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PCE OR rice aa A ch eee eC CU RUE eR Lc) (Fee Onkine info. | a eaay approach fo Satermediate Filed at hegh tide and water is released in 2 controlled way at ios tide to drive the FEC) vawe cieseD tucbines. AL the newt Water level equalized hgh tide the dam is Filled again and the rushing “walter alse drives turbines 2 s FRY VAWE oPen turbines and generutes hope, electricity as shown Waters alowed to aidal pis Baek inte the ida basin, driving turbines, Pewer stalrons have piidal power plant, been installed in Francs, Jorbiggs are tecated inside, Alaska Argentina ete. Alaska, Argentin: 2— ENERGY FROM WAVES. The tidal movement Duck flasks and the winds blow ing Atress the surpaee\ef the ocean predved Strong water waves Their energy can be utilised ts senerate electricity, A methed ef harnessing waye enerey & to use large pleats which meve up and doun with tha waves. One such device invented by Pregesser s alter ‘s known as salter3 duck. Tt consits sy tus parts: (1) — Duck fle at Gi) — Balance phat The wave energy makes’ duck pleal meve relative to the balance floak. The relative matron or the duck Fleat is hed used ts run electricity generators Page 22 CE SLM) Ande eo hea Te OL Seen Foc Ontineinfo Cha ter No. y According to Syllabus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class XI Available Online @ hitp:{/www iconlineinf 3— SOLAR ENERGY, The Earth receives huge amount sp energy dived, from the Sua each day . Energy frem Sun is called sslar enerey. Every year the earth absorbs absout 3 Ax 1X of the incident solar enersy it wsuld be mare Kwh op selar energy If we could utlige only than suppieient for the entire world} enersy require. ments. Selar energy at normal incidence outside the Earth? almesphere is about 1.4 Kwrat which is referred as Selar constant. while passins, afrebgh the almesphere y the ‘tetal energy is “redledd Jue to reflectran , scatherme and absorption by dust particles , water vapours ahd siher gases. On a clear day at neon athe intdasity or the solar eners reaching the Garth? surrdee is about AKW m2 This % not waber Storage, tanee energy can be used drrectly te heak water usins large selar replectacs and cold thermal absorbers, abe “se converte) to elechitity. En one method tee plate pla collectors Bre vied eK faabred Glass cavered) vi UY oi black Lf Surgace blanckened surpace whith ee absorbs energy directly from Selae radiation . celd water. A typteal collector 's Shown th walker passes over the surzace and & heated upts abot Fore. : Moch higher temp can be achieved by concentrating sclar padsation on ts a Small SurPace area by using . huge reflectors (mirrors) er lenses te produce steam For running a turbine. Page23 BE mre) amet re ee Rye Eog Lc) Chapter No. 4 According to Syllabus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class XI Available Online @ hitp://www.fsconline info a eaay approach to Intermediate _methed is the direct conversren ef Sunlight rrety through the use of Semi conductor devices called solar cells al su lenoun as phote yottaie cells. Dep —* A solar cell is a device which t used . ” te convert selar energy ints electrve energy. Selar calls are thih wafers made from silvcen.Eledrens in the Silicon gain enerey grom Sunlight te create a voltage . The voltage preducxd b eel & yar leon oda te get Single volkare pprefent™ high voltage gor prackica) use , 2 fargtinel sp such cells are ésnnected tn Serres forminz 3) Selar cell panel. For cloudy days sranrphts, electri: energy can be stored durms the Sun) leg Nickel cadmium, batheries by connecting them 2 Solar panels. These batteries can then previdepower te elactrics) applitnces at ayghts\erjSn cloudy days Solar Bells), although , are eapensive but fast a long tupme\and have low running cast. USES OF SOLAR CELLS GQ) —— Solar eeilbvare used to power Satellites having large solar panels ushich are kept FReing the Svn Gh — selae cells are used for remete greund based weather statrens and rain forest communiaciiten systems (iy — Sclar calculators are alse vA use. ete. 4— ENERGY FROM BIOMASS: