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1. 50% or so of are occurring in lichens.

a)~ascomycota " b) zygoniycota

, c) ba.sidiomycota d). deuteromycota
'2. About speci~s of mushrooms are edible.
a) 400 . b) 200
c) 100 d) 300 .
3. '" is the I?rgest group of fungi, incluSiing over, 60,000
species. ,
a)" basidiomycota b) zygolJ)¥cota
, c) ascomycota.. d) , deuterornycota '
4. reprpductidn takes place by spores, conidia,fragmentation,
and' budding. . I,
a) asexual
. ,b) sexual I

c) both"a and b 9) non ofthelTf'

, .
5. Candida albicans, ayea~t, causes oral and vaginal thrush i.e.,
a) candidiasis ~b) condidosis 'I.
e) . both a.and b ' d) candidum
6. Conidia are non-motile, a~exu91 'spores which are cut off atthe end
of modified hyphae called: '

a) " basidium. " b) ascus

c) sporangiophores ,d) conidiophores
7. ': is used' to relieve one ~ind of headache m19raine.:,
a) ergotine. b) aflatoxin~ /,
c) g'riseofulvin '~i .
d) peQicillin ,

8., is simple breaking of mycelium of some fungal hyphae.

a) , ' bLJdding b) hormogonium -
c), fragmentation,,,, d) karyogamy", ~

9. Fungi store,surplus food usually as lipid droplets. or glycogen in the: '

a) spore b)' mycelium
c) stolon., d) sporangiospore
10. In Basidiomycota, four haploid sexual spores, called the ,
are borne on,each basidium. . '

a) ascospores - b) "conidophores
c) basidiospores ' d) zygospores ,

11. Mo'st ,sac -fungi have asci inside macroscopic fruiting boqies
called:' ,

a) basidiua b) ascosphores '

c) ascodiua . d)' ascocarps

12. Parasitic fungi absorb, nutrients directly from the living host'
cytoplasm with the help of speciaJhyphal tips called: ,

a) haustoria' b)' rhizoids

c) <root~ . 'd) ,gametangia
13. Rhizopus is example of group of fungi.
a) ,"basidiomycota b) , zygomycota
c) - ascomyc6ta. , d) d,euteromycota
14. fungi, alongwith ~acteria are the major decomposers of the
biosphere. . .
a) . saprobic d,' b) saprophytic
c) both a and b d)' heterotrophic
15. Some. species of, trap soil nematodes by .forming ~

constricting ring. .

a) "Amanita Q) . p'enicillium

. c) Aspergillus. d) ArtJ7robotrys
16. . The fungi involved in --~ 'are mostly Ascomycetes and imperfect
fungi, and few Basidiomycetes. '.

a) mycorrhizae b) predation
c) lichens .. d)' comm~nsalism
'17. are ecologically very. important as bio-indicators of air
'. pollution. .' '

/" ,a) lichens' b) predators<

c) mycorrhizae d) commensals
1~r:" f~rment, cafbohydrate(g)ucose) "to ethanol
carbondiox'ide. ' ~" 't "
a) , mushrooms b) . ya8sts
c) Alternaria d), Penicillium
19. The number~of sp'ecies of" Qrganfsrns dllled" "fun'gi" which are
"",known, are appro>:<imately: .
a) 100,000 b} 100;00
100. "'
cr fGO,O. d}
20. Penicilliul]1is also source of a'ntibiotic:
.a) tetracycline b}~peni91Ifin
c} cyclosporine d} streptomycin '. .

,21.; Fungi, in tneir cell.. wall.., contain: (LB-2007; MB-07),

a} pectin' 'b) lignin'
c) chitin.; d) cellulose
22.,> Mycologists are scientists who 'study:
a)'-: . mucus . b) algae"
c} protists, .d}fungi
23. 'Chitin in the waUsof flJn'giis moreresistanHo:'"
a) decay ~. .~. . b} .pH,~
f ..c) . -temperature.. . d} . ,Q1oisture .
24. The hyphae which lack'septa and are' in the form of an ~Iongated
*rnultinucleatedlarge cell ar~ called:, . .
a) septate hyphae' b) coenocytic hypt)ae
c) non~s.eptate~;hypha~ d} both Q& c
26. Hyphae may be packed together 'and organii~Jj to form complex
reproductive structures such as: . .. ;""'" .

