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Hotel English: Check in

and Check out

Role-Play Exercise 1

You: — ...
Receptionist: — What´s your room number, please?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Mr. Ryefield?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — One moment, please. (...) There you go. That´s 288
dollars, please.
You: — ...
Receptionist: — What kind is it?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Certainly.
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Thank you. I´ll just take an impression of your card. (...)
Would you like to sign here, please? Thank you.
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Certainly, sir. Bellhop! Please take the baggage to the
entrance, and get a taxi for this gentleman.

Role-Play Exercise 2

Receptionist: — Hello. Sunbelt Hotel. May I help you?

You: — ...
Receptionist: — What kind of room would you like? Single or double?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Hold on a moment, please. ... Yes, we do.
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Would you like a room with a bathtub or shower?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — The rate is $57.00 plus tax.
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Could you give me your name, please, sir?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Would you like smoking or non-smoking?
You: — ...
Role-Play Exercise 3

Receptionist: — Good morning, sir. May I help you?

You: — ...
Receptionist: — Have you made a reservation?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Thank you, Mr. Ryefield. Please wait one moment while I
check our reservations list. ... That´s Mr. Paul Ryefield,
from the United Kingdom?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Everything is OK, Mr. Ryefield. Your booking is from
today through Thursday. Single room with bath. Would you
like to register, please?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Just put your last name here on the first line and then
your first name. Here, put your place of birth and, next to
that, put your date of birth. Under that, write your
nationality, and on the bottom line put your home address.
And sign here.
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Thank you, Mr. Ryefield. Your room number is 416.
Here´s your key card and your key. The bellboy will take
your bags and show you to your room.
Hotel English. Booking a

Receptionist: — Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. May I help you?

Mrs Ryefield: — Yes. I´d like to book a room, please.
Receptionist: — Certainly. When for, madam?
Mrs Ryefield: — March the 23rd.
Receptionist: — How long will you be staying?
Mrs Ryefield: — Three nights.
Receptionist: — What kind of room would you like, madam?
Mrs Ryefield: — Er... double with bath. I´d appreciate it if you could give
me a room with a view over the lake.
Receptionist: — Certainly, madam. I´ll just check what we have available.
. . Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor with a really
splendid view.
Mrs Ryefield: — Fine. How much is the charge per night?
Receptionist: — Would you like breakfast?
Mrs Ryefield: — No, thanks.
Receptionist: — It´s eighty four euro per night excluding VAT.
Mrs Ryefield: — That´s fine.
Receptionist: — Who´s the booking for, please, madam?
Mrs Ryefield: — Mr and Mrs Ryefield, that´s R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D.
Receptionist: — Okay, let me make sure I got that: Mr and Mrs Ryefield.
Double with bath for March the 23rd, 24th and 25th. Is that
Mrs Ryefield: — Yes it is. Thank you.
Receptionist: — Let me give you your confirmation number. It´s:
7576385. I´ll repeat that: 7576385. Thank you for choosing
San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye.
Mrs Ryefield: — Goodbye.

Role-play exercise

Receptionist: — Good afternoon, San Felice Hotel. May I help you?

You: — ...
Receptionist: — Certainly. When for, madam?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — How long will you be staying?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — What kind of room would you like, madam?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Certainly, madam. I´ll just check what we have available.
. . Yes, we have a room on the 4th floor with a really
splendid view.
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Would you like breakfast?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — It´s eighty four euro per night excluding VAT.
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Who´s the booking for, please, madam?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Okay, let me make sure I got that: Mr and Mrs Ryefield.
Double with bath for March the 23rd, 24th and 25th. Is that
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Let me give you your confirmation number. It´s:
7576385. I´ll repeat that: 7576385. Thank you for choosing
San Felice Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye.
You: — ...

Hotel English: Hotel

Role-Play Exercise 1

Receptionist: — Reception. May I help you?

You: — ...
Receptionist: — How can I help you, Mr. Ryefield?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — I´m so sorry Mr. Ryefield. I´ll have it cleaned right away.

Role-Play Exercise 2

Receptionist: — Reception, may I help you?

You: — ...
Receptionist: — What´s your room number, please?
You: — ...
Receptionist: — Okay. I´ll send someone up right away, madam.
You: — ...

Role-Play Exercise 3
You: — ...

Receptioni — Yes?

You: — ...

Receptioni — I´ll have someone check it right away, sir. Could I have
your name, please?
You: — ...
1. You are a customer service representative of a hotel. One of the guest is complaining
about his reservation – his reserved room is already occupied by another guest. The
guest is already mad. Your task is to talk to him in such a way that he will calm down.
You should be able to provide him sensible and feasible solutions or options. Your
success in this situation will depend on your ability to convince the irate guest to agree
with your solutions or suggestions.
2. You are a receptionist in a hotel. Many customer are checking in. you must be able to
greet all of the guest and have them accommodated in a fast and efficient way. No guest
should stay too long at the reception area. Your performance will be evaluated based on
your ability to perform your functions efficiently such as greeting the guests politely as
they enter the hotel and signing in to their respective rooms.