Biomass is a petential scuree ep renewable energy -This inclodes au the oegatic, materials such as erep residue, natura) vegetabvon trees, animal dung and sewase . Rrsmass energy or g 2 2 Page24 PCE OR rice aa A ch eee eC CU RUE eR Lc) Fee Cnlineinfo Chapter No. 4 hus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class X1 Online @ http:/hvwwfaconline inf bie conversion refers ts the use of this materjz) as Fuel er its cenversson its fuels. There are many metheds used far tha Conversian sp biomass vate Fuels. But the mast common are OD —Pirect ‘combustion (i) — Fermertatron. Direc’ combus’ get energy en methed fs usually applied te frem waste products sprigenly Known, as solid waste, 3 — e@ Biofuel such as ethane} Caleshal) is 2 replacemert Sf FRseline . Tt is obtained ‘Dyaedtes by fermentation 7 bromals © use enaymes and by decompesitren Threugh bagherrs) action th the absence 25 Air (onygend, Fg @ The rettng ef brelmdssin 2 closed tank called a digester producds Bikgas which can be prped out bo use for cekkine and heating CZ) @ The waste makenal og the process is a good eorganie feHt(isen. Thus 4 preductron =p Brewas prevides us Energy source and alss sslyes the problem of orgamé waste disposal. 5— ENERGY FROM WASTE PRODUCTS ee EE TE ER ODUCTS = Waste products like 2 waste , crep residue and particularly muncipal solid wast can be used te get enerey by direcd conversron..3t & prebthly the most sammenly used canversron presess wh which waste mater: YS burnt ty a conzined coatatner. Heat produced i this way fs directly utilized in he beiler ts produce steam thah can run turbine generator Page25 CE SLM) Ande eo hea Te OL Seen FecOntineinfe| Chapter No. 4 ‘an easy approashts Stermediate | According to Syllabus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class X1 Available Online @ hitp:! www feconlineinfo 6— GEOTHERMAL ENERGY : This is the heat energy extracted frm tnside the Earth in the form of hat water on steam, Heat withia the Barth & generaked Gi) Radioactive decay The energy 4 heating the being released by the decay =f radsoactive elemerits. di Residual heat ef the Earth At seme placer het igneovs racks Usually within processes. recks , is constantly Jo Km sp the Ear? surgace, are ‘nea melten and partly molten state. They cond oct heat energy from the Earth3 interior whieh is still very hst -The temp. op these rocks is absvt “200% Gil) Compression of matersal The compressyen af matter or mere. clacp inside the Earth als causes generakrsn ef heat energy. En Dandath the greund is ih contack Some Places wate with het reeks aides raised te high temp. and Pressure EE Names t= the surgtee as het springs, geysers ,oP\Stexm vents The steam can be Airacked t= thra turbines of electri geneabrs where water js not present 7 deep, the water is pumped down theovgh them which returns as steam Gir) the stezm then can be used + and thet reeks are not v derive turbines or for dire heating An interesting Phenemenan oF geothermal energy is a geyser. It is a het Spring that discharges kn steam and het walker, shtermttentl, 2WBsrz— Fig Page26 eT Rien sa hat PRA MAL MAT ect Adnan & 009 Foc Ontineinfo. Ch r No. 4 ax easy approach to Intermediate | — According to Syllabus Of Punjab Text Bool Available Online @ http fw feconlineinfo rd For Class XI releasing an. eaplesive celaumna ints the irregular intervals. air. Most geysers erupt at ze7 P They usuall eceur in yeleante regrons . Eattractiron of geothermal heal energy often occurs closer te geyser sights. This extractron seriously disturbs geyser system by reducing heat Flow and aquifer pressure. Aquifer ts) 2 layer of roek heldyne water that allo usater +s percolate thravgh yt with pressere, Page2 7 PCE OR rice aa A ch eee eC CU RUE eR Lc) Foc Onkineinfo Chapter No. 4 an caay approach fo Stermatite | According to Syllabus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class X1 Available Online @ hitpdfwww.fsconlineinfo CHAPTER 4 WORK AND ENERGY, 44.1 WORK DONE BY A CONSTANT FORCE . © WORK. the work done on a body by a constant foree is defined as; Dep — the product ef the magnitudes op the