.
They are all different and dynamic. I
want them to feel good about the
early learning setting for their child’s
Caregiving practices What are your expectations for the
1. When she gets upset, usually it’s child? My expectations for the child
1. How do you comfort/soothe needing attention because of the baby. are for her to feel care and support,
your child when he/she is She has been extra upset lately. She gets and to be able to grow healthy socially
upset? upset a lot. We say, “Okay we can’t talk and emotionally.
if you are crying, relax let us know what
2. Does your child feed is wrong.” It’s frustrating, but we What are your expectations for the
him/herself? If so, what understand, maybe her emotions are a family? My expectations for the
methods does he/she use? little high. Try and comfort her. family are for them to share any
important priorities or issues they are
3. What is/was your family’s 2. She feeds herself, getting her own having with their child.
approach to toilet training? snacks, independent, spoon and fork.
(e.g., age, approach, language We cut up the foods she can’t. What personal and professional
used) experiences have shaped your
3. Potty trained at 2 years. She got it perspectives? In my personal and
4. Tell me about your daily right away. 3 days. I wasn’t sure at first professional experiences, I learned it is
routines. Include sleep because she wasn’t very verbal, almost important to develop trusting
schedules and other routines gave up. She got it. Pointing to her butt. partnerships in order to work with
Hardly any accidents, the one’s I can families on their priorities or issues for
remember they were devastating to her. the benefit and welfare of the child.

4. We wake up at 6:25-30ish. I make her What values and beliefs do you think
breakfast, usually a cereal, brush teeth, inform your perspectives? What has
goes to bathroom, then I help her get informed my perspectives is the belief
dressed. If we are on time, let her watch that young children need caring and
5 – 10 mins. of TV. Leave by 7:15 wait in loving people in their life to
office until time to go to class. After understand and help them as they
school, I take her to grandma’s house. develop.
My husband has been doing picks up.
They are home around 5- 5:30. Play
with puzzles, TV, dinner around 6. By 7
brushing teeth 7:30 pm. Son is ready to
and sleeps until 5 am. She calls Daddy
Role of language 1. Spanish and English. In school I know What are your expectations for the
she’ll learn English eventually. child? What I expect for the child is
1. What language(s) are spoken in for them to feel comfortable to use
the home? 2. Spanish. She is with her grandmas a their language(s).
lot, they are 100% Spanish. We should
2. What is the child’s home do more. Over there quite a bit. Want What are your expectations for the
language? her to know Spanish. Priority. These family? What I expect for the family is
days kids can’t talk to their grandparents. to realize they are valued. Also that
3. With whom does he/she I don’t want my kids like that. I feel very their culture, family background, and
communicate in this language? strongly about that. Respecting and nice, language(s) are respected and
knowing her Hispanic side. My parents accepted in the school.
4. Tell me about the ways you use and his parents taught us. Want her to
the child’s home language at know fluently. What personal and professional
home? experiences have shaped your
3. Uncles and Aunts both sides speak perspectives? The personal and
Spanish. Communicating regularly with professional experiences that have
Uncle daily. There is one friend in class. shaped my perspectives are from
working closely with different and
4. Show on Net Flix, “Miraculous Lady diverse cultures in our community.
Bug.” I switched it to Spanish. She also The more I get to know them, the
listens to music in Spanish. We listen to better our relationships build.
all our music in Spanish and she knows
the songs. What values and beliefs do you think
inform your perspectives? What I
think informed my values and beliefs
have come from my own multi-ethnic
background. I wish as a child my
community would have helped me
feel accepted and not feel different.
Discipline 1. Respectful, well behaved. My What are your expectations for the
mother- in-law, says, “Don’t expect too child? I expect the child to learn
1. In thinking about your child’s much,” but we all think it’s important. proper behavior in the classroom.
behavior, what are your She won’t cry in her time out chair. If she That it is an environment of kindness
expectations? misbehaves in front of my mother-in-law, and respect.
mother, or she is not listening and going
2. When your child’s behavior does under table. Not okay. I am not raising, What are your expectations for the
not meet your expectations, a mal criada. I tell her to say hello and family? I expect the family to know
what do you do? sorry. I don’t let it go. My parents say that at school we teach the children
“it’s okay.” But it’s not okay. I’m not a moral character and good conduct.
3. What are your overall goals for mom to give excuses, saying they are in a
your child’s behaviors? “mood.” I don’t believe in that. It’s not What personal and professional
too much to say Hi. experiences have shaped your
perspectives? What has shaped my
2. Sending her to a time out chair, in personal and professional experiences
living room. Sat for 10 minutes. Random is knowing children do better when
things come up. Tell her what she did they all learn how to get along and
wrong. She tries to reason with us. Tell treat each other with respect and
us we did something wrong, you laugh at kindness.
us. I’m sorry I laughed.
What values and beliefs do you think
3. For her to be likeable, respectful and inform your perspectives? What
likeable. Don’t want parents to think informed my perspectives is the belief
that when she comes into room, they to develop strong moral character it
say, “Oh no, not that kid.” has to be taught and modeled.

