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CLINICAL CHEMISTRY 2 • Hepatocytes: polygonal cells that constitute ~ • Rough ER

FUNCTIONS OF THE LIVER 60% of the liver mass o Lamellar profile with
• Receives, processes and stores materials ribosomes
absorbed from the digestive tract (e.g. amino o Synthesis of specific proteins
acids, CHO, fatty acids, cholesterol) SPECIALIZED SURFACE OF THE CELL (e.g. albumin, coagulation
• Synthesis: multiple plasma proteins • Sinusoidal surface factors)
o Contribute to body’s immune system • Intercellular surface
• Main organ of detoxification • Canalicular surface 4. GOLGI COMPLEX
• Metabolic conversion of endogenous and • Produces lipoproteins (VLDL)
exogenous compounds ASSESSMENET OF LIVER FUNCTION • Glycoprotein synthesis
• Synthesis of bile acids from cholesterol Indications: • Albumin secretion (“packaging
• Major site of catabolism of hormones 1. Screening for abnormalities in liver function process”)
o Participates in regulation of plasma 2. Documenting an abnormality
hormone levels 3. Identifying the type and site of injury 5. MICROTUBULES AND MICROFILAMENTS
o Responds to hormonal and neural 4. Prognostication and follow-up of patients with • Maintain cell shape and provide
stimuli to regulate blood glucose hepatic disease contractile force
ANATOMY OF THE LIVER 1. Diagnostic SENSITIVITY in screening for hepatic 1. JAUNDICE – “ICTERUS”
• Largest organ (~1.2 – 1.5 kg in adult) dysfunction • Yellow discoloration of the plasma,
• Located in the upper right quadrant of the 2. SPECIFICITY for liver disease skin, sclerae and mucous membranes
abdomen 3. SELECTIVITY in differentiating these disorders caused by bilirubin accumulation
• Dual Blood Supply: • Not specific symptom
o Portal Vein: carries blood from ULTRASTRUCTURE • May be the 1st and often the only
alimentary tract - Hepatic parenchymal cells have a well-developed manifestation of liver disease
o Hepatic Artery: carries oxygenated organellar substructure: • Clinically apparent when serum Total
blood to the liver Bilirubin reaches 2-3 mg/dL
1. MITOCHONDRIA • Other signs of disturbances in bilirubin
MICROSCOPIC ANATOMY • Energy generation (oxidative metabolism: dark urine, acholic stool
• Composed of lobules demarcated by CT sepat phosphorylation and fatty acid 2. PORTAL HYPERTENSION (>20 mmHG)
and vascular and biliary vessels oxidation) • Portal vein: influx from the abdominal
• Central Hepatic vein: found in the center of the portion of the digestive tract, pancreas
lobule 2. LYSOSOMES and spleen (Pressure: ~5-10 mmHg)
• Parenchymal epithelial cells radiate from the vein • Degradative functions (hydrolytic • Increased: sinusoidal infiltration,
• Sinusoids: blood-carrying vascular channels on enzymes) scarring or hepatic vein obstruction
either side of the liver cell plates • Major complications:
• Lining cells: either endothelial or Kupffer cells 3. ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM Hepatosplenomegaly, Ascites and
(largest group of fixed macrophages) • Site of many functions: drug Hepatorenal syndrome
• Space of Disse: tissue space between the metabolism and bile acid synthesis • Ascites – accumulation of fluid within
edothelila cells and hepatocytes • Smooth ER the peritoneal cavity
• Filled with interstitial fluid o Tubules and vesicles 3. HEPATIC FAILURE AND ENCEPHALOPATHY
• Transfer of nutrients and waste products from o Bilirubin conjunction, drug • Metabolic abnormalities occur in the
