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Tekkadon Sashimi: What is Tekkadon?

Tekkadon is a delicious high quality sashimi that is made up of sushi tuna. Popular not only for
the delicious tuna, but also for the easy preparation.

What is Tekkadon 
Firstly Tekkadon is a type of ​Donburi​ which means rice bowl dish in 
Japanese. And is a type of sashimi dish that consists of fish, meat, 
vegetables. Among other ingredients while also having a ​rice base​. 
But the Tekkadon dish consists mainly of thinly sliced raw tuna 

What is Sashimi? 

Although many different types of fish are commonly eaten at home 

and can be easily steamed and caught. But not all fish that are sold 
and handled can be used as sashimi.  

Since only the highest grade tuna are sold as sashimi and for eaten 
raw.Besides being topped with raw tuna sashimi, the Tekkadon bowl 
is added with other condiment toppings which includes s ​ picy wasabi 
or spring onions.  
Which are great ingredients to be added to sashimi that will give a 
healthy boost of antioxidants. That can contribute to weight loss, heal 
sore throat, and slow down brain degenerative process. 

Beyond just the addition of wasabi and spring onions, you can also 
add different condiments​ along with it. Hence here are some great 

● Soy sauce 
● Mirin 
● Coconut aminos  
● Tamari sauce 
● Ponzu Sauce 

But along with these different ideas you should also try pieces of 
sushi ginger​ garnish that will cleanse up your palate. Although it is not 
commonly eaten in America, sushi ginger is a great probiotic for 
intestinal balance and aids your digestion. Hence helping you improve 
your immunity to diseases.  

Meanwhile even in small slices, these gingers will help relieve 

stomach irritations, thus is a great aid for combatting GERD. But I 
personally love not only the sushi ginger. But also love to use a 
Kikkoman soy sauce that adds sweetness to the neutral white rice 

Traditional Tuna Sashimi: 

Even though homecooking is a super delicious way of cooking up and 

using your ingredients. You might get some ideas from how this tuna 
sashimi is traditionally. Since the traditional way was with rice that 
has vinegar flavor to them as base.  

And instead of condiments like wasabi or spring onions, it is more 

common for the dish to be using s ​ eaweed nori​ that is frequently for 
sushi rolls​ and sliced scallions. But what is the difference between 
spring onions and sliced scallions?  

Although they are similar in many ways, they can be different in terms 
of how they are in taste and usage. Since spring onions have a 
stronger spiciness flavor to them in comparison to the regular 

Hence for raw tuna sashimi, you will taste a more stronger texture to 
it. So if you don’t like too much spiciness, it is best that you opt for the 
more mild scallion.  

Tekka Don Calories 

Secondly in terms of calories, the donburi dish generally has between 
470 to 611 calories per bowl. And is very high in fat, with over 15 
grams of fat to over 40 grams depending on the size.  

But it also has a lot of carbohydrates that come from tuna and rice. 
Ranging from 32 grams to over 58 grams. However it is a very satiable 
dish that has as much as 70 grams of protein per bowl. 

Tekka Don Nutritions 

Even though the dish may be very high in calories, it is also super 
healthy for your body with a rich source of omega-3 from the sashimi. 
Hence it is greatly nutritious for your brain, and helps provide it the 
necessary nutrients so it will work properly. And according to this 
source​, omega-3 will help protect your brain from Alzheimer as a 
result of the anti-inflammatory properties. 

Additionally the high protein amount from the Tekkadon will provide 
the protein source necessary to build more muscle. Moreover sashimi 
contains a high amount of selenium which can protect from free 
radicals that attack your healthy cells.  

Also the iron found in fish can help boost your promotion of red blood 
cells. Thus better your blood circulation, metabolism, skin tone, and 
hair growth. But it’s not only restricted to these few vitamin/mineral 
sources. Since there are many other unaccounted benefits that are 
associated with sashimi sushi.  

How to Eat Tekka Don 

Although there are no specific ways to eat Tekka Don, there are some 
ideas that you should try for fun that will give you more joy from each 
bite. For starters, an interesting way to eat the sashimi is with the rice 
and tuna together. Hence you can taste both sides of the flavor: the 
pure and soft texture of the rice and the exotic raw tuna.   
Besides mixing them together, another creative idea is to first dip the 
tuna with a bit of soy sauce. However you don’t want to ​add too much 
soy sauce​. Else it will taste bitter and salty and overwhelm the fatty 

Next if the restaurant serves it, taste a little slice of sushi ginger to 
help refresh and cleanse your palate of the previous flavor. Then try 
smearing a bit of wasabi onto the premium fish, the amount depends 
on if it is real or paste wasabi.  

Meanwhile make sure you have a ​ nice complimenting drink​ by your 

side. Which will enhance and bring out the best of your food. 
Furthermore, two great drinks that you need to try out with sashimi is 
Sake and Champagne.  

Firstly the mild citrus flavor of Sake will help express the deep flavor 
of the seafood. While not overwhelming what’s already there. While 
small sips of Champagne will not get it the way of the flavors. But 
enhance the zest by providing the food a nice background to paint the 

Tekkadon VS Chirashi  
First of all the biggest difference between the two is that C​ hirashi is 
more full with other additional ingredients​ that will include vegetables 
and not just the fish. Contrastingly the Tekkadon is mainly with tuna 
raw sashimi as its fish.  

Furthermore, for Chirashi the bowl of rice is generally that of plain 

white rice. Meanwhile the rice from the tuna sashimi has seasoning of 
vinegar and not just plain white rice.  
Additionally the preparation for the tuna bowl is less tedious than that 
of the Chirashi since it requires less ingredients. However, the Chirashi 
bowl is much colorful due to the many different things that came 
together to create it.  

But due to requiring less preparation, the cooking process for the Tuna 
sashimi is more economical. Contrastingly, there are different 
varieties of Chirashi. So if you don’t like raw fish tuna you can also ask 
for a bowl that is vegetarian. But also a bowl with cooked ingredients 
that are not only raw fish.  

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