Independence and Interdependence What are your expectations for the

1. Brushes her teeth. Dad reads story child? I expect the child to learn self-
1. Tell me about your child’s bed together, pray with him. Turn off light sufficiency by taking care of
time/nap time routine? and he lays in bed until she falls asleep, themselves and asking if they need
she can be talkative in bed. anything. I also expect the child to
2. What types of things do you learn how to work with others.
expect your child to do for 2. Brush teeth, get boots ready by door,
him/herself (e.g., brush teeth, then I’ll help you. Sometimes she acts What are your expectations for the
put on shoes)? [May ask follow- lazy. She says, “Can you get me this or family? I expect the family to foster
up questions about what age that?” She has learned to clean up her independence and interdependence
the family member expects the plate, put in sink, and likes to help wash by having responsibilities and
child to do these things] dishes. expectations. This will flow over into
the classroom atmosphere and make
3. Does your child have any 3. Whatever toy she plays with taught to them more teachable.
responsibilities at home (e.g, put away before moving on. Pick up for
putting things away)? herself. What personal and professional
experiences have shaped your
perspectives? What personal and
professional experiences that have
shaped my perspectives, is from
working with capable children, they
learn faster and develop skills.

What values and beliefs do you think

inform your perspectives? I believe
that children need to have self-esteem
and feel good about themselves.
When they do, they do better in
Learning and Development What are your expectations for the
1. What do you expect your child 1. To learn. She is doing really well. She child? I expect the child to come to
to learn this year? writes her name. Every day she surprises class eager, full of wonder, and
me what she learns. Keep her learning. curiosity. With a willingness to learn
2. How do you believe children Keep a positive attitude. We were and try new things.
learn? nervous before she started school. We
tried to go over the numbers, shapes, she What are your expectations for the
3. What do you expect from your would say, “Stop, no.” It could not be family? I expect the family to
child’s teacher/caregiver? from mom or dad. We were worried encourage their child to want to come
when she went to school. Complete to class eager to learn.
4. What is your role in your child’s opposite! We want her to understand.
learning and development? What personal and professional
2. They learn by example, watch every experiences have shaped your
day. Teach respect. Set a good example. perspectives? From personal and
professional experiences that have
3. Set a good example for them and shaped my perspectives, I have
respectful to them. I saw that she discovered that without the family’s
watches people. encouragement and willingness to
support their child’s learning, the child
4. I learned to model apologizing. will not have a good attitude when
Learning, I realize show by example, if I they come to class. We need their
want her to apologize too. help.

What values and beliefs do you think

inform your perspectives? I believe
what has informed my perspectives, is
the importance of knowing child
development, learning effective
teaching techniques, and creating
interesting learning opportunities for
the child to best learn.