a)t mushrooms b}. pufq?aUs'

c} morels d) all a;',b,c
. ,,26. I:AII fungal nuclei are haploid exceptJor transient diploid:
"~ . a) spores b) zygote
c) , conidia;' d} zygospdres. >.
27. Fungi' obtain their food 'by direct. absorption from )heimmediate
environment and are thus:' , .

a) ingestiveheteJotrophs b) photbtrophs
t) absorRtive heterotrophs d) . none
28': Various mildeWsand most rust species are: .
a). obligate parasite'
~ b) facultativepatasite
c) microaer6phili~ parasite d), both b'&c
29. The'oyster mushroom (Pleurotus.ostreatus) is a:
- a) carnivorous b} pre~atory
c) both a',&b - d) herbivorous
30. . The oyster mushroor:nparalysesthe: .
a) earthworms b) nematodes
c) leech~s , d) nereis. .
31. Lichens are mutualistic symbiotic associations betweeri:
a) fungi & algae b) fungi & photoautotrophs
c) fungi & vascular plants d) both a & b
32. Most of the visible part of Iichen4consistsof: (SB-2005)
a) algae . b) fungi
, c) roots ~ . d~ " bacteri~
33. Th8'"algal component~ of lichens are present within th~:
a) hyphae b) roots
. c) rhizoid~ d) sporangium
34. The mutualistic associations - between certain fungi and roots of
vascular plants are called: . .

a) lichens.. b) Mycorrhizae
c) ,commensalism . d) both a & c . . I
35. About' 95% of all kinds of vascular plants. form mycorrhizal I
associations with: '.

a) algae b) - protozoa
c) fungi. d) Olosses
36.- In endomycorrhizae, the fungal hyphae penetrate the,outer cell of
the planf root, forming: .

a). coils' b) sWellings

c) , minute'branches , d) all a, b, c
37. In e'ctomycorrhizae, the hyphae surround ,and extend between the
cells but do 110tpenetrate the cell walls of the: ..
a) roots - b)' shoots'
c). leaves d) flowers
38. Fungi can tolerate a wide range of pH from:
a) 3-10 b) 2-9
c) 4-11 /. d) 1-13
39. UiJiceliular yeasts reproduce by:
a). fragmentation b) binary fission'
c) budding d) spores \

40: Different groups of fung"i produce different types of haploid sexual

spores, such as: .' .

. a) -. basidiosporesb) ascosPQr~s
c) boU\ a & b d) . conidio$por~s

\,. .
41. Classification of fungi into four main groups is based primarily on:
a) the type of th~ir sexual'reproductivestructures , .

b) 'methods of rej;)roduction . ,

c) modes of nutrition ,d)' both a & b '

42. Which fungus is found growing on and spoiling moist bread,fruit:
~), Rhizopus b) Penicillium'
c) Aspergillus d) Candida .
43. ' Yeasts are unicellular microscopic fungi, derived from all the three
different groups of fungi but mostly: '

a) zygomycetes b) ascomycetes
,c) 'basidiomycetes, d) deteuromycetes
44. Spores (teliospores) of Ostilago tritici are carried by: .
. a) water 'b) insects'
c) wind. d) , birds
45. Penicillium (blue, green molds), Aspergillus (brown molds),'
Alternaria,. Fusarium, Helmirithosporium are some' of the
economically important genera of:
a) Zygomycetes' b) Ascomycetes
c) Basidiomycetes d) . Deuteromycetes
46., Yeasts, morels, truffles, powdery mildews and molds are typical
examples of:' ,
a) Zygomycetes b) Ascomycetes
c) Basidiomycetes d) Deuteromycetes
47. Mushrooms, rusts, smuts, puff balls and bracket fungi are typical
examples of:
a) Zygomycetes' b)' Ascomycetes
c) Basidiomycetes d) . Deuteromycetes
48. Pericillium sp. (blue, green molds) are wide spread saprotrophic
species common on decaying: ' ,

. a) fruit b), ' bread' ,

c) both a & b d)' logs.
49. Brush-like arrangement of its conidia 'is characteristic of:
a) Penicillium b) Rhizopus.
c), Puccinia d) Saccharomyce$
50. In saprobes, certain modifi~d f-wp~aethat anchor the fungus ,tothe
substrateare called: "

