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1, For- microscopic organisms, John Hogg, 1861 proposed the

kingdom: - '
a) protoctista p) plantae
c) fungi. d) monera ",
2. IrJ five kingdom system of Robert Whittaker only unicellular
Eukaryotes were placed in kingdom:
a) Mone'ra, , ' b ) plantae
p) Protista' , d) Animalia ,
3. Amoebas mbve by forming specialized ,cytoplasmic projections
called: "~

a) cilia b) pseudbpodia
c) flagella d) chaetae
4. A human parasite causing African sleeping sickness is:
a) Plasmodium "b) Trichonympha
c) Entamoeba d) Trypanosoma
',' 5,., Ciliates are unicellular organisms with a flexible ou~ercovering
called a: .
a) pellicle, b) skin
c) ectoderm d) integument
6. Mpst ciliates are,capable of asexual process called:
a) oogamy , ' b) mating
c) conjugation dr copulation .
7. Apicomplexans are a large group of -., ' protozoa.
a} intestinal d) parasitic
c) aquatic, d) terrestrial .
8. Classification ,of algae 'into phyla is largely based on the,
compdsition of: ' .
a) cell wall b)pellmembrane
, c) cytoplasm d) pigrnent
9. 'One af the mast unusual protist phyla is that af:
a) dinaflagellat~s b)zaaflagellates
c) eugIenaids . .. d) anmycates
10. passess leafliks blades,' stemlikestipes, and. roatlike
ancharing haldfast.
a) Eucalyptus b) Agaricus
c) Kelps . d) Phytaphothora
11. Oamycatesare clase relativesaf the:, .
. a)'.algae . b) fungi
c) pratazoa d).bacteria .
12. :--- have played infamaus roles in human histary as they were
the cause af Irish patata famine af the 19thcentury.
a) Entamaeba histolytica b) Trypanosoma gambiense
c) Physarumpalycephalum d) Phytophthorainfestaf1s'
13. Who., 1866 sugg~sted creating the Kingdam ?rotista to. include
bacteriaand ather microarganisms: ".

a) Ernst Haeckel b) Jahn Hagg

c) E-Chattan d) Rabert Whittaker
14. Who., 1982, madified the five kingdam system: -. ,

a) ErnstJ-iaeckel . b)' Margulis and Shwartz

c)~ E-Chattan d) Rabert Whittaker"
15. Prat6ctista is an'e af the five kingdams and includes:
a) pratazaa' b) algae
c) slime and water.malds d) alia, b, c .,
16. Entamoeba his(9/ytica, caupes amaebic:
a) chalera .' b) matian
c) dysentery d) fever
17. Trypanasoma is transmitted by the bite af infected:
a) hause fly b) tsetse fly
c) draganfly d) . all a, b, c
18. Dqring canjugatian two.individuals came together and exchange:
a) genetic material b) faad
c) water d) minerals
19. PlasmodIum, is theapicamplexan that causes:
a) malaria b) yellaw fever
c) tuberculosis d) dysentery
20. Phatasynthetic protists, carrying out prabably 50 to.60 percent pf all
the phatosynthesis an earth are: ".'
a) fungi' b) ,aI£Jae
c) . molds d) flagellateprotozoans
21. Euglenoids have at vanous times been classified in the:
a) plant kingdom' b) animal kingdom
c) both a &b d) none
22. All brown algae are multicellular and range in length from a few
centimetresto approximately: -

a) 10 m . b) 25 m
c) 45 m . d) . 75 m
23. Mqst green algae possess cell walls with:
a) cellulose b) chitin
c) glycogen d) pectin
24. During unfavourable conditions, slime ,mold forms resistant haploid
spores by meiosis within stalked structures called:
a) conidia b) 'sporangia
c) asci . d) basidia
25. Who, 1938, elevated the prokaryotes to kingdom status, thus
s~ating themfrom Protista: .
a) Charles Chamberland b) Ernst Hackle
c) Herbert Copeland a)" John Hogg
26. . An amoeba feeds on sma:! organisms and .particles of 'organic
matter by phagocytosis, engulfing them with its:
a) cilia b) flagella
t . c).'. tentacles . . d) J1seudopodia
27. Choanoflagellates are sessile marine or freshwater flagellates
which are attached by a: .

a) stalk b) holdfast
c) twig ,d) clutch
. 28. Water regulation in freshwater ciliates. is controlled by special
organellescalled: '. .

a) vacuoles b) contractile vacuoles

c) golgi apparatus d) Iysosomes
29. Foraminiferans of the past have created vast deposits of:
a) marble. . b). limestone
c). coal d) . diamond .
30. Which phylum of' algae do not have forms with flagellated motile
cells in at leastone stageof their life cycle: .' .

