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Posters ITS'13, October 6–9, 2013, St.

Andrews, UK

Collaborative Task Assignment

on Tabletop Computer
Chayan Kumar Deb Abstract
National Institute of Design This paper proposes the use of Tabletop Computers for
PG Campus, GH0 Extension Road use in Project Management activities like Task
Gandhinagar 382010, INDIA Assignment. Task Assignment is essentially collaborative, which ideally should be done at table discussion, now-a-
days happens over network on personal devices even
though there is no constraint on common time and
space. Face-to-face collaboration is dwindling, even
though it is faster in reaching consensus, richer in terms
of quality of communication and tends to be more
satisfying for the group (as compared to computer-
mediated)[1]. Use of a tabletop computer, which
combines the productivity benefit of a computer with the
social benefits of around-the-table interaction, can
potentially enhance the effectiveness of such collocated
Task Assignment meeting without affecting the agility or
disturbing the traditional settings.

Author Keywords
Task assignment; face-to-face collaboration; direct
manipulation; tabletop (surface) computers.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for ACM Classification Keywords
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are H.5.3 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: Group
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third- and Organization Interfaces--- collaborative computing,
party components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact computer-supported cooperative work, synchronous
the Owner/Author. Copyright is held by the owner/author(s).
interaction; H.4.1 [Information Systems Applications]:
ITS '13, Oct 06-09 2013, St Andrews, United Kingdom
ACM 978-1-4503-2271-3/13/10. Office Automation---groupware, spreadsheets; H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User

Posters ITS'13, October 6–9, 2013, St. Andrews, UK

Interfaces---ergonomics, graphical user interfaces, change, the others make changes in their plans till a
touchscreen, direct manipulation, screen design, user- common consensus is met. All these happen over CM
centered design communication. Ironically, to reach a consensus in such
a task assignment activity, all managers end up in a
Background meeting to discuss and assign tasks face-to-face. This
The wide spread use of electronic network in the last two reiterates the research findings which state that FtF
decades has changed the way we communicate with communication is more effective than CM communication
each other. Computer mediated (CM) communication
in dissemination of work-related information to
has permeated our professional and personal lives[6]. In
office/work scenarios, CM communication has kind of colleagues[2] and is faster in reaching consensus in
become a norm owing to the numerous advantages it groups[5][8][3].
has over traditional communication modes- like
independence from time/space constraints, ease of Research Reflections
reproduction/reference etc. Research[1] has shown that Precedent studies of existing applications for tabletop
face-to-face (FtF) communication as compared to CM
applications revealed that almost all of the commercially
communication is richer in terms of quality of
information. In many work scenarios, however, speed available ones are either multi-touch games or
and ease of communication is more important than the visualization applications. Such applications essentially
quality of information. CM communication has proved to utilize the multi-touch capability of the hardware and it’s
be excellent in such scenarios. CM communication has large screen real estate. However, the very form-factor
been so pervasive that even in scenarios where it is not of the hardware, which distinguishes it as a computer
required, users prefer CM communication over the
which is ‘collaborative’ and not ‘personal’, is under-
traditional modes.
Considering project management activities in office
scenario- Presently, all such activities are efficiently done A series of focused observations and interviews with
asynchronously on project management tools[4]. Typical
managers in IT and HR organizations told that project
project management activities like task division and
assignment have been conventionally done over FtF management tasks are majorly done using CM
discussions. However, today task assignment activities communication. FtF communication is required in places
are done over CM communication using project which require discussion and planning-task assignment is
management tools, even though the concerned persons one of them. Though project management tools support
are in same office. task assignment activities, most of the times the final
Taking a typical scenario- Few managers, all in the same assignment happens in a FtF meeting. But again,
office, have to discuss and assign multiple tasks to their existing meeting table does not offer the capabilities of
team members. Usually such task assignment happens computing which the individual have on their work desk.
over multiple iterations on shared project plans or on (The individual laptops/handheld devices at a meeting
client-server applications. Every person involved in the table in no manner helps in the discussion, actually, it
task assignment activity accesses the plan and makes limits the FtF collaboration)
changes according to his/her estimation. With every