blood occurs detoxification and cholesterol presence of chronic liver disease
• Accumulation of substance (e.g. NH3) • Altered platelet count METHODS
that are normally metabolized by the • Presence of endogenous • American Association for Clinical Chemistry
liver anticoagulants (AACC) and National Bureau of Standards (NBS)
• Cerebrotoxic effect: Neuropsychiatric • Aberrant fibrinolytic systems • Published a candidate reference method for Total
disturbances • Intravascular coagulation Bilirubin: Modified Jendrassik-Grof
• Major finding: BIOCHEMICAL ASSESSMENT OF LIVER FUNCTION • Jendrassik-Grof & Evelyn-Malloy procedures:
o Hyperammonemia o Both have acceptable precision
o Adapted by many automated
o Accumulation of NH3, • Organic anions of both endogenous and instruments
glutamine and alpha- exogenous origin are removed from the o Most frequently used methods to
ketoglutarate in brain and sinusoidal blood and excreted into the bile measure Bilirubin
o Increase in short- and Daily bilirubin production ADVANTAGES OF J-G OVER E-M
medium-chain fatty acids and •
• (average 250 – 300/350*Henry’s mg) Not affected by pH changes
amino acids in plasma
• 85%: derived from heme of the hemoglobin • Insensitive to a 50-fold variation in protein
o Mercaptans: account fir the concentration of the sample
• 15%: erythrocyte precursors destroyed in the
characteristic odor “fetor • Maintains optical sensitivity even at low bilirubin
BM; catabolism of other heme-containing
hepaticus” concentrations
proteins (Myoglobin, Cytochromes and
4. ALTERED DRUG METABOLISM • Has minimal turbidity & a relatively constant
• In hepatic dysfunction: drugs undergo serum blank
limited or aberrant transformation, • Not affected by Hgb up to 750 mg/dL
• Unconjugated: bound by albumin and
accumulate and exert unwanted effects
transported to the liver; water insoluble MALLOY – EVELYN METHOD
• Conjugated: formed from the reaction of UCB
with glucuronic acid; aka Bilirubin diglucuronide
• Hormone imbalance
• Delta: conjugated bilirubin bound to albumin
• E.g. Among men, “Feminization” (i.e.
gynecomastia and testicular atrophy)
due to increased estrogen effect
History – Analysis of Bilirubin
6. NUTRITIONAL AND METABOLIC ABNORMALITIES • (1883) Ehrlich: introduced the Diazo reaction for
• Example: alternations in glucose the detection of Bilirubin using urine; reaction of
metabolism due to insulin resistance bilirubin with a diazotized sulfanilic acid
• (1913) Van den Bergh and Snapper: applied the
7. IMMUNOGLOBULIN ABNORMALITIES Diazo reaction in serum in the presence of an
• The liver efficiently sequesters dimeric accelerator (solubilizer)
IgA and secrets it into the bile • (1916) Van den Bergh and Muller: discovered the JENDRASSIK – GROF METHOD
• Liver disease: defects in uptake polar (direct reading) and non-polar (indirect
increases serum IgA reading) types of bilirubin in serum
• (1937) Evelyn and Malloy: 50% CH3OH as the non-
8. DISORDERED HEMOSTATIS polar solvent; first useful quantitative method for
• Alterations in hemostasis and a bilirubin
generalized hemorrhagic tendency • (1938) Jendrassik and Grof: used the Diazo
• Due to: decreased synthesis of clotting reaction with caffeine-benzoate- acetate as an
factors accelerator Ascorbic acid – terminates the DIAZO reaction
: production of qualitatively
abnormal proteins
REFERENCE RANGES - Reduced conjugating - Liver can conjugate bilirubin.
