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Creative Genius: The World’s Greatest Minds

by Live Science Staff | October 06, 2011 01:12pm ET

Plenty of great minds have challenged paradigms, opened windows into worlds we didn’t even know
existed, and produced innovations that have persisted through time. Here’s a look at some of those geniuses.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

1756-1791: This musical prodigy was composing by age 5 and wrote his first
symphony by age 10. As an adult, Mozart’s music was extraordinarily complex,
drawing influence from many different styles, and considered radical at the time. He
composed more than 600 pieces, including concertos, operas and symphonies, in his
short life and is considered the most significant European classical composer.

Mohandas Gandhi
1869-1948: Gandhi freed India from British rule through nonviolent protest, fasting
while others fought. His nonviolent philosophy continues to influence national and
international resistance movements to this day.

Henrietta Swan Leavitt

1868-1921: As one of the “woman computers” working at Harvard College
Observatory, Leavitt cataloged more than 1,500 variable stars in the Magellanic
Clouds. She noticed that the brighter stars took longer to vary, and used this
observation to develop a method to measure the distance to any object in the

Avram Noam Chomsky

1928-Present: Best known as the “most cited living scholar” and a controversial left-
wing political activist, Chomsky pioneered the theory of transformational grammar
which revolutionized the field of theoretical linguistics. He also challenged
longstanding behaviorist views of psychology, igniting the cognitive revolution.

1. Read the text again and identify:

a) Who is a linguist responsible for the cognitivist revolution? _____________________________________

b) Who was responsible for the independence of his country? _____________________________________
c) Who studied distances to stars? ___________________________________________________________
d) Who used a form of non-violent protest? ____________________________________________________
e) Who started composing when he was a child? ________________________________________________
f) Who was an American astronomer? ________________________________________________________
g) Who died when he was 35 years-old? ______________________________________________________
h) Who uses his linguistic abilities to defend political ideas? ______________________________________

2. Based on the text, can you decide which type(s) of intelligence these people probably have/had?
a) Henrietta Swan Leavitt __________________________________________________________________
b) Mohandas Gandhi _____________________________________________________________________
c) Amadeus Mozart ______________________________________________________________________
d) Noam Chomsky _______________________________________________________________________

3. Write down the correct combination of numbers–letters to match the following quotations to the
intelligence associated with them.

I Logical-mathematical II Interpersonal III Bodily-kinesthetic IV Naturalistic

C “Nobody cares if you can’t

A “Pure mathematics is,
dance well. Just get up and dance.
in its way, the poetry of
Great dancers are great because of
logical ideas.”
their passion.”
Albert Einstein 1931
Martha Graham, 1924

D “The world needs to listen to the

B “When it comes to cry of the earth, which is asking for
human dignity, we help. If you carry on killing people
cannot make and you continue to destroy
compromises.” nature and you take out all the oil,
the minerals and the wood, our
Angela Merkel, 2016 planet will become ill and we’ll all

Davi Kopenawa Yanomami, 2014

5 Read a text about multiple intelligences. Can you predict what the missing words are? Write them
down in the blankets based on your knowledge and on the hints given by the text. Then listen to the
recording and check your answers.

Visual or spatial learners think in terms of visual space. If you enjoy ____________________,
puzzles, ____________________ maps or daydreaming you may be a spatial or visual learner. If this is you,
here are ____________________ ways you can study a language that may help.

1. Flashcards: Create flashcards ____________________ pictures and visual imagery instead of words.
This will help you remember new vocabulary.

2. _______________ notes: When taking notes use ____________________ colors and organize verb
tenses into charts.

3. Visual stories: Draw or take pictures and label what is in ____________________ or what people
are ____________________. You can even create a story about ____________________ using

4. Verb posters: To remember how different verb tenses are used, create posters with pictures of things you
used to do, what you did on your last ____________________ or birthday, ____________________ you
like to do now and things you want to do in the future. Place your posters around
your ____________________ to help you remember how to talk about different events.

Remember! No matter what you decide to do, learning a language should be ____________________, so be
creative and enjoy ____________________ about a new language and a new culture.

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