Communication with Adults What are your expectations for the

1. She calls me “Mom”, her child? I expect the child to call me
1. What are some common grandmothers, “Mama Eva.” When she “Mrs. Reece” or “Teacher.”
greetings or interactions you use gets cuddly, she will call me “Mommy”
at home? and her dad “Popi”, grandpa is granpa.
Everyone else is “Tias or Tios.” What personal and professional
2. Are there times when you experiences have shaped your
encourage your child to talk 2. When we have dinner, our rule is no perspectives? The personal and
(e.g., at meals)? Are there times TV or phones. We ask, “Tell me how professional experiences that have
when you encourage your child your day went? What did you learn shaped my perspectives are, from
to be quiet (e.g., at meals, while today?” She can express herself. working in centers and programs,
adults are talking) children need to know the protocol or
standard of what to call their teachers.
3. How do you expect your child to 3. Pretty much she calls them how she Otherwise, they could be confused
address adults who are not wants to. “Tia.” The school supervisor, and start calling you whatever they
family members (e.g., by first teachers, anyone she calls them “Tias.” want. Sometimes, the children would
name) Very friendly. She thinks everyone as ask my name.
4. In your family, are there ways of What values and beliefs do you think
communicating that are 4. Eye rolling. In Spanish there is a way inform your perspectives? What I
considered disrespectful? to use usted or tu. We have her talk in value the most for children to learn,
usted. Formal. With teacher, Mrs. are terms of respect for adults.
Greer. Aunts and uncles, tio and tia.

Additional questions to support CLR

Practices 1. Hispanic culture and beliefs. How we
1. How do you identify yourself go to Mexico, I don’t want her not liking
culturally? it. Make sure she is Hispanic and proud
of it.
2. What role does your home
culture play in your family life? 2. I would say my parents raised me hard
core, Mexican. They would say, “You’re
3. What about your culture would going to like this.” No option. Had to be
be helpful for me to know? respectful and well behaved. I feel like
we are kind of like that. Maybe not to
4. Do you have any customs that the same extent. We got spankings and
you would like me to know had to take a knee, facing wall. We are
about to be able to care for and not that dramatic. I do expect a certain
teach your child? behavior. Maybe that is from being
Hispanic. Mexicans are expected to be
5. What are some of the core like that. We don’t want our kid to be
values of your culture? Which that kid.
are most important to you?
3. I guess to know she is very family
6. Which, if any, of the holidays do oriented. My mom and his mom raise
you celebrate have special her. They are more lenient. That is okay,
cultural or religious significance? share stories. Just know that she has a
How would you like your big support group and very well loved.
family’s holidays into our
program? 4. Biggest to be respectful. One of my
biggest thing. To be respectful in the
classroom. She pretends to spank my
butt. Not okay. Be respectful no matter
what. No horsing around.
5. Respect and be close to God. We pray
every day. Taught her how to sign the
cross. Catholic. When we are leaving to
go home. She signs the cross toward
grandma and grandpa. Think of God. He
wants you to behave good.

6. Celebrate all holidays, Christmas,

Thanksgiving. Sometimes we put shoes
at the end of the bed. Dia de Los
Muertos. We have an alter. We will
participate in Bread with baby Jesus.
Whoever gets baby Jesus they throw a
little food gatherings. Make tamales.
Culturally Responsive Practices Plan
Part Two: Family Perspectives
Interview of Family Member

Date of Interview: Monday, January 27, 2020 at 4:30 pm

Interviewee: Mother of child

General questions about the early Summaries of family member’s Related questions for you to consider
learning setting responses (Please respond to the questions

4. In thinking about your child’s 1. Right now for her speech In thinking about the early learning
experiences in the early learning development, it is also my husband’s setting, what is most important for
setting what is most important to concern. To verbally express herself. the child? What is most important
you? Language in general. English and about the early learning setting for the
Spanish. We can tell she can’t think of child, is for them to be excited to
5. What are your expectations for the word that she wants to say. It’s kind come to class, and feel it is a place of
your child in the early learning of our fault we use Spanglish. Old habit. acceptance of all cultures and
setting? diversities with social/emotional,
2. Get the best education possible, feel cognitive, and physical growth
6. What are your expectations of the safe and welcome. opportunities.
early learning program?
3. Provide a safe and welcoming What are your expectations for the
environment for her to be happy and child? My expectations for the child
good learning environment. So far so are to feel happily welcomed, safely
good. secure, and socially accepted.

