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General Luna Road, Baguio City

In pursuit of perfection, the University of Baguio is committed to provide balanced quality education by nurturing academic excellence, relevant social
skills and ethical values in a fun-learning environment.

The University of Baguio educates individuals to be empowered The UB High School prepares the students to be competent in acquiring higher education.
professionals in a global community.
The University of Baguio aims to produce a graduate who: The UB High School, through a wholesome and dynamic learning atmosphere, aims to
1. exemplifies a higher standard of learning; produce a student who:
2. manifests the mastery of relevant skills; 1. exhibits a distinctive level of academic proficiency in pursuit of higher learning;
3. upholds a conduct that is rightful and just; 2. applies significant skills in the different areas of learning;
4. undertakes scientific and significant researches; 3. upholds moral and spiritual values;
5. advocates sustainable programs for the community and the 4. conducts investigatory researches;
environment; and 5. engages in sustainable outreach programs; and
6. leads and demonstrates exemplary performance in the field of 6. manifests a strong sense of responsible citizenship.
COMPETENCE Guided by the school’s ideals, the UBHS Learners in their life shall acquire, imbibe, and practice
+ the following Core Values:
Academic Proficiency
INTEGRITY The learners demonstrate understanding of the different lessons as shown in their ability to apply
= them in everyday life.
SERVICE Social Awareness
The learners interact and engage with their community through active participation.
Spiritual Involvement
The learners practice their faith with integrity in word and in deed.
The learners manifest innovative and creative ideas in crafting solutions to current and future issues.

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Desired Learning Outcomes (DEPEd Order No. 31, s. 2012)
The learners have the ability to: S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6
demonstrate communicative competence; √ √
think intelligently, critically in life situations; √ √
make informed and values-based decisions; √
perform their civic duties; √ √
use resources sustainably; and √ √
6. participate actively in artistic and cultural activities and in the promotion of wellness and lifelong fitness. √ √ √
Core Learning and Key Stage Standards (to be taken from the Curriculum Guide of each Learning Area) DESIRED LEARNING OUTCOMES
CORE Learning Standard:

In the creation of a holistically developed Filipino with 21st Century Skills, this course empowers its learners to
√ √ √ √ √ √
become visual and information media and livelihood literate through its teaching of Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies
(PECs) across AF, IA, HE and ICT; core concepts and underlying theories in TLE enabling them to be COC certified

Key Stage Standard:

This is a TLE Home Economics mini-course on FRONT OFFICE SERVICES and Bread and Pastry Production which
lead to National Certificate Level II (NCII). They focus on the process and Delivery and the common competencies that a
√ √ √ √ √ √
Grade 7 or Grade 8 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess namely: (1) Using tools,
equipment and devices; (2) maintaining tools, equipment and devices; (3) performing mensuration and calculation; and (4)
practicing occupational health and safety procedures (OHSP).

II. Standards and Student Learning Outcomes

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Grading Period Standards Performance Indicators. The learners should be able to
Content Standard: Essential Understanding:
The Learner demonstrates an understanding of the use Learners will understand that understanding of the use and
and maintenance of tools, equipment and maintenance of tools, equipment and paraphernalia;
1st Grading paraphernalia; mensuration and calculation; and mensuration and calculation; and practice occupational health
and safety procedures in FOS prepares them to become an
practice occupational health and safety procedures.
effective practitioner in the Front Office Industry.
Front Office Services

Essential Question:
Overarching EQ: What are the characteristics, lifestyle,
attributes, skills, and traits of a successful front office
Topical EQ: How can you align your personal
entrepreneurial competencies with those of a front office
Performance Standard: Transfer Goal:
The learners independently demonstrate common The learners will independently use and maintain tools,
competencies in the front office. equipment and paraphernalia, use accurate mensuration and
calculation and practice occupational health and safety
procedures in FOS.
Simulation on Personnel Functions
You are a member of a front office staff.Your task is to create a role play representing the different career
opportunities of a front office services: a customer, a customer service representative, the porter, the concierge, and the
front office manager. You need to show the different career opportunities of a front office services.The challenge involves
dealing with customers and doing the different task of a front office staff.You will demonstrate the different task of a front
office services.Your performance must meet the following standards.

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Content Standard: Essential Understanding:
The Learner demonstrates an understanding of the use Learners will understand that understanding of the use and
and maintenance of tools, equipment and maintenance of tools, equipment and paraphernalia;
2nd Grading paraphernalia; mensuration and calculation; and mensuration and calculation; and practice occupational health
Front Office Services and safety procedures in FOS prepares them to become an
practice occupational health and safety procedures.
effective practitioner in the Front Office Industry.