Simulation on Front Office Career/ Reception

You are a senior front office staff, and you have been tasked to train newly hired front office staff
who are fresh graduates. Your goal is to make sure that they become skilled in using each of
the front office tools, equipment, and paraphernalia. Hence, you are to deliver a learner-
centered pre-service training that is hands-on in approach so that the new employees will be
skilled in using the basic front office tools and equipment. Your training must include the
1. A well-organized and creative Powerpoint presentation of the descriptions and use of the
various front office tools,equipment, and paraphernalia
2. Demonstrations on the use of the various front office tools,equipment, and paraphernalia
Simulation on Front Office Services
The teacher will divide the class into groups. Each member will assume a role: clients, a
customer service representative, the information officer, the porter, the concierge, and the front
office manager. Depending on the number of students assigned by the teacher per group, some
students will have to assume multiple roles.


Criteria: Rating:
a. Speech was clear with appropriate volume and inflection. 5 4
3 2 1
b. Role was played in a convincing, consistent manner. 5 4
3 2 1
c. Arguments and viewpoints expressed fit role played. 5 4
3 2 1
d. Costumes and props were effectively used. 5 4
3 2 1
e. Role-play was well prepared and organized. 5 4
3 2 1
f. Role-play captured and maintained audience interest. 5 4
3 2 1


Criteria Exceptional (5) Admirable (3) Acceptable (1)

 Factual information  Factual information  Factual information

Understanding is accurate is mostly accurate is somewhat
 Indicates a clear  Good understanding accurate
of Topic
understanding of of topic  Fair understanding of
topic topic

 Accepts ideas of  Accepts most ideas  Unwilling to

others; able to without negative compromise
Cooperation compromise comments; able to  Few members
 All members compromise contribute
contribute  Some members
 Shows confidence  Shows some  Unsure of
 Informative confidence responsibility
 Entertaining;  Presents some  Somewhat
Presentation engages audience information informative
 Speaks loudly and  Engages audience  Engages audience
clearly  Can be heard intermittently
 Hard to hear
 Appropriate use of  Some use of body  Some movement
body language language


Fair (1) Good (3) E

Preparation Fair Good

Student completed most of tasks, but Student completed all the steps but did Student practic
missed one or more of steps not use time management management in
preparation tas

Safety/Sanitation Fair Good

Student only demonstrated some safety Student demonstrated proper safety and Student demon
and sanitation practices. sanitation practices most of the time. sanitation pract
practiced by oth

Teamwork Fair Good

Student helped but with minimal effort, Student worked within group, did all Student worked
partially helped other team members or assigned tasks some prodding. demonstrated e
needed alot of prodding to stay focus in taking initiative
the group. other members

Baking Fair Good

Student attempted tasks but got distracted Student showed proper baking methods Student demon
or did not complete assigned task, followed and techniques, but did not practice good technique, com
only part of the instructions. time management. successfully, an

Cookies Fair Good

Product was acceptable but presentation Product was good and presentation and Dessert was ma
and taste were lacking. taste were good. Food was made The food was p
Slightly overbaked. according to the recipe, but was more like excellent produ
home baked. Professionally d
Team Presentation
Poor Fair
1 pts 2 pts

Quality of Content Poor Fair

15 pts
Chapter content is not accurately portrayed.<BR> Chapter content is accurately po
<BR> effective or ineffective.<BR>
Incomplete coverage of the topic. A student who wanted <BR>
to develop this skill would not find this presentation to Adequate coverage of the topic.
be effective. do more research to develop this

Quality of Scenario Poor Fair

10 pts
Scenario was not realistic, inappropriate for class, or Scenario was realistic and class-
poorly developed.<BR> <BR>
<BR> Course concepts could be identif
Scenario failed to incorporate course concepts.

Organization Poor Fair

5 pts
Presentation was not well-organized.<BR> Presentation was fairly well-orga
<BR> <BR>
The transitions between the role-plays and the narrator The transitions between the role
and other presentation components were poor. and other presentation compone
most times.

Impact Poor Fair

10 pts
Presentation failed to engage the student Presentation engaged the studen
audience.<BR> <BR>
<BR> Presentation may provide some
Presentation would not be helpful to students.<BR> students.<BR>
<BR> <BR>
Presentation would be difficult for students to use. Students who follow the advice i
develop skills with additional res

Presentation Skills Poor Fair

10 pts
None of the presenters spoke with appropriate eye Most presenters spoke with appr
contact, volume, tone, use of pauses, and volume, tone, use of pauses, an
gestures.<BR> <BR>
<BR> Most presenters were well-prepa
None of the presenters appeared prepared or confident. confidence.

Criteria 1
5 3
Relevance to There is much relevance There is moderate There is less relevance
safety with safety relevance with safety with safety.
Messages It is very clear and It is moderately clear Messages is not clear
informative and informative and informative
Color Color is very much Color is slightly related Color is not related
related with the signs. with the sign with the sign

Maximum score -15

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