a) Eug!enophyta b) 'Chlorophyta
c). . Rhodophyta d) Phaeophyta
31. Diatomsare very importantin: .
a) aquatic food chains. b). electron tral',lsportchains
c) terrestrial food chains d) respiratory cha,ins
32. The largest brown algae are called:
,~a) diatoms" b) kelps
, c) dinoflagella:es d) Gelidium
33. The feeding stage ofa slime mold is a: (58-2005)
a) blastostyle . b) gastrozooiq
c) plasmodium d) ,sporozoite .
34. Plasmpdium (slime mold) is a multinucleate mass of cytoplasm that'
,can grow in diameter to:' -
a) 5 em b) 10 cm
c) 20 cm ,. d~ 30 cm
35. ,Cell walls of Oomycotes contairi:
a) cellulose' b) chitin
b). (' peptidoglycan d) glycogen
36. Green algae are photosynthetic having in the chloroplasts:
a) chlorophyll a . b). chlorophyll b
c) cafotenoidsd) all a, b, C ,

37. In Paramecium. the surface of the cell is covered with several

thous~ndfine. short,hair like structurecalled: '

, a) fla~alla b) ' cilia

c) pseudQPodia ,'d) cirri
38. Which is a brown alga having blades, stipes and holdfast:
a) Acetabularia b) Chon.drus
c) Laminaria d) Ceratium
39. Which one is red alga: ! .

,a) Euglena b) GonvaiJlax

c) Fucus ""d) , PolysiphoJiia
40; Whicpis dinoflagellate: '

a) ~cetabularia b) Chondrus
c) Laminaria' I ,d) Ceratium
41. Which,is member of Chrysophyta:
a)' Diatoma' , b) Euglena.
c) , Macrocystis d) Ulva'
42. Which is memberof Chlorophyta:
a) Gelidium b) Spirogyra
c) !,oinnularia' d) 'Ceratium
43. Which is memberofPyrrophyta:
a) Ceratium b) . Gonvaulax
c), . both a & b d)' Frequilaria
I .'

44. All protists are eukaryoticandaH evOlveafrom:

a) , algae b) ,plants
c) ~onera .' ' d) prokaryotes
45. Unlike plants and animals, however, protists do hot dev~lop from a:
a) ,blastula' b) 'embryo .

c) both a & b d) foetus

46. The kingdom protist? contains fO,ur major ... groups of eukaryotic
organisms; single celled protozoans, unicellular algae, multicullar
9lgae: ,

a) ,slime'molds b) oomycotes(oomycetes)
c~ mushrooms', d) , both a & b,
47. John Hogg separated blue,green algae andb.acteda (prokaryotes)
from nucleated protists and placed them in a ,sep'arategroupcaHed
Monera, within the kingdom: , .

'a) protista' b) fungi

c) plaQtae d) animalia
48. Based on the diversity most biologists regard the .protists kingdom
a) monophyletic b) diphyletic \

c) polyphyletic d) . all'3, b, c ' .~

49. To accommodate protists, Margulis and Schwartz have listed Pttyla:

t' a) 7""b) 27
'c) 172 d) 57
50. ZooflageHatespossess from one to many)ong, 'Whip-like:
a) tentacles' b) cilia ", .

" c) 'flagella ,d) " pseudopodia

,51., Which, algae obtain their food either by Jngestingliving or dead
Qrganisms or by ab.sorbing"nutrients from ,dead or decomposin'g,'
, organic matter: ~". '"
'a) flagellates b) zooflagellates
c) 'dinoflagellates d) both a & b
52. Complex, specialized flagellates v;ith rt;Ianyflagella are:
a) Trichonymphas . b) . Trypanosoma
c) .Euglena' d) .' VOrticella, ,
53. The protists that live as symbionts in the guts of termites and help
in the digestion of dry wood are:" "
a) Trjchonymphas' ' b) Trypanosoma
'c) Euglena '. d) Vorticella

