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*GHOST SCENE 1* my daughter-in-law’s happiness for the sake of paying my debt will never

be an acceptable idea. Please understand.

[TouTien Cheng sits and reads records on the table]
Donkey Chang:You bitch! Even if you’re a virgin, I hardly even touched
[The light flickers] you! I swear to your face, if I don’t make you my wife I’m not a man.

TouTien Chang: Strange! How am I supposed to look at these cases well if

the light is flickering? *FLASHBACK 3*

[The light steadies] PREFECT:I am the Prefect Evilbrute [of Ch’u-chou]. The court is now in
TouTien Chang: Let me look at another case or two.
DONKEY:I am the accuser, my name is Donkey Chang. I accuse this
[Reads the record] woman, Tou Ngo, of poisoning and killing my father. I beg Your Honour to
see justice done, to me and to my father.
TouTien Chang: “Prisoner Tou Ngo poisoned her father-in- law?” I’ve
already read this record and put it at the bottom of the pile! PREFECT:Who put in the poison?

[The light dims again] DONKEY: That woman! (pointing to Tou Ngo)

TouTien Chang: [draws his sword (or whatever) and strike it on the table] TOU NGO:I had nothing to do with it. It was not I who put in the poison.
There is a ghost! You ghost! Come out and I’ll cut you in two! That is the truth.

[Ghost of Tou Ngo appears and speaks] PREFECT:Since you didn’t do it, someone go and beat the old woman.

Tou Ngo: Father, it’s me, your daughter, Tou Ngo. TOU NGO[WITH FIERCE]: Stop, stop, stop! Don’t beat my mother-in-
law. I am willing to confess. It was I who poisoned my father-in-law.
TouTien Chang: It cannot be! How dare you insult my daughter! Her name
is Tuan Yun and not Tou Ngo! PREFECT:Well then, take her to the death cell. Tomorrow she shall be
Tou Ngo: No father. It is really me.
TOU NGO: (emote mode) I shall become a headless ghost burdened by
TouTien Chang: Go away! I do not believe you! injustice. All deeds of injustice are known to Heaven and Earth. I have
fought to the end, contested to the last. Mother, if I do not die, how am I
Tou Ngo: Father, allow me to explain what happened to me. to save you?

PREFECT: The court is dismissed.

MOTHER TSAI: Please come in TouT’ien Chang, I’ve been waiting you for a
long time.

TouT’ien Chang: I’ve come here to bring my daughter to you. She has *GHOST SCENE 2*
come to run chores for you. I leave my daughter here and I hope you will
look after her. TouTien-Chang:Don’t say anything! You are such a disappointment. Didn’t
I charge you to observe my words before I left you? You disgraced your
MOTHER TSAI: No worry, you are a member of my family now. You owe ancestors and endangered my reputation!
me! In addition to the agreement, I shall make you a gift of ten taels for
your travelling expenses. It isn’t much! Tou Ngo:Restrain your anger, father. Listen to your child. I followed all the
good deeds. I have not just served Mother Tsai when my husband died
TouT’ien Chang: Oh thank you mother Tsai! How can I pay back? Oh, two years after our marriage, I have saved her too. Old Chang and
Don’t worry, one day I can repay this kindness many times over…May you Donkey Chang professed to be good spirits when they helped Mother Tsai
please be kind to my little daughter if she’ll be a stubborn…say only a from Dr. Lu’s hands. But they are conspirators! Users! J It was Donkey
word or two, for she does not deserve a beating.. Chang who put poison to the soup, plotting for Mother Tsai’s life and also
because he wants to own me! Goodness sake, mother Tsai refuse the
MOTHER TSAI: Oh, no need for you to say that, I’ll treat her as if she’s my soup and gave it to Old Chang who eventually died after drinking it.
own, no need for you to worry..
Read this record, does it not confirm what I say?
TOU NGO[teary eyes]: You’re leaving me father? I have done nothing wrong- I have not disgrace nor stained anyone’s
MOTHER TSAI: Oh, don’t cry! Come with me my daughter in law, this is your Is this the payment I deserved for the faithful duties I served?
home now… I’m grieving for injustice and my soul is not appeased.
Father, the emperor’s powers are vested in you.
__ Examine this record with care. The true villain must be sentenced.

*FLASHBACK 2* TouTien-Chang:Oh my child, so wrongly put to death! This will break my

heart. When tomorrow comes you shall have justice.
The scene will start after Mother Tsai have told Tou Ngo about the Changs __
desire to marry them.
Donkey Chang: We’re to be married into the family today!
Tou Ngo: Father, I forgot to tell you, please take care of Mother Tsai in your
Tou Ngo: You desperado! Shut your senseless mouth! ouse and take care of her as I did when I was still alive. You see, she’s like
I will not marry you. No one can break my vow. my own mother and I wouldn’t want her to grow old alone.

Donkey Chang:Look at the pair of us! We look good together. Don’t miss TouT’ien Chang: Go in peace, my child. Don’t fret, I will take care of your
the opportunity to be my wife. mother-in-law like my own skin.
(Donkey Chang gets hold of Tou Ngo and tries to make her kneel and Tou
Ngo pushes him and he falls.) [Ghost of Tou Ngo exeunt]

Mother Tsai: Mr. Chang, you have been a hero of my life. I owe you my
breath and am grateful for not asking from me my wealth. But, to sacrifice

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