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Grade and Section:

Group Name:

Members (List according to class


Technicality Criteria (60%) 5 4 3 2 1 Score Aesthetics Criteria (40%) 5 4 3 2 1 Score

The train can The project's
The project's
start/stop motion appearance is The project's
The train can appearance is The project's
The train can The train can automatically in at professional appearance is
start/stop motion The train does not quite appearance is
start/stop motion start/stop motion least one (1) train and quite
Appropriate Technology automatically in at start/stop motion Appearance professional and somewhat poor.
automatically in all automatically in only station but failed to polished poor. Many
least two (2) train automatically. polished few Some distractive
train stations. one (1) train station. stop at the exact without distractive
stations. distractive elements.
location, as what a distractive elements.
train should do. elements.

Students did All images or Too few images

thumbnail sketches, Students just began models or
Students did some All images or Some images or
and preliminary working without are effective, but models are used No Images were
Development of Work planning ahead of Images & Models models models are
drawings to get an thinking out different there appear to to used.
time to develop ideas. are effective. effective.
idea of which way to possibilities. be too be an effective
continue few or too many. presentation

Some parts of
Display is the Display is
interesting display are uninteresting,
Display is and attractive. interesting, not not
Evidence of thorough interesting Materials are try.. tidy. Materials
work appropriate to Evidence of work done and attractive. complete and Some materials are Display is
Students left some
the time allotted, on the project. Project Materials are well are incomplete and irrelevant to the
Construction or Drawings stuff undone due to Style & Organization
drawings or prototype is seen as complete. complete and organized. complete not theme of the
lack of work or time.
were complete with organized to Presentation organized. organized. prototype.
attention to detail. present has Presentation has Presentation has
the ideas well. sequence and some no
plan sequence and sequence or plan
evident. plan evident
Project is Good creative
Articulate and well Some attempt Little attempt to
excellently effort.
planned explanation Some explanation, made add color or
Fair explanation, presented Project is neat There was
of drawings or leaving much to add color and originality.
Presentation some description of Creativity reflecting and manifestation of
prototype. All parts misunderstood. originality. Project
parts. creativity and a shows evidence creativity.
are described. Project is has sloppy
lot of of
neat. appearance.
thought. time spent on it.

Prototype is partially Total 0

Prototype is fully
functional and meets Prototype is not
functional and meets
many, but not all, the functional and does
the criteria and
criteria and not meet the the
constraints of the
constraints of the criteria or constraints
project. of the project.
Functionality Prototype Prototype
demonstrates demonstrates little
maximal effort with
satisfactory effort, effort and neither
little to no
however the functionality nor
compromise of the
functionality comes at aesthetics are
aesthetics of the
the expense of achieved.

There was no effort

Student put forth a
Student's design was apparent in putting
good amount of effort
difficult and finished together the model. It
but the model still
the model with a great was constructed in the
looks like it could
amount of effort and least amount of time
have a little more time
problem solving. with easy construction
spent on it.
Prototype practices.
Apparent Effort
demonstrates a
commitment inside
demonstrates that
prototype was worked
demonstrates that PROJECT GRADE: 0.00
and outside of the time inside and
on during class time,
classroom. outside of the
Demonstrates a classroom was not
Demonstrates a
significant spent efficiently.
improvement upon Demonstrates little to
improvement upon
mockup design. no improvement upon
mockup design.
mockup design.

All information
Information generally Errors in format;
organized in Errors in format;
organized in logical information Did not submit any
Write Up logical sequence; information
sequence; follows intermittently write up.
follows disorganized
acceptable format organized
acceptable format
Total 0
Love Genesis L. Ng

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