displacement and the component sp the 25 foree in the directron Mathe matically ; sos Works Waka = Fd ea@\d (FeO ey the Sealar the displicemed det product sp horse and called Uippled Where the is thd Exponent of the forse. FMS F incthe direction of Thetis placemeak J (¥ig b) ww ryan objet ; is being pulled baa = censtant foree Feat an Se angle £87 toGkD\Airectron Fig @D op metrom\ Wark YS said te be done when Mis Feree caused) a displacement” in the body. The work is als equal te _5 i F the product sf the magnitude og the Forse and the | component sp the displrcmedt Along the direction ey the force Cee oD. Hence; Wak.d = F(dese> Page 1 BE mre) amet re ee Rye Eog Lc) | Foc Onkineinfo ‘ax eaay approach te termedlcte: According to Syllabus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class XI Available Online @ http://www faconline info Chapter No. 4 | Alan Ge UNIT, The SI unit er werk is Nm or joule (2, named agter James Presestt Joule (GsisaiesD. Def {Werk done will be equal ts 13, when a forse of IN acting on a body of mass deg deploces it through a distance op tm Bleng the direction of force ” imensien Werk = Nam = ks m5%m ae nts Dim, epuere = fw] afer EAPLAINATION OF WORK DONE BY GRAPH. when a censtant force acts threugh a distance 3 the event can be plotted on 2 simple graph by take dystance along 22xig and the forse alongs yas, Rs the force does not vary, Fre @)> The graph will be @\Rerigontal Strarght line. Ip the Senstant Force F (newton) and the displacement d°(metred are tn the Same direction then the werk done is Fd (joule), Hence the ar Under a forse. displacement curve en te represent ‘the work done bby tha In case the fores F” is not sa the direction =f displacement | the graph ss plotled betueen Fess® and Q. SPECIAL CASES; 1— Positive Work- r and displacement is fthe ansle between Forse less than as Ves Be 98, then the werk js said te be positive 73 We Fd eFd wo We= Fd Cmavalve) ger coseny Teg Work is positive when force and displacement (Pts) Page 2. CE SLM) Ande eo hea Te OL Seen Foc Onkineinfo Chapter {No. 4% | an-eaey approach to Intermediate | — According to Available Online @ hip! ww feconline info Sylabus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class X1 are in the same direction or the force has same ponent in the direction =f displacement . 2— Negative work. Begewe ers of the angle between forse and displacement is (pede en as Nes S790, then The Work fs said is be negative eg Se W) ipa bucket ba water is ligted aga inst geavi y very slowly the angle between gravity and displacement is 18°. Hence; WeE.d =Fdccsias= Fa dip The body moves against the foreseE prictron on a horizontal y plane 3— Zero work . ry the ansle betScen force and) a placement is qo, then Qds work is done. Wako =Fdesye =o yo essWwee 3 The supporting’ force exer’ «© supporting nert to balance the weighk “ef the loueleet e. fs vertiea) hile the, ais placemenh is horigental . Soke supporting force elees pct worl’ .ch the bucket. 4.2 WORK DONE BYA vena a FORCE In many cases the Force does ast remain weenstant during the process ~F deing works For example OAs rocket moves away fromthe Barth, work is done against the force Sp gravity wshich varies a3 the inverse square og the distanee from Earth? centre @ The forse exerted by 2 Spring increases With the amount of stretch, page According to Syllabus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class XI Available Online @ http:/ www faconline info EXPLANATION . Consider a party cle tn %Y ~plane moving from point @ te b-the path has been divided thts ‘n” Short intervals a Fig particle of displacements ads ad yp acted upen by a variable 24d” and WE, Farce, moves along the path are the forces acting during : é these intervals. During each small sternal, the force fs i 5 Supposed te be appres. constant. so4he Werkdene fer the first interval can be writen ably aW, = F. ad, = Ros 0nd p= FY- Ad, = Fees Qed rly 4 werk done in the s€egx interval is 5 oW2= FE - Ad, = & ee(@ ad, : i ; AW, ad, eR tes 84d, The total werk calculated by 2 in\ioving the ebyect can be sega thy : Wrotay = ANY