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The Project for Study on Improvement of Bridges Through | Disaster Mitigating Measures for Large Scale Earthquakes RECS ya eBoy sty @) Perpubarcnuuouas pC ese arity JICA Cooperation Agency Mees tried DPWH Guide Spec: CO cuopaico.ztp. W/PPON KOEI ff The Project for the Study on Improvement of Bridges through Disaster Mitigating Measures for Large-Scale Earthquakes in the Republic of the Philippines Training/Workshop for the Proposed DPWH Bridge Seismic Design Specifications (BSDS) 1.0 Introduction Due to the urgent need to improve the seismic design guidelines in the wake of recent large earthquakes in the Philippines and elsewhere, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) undertook the project “Study on Improvement of Bridges Through Disaster Mitigating Measures for Large Scale Earthquakes" which is aimed at enhancing bridge performance under large earthquakes, including safety and durability. The development of the seismic design specifications for bridges to update the DPWH Guidelines for earthquake design is one of the main components of the project. The key features of the bridge seismic design specifications cover: + Establishment of bridge operational classification and seismic performance requirements of bridges in the Philippines, + Localization of the Philippine design seismic ground acceleration map, including the corresponding seismic design response spectra, + Adoption of three (3) ground types for site classification and site effects in seismic design, + Adoption of the AASHTO LRED Bridge Design Specifications (2012 edition) as the base specifications, + Adoption of applicable provisions of the Japan Road Association (RA) Specifications for Highway Bridges, Part V ~ Seismic Design in soil liquefaction, foundation design, unseating prevention system and bridge seismic isolation, and + Reference to the AASHTO Guide Specifications for LRFD Seismic Bridge Design (2011). 2.0 Training/Workshop Objectives In view of the above background, the training/workshop is designed to: + Introduce the provisions and requirements of the proposed DPWH Bridge Seismic Design Specifications (BSDS) to the DPWH bridge design engineers, + Introduce the new bridge operational classification and seismic performance requirements of bridges in the Philippines, + Introduce the proposed seismic hazard maps (PGA and response speciral coefficient maps) for use in the design of DPWH bridges, + Provide examples to the participants on the application of the BSDS to bridge design, and + Gather opinions/comments from the participants on the use of the BSDS. 3.0 Target Participants The training/workshop is intended for: ( + The DPWH bridge design engineers (central office and regional offices), and + Other practicing bridge design engineers, as invited by DPWH. 4.0 Date and Venue Date: November 13 (Wed) and 14 (Thu), 2013, vewe + Q THE BAYLEAF INTRAMUROS Muralla corer Victoria streets, Intramuros, 1002 Manila, Philippines ‘Trunkline: +63 2 3185000, + 63 2 3283170 Fax: +63 2 3185001 5.0 Program DAY 1~ November 13, 2013 (Wed) Time Topic Person Assigned ‘05:00 05:30, Program Registration Dr. Takayuki Tsuchida 12:00 - 13:00 = tunch Break 13:00 - 13:30 {D1-04] BSDS Section 3: General Requirements ‘= Applicability, Operational Class and Seismic Performance «= Seismic Hazard and site Effects += Seismic Performance Zone and R-Factors "Dr lovito © Santos 7330-1430 101-05] Development of Design Spectral Acceleration ‘Mapping for Philippine Bridges ~ Part 1 « Site-specific Design Spectra for 7 Aseismic-Improvement ‘Objective Bridges for Use in Package B and Package C ‘+ Spectral Acceleration Maps for the Philippines for Draft BsDs "Dr. Wiliam Tanzo 1430 14:05 Coffee Break 14:45 ~ 15:00 [D1-06] BSDS Section 4 Analysis Requirements + Single Span and Multi-span Bridges + Mathematical and Dynamic Analysis Model + Other Requirements Dr Jovite ©. Santos 15:00 16:00 101-07] Exemple of Analysis Model ofa bridge Including Soil Springs "Mir Hiroaki Ohtake = Dr. Akira Takaue. 