Adults CB 0.0 – 0.2 mg/dL capability of the liver Transporter protein transport
UCB 0.2 – 0.8 mg/dL - Most common cause of CB to the bile ducts
TB 0.2 – 1.0 mg/dL hepatic jaundice but does not - If there is no transporter
carry morbidity or mortality protein, the CB conjugated by
- From 100% conjugation liver cells will go back to the
Premature Infants TB at 24 hrs 1 – 6 mg/dL
capability, 30% chance our circulation
TB at 48 hrs 6 – 8 mg/dL
liver will conjugate - Defective removal of
TB at 3 – 5 days 10 – 12 mg/dL - Total serum bilirubin conjugated bilirubin from the
fluctuates between 20 – 50 liver cell & the excretion into
Full-term Infants TB at 24 hrs 2 – 6 mg/dL um/L the bile
TB at 48 hrs 6 – 7 mg/dL - No medication - Obstructive in nature; much
TB at 3 – 5 days 4 – 6 mg/dL of the CB circulates bound to
b) Crigler- Najjar Syndrome (1952) albumin (delta bilirubin: non
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE - Chronic unconjugated toxic)
1. PRE-HEPATIC JAUNDICE hyperbilirubinemia - Appearance of dark-stained
• Problem causing the jaundice occurs - Molecular defect w/in the granules on a liver biopsy
prior to liver metabolism gene involved with bilirubin yielding to
• Caused by an increased amount of conjugation hyperbilirubinemia and
bilirubin being presented to the liver - Rare & more serious disorder bilirubinuria
(e.g. Acute & Chronic Hemolytic - Type I – complete absence of - Delta bilirubin may interfere
Anemia: Increase concentration of RBC enzymatic bilirubin because it acts like C/D
production thus there will be a conjugation and considered bilirubin causing false
subsequent release amount of bilirubin to be inherited autosomal increase
from hemolyzed RBCs then liver will recessive disorder. Most of
respond by functioning in its maximum) the patients die within the b) Rotor Syndrome
first year of life. - Clinically same with dubin
• Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
* kenicterus: but:
*Pre Hepatic and Post Hepatic Jaundice
deposition of bilirubin • Relatively less
into the brain common
- Abnormality is outside the liver (either before or
after the processing of bilirubin)
*early liver • No dark stained
transplantation granules
- Liver cells are NORMAL: working at its maximum
- Type II – mutation causing a - Hypothesized to be due to a
because it wants to compensate for the
severe deficiency of the enzyme for reduction in the
abnormality elsewhere
conjugation concentration or activity of
2. HEPATIC JAUNDICE – Intrinsic (within) liver intracellular binding proteins
B. Transport Defects: Conjugated (e.g. Ligandin)
Hyperbilirubinemia - Liver biopsy does NOT show
a) Dubin – Johnson Syndrome dark pigmented granules
A. Disorders of Bilirubin Metabolism
- Carrier; autosomal recessive
a) Gilbert’s Syndrome
disorder which is caused by 3. PHYSIOLOGIC JAUNDICE of the NEWBORN
- Intermittent
deficiency of the canalicular • Deficiency in the enzyme Glucuronyl
transporter protein (MDR2: transferase (one of the last liver
- Reduction in the expression
multidrug resistance functions to be activated in pre-natal
of UGT1A1 gene (isoform of
2/cMOAT: multispecific life)
most important enzyme in
bilirubin conjugation: uridine
organic anionin transporter • Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
• Kernicterus – deposition of bilirubin in 3. Amphoteric orient the substrate to the active site of an
the nuclei of brain & nerve cells; cell - Capable of ionizing either acids or enzyme at the correct configuration
damage & death of newborn; 3 weeks bases - Ex: Mg, Na, K, Zn (they are electrolytes)
✓ RBCs are shorten and also has 4. Reaction catalyzed are frequently reversible help enzyme increase the catalytic
intravascular hemolysis - They can both synthesize and activity
✓ Lack of glucoronyltransferase at decompose at the same time; the 3. Holoenzyme: refers to the combined enzyme and
birth operation done or reaction catalyzes by coenzyme
✓ Breastfeeding is not advisable this enzyme 4. Apoenzyme: enzyme without a cofactor
5. Operates with assistance of a cofactor 5. Prosthetic group: a coenzyme that cannot be
because there are inhibitors of
- The operation done or reaction removed from its attachment with an enzyme
conjugation present in the
catalyzes by this enzyme is usually - Ex: Pyridoxal phosphate in
breastmilk acting as an antibody assisted by renal protein cofactor transaminase reaction/transamination:
preventing conjugation - Cofactor can either be organic or usually incorporated in the synthesis of
✓ Babies are treated with UV light at inorganic molecule (activator) amino acids
450nm destroying bilirubin 6. Synthesized in an inactive state
present at the capillaries making it - We call them zymogen/proenzyme Difference of Holoenzyme and Apoenzyme
water soluble to be easily pass out - Ex: Digestive enzymes are produced in
urine different organs and sometimes pass
thru intestine wherein they will confirm
4. POST-HEPATIC JAUNDICE or change their molecular structure to
• Usually results from biliary obstructive be in activated form because digestive
disease (e.g. gallstones, tumors) enzyme when active after synthesizing
• Prevents the flow of conjugated in organ of synthesis, the problem is
bilirubin into the bile canaliculi they can dissolve materials where they
• Clay-colored stool; the stool will lose are produced and we do not want that
it’s natural source of pigmentation to happen Importance of Activator
(stercobilinogen) - Inorganic molecule
*Changes in enzyme concentration in tissue cells reflects - It make the binding of substrate to enzyme
• Abnormality is outside the liver (either
before or after the processing of changes in states of health and disease of the tissue: stronger
bilirubin) enzyme are present in all tissues of the body meaning all
cells of the body contain particular enzymes 6. Metalloenzyme: inorganic activators existing as a
Ex: There is an increase in the enzyme concentration, there part of the enzyme molecule; most often metal
is a problem. When we do enzyme concentration analysis, ions
we do not want a hemolyzed RBC because there are 7. Substrate: substances which are acted upon by
CLINICAL ENZYMOLOGY enzymes present inside of the cells an enzyme and is converted into a new substance
- A field of laboratory medicine which focuses on (product)
DEFINITION OF TERMS 8. Product: substance derived from a transformed
the study of enzymes and their significance to the
1. Coenzyme: non protein organic biochemical; substrate
diagnosis and treatment of disease.
