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About the Event

MDI Reminiscence 4.0 is the fourth annual family get together meet that will be held for EMP Alumni and
current batches. This tradition was started in 2015 and since then it has been a great platform in bringing the
Alumni from various diverse background under one roof and providing networking opportunities for alumni,
current students and faculty. Event shall be held in Gurgaon on 21st December 2018 and we are expected a
turnaround of around 350 participants.
Event Flow
 Registration
 Ice breaking activities
 Introduction and welcome address by Chair
 Dean’s address
 Inaugural address by Director
 Chief guest and guest of honor address
 Networking
 Activities for kids and families
 Dinner
 Vote of Thanks

Over the years Reminiscence participation has grown and this year we are targeting around 350 participants.
Venue: Club Patio/ Courtyard Marriott
Expected Participants: 350

Head Cost per head Total Cost

Venue and Food INR 1,200+ taxes= INR 1,476 INR 5,23,600
Registration fee/participants INR 700 INR 2,45,000
Cost to be borne by MDI INR 3,68,100
Balance Cost INR 2,78,600
Other heads
Stage and DJ Cost INR 12,000
Gifts for Activities and guests INR 50,000
Banners and Posters INR 2,500
Miscellaneous expenses INR 25,000
 This event is a golden opportunity to amplify the EMP student enrolment and hence the revenue in
upcoming future batches by reference of existing alumni network in their respective organization.
 Networking platform that would bring together alumni, institute and students to share learnings,
innovation and helps to create sustainable framework for future of alumni – institute partnership.
 This will help to foster industry – institute relationship which can be leveraged for future placements
across batches of other programs.
 This platform provides opportunities for alumni coming together to build a better tomorrow, mentor
current students and supporting the alma mater in the longer run.
 By this tradition, it helps to stay connected to existing alumni network while simultaneously updating
the database for future opportunities.

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