What are your expectations for the

family? My expectations for the
family are for them to help me
understand their child and be willing
to share their desires and for their

What personal and professional

experiences have shaped your
perspectives? In my personal and
professional experiences, I learned it is
important to create a warm and
inviting learning setting for families to
feel confident their child will be able
to be welcomed and accepted so they
can develop academic growth. I
learned parents are the best experts
of their child and are full of
information to help me know their
child better.

What values and beliefs do you think

inform your perspectives? What I
value is the uniqueness of families.
They are all different and dynamic. I
want them to feel good about the
early learning setting for their child’s
Caregiving practices What are your expectations for the
1. When she gets upset, usually it’s child? My expectations for the child
5. How do you comfort/soothe needing attention because of the baby. are for her to feel care and support,
your child when he/she is She has been extra upset lately. She gets and to be able to grow healthy socially
upset? upset a lot. We say, “Okay we can’t talk and emotionally.
if you are crying, relax let us know what
6. Does your child feed is wrong.” It’s frustrating, but we What are your expectations for the
him/herself? If so, what understand, maybe her emotions are a family? My expectations for the
methods does he/she use? little high. Try and comfort her. family are for them to share any
important priorities or issues they are
7. What is/was your family’s 2. She feeds herself, getting her own having with their child.
approach to toilet training? snacks, independent, spoon and fork.
(e.g., age, approach, language We cut up the foods she can’t. What personal and professional
used) experiences have shaped your
3. Potty trained at 2 years. She got it perspectives? In my personal and
8. Tell me about your daily right away. 3 days. I wasn’t sure at first professional experiences, I learned it is
routines. Include sleep because she wasn’t very verbal, almost important to develop trusting
schedules and other routines gave up. She got it. Pointing to her butt. partnerships in order to work with
Hardly any accidents, the one’s I can families on their priorities or issues for
remember they were devastating to her. the benefit and welfare of the child.