'a) sporangiophores ' . b) st910ns,

cj conidiophores' d) .rhizoids
51. - Hypla.e may befTIodified in such a way as to enable them to
reproduce themselves without~ependingon external:
a} air - b) .water
'c) both a & b . d). none
52. Manyfungiccan tolerate temperature extremes -5°C below freezing,
and some can tolerate:
a) 40°C or more b) 50°C or more
c) 60°C or more, d) 70°C or more~
53. '"
Lichens growing on rocks:
a) plain them b) rotate them
'6) join them' d) break them
54. Some fungi are also used for:
a) bioremediation b) biogas. .
c) bioosmosis d) biophysics.
55. Beware of poisonous mushrooms called the toadstools, such as:
a) -deathcap/deathangel b) Amanita '.
c). jack-'O' latern mushroom d) all a, b, c .
56. Reindeer moss is: . '.

a) / mycorrhiza b) lichen
c) fungus . d) alga . .
57. Reindeer moss is used as food for rejpdeersand some other large
animals in: .
a) arctic 'region b) subarctic region
c) boreal region d) all a, b, c
58. . Because of their: fermenting ability, yeasts (Saccharo.myces
.cerevisiae) are"used in the production of:
ii) bread' b) liquor
c) both a & b d) 'cheese
. 59.' Penicillium species are used for giving flavour, aroma (smell) anti
characteristic colour to some: ~ .
a) cheese b) bread
c) liquqr . d). jams
, 60. Some..species'ot' Aspergillus are used forfermenting/producing soy
sauce and soy paste from: .
a) . pea' b) soybean
c) tomato d) . potato
61. ,Citric acid is also obtained from: some species qf:
a) Penicillium J . b),. Pi/obo/us
c) Aspergillus d) Rhizopus
62. Penicillin was discovered in 1928 by:
a) Watson. "Ii, b) J. Hogg .

c) Lorenze d) A. Fleming
63. Penicillin, first antibiotic to be ever discovered is obtained from:
a)' Penicillium notatum b) Penicillium nigricans
c) Penicilliuma/bicafJs .' d) PenicilliumfIavus .
64. Yeastswere the first eukaryotesto be used by: .

I . a) civil engineers b) genetic engineers

c) bio-engineers d) cross breeders
65. In 1983, a functional artificial chro.mosomewas made in:
a) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
b) Penicillium.notatum . c) Rhizopus nigrcans
d) Candida a/bicans
I 66. The first eukaryote whose genomic sequence was completely
I .
studied in 1996 was:
a) Saccharomyces cerevisiae,
b) Penicilliumnotatum c) . Rhizopusnigrcans '

- d) Candida albicans .
67. the fungus that has also been used for genetic research is:
a) . Pink bread mold b) Neurospora
-c) Rhizopus d)' both a &.b .
68. Superficial fungal infections caused qy certain imperfect fungi are:
a) Ringworm . b) athlete's foot
c) histoplasmosi~. d) both a & b
69. Some strains of Aspergillus fIavus produce one of the most
. qarcinogenic mycotoxins,'called: (MB-2008) .
a) ajphatoxins" b) aflatoxins
c) carcinotoxins d) aspergotoxins
70. Wood-rotting fungi destroy:
a) living trees" b) structural timber
c) . both a & b d) logs .
71. A pink yeast grows on shower curtains and'other moist surfaces is:
a) Rhodotofll/a' b) Neurospora
c). Saccharomyces d) Candida'
72. Agaricus sp., are:
a) poisonous fungi b) edible fungi
c) pathogenic fungi d) parasitic fungi
73. 15-50.%of world's fruit .is lost each year due to: .

a) Americanattack . b) . algal attack.

c) fungal attack d) bacterial attack'
74. A single mycelium may produce up toa kilometer of new hyphae in
only: . . . :

a) one minute. b) one hour

c) . one day . d) one month
75. ;Ascospores are produced by meiosis inside.their characteristic sac
like structurescalled: . . .'