54. Cho'anoflagellates are of special interes~ because of their

resemblance to collar cells in:
a) cnidarians' , ' b) sponges
c) helminths d) nematodes
55. Small diploid microlluclei of ciliates functior) in:
a) excretiol) b)digestion

c) sexual process < d) metabolism

56, A large, polyploidymacronucleusof ciliatescontrolscell:
a) metabolism . b)
growth '

c) both a & b d) , sexual process

57. Foraminifeans and actinopods produce:
a) shells b) tests
c) bullets d) both a & b
58. Tests of.foraminifer~ are made of: .
a) calcium b) silica
c) spongin d) iron
59. Tests of actinopods are made of:
a) calcium' , 'b) silica~
c) spongin 'd) iron
'60. The shells or tests of foraminiferans and actinopods contain pores
through which ,can be extended: '
a) flagella' ,b) pseudopodia'
,'J c) ,cytoplasmic projections d) 'tentacles ..
61. Apicomplexans lack specific structures for locomotion but move by:
a), contracting b) gliding'.
c). ,bending d) flexing
62. Algae differ frOm the' plants in that the$ex organs in algae pre
unicellular and the zygote is 'not protected by the:
a) parent body' . b) archegonium
c) sterile hair d) cone
63. A body which Is not differentiated into true roots, stems and leaves
and lacks xylem & phloem is called a:
a) thalloid b) thallus
c) thylakoid d) stump ,

64. In all algae, in addition to green chlorophyll a. also found yellow and
~) xanthophylls b) phycoerythrin
c) car'otenoids d) phy~obilin
. . -~'~" ' ' . -w" .

65. Some photosynthetic euglenofds lose their chlorophyll"when grown

in: ~ .
a) sea b), . river
c) light d) dark
66. . Algae which are known to have occasional population explosions or
bloomsare: .

a) ',Dinoflagellates b) .' zooflagellates

" c) diatoms d) . eugl~noids
67. Dinoflagellates blooms frequently colour the water orange, red or
brown and are known as:
a) orangetides' b) red tides i

c) br~.n tides d) all a, b, c

68. The cell wall of each diatom consists of:
. ,

a) singleshell . . . b) two shells,

,c) triple shells d) quadrupl~ shells "

69. What is.deposited in the shell of diatoms: '

a) . calcium b) "pectin
c). silica d) lignin
7.0. Most mu.lticellular red algae attach tQ rocks or other substances by
a' basal: .' '
a) stalk b) Glutch
c). stick d) holdfast .
I .71. 'Which algae incorporat~ calcium carbonate in their cell walls from
theQcean: . '
a) red algae b) green algae
c)' brown algae . d) blue green algae
~ 72.. Which algae take part in buil<;iingcoral' reefs albng with coral
. animals:
. a) - green algae b) red algae
, c) 'brown algae d) blue green algae' , "

r 73. The main energy reserves of green algae are stored as:.
. a) cellulose' b) glycogen
c) starch d) m.urein
74.. RNA sequencing also' indicates that green algae pnd the plants
I form a: '
" '
I a) monophyletic line'age b) biphyletic lineage
c) polyphyletic lineage d) none
II 75. Desmids havecells with: '

a) two halves b) single unit.

I ~
c) three pieces d) four fragments
-- - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- - -
. ' -
76. Some algae.~are',edible sucb as:
a' qiatoms
' . b) 'kelps
c) chlorella d) mushrooms " ,\ "
77. Marine algae are also source of many .usefulsubstance like: '

a)algih . ' " b) ~gqr .

c) " c~rrag~enah. .d)' all a, 0, C
,78.- ' Fungus-:fike.protistshave. bodies formed of threadike sturctures
called: ~ " '

a) fibres b) ; yarns
c) , hyphae. '." ".., . .~d) twines
'79. The plasn19dial.sfime
moldthat is a mQdelor,ganismis: '.' .
a) Physarumpqjycephaium b) Phytophthora infestans
c) Ustilago tritici' d) Frequilaria'.
80; Oomycotes include ali'number of pathogenic- organisms, inCluding'
downy mildew:' '
a) Physarum polycephalum . b) Phytophthor~ infestans". '"

c) Rhodotrula,' d), Candida ai6icaris,' ,

81. YVhichare the major praducers in aquatic ecosystem: (LB-2004)
a) Gr~an algae b)
~ DiaJoms
, c) Euglenoids d) Red algae ,

82. Thefeeding~tage of asHme mold is: (LB-200S)

'~ ' a) '~Iasmodi~m b) . Blastostyle
,,' 'c) Gastrozoid ' d) Sporozoite.
83. The'closest relatives of fungi are probacbly:(GB-2006)
a) Aschelminthes b) Diatoms
c) Slimernolds ~ d) Ferns.
, 84. Alga.e havlnR'shells 'composed 'of two ~~Ives.that fit togethe~ .like .
Petri di~h belong to:.(GB-2007) r .


a) lDia"toms'¥' : b) brown algae

c) green algae d) , red algae. ,

85. . /The cell wall consists of two shells thaCoverlap like. a petridis.h:
(MB-200S) .
a) 'Foraminifera b) Actinopods ,.-
,. c) Slime molds d) diatoms

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