4. We wake up at 6:25-30ish. I make her What values and beliefs do you think
breakfast, usually a cereal, brush teeth, inform your perspectives? What has
goes to bathroom, then I help her get informed my perspectives is the belief
dressed. If we are on time, let her watch that young children need caring and
5 – 10 mins. of TV. Leave by 7:15 wait in loving people in their life to
office until time to go to class. After understand and help them as they
school, I take her to grandma’s house. develop.
My husband has been doing picks up.
They are home around 5- 5:30. Play
with puzzles, TV, dinner around 6. By 7
brushing teeth 7:30 pm. Son is ready to
and sleeps until 5 am. She calls Daddy
Role of language 1. Spanish and English. In school I know What are your expectations for the
she’ll learn English eventually. child? What I expect for the child is
5. What language(s) are spoken in for them to feel comfortable to use
the home? 2. Spanish. She is with her grandmas a their language(s).
lot, they are 100% Spanish. We should
6. What is the child’s home do more. Over there quite a bit. Want What are your expectations for the
language? her to know Spanish. Priority. These family? What I expect for the family is
days kids can’t talk to their grandparents. to realize they are valued. Also that
7. With whom does he/she I don’t want my kids like that. I feel very their culture, family background, and
communicate in this language? strongly about that. Respecting and nice, language(s) are respected and
knowing her Hispanic side. My parents accepted in the school.
8. Tell me about the ways you use and his parents taught us. Want her to
the child’s home language at know fluently. What personal and professional
home? experiences have shaped your
3. Uncles and Aunts both sides speak perspectives? The personal and
Spanish. Communicating regularly with professional experiences that have
Uncle daily. There is one friend in class. shaped my perspectives are from
working closely with different and
4. Show on Net Flix, “Miraculous Lady diverse cultures in our community.
Bug.” I switched it to Spanish. She also The more I get to know them, the
listens to music in Spanish. We listen to better our relationships build.
all our music in Spanish and she knows
the songs. What values and beliefs do you think
inform your perspectives? What I
think informed my values and beliefs
have come from my own multi-ethnic
background. I wish as a child my
community would have helped me
feel accepted and not feel different.
Discipline 1. Respectful, well behaved. My What are your expectations for the
mother- in-law, says, “Don’t expect too child? I expect the child to learn
4. In thinking about your child’s much,” but we all think it’s important. proper behavior in the classroom.
behavior, what are your She won’t cry in her time out chair. If she That it is an environment of kindness
expectations? misbehaves in front of my mother-in-law, and respect.
mother, or she is not listening and going
5. When your child’s behavior does under table. Not okay. I am not raising, What are your expectations for the
not meet your expectations, a mal criada. I tell her to say hello and family? I expect the family to know
what do you do? sorry. I don’t let it go. My parents say that at school we teach the children
“it’s okay.” But it’s not okay. I’m not a moral character and good conduct.
6. What are your overall goals for mom to give excuses, saying they are in a
your child’s behaviors? “mood.” I don’t believe in that. It’s not What personal and professional
too much to say Hi. experiences have shaped your
perspectives? What has shaped my
2. Sending her to a time out chair, in personal and professional experiences
living room. Sat for 10 minutes. Random is knowing children do better when
things come up. Tell her what she did they all learn how to get along and
wrong. She tries to reason with us. Tell treat each other with respect and
us we did something wrong, you laugh at kindness.
us. I’m sorry I laughed.
What values and beliefs do you think
3. For her to be likeable, respectful and inform your perspectives? What
likeable. Don’t want parents to think informed my perspectives is the belief
that when she comes into room, they to develop strong moral character it
say, “Oh no, not that kid.” has to be taught and modeled.

Independence and Interdependence What are your expectations for the

1. Brushes her teeth. Dad reads story child? I expect the child to learn self-
4. Tell me about your child’s bed together, pray with him. Turn off light sufficiency by taking care of
time/nap time routine? and he lays in bed until she falls asleep, themselves and asking if they need
she can be talkative in bed. anything. I also expect the child to
5. What types of things do you learn how to work with others.
expect your child to do for 2. Brush teeth, get boots ready by door,
him/herself (e.g., brush teeth, then I’ll help you. Sometimes she acts What are your expectations for the
put on shoes)? [May ask follow- lazy. She says, “Can you get me this or family? I expect the family to foster
up questions about what age that?” She has learned to clean up her independence and interdependence
the family member expects the plate, put in sink, and likes to help wash by having responsibilities and
child to do these things] dishes. expectations. This will flow over into
the classroom atmosphere and make
6. Does your child have any 3. Whatever toy she plays with taught to them more teachable.
responsibilities at home (e.g, put away before moving on. Pick up for
putting things away)? herself. What personal and professional
experiences have shaped your
perspectives? What personal and
professional experiences that have
shaped my perspectives, is from
working with capable children, they
learn faster and develop skills.

What values and beliefs do you think

inform your perspectives? I believe
that children need to have self-esteem
and feel good about themselves.
When they do, they do better in
Learning and Development What are your expectations for the
5. What do you expect your child 1. To learn. She is doing really well. She child? I expect the child to come to
to learn this year? writes her name. Every day she surprises class eager, full of wonder, and
me what she learns. Keep her learning. curiosity. With a willingness to learn
6. How do you believe children Keep a positive attitude. We were and try new things.
learn? nervous before she started school. We
tried to go over the numbers, shapes, she What are your expectations for the
7. What do you expect from your would say, “Stop, no.” It could not be family? I expect the family to
child’s teacher/caregiver? from mom or dad. We were worried encourage their child to want to come
when she went to school. Complete to class eager to learn.
8. What is your role in your child’s opposite! We want her to understand.
learning and development? What personal and professional
2. They learn by example, watch every experiences have shaped your
day. Teach respect. Set a good example. perspectives? From personal and
professional experiences that have
3. Set a good example for them and shaped my perspectives, I have
respectful to them. I saw that she discovered that without the family’s
watches people. encouragement and willingness to
support their child’s learning, the child
4. I learned to model apologizing. will not have a good attitude when
Learning, I realize show by example, if I they come to class. We need their
want her to apologize too. help.