DOW, +. & terms, Therezere, + 8W, = Resse bd, + Reesgad + --- s er Wray = Foss ad: ——D = GRAPHICAL EXPLANATION 3 SR ATE SAL EXPLANATION We can examine this graphically .by plotting Fees@ verses a’ as shown $i2@). The displacement a’ has been subdivided into the Same ‘n’ intervals, +R, cos8 ad, The value of Fosse 2t the begining « f indicated 1b each interval is 7 the herigental ines Shoun tram Point® 37+. oa waged an 0005 approachto Sriemadiato | According to Sylabs Of Pj Text Book Board For Class Available Online @ hitp//wwfSconline info Now the {th shaded rectangles has an area Fees, ad, whreh js the werk done dies ag the ith interval Se e4 © gives werk done whieh is 2pprs* val ts the os f areas of all the rectangles as shoun im Fe &) Te get a more accurate result, we divide the total Aisplacement inte a very large number of equz) intervals such that each Ad appresches gersqin this case the werk done is 5 Wroa) = Lest So Fy ces8, AMA @ % Thus the werkt done by 2 , | Variable foree vA _msving 2 | particle between two points 4 2 Whe area der between the tuo p>a\P OF ieplaeanienk? and ‘“b’ as shsuslh’ F Fie) z — we EXAMPLE 4.1 B force F acting on tT i ° an object varies with = distance %” 25 shown Y 3 in Fig. Caleulate the wore * === done by the force as the . 2 3 45 ¢ objet maves from mao t=xe&m, ian Sol: Work done represented by the area of reckangle mAmnSN S20NM | 20T Q Wert dene represented bythe area *f triangle adr2msSN = 5I__@ y Arse =f & adubase= height, 4 Total werk done = aed+so dost] ah page CE SLM) Ande eo hea Te OL Seen According to Syllabus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class X} Available Online @ hilp:ffwww.feconline info #4.3 WORK DONE IN GRAVITATIONAL FIELD. © GRAVITATIONAL FIELD. Dep—* the space around the Earth in which the gravitational force acts on 9 body i called the gravitational field.” When an objecl fs moved in the gravitatronal gerd, the wer is “dene by the gravitatronz! force. t displacement j inthe direction Co a eatetcat foree, the worl ive ,1¢ ag@inst the work, is nesat WORK DONE IN GRAVITATIONAL FIELD. Let us consider an object ep mass ‘mn’ being Aisplaced wtih constant velosity Fram paink At te B alongs various paths a the pres ende °F A gravitatronal force Cfrg 2). In geavitatvenal Pevee ts equz] ts the weight 4 ni merce is termes the wefskt me iS babe the along the path ADB. The work done by the gravitatronal force along the pat, ADB can be split inte tes parts: (8) The work done aleng AD is zero, because the weigh mz is perpendicular to this path. {b) The were done along DB i's C-mzh) because the direction ef mg i oppesite to that *F the displacement er Sa 180, Hence, the worle clone in dis, Joeing A bedy From A’ te Bo through path is Wapg = 0 +C-mgh) = -mgh —_@) PageO jate | According to Sylabus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class XI Available Online @ http://www feconlinesnfo 2— Work dene alone the path ACB. Tp we consicderthe pat, ACB it tan alse be sprit Up vate tue parts 5 (@) The work dene along the path Ac is alse@mgh) (B) The werk dene lens the path CB is gere because angle between werght and path is a Thus y the werk dene in displacing the object from A te B by path 2 is3 Wacg = —™gh to =—msh XB) 3B— Work done aleng the curved path AB. Let us now consider y path 3 ile; curved one. Imaging the curved path, te be broken doun into A Serres of herizental and vertre2\ steps as sheen in FrgG) There is no werk done@lsns — figch) A smecth pth may g 3 Serids eb r . Che replaced be the herigantaz) Steps 5 cp infinitesimal » and y dis plscements, werk ss te the displacement for donne cone he these steps swore is done by the force of gravity enly alongs the vertical because my {s\pe-pendievlar displacements .Thos Wags “ME (AY + Bye As By, FAR FOAM a7) Hence, Was? —mgh __—&) CONCLUTION. Work done inthe Earths oravitational Field 1 independent othe path followed 7 CE SLM) Ande eo hea Te OL Seen Page7 PCE OR rice aa A ch eee eC CU RUE eR Lc) | Fac Ontineinfo. Chapter No. 4% an cag pproath Seats | Acordng to Slabs Of Pur Tet Book Boar For Class X Online @ hilp:/fwww fconlineinfo @ CONSERVATIVE FIELD Dep —“ The reid sa eshich the worts dene is independent sp the path fsllowed or wore dene in a closed path ‘s s pers ts cated a For example ; l—— Gravitatronal gield Q— Electric Field Bm Magnetic Fierd ete. CLOSED PATH. conservative frerd ? Dep —* A path in which a body azter passing through several points reaches the startms point is called a closed pathvor lsep- ” ervative Forces Grav statrenal force Electric force. NOW CONSERVATIVE FIELD; Dep— the Field im ahich the work dene th maving A body between tus points depends wpsn the path Fellewed between The two puts > The frfetfonaliforee js a non-conservative force, because IF an object is ms eved over a rough surface between two peints aleng different paths, tha werls done against the prictrenal force certainly depends on the path followed . Neon Conseryativ ‘forces. @ Ate resistane® @ Tenston in @ Normal force 2 string’ @ Propulsion force of = rocket @ Propularen Forse ap vali 5 page Of Punjab Online @ #4.4 POWER, . Def —Z Rake of domg work is called power. Mathematically 3 rp worse aw is dene in 3 time vaterval Ot, hen the average pewer during The viterval at vs: BW ay At. INSTANTANEOUS POWR, TpAhe rats of doing work is not yniferm and were is expressed as A funckron Sy trme sthen the rastantaneous power at any instant is defined 25; Dey — Ratrs op the workdone EO the time @ rateryal, when both are (ezttremely small is ested instantandebs) power” = Limit aw Fit? “SES Se When the wort is dones at unifierm rake, the average power and vaslantajeotivpower are equal. UNITS. lee The ST unit SE PSwer is Watt CW) apter James Watt, Dep" rp ame jovle ap wore is dene in one Setend han power ell be one watt”? wattle 1g s') — 2 Akilowatt = 1KW 2 less Welt! ( Bigger unit of power) = sw 1 Mega wall = Mw 4 Giga watt. 1 GW =1e%w Rm In British Enginserims system the unit sp power is herse power Chp); Def when werk is dene at the rate of Sse tlk th one Serend is called horse power.” lhp= sss gtlb = %46 wats —_—-@) UNITS OF WORK IN > TERMS OF POWER. In electriea] measurements the unit of work fs expressed as watl_second. However, a commerical unit ep electrical energy Is 2 Kilowatt—hour (Wh) -Tt is CE SLM) Ande eo hea Te OL Seen Page 10 Rutah Khano atsapp Libra ve r A an ©} 009 6944 | Foc Onkine info. Chapter No. 4 san cong aferoach fo termediate | According to Syllabus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class X1 Avnilable Online @ http! ww fconlineinf e4tars alse 2 cr Fa adem ’E = Fa = ), —k), —2| As Fd = werk dene on the bedy 3 os w= ©); Ae ¥2, Wo= change on © E Of the Bod) This ts called Weork energy Prinsiple, NeB Tp werk is positive, the pial ce is grenker than the inital K€ and KF increases . TT the were is negative, the KE decreases, when work is gers the KF remains censtant ; Te a bedy is raised up from Earths Surface the worl i ; fiarty, ig 2 Aone increases the grayjtabrsn2) PE equals the increase Spring WS tam press sda the work dene ont in itS elastic PE. Pagel 3 CE SLM) Ande eo hea Te OL Seen According to Syllabus Of Pu njab Text Book Board For Class X! Available Online @ hit: fconlinenfo # ABSOLUTE POTENTIAL ENERGY: Der £ The work dene th moving a bedy fram Gacthy surgace t= 3 peint far away from the Earth where the value oF - is. negligible S called Abssluts PE. DETERMINATION OF APE. The relatron fer the caleulatron sp the work the grayitatron2) force © is true enly near the surg Earth where the gravit But iz the bedy ts disy ge distance tn_space from 4 x pupsiak 1 ts No CEE) In the ronal 2 Then the gravitak ast > Sinee itt varies 7 rersely te the Square 9p stance- Ss, we divide the distance betdeed op length Ar 's as Esnstant For each small step. Hence, calevlated by addin= tha work dene during 2ll these Steps. Ep or, and 4 And N ints small steps each h that the value sf the -force the total Gerkdone can | are the distances of points 1 and 2 respeckive) from the centre ‘O° ef the Farth, then the weriedone during the priest step ve, displacing a body from peinl 1 ts psint 2 can be calculated ass The distance between the centre of the step and the ep the Farth