Essential Question:
Overarching EQ: What makes a Front Office practitioner
Topical EQ: How does one properly use front office tools,
equipment and paraphernalia?
Performance Standard: Transfer Goal:
The learners independently demonstrate common The learners will independenty use and maintain tools,
competencies in the front office. equipment and paraphernalia, use accurate mensuration and
calculation and practice occupational health and safety
procedures in FOS.
Simulation on Front Office Services
You are a member of a front office staff in a certain hotel. The task is to present a role play that every member of a
front office staff knows how to maintain the different tools and equipment, be able to create some front office reports, and
do some practice of occupational health and safety procedures. You are encourage to use different tools, equipment,
and paraphernalia. You need to show your classmates the uses and proper maintenance of different front office tools,
equipment, and paraphernalia. Your performance must meet the following standards.

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Content Standard Essential Understanding:
The learner demonstrates of the baking tools and The learner will understand that understanding the use and
3rd Grading equipment and their uses, amd classify tools and classification of baking tools and equipment enables him to
equipment. prepare the right tools and equipment to use for baking a
specific bakery product.
Bread and Pastry Production
Essential Question:
Overarching EQ: How are we going to produce quality,
safe, and less cost baked products?
Topical EQ: Why is understanding the use and
classification of baking tools and equipment important in
producing baked products?
Performance Standard: Transfer Goal:
The learner independently identifies baking tools and Learners will independently identify all the needed tools and
equipment based on their uses. equipment in order to finish a given recipe.
Bread and pastry products
You are a young baker.Your task is to bake simple cookies. You need to show the right way of using tools and
equipments, and the proper way of measuring ingedients. The challenge involves dealing with indentifying baking tools
and equipments based on their uses, and the correct way on how to measure ingredients.You will apply the proper
techniques and accuracy in the measurement of ingredients.Your product must meet the following standards.

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Content Standard: Essential Understanding:
4th Grading The learner demonstrates understanding on the
The learner will understand the importance of identifying
Bread and Pastry Production practice of hazards and risks identification and control,
hazards and risks, workplace safety, hazard control practices
occupational health and safety procedures/indicators, and procedures.
and personal hygiene and proper hand washing.
Essential Question:
Overarching EQ: How are we going to lessen the
hazards and risks in our workplace?

Topical EQ: Why do we need to practice occupational

health and safety procedures?

Performance Standard: Transfer Goal:

Procedures in emergency related drill are strictly Students on their own will be able to practice maintaining
followed in line with the established organization occupational health and safety awareness.
guidelines and procedures.

Simulation on First Aid


Your task is to demonstrate the different first aid in baking. You are a caregiver. You need to show the importance of
occupational health and safety procedures (OHS). The challenge involves creating ways on how to apply first aid on the
different hazards in baking, and to lessen hazards and risks through simulation.You will show different occupational
health and safety procedures.Your work will be judge based on a criteria.


This is an exploratory and introductory course that leads to FRONT OFFICE SERVICES (FOS) National Certificate Level II (NC II). It covers five
common competencies that a Grade7/8 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess, namely: 1) use of tools, equipment, and

Course Number: Course Title: Front Office, and Bread and

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paraphernalia; 2) maintenance of tools, equipment, and paraphernalia 3) mensuration and calculation, 4) the practice of Occupational Health and Safety
(OHS) procedures, and 5) interpretation of designs and layout.

This is an Entrepreneurship-based TLE Home Economics mini course on Bread and Pastry Production which leads to National Certificate Level I
(NC II). It covers Process and Delivery and the common competencies that a grade 7 and grade 8 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) students
ought to possess namely: using tools, equipment and devices, 2. Maintaining tools, equipment and devices, 3. Performing mensuration and calculation,
and 4. Practicing occupational health and safety procedures (OHSP).



Subject Orientation a. Make connections on a. Graphic Organizers a. The best year 3 Days
Internalizing the school’s VMO the schools VMO to b. Brainstorming b. Student’s Prayer
daily activities. c. Brainstorm
b. Realizing the different d. Main Idea and Detail
school activities vis-à-vis Writing
schools VMO. e. What is Good and
f. Let’s get started
g. Creating Meaning
Introduction 1. Explains the basic a. Pre-test a. Discussion 6 hours
1. Basic Concepts in Front concepts in FOS b. Post-test b. Self-evaluation
Office (FOS) 2. Discusses the relevance c. Quiz c. Thought Builder
2. Relevance of the Course of the course. d. Reporting d. Pair-share
3. Career Opportunities 3. Explores opportunities in e. Performance Task e. Group Work
FOS as a career. f. Picture analysis