essential to the catalytic activity as a co-substrate 9. Active Site: the area or portion of an enzyme with
- Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide which the substrate is attached to the enzyme
ENZYMES- substances that catalyzes a given chemical
(NADH): common electron acceptor molecule
reaction; serological binding catalysts (substances that
present in redox reaction and help - Only contains 5% of total amino acid in
speed up the metabolic reactions in our body)
enzymes to fulfill their actions and entire enzyme
catalytic activity
1. Complicated type of protein
- Pyridoxal phosphate: this coenzyme are *Allosteric site: allows molecules to either activate or
- They have specific amino acid sequence
essential to catalytic activity as it inhibit/turn off catalytic activity of enzyme; serves as on
2. Easily denatured with varying MW
compensates and off switch for enzyme activity
- Their integrity, the way they function
2. Activators: inorganic ionic cofactors (usually
depends on the structure
cations); usually metals; form ionic bridges to
- Ex: Glucose oxidase; Lactate dehydrogenase
2. Transferases
- Enzymes that move an intact group of atoms
(amine or phosphate group) from one
molecule to another
3. Hydrolases
- Enzymes involved in the splitting of
molecules with water as a part of the
reaction process
- Split of esters will yield to alcohol and acids
- Enzymes will only be functional if there is
H20 in inhibition
- 3 groups of hydrolases
a) Estarases
➢ Acid phosphatase (ACP)
Protein Stucture ➢ Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
a) Primary structure ➢ Lipase
- Sequence of AA joined by peptide b) Peptidases
bonds: Peptide bonds to form ➢ Leucineaminopeptidase
polypeptide chains ➢ trypsin
b) Secondary structure c) Glycosidases
- Conformation of segments: Hydrogen ➢ Amylase
bond ➢ Amylo-1,6-glucosidase
c) Tertiary structure 4. Lyases
- Maintenance of Covalent disulfide bond - Enzymes responsible for splitting of
- Beta polypeptide is important because molecules or breaking bonds (bonds
primary and secondary structures are between carbon atoms and oxygen
the most important configuration - Single substrate + lysase = 2 new subs
d) Quaternary structure - Assayed in disorders of skeletal muscles
- Separate, bended, folded structures - Ex: Aldolase; Glutamate decarboxylase
put together to form functional unit 5. Isomerases
- Ex: Lactate dehydrogenase; Creatine - Enzymes responsible for the conversion of
Kinase one isomer to another
- All reactions are reversible
- Ex: cis and trans- all of the atoms in the
CLASSIFICATION OF ENZYMES molecule will be arranged
• Based on the catalytic activity of an enzyme - Ex: Glucose-PO4 Isomerase; Ribose-PO4
• The International Union of Biochemistry (IUB) Isomerase
Enzyme Commission categorized all enzymes into 6. Ligases
six (6) classes - Enzymes that cause bond formation
between two molecules to form a larger
1. Oxidoreductases molecule
- Catalyze oxidation and reduction reactions - Ex: Amino acyl t-RNA synthetase
between 2 substrate
- There is a transfer of electrons in one
molecule to another molecule
- Assayed for the investigation of cardiac and
liver problems

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