Posters ITS'13, October 6–9, 2013, St. Andrews, UK

In FtF communication, the participants become aware of can be rendered into them e.g. card representing a
each other’s intent. Intent is something which is rarely crucial task (say, one on which many other tasks are
communicated in CM communication, though there’s eye dependent) can have more weight than other cards. The
contact in many CM modes like video conferencing. FtF card’s movement on screen can mimic the weight of the
communications are more effective in disseminating task card. The various parameters on the card can be edited
related information amongst colleagues[2] and are faster using an occlusion aware menu.
in reaching consensus in a group[5][8][3].
The dashboard has three areas-Task List, Gantt Chart
Prototype and Resources. The task list shows the recently added
Samsung SUR40 with Microsoft PixelSense (previously tasks. It can be vertically swiped to see the previously
called Microsoft Surface 2.0) was used for the purpose. added tasks. The selected task is highlighted and it’s
corresponding Gantt chart is displayed in the Gantt chart
Consider a scenario of 2 (or more) managers who area. The Gantt chart area is horizontally swipable. The
(front) manage multiple resources. They are through the resources area shows each member in the team, their
planning and estimation phase, where the tasks have corresponding details like name, usage percentage,
been broken down to granular level, with their dates billing rate, etc. It also shows total man hours allocated
defined, their man hour requirement estimated and their and available for the whole team. The dashboard is
dependencies on other tasks have been defined as well. customizable, where the user can add certain
Now they have to take up the tasks and assign them to parameters according to his/her needs.
resources they are managing.
The user may collect task cards and stack them in
Task Assignment application can be launched from the his/her private area on the table before putting them in
horizontal accordion menu. On opening up the the dashboard. The design draws parallels from work
application, the landing page shows up 2 things: The practices on traditional table and from the concept of
tasks cards corresponding to all unassigned tasks, and “territoriality and orientation” in distributed collaborative
two login screens. Users may add/delete login screens tabletop workspaces[7]. The area on the table around a
depending on the number of people on the table. When person is by default considered to be private where
the users aren’t logged in, the whole area is public. Once notepad/any personal artefact is placed.
(back) the user logs in, his/her dashboard appears and the area
adjoining the dashboard become private area for that On putting the task in the dashboard, the parameters on
Front and back of a task card: More
particular user. the dashboard changes according to the parameters of
important parameters like man
hours, due date, percentage
the task- Thereby helping the user to decide if he/she
completion etc. are shown upfront. The task cards shows important parameters up front and will have the bandwidth to take up the task. Since this
the lesser important one on the back. The cards can be assignment activity happens across the table, all the
flipped like physical cards. Zooming in and out of the users remain on same page and reaching a consensus is
cards shows more and lesser parameters. More physics much faster.

Posters ITS'13, October 6–9, 2013, St. Andrews, UK

As soon as the user logs out, the new tasks are all References
synced with the user’s planner, and the individual [1] Bernard, Michael, Chuang, Ta-Tao and Ali, Shahid
members can be notified (on email) about the new tasks (2000). Does Computer-Mediated Collaboration Really
Improve Group Communication? Our General Findings.
Usability News, January 2000, Vol. 2, Issue 1.
[2] Cheng Ean, Lee (2010). Face-to-face Versus
Computer-mediated Communication: Exploring
Employees’ Preference of Effective Employee
Communication Channel. International Journal for the
Advancement of Science and Arts, 2010, Vol. 1, No. 2.
[3] Dubrovsky, V. J., Kiesler, S. and Sethna, B. N.
(1991). The Equalization Phenomenon: Status Effects in
Computer-Mediated and Face-to-Face Decision-Making
Groups. Human-Computer Interaction.
[4] Grudin, Jonathan and Poltrock, Steven (2012):
CSCW - Computer Supported Cooperative Work. In:
Soegaard, Mads and Dam, Rikke Friis (eds.).
“Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction”. Aarhus,
Denmark: The Interaction Design Foundation.
[5] McGuire, T. W., Kiesler, S. and Siegel, J. (1987).
Figure 1. Stack of task cards next to a user’s dashboard Group and Computer-Mediated Discussion Effects in Risk
(private area) Decision Making. Journal of Personality and Social
Conclusion [6] Simon, A.F. (2006): Computer-Mediated
The table can be imagined at a place where apart from Communication: Task Performance and Satisfaction. The
task assignment meetings, casual discussion can also Journal of Social Psychology.
take place- where team members can view unassigned [7] Stacey D. Scott, Sheelagh M., Carpendale T. and
task and gauge the project development. Inkpen Kori (2006). Territoriality in collaborative tabletop
workspaces Tabletop design, Proceedings of ACM
Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work,
Going ahead, the concept can be attempted to be
ACM Press, New York.
extended to activities of a planning meeting other than
task assignment. The tabletop computer might leverage [8] Weisband, S, P. (1992). Group Discussion and First
Advocacy Effects in Computer Mediated and Face-to-
on handwriting and speech recognition technologies to
Face Decision Making Groups. Organizational Behavior
make the experience multi-modal and more natural. and Human Decision Processes.


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