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Personal Entrepreneurial 1. Assessese one’s PECs: g. Discussion 12 hours
Competencies-PECs. Characteristics, h. Interview
1. Assess of Personal attributes, lifestyle, skills, i. Fit me in
Entrepreneurial and traits. j. Quiz bee
Competencies and Skills 2. Asesses practitioner’s k. Checklist
(PECs) vis-à-vis a characteristics, l. Problem solving
practicing attributes, lifestyle, skills, m. PT and Scaffolds
entrepreneur/employee traits.
2. Analysis of PECs in 3. Compares one’s PECs
relation to a practitioner with those of a
4. Aligns one’s PECs with
those of a
Environment and Market 1. Conduct SWOT 12 hours
1. Key concepts of analysis.
Environment and Market 2. Identifies different
2. Products and services products and services
available in the market available in the market.
3. Differentiation of 3. Generates potential
products and services business idea based on
4. Customers and their the SWOT analysis.
buying habits.
5. Market Competition
6. SWOT Analysis

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Use tools, equipment, and LO 1. Identify FOS tools, 6 Hours
paraphernalia. equipments, and a. Pre-test a. Discussion
paraphernalia b. Post-test b. Self-evaluation
1. Types and functions of tools applicable to a specific c. Quiz c. Thought Builder
2. Classification of tools, job d. Reporting d. Exit Card
equipment, and paraphernalia 1.1 Clasifies equipment, tools e. Performance Task e. Pick me up
3. Proper usage of tools, and paraphernalia according
equipment, and paraphernalia to types and functions.
4. Evaluation of the 1.2 Describes equipment, tools,
performance in using FOS and paraphernalia based on
tools, equipment, and the specified task.
paraphernalia LO 2. Use FOS tools,
equipment and
2.1 Uses equipments, tools, and
paraphernalia based on
the task requirements.
2.2 Conducts a performance-
bases assessment for
using tools, equipment,
and paraphernalia.
LO 3. Conduct self-evaluation
on the required
3.1 Performs self-evaluation
with regard to the use of
FOS tools, equipment,
and paraphernalia using

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Maintain Tools Equipment, LO 1. Perform after-care 9-12 hours
and paraphernalia activities for tools, a. Post-test
equipment, and paraphernalia b. Quiz a. Group Work
1. Procedures in cleaning and 1.1 Cleans tools, equipment, c. Quiz bee b. Picture analysis
storing tools, equipment, and and paraphernalia after use d. Performance c. Discussion
paraphernalia according to standards Task d. Interview
2. Care of materials and operating procedures. e. Problem solving
paraphernalia 1.2 Stores tools, equipments, f. PT and Scaffolds
3. Evaluation of the and paraphernalia in g. Do it your own
performance in maintaining appropriate area in (Cleaning and
FOS tools, equipment, and accordance with safety Maintenance
paraphernalia procedures. Checklist)
1.3 Checks tools, equipments, h. Picture & Saying
and paraphernalia regularly Analysis
for orderliness/tidiness using i. Reflective Essay
a checklist.
1.4 Carries out routine
maintenance as per SOP.
1.5 Uses rubrics inevaluating
the performance in
rendering aftercare
LO 2. Conduct Self-
Evaluation on the required
2.1 Perform self-evaluation in
the maintenance of FOS tools,
equipments, and paraphernalia
using rubrics.

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LO 1. Perform simple
Perform Mensuration and calculations 6 hours
Calculations 1.1 Performs computations a. Quiz
involving ration, proportion, b. Activity Sheets
fractions, and cinversion.
1. Ratio and proportion 1.2 Prepares simple report from
2. Fractions arrival to departure of
3. Conversions customers.
4. Steps in preparing simple 1.3 Evaluates FOS-related
reports in relation to FOS reports using rubrics.
5. Evaluation of performance in LO 2. Conducts self-
mensuration and calculations evaluation on required j. Group Activity
using rubrics performance k. Discussion
2.1 Performs self-evaluation of
mensuration and calculations
using rubrics.