will bes re Date WD 2 “ PS Is Bon = ar ——@ then mh = Are ——G) Page 14 CE SLM) Ande eo hea Te OL Seen ‘an easy approach'te Sntermediate | According to Syllabus OF Punjab Text Book Board For Class XI Available Online @ hitp:/fwww.fsconline info Potting the yalee st non 4 D, wehave r Ys +or re Suenear 2neo = — re h + Be am Squari on both sides, we hare; ree ny, Arty rar __@ a As GrP Kd o>, Se this term can he neglected gsr Hence 2 pe y ros nar © Putting The value op Ar, we have ree nee (RT) = Re nr —y® ann, —® The gravitatronal force Flak the centre ST the step és, c where Memasses Eartl ? Fa GMm, LS) = G= gry 5e nd) const, Fe Mm _@ m amass ofan objet. 5" As this Force is a8sumed to be constant luring the iaterv2) Ar, sadtheweorte dene is = Pak = FarcesisS 2 GMm24r Ie re The nagahive Svgn indicates that the were 1% é has ts be done on the body from point 1 to 2 because dis placement is oppesite to gravitakrena) Forse. becomes ; Potting the valve ep Ar, we ex w = —GMm~ Ge—nD i> a \ = - 6m Ea] Similarly 5 - mf mh ga EMP at —emm,.fi. — aD NT * r, 2 i z ws Pagel 5 CE SLM) Ande eo hea Te OL Seen Foc Onkineinfo. Ci ier No. 4 aa c0ay approach Sntermediate | According to Syllabus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class XI Available Online @ hitp:/fwww fsorline info the tetal work clene th displaciag a body from pei 1 te N is calevlated by adding up the Work done durmg al these steps Hence, yaxay = Nyt Niet oe = -Gmn (Ce On Sem pliziestren jue get Weatai = — SM mL — Ip the psint N is srtvatea from the Earth , So Henee, Therefore the general I easpeision forthe gravitatienal P.E ay a bedy situated Gb) distance 1? from the Earth is U a — arin’ This i knowa 25 Hee Tvobsalute value of gravitabrenal PE ep a bey ath ax distance ‘r7prom the centre of the gravstzbronal force dees ——"9 é negakive work and U increases Ge; becomes less negative When ‘r? decreases, the body falls towards the earth, the work is positive and PLE decreases (Ue; beremes more negative). U is zero when (reed) sthe mass wm” is ingiartely Bwey from the Earth so it os quite a different choice for making Y=o at seme arbitrar pestron, Therefore jhe chaiee of gers pont is arbitrary and the only difference of PE from one pent ts. another is srgnigicank J So negative values sy U shovld ast be tes Tarintng Page 1 6 PCE OR rice aa A ch eee eC CU RUE eR Lc) au cay approach Intermediate | According to Syllabus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class XI Available Online @ hip: /www,sconlneinfo Now the abselute 7.E onthe surface op the Earth is me ore R CRadios op the arth) the negative Sgn Se aE ae atl gravitatronal field For mass Sn” is attractive. The above & gives the work or the enerey resuired to take the be ody out op the Earths gravitatronal apreid , where its PE wort Garth vs sere: # ESCAPE VELOCITY, When an objet als projected upward ‘Wt comes back te ground apte- risi fag te a certarn height This is due t= thi perce © gravity aebag downward. With increased Mnitial velowty > tMhe obseck rises ts the greater hergkl before coming back. ip We ge en increasink “KS cniti3l velocity ap the ebyect 5 a stace ceames shea it ill ast return ts the ground . rt Quin escape cut of the ingluence of gravity » AL East Dey —— & The ritial velocity ef an abject. eth which it ges out af the Carid “gravitatenal veld is Known as escape velocity - EXPRESSION FOR ESCAPE VELOCITY . The escape velocity corresponds ts the initial “BE gained by the bedy’, whith carries it to an te distance Frem the pace og. Far is Tatial Re ot mye The werk cane in ting a body from Eartht sucpace tan inginite distance is seal! te the absolute PE op the bedy af Ear surpace 's AP EL = == 8) Page 7 CE SLM) Ande eo hea Te OL Seen er No. 4 llabus Of Puoyjab Text Book Board For Class XI 1 able Online @ hitp: Awww fsconline info The bedy will eseape out of the gravitational sieid ig the mitial i.e of the beds ys ‘equal ts the absolute P.E. Then Hence, Putting é 4.6 INTERCONVERSION OF PE AND K.E , Consider a berg so 5 mass ‘m at rest at \a height ‘h” above the Surpace of the Fart, AT POINT ‘P. PE), = meh —-D and (i. Sy ————&® > Op 5s Lay When the body is dropped from a certain herght , its %.E and P-E are interchange AT Powr “p’. “ #g@) The PE and i.e at the positron B erhen the body has fallen a distance z, ignoring air friction is 5 PED, = me Ch —) ——@) and ee -@) 2k con be calculated fromthe rel.235 Mateerty Ye > Pagel 8 PCE OR rice aa A ch eee eC CU RUE eR Lc) [Fac Onlineinfo. Chapter No. 4 | san eaay approach fe Sutermatlate | According to Syllabus Of Paanjab Text Book Board For Class XI Available Online @ hllp:/iwwfsconlne info Vpeviszgs As Veg gVize 5 Sam , webave; Vg =o sae z2gx ——© GE oom ee) = mex —&) Ss Gee CED, EQ Dy =mgG—x) + mee @-©), =[eFh _@) AT Point ‘ce? At ositrea ust before the beady StriKes the Earth. P J + re 7 ¢. 2 =° CEL ademye NSH where Ve_can be = foond eGt by the Fellewing rel; As Vee P+ 2e cot YE ’ < Ves (ceQeae vzgh meh —@ GF) e@ S Cle =D = emgh we spe |) BED Thus at peint ‘C7, KE is equal te the original PE sop the beady. Aclually when a bedy falls its velocity increases i.e; the bedy is being accelerated under the ctien of gravity, The inccease | Yelecity results 1 the increase th tts KE On the other hand, asthe body falls {it _hereht decreases and heave, its p£ alss decreases. 30 Less in PE = where vy, and v, are yelsritics = athe bedy abahs heights hl and hy “respectively, when nd friction ts invelved- Pagel 9 Rutab Rharvo Whatsapp Library Aeh Wwe. V Pe Yee: MU aye Foc Ontineinfo. Ch r No. 4% an caay approach fe Shtermatiate | According to Syllabus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class X1 Available Online @ hilp:ffwwrefaonline info WHEN FRICTIONAL FORCE 1$ PRESENT. Ip we assume that a frickional force f” Is present during the dounward mstisn , then 2 part sp PE is Used tn dome work agamst fei sequal ts fh. The remaining P. mph —fh is converted in K.E, © Hence, . moh — fh = imy hee Lim eh er oo mgh = Lamy Thus, 4 Less in P-E = Gain in K.£ 4 Were dene agamst Ferahren. © N-B Apter the bedy hitting “he ground, the RE tS sound and heat eames .This is cated aissipatren of enersy #A4-7 LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ENERGY - Statement “cheney, sannst be destroyed. rt can(he ‘transtarmed from one wind and «-E are converted Mal tatsJancther, but tha tst2] amount oy Ss€rey remains constant 77 EXPLANATION , The Kinetse and potential energies are beth different forms ef the same basic quantity ite; mechanical energy, th s the tet2) mechanical energy is tha Sum of its KE and pe. Tt is an experimental sac that one form of energy can be converted ints another Form . e.g3 an electrical and chemical energy are more easy transperred inte heal. Alss The PLE ep the qaling object changes ts KE but on steiking the ground the 1CE changes inte hex and Sound-Zp it Seems nan energy transfer thal some enersy has Aisappeared ,the lost eneray i often converted ie hea, Ultimately, a encegy transpers heating eg environment , Page2O CE SLM) Ande eo hea Te OL Seen According to Syl labus Of Punjab Text Book Board For Class Available Online @ hitp//wwwfaconline info EXAMPLE 4.3, A brick of mass aieg is draped from a rest ies on Sm absyve the ground. what Js its velocity at a herght of Bm above the ground 7 DATA. me 2tg, initial height foal hersit ahacsm, A= velocrky eg brick at ‘pergh h=? Sele As Lessin RE = Gain in ee = PERL) eb OP—yF) 2.5 m37*(Sm am) = LOS) 2 Ve 2H Bee a)janveee S I. qN a 4.8 NON CONVENTIONAL ENERGY SOURCES. Enerey is being constmed at an enermeous rake in the world (teddy T The present annual Consumption is about \ nie -KWh . Scieclists are always explering the new Sources of energy te Folgsl the future ceeds. Some os These are as: 1. ENERGY FROM TIDES . PAM TuReing = AND Energy e2n be a ebtained “from tides, Graritatronal fores Lh the meen give rise to aiiondee tides in the sea The tides raise the water Inthe sea roughly twice z A lay. tp the water at the high tide & trapped th 2 basin by construct: ng aber is begining t= 2 dam,then it is possible eo eon ‘bs ecean, driving turbines to use this as a Souree of eneegy. The dam is Page2 1

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