What values and beliefs do you think

inform your perspectives? I believe
what has informed my perspectives, is
the importance of knowing child
development, learning effective
teaching techniques, and creating
interesting learning opportunities for
the child to best learn.
Communication with Adults What are your expectations for the
1. She calls me “Mom”, her child? I expect the child to call me
5. What are some common grandmothers, “Mama Eva.” When she “Mrs. Reece” or “Teacher.”
greetings or interactions you use gets cuddly, she will call me “Mommy”
at home? and her dad “Popi”, grandpa is granpa.
Everyone else is “Tias or Tios.” What personal and professional
6. Are there times when you experiences have shaped your
encourage your child to talk 2. When we have dinner, our rule is no perspectives? The personal and
(e.g., at meals)? Are there times TV or phones. We ask, “Tell me how professional experiences that have
when you encourage your child your day went? What did you learn shaped my perspectives are, from
to be quiet (e.g., at meals, while today?” She can express herself. working in centers and programs,
adults are talking) children need to know the protocol or
standard of what to call their teachers.
7. How do you expect your child to 3. Pretty much she calls them how she Otherwise, they could be confused
address adults who are not wants to. “Tia.” The school supervisor, and start calling you whatever they
family members (e.g., by first teachers, anyone she calls them “Tias.” want. Sometimes, the children would
name) Very friendly. She thinks everyone as ask my name.
8. In your family, are there ways of What values and beliefs do you think
communicating that are 4. Eye rolling. In Spanish there is a way inform your perspectives? What I
considered disrespectful? to use usted or tu. We have her talk in value the most for children to learn,
usted. Formal. With teacher, Mrs. are terms of respect for adults.
Greer. Aunts and uncles, tio and tia.

Additional questions to support CLR

Practices 1. Hispanic culture and beliefs. How we
7. How do you identify yourself go to Mexico, I don’t want her not liking
culturally? it. Make sure she is Hispanic and proud
of it.
8. What role does your home
culture play in your family life? 2. I would say my parents raised me hard
core, Mexican. They would say, “You’re
9. What about your culture would going to like this.” No option. Had to be
be helpful for me to know? respectful and well behaved. I feel like
we are kind of like that. Maybe not to
10. Do you have any customs that the same extent. We got spankings and
you would like me to know had to take a knee, facing wall. We are
about to be able to care for and not that dramatic. I do expect a certain
teach your child? behavior. Maybe that is from being
Hispanic. Mexicans are expected to be
11. What are some of the core like that. We don’t want our kid to be
values of your culture? Which that kid.
are most important to you?
3. I guess to know she is very family
12. Which, if any, of the holidays do oriented. My mom and his mom raise
you celebrate have special her. They are more lenient. That is okay,
cultural or religious significance? share stories. Just know that she has a
How would you like your big support group and very well loved.
family’s holidays into our
program? 4. Biggest to be respectful. One of my
biggest thing. To be respectful in the
classroom. She pretends to spank my
butt. Not okay. Be respectful no matter
what. No horsing around.

5. Respect and be close to God. We pray

every day. Taught her how to sign the
cross. Catholic. When we are leaving to
go home. She signs the cross toward
grandma and grandpa. Think of God. He
wants you to behave good.

6. Celebrate all holidays, Christmas,

Thanksgiving. Sometimes we put shoes
at the end of the bed. Dia de Los
Muertos. We have an alter. We will
participate in Bread with baby Jesus.
Whoever gets baby Jesus they throw a
little food gatherings. Make tamales.

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