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Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers had allotted vigorous time, effort and cooperation in

developing their questionnaire so as to serve its intended respondents. The

survey was created using suitable questions modified from related research and

individual questions formed by the researchers. The survey was comprised of 6

main parts subdivided into different subparts which were related to the

participant’s perception regarding profit maximizing techniques. In the

questionnaire, Likert scale was used to determine if the respondent agreed or

disagreed in a statement. After the professor approved the questionnaire, copies

were distributed to the 30 respondents of WebCast Technology Incorporation.

Participants were given time to respond and then the researchers collected the

survey questionnaires the next working day.

The data gathered from this research instrument were tallied and

computed for interpretation according to the frequency of items checked by the

participants. Along with primary data, the researchers also made use of

secondary resources in the form of published articles and literatures to support

the survey results.

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