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Multicultural Lesson Plan

Tatiana Rivera

Subject: English Grade: Kindergarten

1. Standards- Kindergarten

a. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL. K.1- Participate in collaborative conversations with

diverse partners about kindergarten topics and texts with peers and adults in

small and larger groups.

i. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL. K.1A- Follow agreed-upon rules for

discussions (e.g. listening to others and taking turns speaking about the

topics and texts under discussion).

ii. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL. K.1B- Continue a conversation through

multiple exchanges.

iii. Students will be able to draw and describe characteristics of a partner.

b. Multicultural Goal 5: Build social relationships to promote interest in differences

and include others in school and social activities.

i. Students will be able to explain and tell about their cultural life at home

in small group.

c. Learning styles

i. Auditory- Students will ask for further instructions from the teacher and

explain instructions to a partner and vise-versa.

ii. Visual- Students will watch closely at the demonstration the teacher and

assistant teacher provide.

iii. Kinesthetic- Students will work hands-on with the project.

d. Gardner’s Intelligence
i. Interpersonal Intelligence is used by teaching students how to understand

other’s cultures as well as their feelings through small group.

2. Materials

a. Paper

b. Discussion questions handout

c. Writing utensils (pencils and crayons)

d. Mirror

e. Book (The Sandwich Swap by Rania Al-Abdullah)

3. Instructions

a. Do first (5 minutes)- Have you ever noticed the differences and similarities

among your friends? We all have distinguished characteristics that make us who

we are. Now let’s read The Sandwich Swap by Rania Al-Abdullah. (After reading

book to the class talk about it) Salma and Lilly never realized how different they

really were but that never stopped them from being friends until the whole

sandwich incident. However, in the end they tasted each other’s sandwiches and

they actually enjoyed the other’s sandwich. You see sometimes there is

differences between friends but there can be a lot of similarities as well.

b. Mini-lesson (25 minutes)- (With the assistant teacher) We are going to

demonstrate how the assignment should go. I will be putting you into groups of

two. I will also be giving you two pieces of white paper, writing utensils and a

mirror. Now, I am going to draw Ms. Jaime and vice versa. We will be looking for

differences and similarities between us. For example (with using the mirror and

drawing on whiteboard) Ms. Jaime has blonde hair and brown eyes, she also has

a peachy skin tone.

(Ms. Jamie) Ms. Tatiana has brown hair brown eyes and a brownish skin tone.

Although we have different colored hair and skin tone we have the same colored
eyes. Use the mirror to look at yourself if necessary. Now we will talk about

culture. For example, I grew up speaking Spanish at home and only spoke

Spanish and during major holidays I always helped my grandma make tamales

since that is a tradition in the Hispanic culture. Ms. Jamie grew up in a small

town in Michigan where I only speak English. I would help my grandma set up


Christmas trees. She always had to have two so we would decorate them

together. See we have many differences in our appearances and home culture

but we are still able to be friends and learn about each other.

c. Guided Practice (15 minutes)- (After pairing the kids up) Now I want you to

explain the directions to one another to make sure you understand what the

assignment entails. Ms. Jamie and I will be walking around to make sure

everyone understands and then we will move on to the actual assignment.

d. Independent Practice (40 minutes)- During this part of the activity the teacher

and teachers assistant will walk around and check on the children. If they have

any questions or concerns the teachers will be there to help out. Students will

also be applying kinesthetic learning styles by drawing their partner. They will be

using auditory style by listening to their partners cultural background and life at

home. They will be using visual style by assessing what they saw the teacher do

and apply it with their partner.

e. Exit Slip (5 minutes)- Lastly, I will collect all papers and assess the students

understanding on different characteristics through the drawing and cultural

background described on the paper.

5. Reflection

My lesson plan will help teach children that although there may be differences between

their friends it does not make them less of a person. Different backgrounds, features or religious
beliefs do not determine the kind of person/friend they will be. As a kindergarten student it will

introduce that everyone is different in some way and that is okay. Students will achieve an

understanding about diverse partners cultures and characteristics. Students will also be

engaged because they are doing multiple activities that keep an interest in culture and is

interactive. They will also be able to understand the book and how it relates to the lesson. I

believe the strength of this lesson plan is the ability to connect the lesson with the standard of

this specific age group. A weakness would be not knowing exactly how to write a lesson plan

this detailed since I’ve never wrote one before.

Discussion Questions

1. What color eyes/hair do you have?

2. What color is your skin?

3. Are your ears pierced?

4. What language do you speak at home?

5. What kind of food do you eat at home?

6. Do both of your parents work?

Exit Slip

Student Name Did the student draw their Was the child able to
partner with the describe their partners
appropriate culture?

Student 1 Yes No

Student 2 Yes Yes

Student 3 No Yes

English Language Arts Standards » Speaking & Listening » Kindergarten. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Jordanie, R. A., DiPucchio, K., & Tusa, T. (2010). Salmâ wa Lî lî ... Le Caire: Dar al-Shorouq.

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