. a) ba$Jdia b) conidJa
c) asci', . d) sporangia
76. Basidiomycotes are named so 'for their characteristics, club-"shaped
sexual reproductive structure, the:
a) . anthe.ridiumb) . . conidillm
c) . ascus .d) basidium'
77. Conidia are found in chains at the tips of special hyphae called:
a) conidiophores .' b) sporangiophores'
.c) " . ascophores d) basidiophores.
78. Despite absence of sexual reproduction, imperfect fungi show
special kind of gen'etic recombination, called:. .
a) karyogamy b) paedogamy
c) parasexuality 'd) . plasmogamy
79. The parasites which car) grow parasitically on their host as well as
- by themselves in artificial growth media are:
a) obligate . b) facultative
. c). r:nicraerophili~, d) both b & c
80. Fungi shoWa characteristic type of mitosis, called:
a). cytomitosis, b) nucleomitosis
c) cytoplasrI)ic mitosis d) nuclear mitosis
81: Histoplasmosis is,a serious infection of:
a) lungs., . b) heart
c) . kidney ,d) . liver
8f. Lovastatinis usedfor loweringblood:(LB-2006) . j

a) pressure b) cholesrol
c) glucose d) . uric acid
83. Obligateparasitescan grow only on their: ". ,
a) dead host b)
artificial medium
c) living host d)
both b & c .
84. Pucciniaspeciesare most common:(GB-~OO5)
a) .smutfungi . b) spitting fungi
c) bracket fungi d) . rust fungi
85. Saprobic fungi anchor to the substrate by modified hyphae, the:
a) rhizoids . b) stolons
c) .roots d) sporangiophores, .'
86. I Septatehyphaeare dividedby crosswallscaned: '
a) diaphragm b) septa
c) ridges' , d) trabeculae'
87. The body of a fungus (except yeasts) is called: '

a) thallus,' b) . cadaver
c) < d) corpus'
88. The fusion of nuclei is called:
.a) cytogamy b) paedogamy
0) plasmogamy d) karyogamy"
89. The non-hyphal unicellular fungi are; ,

a) . Yeasts., ~ b) "morels'
,,' .
c) morels . d) puffballs
90. ,A fungal hypha/cell having 2 nuclei.,of different genetic types is
a) . dikaryotic

,b), . heterokaryotic
. '

c). both a & b d) none,

91. "Ascomycota produce haploid sexual spores called:.
a) basidiospores b) ascospores,
c) zygospor~s (j) teliospores, '

, 92. Asp~rgillus fumigatus causes aspergillosis 'but only'in persons with

defective immune system such as:
a).", diabetes
. b) hepatitis
c) HIV , , d) AIDS "
93. Inside each' ascus the number o( ascospores is:
" a) 8'" ,b) , '4 '

c),, 2. d}~16'
. ~4. Antibiotics qbtained from a soil fungus and used in organ
transplantation for preventing trahsplant rejecti9r1is:
a) Penicillin' . ' b) Cyclospqrine'
c) Lovastatin d) Ergotine -'
95. The <:tis'easecaused by eating bread made from purple ergot
contaminated rye flour is: '.
,a) , aspergillosis b) candidosis
c) ergotism d) histoplasmosis
96. Fyngiform mutualistic orsymbioti~ associations in: '

a) lichens, b) mycorrhizae
c) both a & b d) cOl11l)1ensalfsm

97. Griseofulvin is used to inhibit growth of; "

a) virus ' . b) algae

c) bacteria d) fungus.
98. Penicillium reproduces asexually by means of naked spores called:
a) conidia b) nudia
c) nakidia . d) ,all a, b, c
99. Saccharomycescerevisiae1sthe mostcommonlyexploiied:
a) mold b) ,yenst
c) rust d) smut'
100. Saprotrophs (saprobes) are decomposersthat obtain their food
directly from:' ,
a) .living host b) living guest
c) de'ad organic matt~r d) inorganic matter
101. Spores are produced inside the reproductive structures called:
a) basidia . b) asci
c) conidia d)' sporangia
102. The fusion of cytoplasmis called: '

a) plasmogamy /
b) karyogamy
c) paedogamy d) cytogamy
. 103. Ustilago species is most common: \
'a) rustfungi '. b). smutfungi.
c) mold' d) yeast
104. Th<3spores.form~d in Phylum zygomycota of fungi are cali'ed:
a) ascospores b)' basidiospores'
~, c) Zygospores d) conidia
~ 105. The mushroomswhosegills glow in the dark are: (GB~2004)
'. a) Amanita verna b) Truffles
c) Agaricu~ d) Omphalous olearius
106. Most.of the visible part of the lichen consist of: (LS-2005)
a). Algae b) Fungi
, c) ,Virus' d) Bacteria
107. Imperfect fungi is also called: (GS-2007)
a) 'Ascomycetes b). Basidiomycetes
c). Zyg()mycetes d)' Deuteromycetes

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