Reviewer 11

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GIF – this type of image compression/file is capable of displaying simple animation.

In line with text - a text wrap options, which one allows you to place an image or external material in
line with the text, treating the image just like how a text is treated.
JPEG - image compression type allows you to display images in full color just like in digital pictures
Smart Art - external material allows you to insert organizational or structural templates like
organizational charts and flow charts on your document
Accounting - A number format that puts a dollar symbol before each value by default
SUM - A function that adds a range of cells
ALIGNMENT - This is the tab in the Format Cells dialog box where you can change the orientation of a
ATTRACTNG – to emphasis
UNITY – to create rhythm
PROPORTION - These are visual elements creating a sense of unity where they relate will with one
VARIETY - It uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s attention.
INFROGRAPHICS - It makes complex data become more visually appealing to the average user.
PHOTOSCAPE - A free image manipulation tool that has batch edit, viewer, and paper print features
BATCH EDITING - It is the process of editing multiple pictures at once using one setting.
PNG - A file format typically used for screenshots.
CLIPART - line art drawings or images used as generic representation
RANGE - the range of cells where you want to look for the criteria
CRITERIA - a value or label that determines if a cell is part of the range
HYPERLINK - a text or object that contains a link to another file
VISUALS - using graphics that attract, not distract the audience
CONSISTENCY - making your designs uniform
CONSTRAST - using light font on dark background or vice versa
EMBEDDING - the act of placing objects within the presentation
MINIMIZE - keeping slide counts to a minimum

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