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Practice Occupational Health LO 1. Identify hazards and a. Quiz
and Safety Procedures Risks b. Written test 9-12 hours
1.1 Clarifies and explains
regulations and workplace
1. OHS procedures and safety and hazard control
practices practices and procedures.
and regulations 1.2 Identifies hazards and risks
2. Hazards/risks identification in the workplace and their
and control corresponding indicators.
3. Organization safety and 1.3 Recognizes and establishes l. Discussion
health protocol contingency measures in m. Film viewing
4. Safety consciousness case of workplace n. Peer-teaching
5. Health consciousness accidents, fire and other
6. Practice of personal hygiene emergencies.
LO 2. Evaluate and control
7. Threshold Limit Value (TLV) hazards and risks
8. OHS indicators 2.1 Identifies terms of maximum
9. Hazards/risks identification tolerable limits, which when
and control skills exceeded, will result in
10. Personal Protective harm or damage based on
Equipment (PPE) types and TLV.
uses 2.2 Determines effects of
11. Interpersonal skills 2.3 Reports to designated
12. Communication skills personnel OHS issues
13. Personal hygiene practices and/or concerns and
identified safety hazards.
14. Evaluation of performance 2.4 Follows OHS procedures for
in the practice of occupational controlling hazards/risks in
health and safety procedures the workplace.
2.5 Uses PPE
2.6 Provides assistance in the
event of a workplace
emergency in accordance
with protocol.
2.7 Uses rubrics in evaluating
thye preparedness of a
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Introduction 1. Discusses the relevance a. Quizzes a. Discussion 12 hours
1. Relevance of the of the course. b. Activity sheets b. Research
course 2. Explains the key c. Situation Analysis c. Pick me up
2. Key Concepts and concepts of common d. Mini White Boards
common competencies.
competencies 3. Explains the core
3. Core competency in competency in bread
bread and pastry and pastry.
4. Career opportunities 4. Explores job
Baking terms opportunities in Baking.
Baking Tools and equipment, 1. Prepares tools and a. Written test a. Discussion 15 hours
their uses and classification equipment for specific b. Demonstration b. Picture Analysis
baking purposes. c. Think-Pair-Share
Standard Table of weights 1. Familiarizes oneself with a. Guide Questions a. Pre-assessment 3 hours
and measures the table of weights and b. Quiz b. Information sheert
measures in baking c. Discussion
Conversion/ substitution of 1. Applies basic a. Quiz a. Discussion 6 hours
weighs and measures mathematical operations b. Recitation
in calculating weighs
and measures
Proper Measuring of 1. Measure dry and liquid a. Demonstration a. Discussion 3 hours
Ingredients ingredients accurately b. Observation
Classification of Functional 1. Check condition of tools a. Direct Observation a. Discussion 3 hours
and Non Functional tools and equipment. b. Quiz b. Tool checking
Types and uses of cleaning 1. Perform basic a. Direct Observation a. Self-check 6 hours
materials/disinfectants preventive maintenance b. Quiz b. Discussion
c. Research
Preventive maintenance
techniques and procedure

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Occupational Health and
Safety Center workplace
Proper storage of tools and 1. Store tools and a. Written Test a. Discussion 3 hours
equipment equipment b. Performance


A. Available in the library:

Muffins & Cupcakes, Everyday recipes to enjoy. (2014). Cubao, Quezon City.
Marril, A. &. (2015). Food52 BAKING

A.1 Books

A., N. (1987). Boosting Sales Through the Front Office. Canada: Canadian Hotel and Restaurant.
Hall, C. (2000). Data Crunchers at Irving-based Unifocus Help Hotels Improve Customers Service, Maintain Employee Morale. Dallas.
James, B. &. (2007). A Hotel Front Office Management. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

A.2 Journals and Magazines

Hall, C. (2000). Data Crunchers at Irving-based Unifocus Help Hotels Improve Customers Service, Maintain Employee Morale. Dallas.

A.3 Website

B. Others


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Instructor’s Information (Name and educational Miss Lisandra R. Jomero
Attainment BSE TLE
Miss Maricris J. Gabriel
BSE Val. Ed.
Instructor’s consultation time Miss Lisandra R. Jomero
Monday to Friday 4:30-5:00
Miss Maricris J. Gabriel
Monday to Friday 4:30-5:00
Classroom policies and instructions 1. No transferring of seats.
2. Do not create noise, loud talking, boisterous laughing, shouting, howling, whistling, playing during
class hours, in between periods break time and dismissal time.
3. No standing/ roaming around without permission during class hours.
4. Follow organized passing of papers. No standing.
5. Check Papers properly. Write scores.
6. Ask permission from the class president before going out in between periods.
7. Keep the materials in their proper places.
8. No littering inside the classroom and throwing thru the window.
9. No buying of materials or leaving the classroom while class is going on.
10. Avoid saying bad words.
11. No sleeping during class hours.
12. No eating, drinking, chewing gum inside the classroom.
13. No escaping during cleaning period.
14. No leaving of personal belongings inside the classroom after dismissal.
15. No overstaying inside the school premises after dismissal.
16. Avoid shouting and making unnecessary noise during dismissal.
17. Always be ready.
18. Be willing to learn.
19. Be polite and honest.
20. Be respectful to everybody. No bullying.
Grading system Averaging
Major Requirement: A. Written Works
1. Quizzes
2. Seatworks
3. Groupworks
B. Performance Tasks
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1st Grading – Role playing
2nd Grading - Role playing
3rd Grading – Baking Cookies
4th Grading – Role Playing
C. Quarterly Exam


Preparer: Miss Lisandra R. Jomero Subject Teachers

Miss Maricris J. Gabriel

Checked By: Mrs. Luzviminda B. Nieveras, MAED Subject Head

Mr. Ronnie Fragata Librarian
Reviewed and Recommended by: Mrs. Violeta F. Apiles, MAED Assistant Pincipal
Approved By Dr. Marivic B. Mutong Principal

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