16:00 47:00 [1-08] Development of Design Spectral Acceleration ‘Mapping for Philippine Bridges ~ Part 2 «+ Site-Specific Design Spectra for 7 Aseismic-Improvement Objective Bridges for Use in Package 8 and Package C ‘+ Spectral Acceleration Maps for the Philippines for Draft, SDS Dr. William Tanzo 17:00-47:45 Wrap-up for Day ~ Asst. Dir. Adriano M. Doroy DAY 2—- November 14, 2013 (Thu) Person Assigned ime Topic 108:00-09:30 | [02-03] BSDS Section 5: Design Requirements Dr. Jovito Santos * Combination of Forces + Design Forces for Seismic Zones + Foundation Requirements «Bearing Support System (09:45 - 10:30 | [02-02] Example of Design of Pier and Foundation ‘Mir. Hiroaki Ohtake 10:30 10:45 | Coffee Break 10:45 11:00 | [02-03] BSDS Section 6: Effects of Seismically Unstable Dr. Jovito Santos Ground + Soil Liquefaction + Liquefaction-induced Lateral Spreading Ti00- 11:30 | [02-04] Example of Foundation Design considering Ground | ~ Mr. Hiroaki Ohtake Liquefaction 71;30-12:30___|- Lunch Break : 12:30 12:45 | [02-05] BSDS Section 7: Unseating Prevention System™ Dr. Jovito Santos «+ Seat Length, Unseating Prevention Device, Settlement Limiting Device, Displacement Limiting Devise 12:5 ~ 13:45 | 102-06] Example of Unseating Prevention System Design | - Dr. Akira Takaue 13:45 ~14:00 _ | {02-07} SDS Section 8: Requirements for Seismically = Dr. Jovito Santos Isolated Bridges ‘+ Modelling and Performance Requirements and Verification Ete 74001415 |= Coffee Break 14:35 ~ 15:45 _ | [02-08] Design Example of Multi Span Continuous Bridge [- Mir Kel Katayama 15:45 - 16:00 _ | Feedback/Training Evaluation ~ Ms. Minami Kato 16:00-16:15 _ | Awarding of Certificates ‘Asst Dir. Adriano M. Doroy JICA Dir. Gilberto S. Reyes: 1625-1630 _ | Closing Remarks = ICA + DPWH 4ICA Dir. Gilberto S. Reyes 1630 Get-together Ms, Grace Loterte (dawso0dy 0 widep a4 0p ‘Buyob sr-onveotde ay OH 9: jt Aosoro ose aq us xeury)-parenuene aq 1 fp oY) Se (KEY) UONeTO|SoOe UMUITAEU Sys, t og Bupsareny we wopoy paner> oyenbuurg pur snissodhiy wowieg woneiey 70 sHesBe UEONOS (oot 1 sama e102 "ees (oon) yenbyiing wwwoug soxB0N 2102 2 0} On wrayed oBeureg ready, sbpuig uvoredea (102g sequianon ‘uodou uonadsui epg hous6reu) o8BeN enouyeg euog £102 aul o anp Loted oBeUeN GAL (ove, umie4 sf-006 10) 8 244 0S 18 (9) YOU | IA uo (area Apmis voID ‘aso Buns e102'bI ~e7 roqwAKON ayenbyyieg joyog £10z ey) pue Sasq pasodoig somddiya ou jo ortqndoy ou) uy soenbyszeg 1203 26107 10) somnseoy uoneBni ybnomp seBpug jo juourosoxduyy Apnig 249 10) o0f org Ou, eat sere [ i ‘Sage HON ou HO PORT | poredord 9q pmoys sfuumexp prepuns pue einpooord ubteop prepurig x ‘Sonoeid ubwop ahuies SBpI wi poIoor POMP WEISOCTISSIET Jo WoROPY (9) sBpriq uno souddyg ox jo weundoyonap apqeuresns 107 $9524 9M 24 yo sryeq anste1oerE4D wo poveg today any ov eZ 26 pug pesto feaqumoe 05 — | owes (6) pu ‘wojhs wonwesnid Buon (@) punoss OER ‘eos yo noeye yo porjou woop (2) ere wove xg jo muouodizen ¥ | ‘wedef pue sourddinyg ox uesmteq suonrpuco punosB jo Anes pant ses wayshs uoRuaAaNd yo/umep BunTes Val cao renoa Bune Wale wen>aponT (a) saga we1g pesodorg exp Jo siutog 10feW ( ‘SBuyneig pus sinpsdoig UBis=q BIEDUBIS NAN I {-seBpug pofoud ou Guowe por09I08 09 ut ‘14.10 (6) @8pyq eteppUED) ABOIOUYDAL OWUSIeS aU Gur “gage pasado aut uo ‘Son102 uoreuessyp YOnow4 s:90UIGU8 aBpuq 10) woUNdoFanep AEdeQ votsI200 snesisupy 10 ub}88q 40 suOHEINOIeD (BLL renew Sunonay epi Jo uonwsedard SRO ETS Bren Cee i, Res eR rer Hoa ISe SE) of a Ac eh ee Saab Teo reg “bayeworo seafon | et WOL'St=ON rBaSIePST | § weet stl] Paueewrquen| Oe Ft oun ‘baad | 3 (o)wensounsse19 Teuonesedo aedorornasbeoc aret ( 2 Scat ae ‘enoads wonesojsaay esuodsouwBiseq ( S sad 1sora 103 Pee NoHo Breeder syouearaboy souratoyog onases wise (1) $ciSe 10 uaudo\onem Uolscinliog 2 | ~ oc = Ghia e Ree Cc ter 1 Gounacra aa nara ws-001 WORTH WOS 1 THAST Greece ne rcs (ao Perete reer tyg (on o1+ + (va) Cr eee eeey Fee ee) ee ae Mee ee eee eet} cers eee here ee Mery Prete mretey mieten krantr ities eS etter) eee rarity oe Erste ronan ee a ent eens sep evoneiado oe = souewsoying Sete eey eee nye! 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